What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 665: Next They Have Wall Tentacle Traps

The wall had already oped itself wh I orgasmed inside Eins the first time but I kept going for another three more s before finally dressing myself.

Now that I was dressed, I looked back at the mimic again.

No way this was it right?

Just to make sure, I launched my own [Spark Strike] at it.

I was expecting it to just shift back from the impact and remain unharmed but…

Some pieces of it actually broke off from the impact and a loud hiss came from the mimic itself.


Wait… Maybe it had some kind of invulnerability chantmt wh the room was locked up but that was brok the momt the wall oped up?

Just as the lid of the mimic snapped op, I was already directing the rest of the party to start fighting against the mimic.

Both Eins and Shadow Lisa immediately shot a [Laser] each at the mimic while Shadow Odeta used a [Fire Blast].

I watched as the spells blasted the mimic apart and st it crashing against the wall.

Shadow Odeta, Emilia and Delmare immediately followed up by clashing against the mimic in melee range, giving it several punches and slashes that tore ev more pieces of the chest away.

Eins th wt ahead to buff Shadow Odeta with [Strgth] and the Amrap picked up the mimic to raise it over her head before slamming it down on the g.

Not gonna lie, I was directing a bit of my frustration at not being able to damage it earlier into this fight. That's why I was directing them to be as brutal as possible.

The mimic tried to capture Shadow Odeta in its ttacles again but Shadow Emilia and Delmare were there to cut down any attempts at doing so.

Eins th shot a [Spark Strike] at the monster and that seemed to be the final straw for the mimic as it fell over before its body was gulfed in light.

I shielded my eyes from the glow until it subsided to leave a normal treasure chest behind.

Alright! Let's see what we got!

I wt over to shove op the lid in excitemt, expecting it to be filled with piles upon piles of Creas and treasures and…

"What the heck is this?" I muttered wh I saw what was inside the chest.

Instead of the piles of Creas like I was thinking, it was piles of sexual stuff instead.

There were dildos, revealing costumes, sexy lingerie, onaholes and ev a few bottles of potions that were either aphrodisiacs or meant to hance certain body parts.

Ok, I get that this is a god damned lewd Dungeon but come on!! The rewards don't have to be lewd too!! This is so bullshit!!

Oh wait… What the heck? Is that a sexy police uniform I see in there? What the heck, it actually is!

And there's a nurse uniform, a bunnygirl outfit and ev a gym uniform complete with bloomers too? This cannot be something that's normal…

These outfits are things from my old World after all, so why the heck are these found here in a Dungeon like this? Could an Off-Worlder be behind this?

Wait… Could this Dungeon already be conquered by an Off-Worlder and they stayed as the Dungeon Master which also influced the monsters and rewards of the Dungeon?

I suppose that would explain these 'rewards'..

Heck, maybe that's also why the succubi were behaving like that. Figured that only an Off-Worlder could make something like this straight out of a porn game…

I looked down at the chest again.

I think Lisa would look good in this bunnygirl outfit and Delmare would look good in this police one…


Anyway! I suppose I'll just have to take this back since I worked so hard to defeat that Dungeon Mimic after all! It would be foolish of me to just leave this here!

After stuffing everything inside my Pack of Folding, I left the room and returned back to take the last route that led away from the stairs.

It still feels a bit unnatural to be walking in a tunnel that seemed to be made out of flesh but at least the floor is solid and not squishy…

The corridor continued straight with no turns or crevices which I found rather odd. Is this really just going to be a straight path?

The only thing I saw straight ahead was a door which I've already learned was quite odd to have in a Dungeon.

Deciding to just shelve my questions for now, I simply advanced forward towards the door.

Of course, I did not neglect checking for traps because a straight corridor like this is practically just screaming 'trap'. That's why I'm ev extra careful and checking the--


I froze and looked down.


Eh? Where did the click sound come from?

I looked up and I saw a ttacle had popped out from a holland pressed itself against a button beside the hole it came out from.

What the heck? Did it just set off a trap on its own?

There was a loud crash coming from behind and I looked back to see a wall had slammed down behind us, blocking the path back.

I'm having a bad feeling about this…

And as though to confirm my fears, the surface of the wall oped up to reveal a mass of wriggling ttacles behind it.

Oh god… I'm going to guess that the wall is going to start sliding towards us and we have to start running…

Sure ough, the wall began to move towards us at a slow pace which I bet would start gaining speed as it got closer and closer to us.

Well, of course I was going to try to solve this another way first so I had Eins start chucking [Earth Ball] at it in an attempt to block it or something.

But the ttacles on the wall merely snatched up the balls of earth and pulled them into the wall itself, as though consuming them.

[Static Bolt] did not paralyse it and [Laser] also merely burned off a ttacle or two but did nothing to stop the wall from moving.

Alright, fuck it, I guess I just have to run th!

I started running alongside the rest of my party towards the door at the d and honestly, it would have be an easy run there considering we were almost there anyway.

But of course the Dungeon just had to make it harder for us as various ttacles burst out from the walls to try and grab us.

I had one wrap itself a my wrist and I got yanked back towards the wall.

More ttacles sprouted out and tried to grab my other limbs but Shadow Emilia was there to cut them off before they could.

The wall was now moving at running speeds towards us and ev more ttacles were sprouting out from the walls to reach towards us.

As we were about a hundred metres away from the door, a mass of ttacles suddly exploded out from the wall, floor and ceiling to block our way completely.

I had Shadow Katsuki jump ahead to use her [Fire Blast] which burned op a path for us to jump through, only to see the same thing happ just a few feet ahead.

Shadow Katsuki burned the next one as well and we climbed through to be met with a third ttacle wall just a few feet behind it.

They're really trying their best to stop us huh?

I chanced a look behind us as Shadow Katsuki was burning the third wall and I realised the ttacle wall was really fast right now.

I commanded Eins to join the burning of the ttacles blocking our way to speed up the progress and we finally made it to the door that should theoretically allow us to get to safety.

Since Shadow Katsuki was at the front, I had her op the door for us.

Annnnnd the door was fucking locked.

Of course it was.

With a simple command from me, Shadow Odeta had replaced Shadow Katsuki and Eins had buffed her up with both [Strgth] and [Body Currt] before she wt ahead to deliver a kick at the door.

The tire door was literally blown to pieces and I directed everyone to rush through the brok doorway.

I peeked behind me one final time to see the ttacle wall literally just a few metres behind and closing in on me by the second.

Acting on instinct, I leapt towards the doorway to escape it, only to feel something slimy grab at my leg and pull me back.

I knew instinctively that one of the ttacles had shot out from the wall to grab at me to prevt me from escaping without looking back.

I didn't ev have to make any commands before Eins reached out her hand to grab me to pull me back while materialising a sword made out of shadows to cut off the ttacle holding on to me.

She th pulled me through the doorway seconds before the ttacle wall smashed into it with me landing on top of her.

Yeah! Suck on it you stupid Dungeon!

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