When He Comes, Close Your Eyes

Chapter 28

They are on their way to the Orange Hill Resort.

Jian Yao sits a little closer to Bo Jinyan . She asks softly: Tell me who is the murderer, ah.

She has not seen him since he announced that he wanted to replay what happened on the night. He left the office promptly after giving Jian Yao a list of instructions. It was a short notice, and there were plenty of things for Jian Yao to organise. Now that they are in a car together, just the two of them, Jian Yao cant wait to find out whats in his mind.

Bo Jinyan :Not telling you.

Is he trying to keep her guessing? But thats not his style. Besides he did say he needs to verify something first.

Jian Yao asks: Are we still lacking some evidence? Is that why you want everyone there?

"No" Bo Jinyan answers, "We already have enough evidence. I just want the murderer there so that I can shame him.or her.

Jian Yao: "......" Okay. Thats a standard Bo Jinyan type answers.

She quits asking. The low rays of the sun shine through the windows of the back seat. Bo Jinyan faces has a soft golden glow.

Jian Yaolooks at him. He looks handsome, noble even. Last nights embrace returns to her mind. The warmth that surrounded her.

Buthes probably forgotten about it. After all, his brain only has room for his work.


Yin Ziqi has arranged a special meeting at the Orange Hill Resort. She is a little anxious about what will happen. Like Jian Yao, Yin Ziqi has asked Bo Jinyan who is responsible for Wang Wan Weis death several times. Bo Jinyan didnt tell her much, only to arrange several security guards to be at the scene, ready to escort the murderer to the police.


When the dinner reception finishes, its past 10:00pm. Its a rainy night, as Bo Jinyan has hoped for. Staffs from Customer 3 Division are sitting in a minivan. Its going to an area of the resort that is familiar to them. They arrive at the residences. When they realise where they will be staying tonight, the mood in the van changed dramatically. Suddenly, there are no more jokes, no more gossips or laughs. The team looks at each other.

Seven people, carrying luggage, are standing in front of the residences. Not far behind stands Yin Ziqi assistant , and several bodyguards.

Room are assigned ......" Jian Yao is holding a stack of cards handing them out to the group, in the same arrangement as on 1st of June, the night Wang Wan Wei died.

This is the opening line Bo Jinyan asked her to use.

Everyone takes their room card. They are disconcerted by this loaded statement.

Lin Yu Xuan is the first to speak: Director Bo, what does this mean?"

Bo Jinyan gives what is probably the first real smile theyve seen since they first met him: Its what on your mind. We are going to recapitulate the strings of events that led to Wang Wan Weis death.

Jian Yao further explains. Director Bo and I are sent to investigate Wang Wan Weis suicide by Chairman Yin. There are a few things we want to clarify, therefore we need your help.

Everyone is quiet.

Pei Ze glances at Jian Yao, with a wily smile: Didnt you say its a suicide? Whats there to clarify?

Mei Chen starts to scan the faces of others. Qian Yu Wen face is dull and expressionless as he usually is, Zhou Qin is stunned.;Lin Yu Xuan and Shen Dan Wei is looking at each other, not saying a word.

Bo Jinyan ignores Pei Zes question: "Thank you for your cooperation. Now get into your rooms, and we will come to speak to each one of you shortly.


Jian Yao and Bo Jinyan enters Wang Wan Weis residence.

This is their monitoring quarter. Bo Jinyan has arranged for video cameras and listening devices in each of the other four residences. Facing them is a row of monitors, showing whats happening in each of the rooms.

Jian Yao lay down their luggage, sits down with him in front of the screens.

Room A: Manager Lin and Shen Dan Wei are not talking to each other. They each sit on their side of the bed. Manager Lin takes out her mobile phone, then puts it down again. Shen Dan Wei is looking out of the window, with an obscure and sarcastic smile on her face.

Room B: Zhou Qin is also sitting on the bed. He calls home: Mom, is Le Le in bed? No Mmm daddy miss you too.

Room C: Pei Ze throws his overnight bag on the bed. He walks into the bathroom, humming a tune at the same time. After a while, he comes out. Qian Yu Wen goes up to him. He whispers something Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao cant quite hear. Then both of them rest in the lounge. They turn the TV on, and casually chats with one another.

Room D: Mai Chen stands at the window, absorbed in his own thoughts.


Jian Yao talks into the intercom on the table :Mai Chen, please come over to our room."

Everyone is startled. Because the broadcast can be heard in all the residences.

Mai Chen approaches with a little apprehension, takes a seat facing Bo Jinyan .

Director Bo, Wang Wan Wei is murdered? He asks solemnly.

"Who knows!" Bo Jinyan replies lightly.

Jian Yao observes the reactions of others through the monitors. Everyone looks up when they hear the conversation.

Mai Chen stayed in this room for 30 minutes. Then he returned to his own residence. Jian Yao and Bo Jinyan follows him back to his place.

Bo Jinyan : Repeat what you did that night after you returned from Wang Wan Weis room. Try to recall all the details.

Mai Chen takes a shower, then turns on the TV. He has a quick supper of cookies and water, then he goes to bed.


Jian Yao and Bo Jinyan returns to Wang Wan Weis room. Jian Yao says to Bo Jinyan : Anything worth noting?

Bo Jinyan replies: Some minor differences from the police statement, like sequence of events, what he said to Wang Wan Wei etc. This is normal for people who are trying to recall events of the past. Overall, his actions are consistent with his testimony. Theres no loopholes. He is telling the truth.


Rain is getting heavier.

Bo Jinyan is holding a large umbrella, sharing it with Jian Yao. They are now in Pei Ze and Qin Yu Wens place. Jian Yao carries the intercom machine with her and places it close to where Pei Ze is sitting. The four of them are sitting in the living room. The television is showing a soap opera. From Jian Yaos angle, she can see Zhou Qins backyard through the windows.

Sorry Director Bo ....... Oh. or is it Officer Bo Pei Ze smiles: "We were watching a soccer game that night, but theres no match on today. Is Soap opera ok?"

"Whatever." Bo Jinyan walks to the window, then turns back and smile at them, "Anyway, you werent really watching the game that night.

The two guys look shocked. Qian Yu Wen speaks up: I dont understand what you are talking about.

You dont? Bo Jinyan looks at Jian Yao, "Tell them what we found in Zhou Qins backyard.

Jian Yao holds up a transparent plastic bag with the pearl earrings.

"This belongs to the deceased, Wang Wan Wei. Bo Jinyan says faintly, Mai Chen said she was wearing them when he saw her that night. Yet, when the body was found, the earrings were missing. I believe no one would purposely take the earrings and throw it in the backyard. It can only mean that she came by here before she died.

Why would a girl come around at that time of the night? The earrings were found less than two metres from your living room window. It is impossible that both of you didnt notice she was here.

Pei Ze sneers. We were concentrating on the game. It was raining, so we turned up the volume. Its totally possible that we couldnt hear her.


Jian Yao is wearing a raincoat, standing where the earrings were found. After a while, she quickly runs past the window.

As she runs past, her body blocks the light thats coming through a lamppost that shines straight into the living room. It casts a large shadow. She was so close to the window, its very hard to miss.

Imagine, she must have been in some distress in order for the earrings to fall. She was either having a dispute with someone, or running very quickly. If you were in the lounge, you would have noticed her. says Bo Jinyan .

Qian Yu Wens hands are clenched, his face turns pale. Jian Yao returns to the room. She is completely soaked from the rain. Bo Jinyan smiles at her: Good job.

Pei Ze gives a laugh: Well, alright. We didnt watch the game. We werent in the lounge. We were in the room.

Bo Jinyan : Oh. So youve decided to change your testimony? Just like that? What makes you think we will believe you?"

"Huh ......" Pei Ze takes a deep breath and answers faintly, "We were in the room, making love the whole night. We didnt want others to know. Does that answer your question?


Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao goes back to their residence.

Bo Jinyan replayed the video clips of the other rooms. When Pei Ze admitted having sex with his roommate: Zhou Qin closed his eyes. He gave a big sigh and covered his face with his hand. Lin Yu Xin looked stunned and Shen Dan Wei was still wearing her sarcastic smile.

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