Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 386

Episode 386: What is the cause? (3)

What is the importance of the cause of past history?

The most important thing at this moment was that Mengmu’s body was no longer invincible.

Yu Seol, who was already exhausted, could not miss this opportunity.


Yu Seol threw the Yonghwachang held in his right hand towards Mongmu with all his might.

It was an herbal technique called Bijinchusin (飛進錐身), the family’s secret technique and the deadly javelin technique.


The Yonghwachang, engulfed in red light, quickly approached to pierce the opponent’s heart.

However, it was not a dream to sit still and suffer.

The huge club’s weight struck Yonghwachang with tremendous force.


If it were not for Shin Byeong-gi, it was a blow so powerful that it would have broken the spear in two.

The helplessly thrown spear flew to the other side and dug into half of the wall.


Although the surprise attack failed, it was not a rumor that could not have predicted this situation.

Isn’t there still one more weapon left?

Yu Seol threw away the dragon spear he was holding in his left hand in the same way.


The flying speed was faster and more aggressive than before.

But this time too, Mongmu’s club was precisely blocking that trajectory.

The moment the two weapons were about to collide. Something amazing happened.

Suddenly, the dragon sledgehammer turns its orbit in the air and moves at a strange angle.


Mongmu must have been embarrassed by the incomprehensible situation, and his two white-only eyes were wide open as if they were torn apart.

But there was no turning back now. Because it was already too late to avoid it.

In a split second, the spear blade pierced his abdomen and protruded out the other side.



Mongmu stumbled, clutching the spear in his abdomen with his left hand.

Yu Seol shrugged her shoulders at him, who was making an aggrieved expression.

“Have you ever seen anything like this? “It’s called Eochangsul.”

Until now, Mongmu did not know that Yu Seol could use the fishing technique.

So, this time too, they thought it was a simple javelin throw and tried to block it.

Everything was a trick planned by Yoo Seol.

“What a coward!”

I can’t believe you’re just this cowardly. Were the battles fought fairly during the Warring States Period?

Yu Seol snorted as if he didn’t even care.

“What if you are cowardly? Winning the fight is important. “Isn’t the person who was fooled a fool?”

“Yes you bitch!! “Don’t insult me!!”

Mongmu frowned and raised the huge two-handed club with one hand.

Yu Seol, who was dealing with him, no longer had a weapon. The dragon spear was deeply embedded in the wall, and the dragon spear was stuck in Mongmu’s abdomen and did not move.

Nevertheless, he did not try to avoid rumors.

He was just holding his right hand ‘tightly’ and pulling it behind his shoulder.

Could it be that he is going to confront Mongmu’s ignorant blunt force head on? Baek Yo-ran, who was watching with bated breath from afar, shouted urgently.

“No, honey!”

He thought he could never take on Mongmu’s power head on.

However, the vortex of already condensed inner energy was whirling in Yu Seol’s fist along with the thunderbolt.

It was the strongest fist in history, Wind Heart Fist.

Soon, a huge club filled with the power of Mongmu began to fall on Yu Seol’s head.

He hit so hard that the handle of the club almost broke.


At that moment, Yu Seol’s fist rose up like lightning, creating a gust of wind.

Soon, a powerful explosion occurred as the huge blunt object and the walnut-like fist collided head-on.


Due to the unimaginable shock, Mongmu’s grip was torn and he lost his grip on the club.

Unbelievably, it was overwhelmingly out of power.

And then the ignorant blunt object turned in the opposite direction and rushed towards its owner.

Soon, the club, which was turned upside down from head to toe, landed in Mongmu’s face with a ‘thud’.


Almost half of his face was sunken after being hit by a club.

Mongmu, who had a huge body, took a few steps backwards with a thud and then collapsed helplessly.


Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

When the fight ended, Yu Jin-san and Baek Yo-ran approached Yu Seol with surprised faces.

“Oh baby!”

“Good work. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

Yoo Seol gently raised one hand towards the two old men as if he had something to talk about with Mong Mu for a moment.


In the silence, everyone’s eyes turned to Mongmu, who was sitting down.

Although he was known to be invincible during the Nine Heavens Downhill, his spirit was clearly approaching rest.

The only remaining egg white was gradually becoming cloudy, and the body was becoming limp little by little.

Nevertheless, his face, which was only half of what was left, seemed to have an expression of satisfaction.

“As expected, it seems the world has changed. Until now, no one in the world has experienced this dream…”

“Of course. “More than a thousand years have passed.”

Mongmu’s white eyes, gradually turning darker, stared at Yu Seol.

“Great warrior. “Can you tell me your name?”

“My name is Seol. “Legendary rumor.”

“Right. “This dreamer admits defeat to you.”

Yu Seol nodded once with a serious face.

“It was a great match. “Even though he wasn’t human, he was stronger than anyone else.”

“…Thank you.”

Yu Seol felt sorry for the man in front of him named Mong Moo.

This is because it was thought that his life, protecting someone for over a thousand years, was pitiful.

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

It seemed like he didn’t have much time left.

After remaining silent for a moment, he weakly asked something.

“Really… was my lord recorded in history as a tyrant?”

It was probably the most important part for him.

Because the cause he had been trying to protect until now would be denied.

However, Yu Seol had no interest in past history or causes.

“I don’t know. But what does it matter? Everyone says it’s a good world to live in now. “No one is starving to death and there is no war.”

At that moment, the corner of Mongmu’s mouth, which was only half of what was left, rose slightly.

Coincidentally, the answer he wanted to hear the most came out.

“Right. “Then it was done.”

Mongmu closed his only eye as if he had nothing more to say.

It seemed like he was planning to approach eternal rest like this.

But Yu Seol still had business left with him.

I had to figure out where the door in this underground plaza was that would lead me to the next location.

As before, there must be a secret door hidden somewhere here.

“Uncle, don’t you have anything more to say to me? “Treasure is needed to protect a livable world.”

“What is that…”

What on earth does protecting the world have to do with treasure?

There were many things he wanted to ask about the absurd sound, but Mongmu didn’t have much time left.

Because his superhuman spirit was barely able to hold on to his collapsing body.

“We need treasure for the greater good!”

Mongmu wanted to discuss the cause, but it was impossible.

As the remaining time was running out, I had to make a choice quickly.

Will you give information to Yoo Seol for the sake of the world? Or will he remain loyal to Qin Shi Huang until the end?

Soon, Mongmu’s hands began to tremble and point somewhere.

“Please… protect the world of my descendants…”

Shake it off!

At that moment, his fingertips fell to the floor.

His soul has finally entered eternal rest.

“I’ll think about it. Now go to a nice place and rest comfortably, mister.”

After finishing speaking, Yu Seol approached the direction indicated by Mong Mu.

However, like the other walls, it was full of murals with strange patterns, and there was nothing that could provide any clues.

Jin-san Yu, who followed behind, did not know the English text either.

“What do we have here? “If you’re going to tell me such a big story, please tell me until the end.”

Mongmu, who was more manly than anyone else, would never have lied.

There definitely seemed to be some reason.

“Are you asking me to tear down the wall?”

The granddaughter’s reasoning also made sense.

Jin-san Yu pounded the wall with his fist a few times, but then shook his head.

“The other side is not empty. “It should be at least half a sheet thick.”

So what clues are there here? No matter how much I thought about it, nothing came to mind.

When the situation reached this point, Cao Sun’s eyes focused on Bai Yaoran.

If she has a lot of knowledge in this area, she must know something.

She, who was crossing her arms behind her, looked at the mural and spoke softly.

“Then maybe there’s a clue in the mural.”

On the wall that Mongmu pointed to, like other places, only pictures of animals were drawn.

deer and crow. And it looked like a fish.

The background pattern was slightly different from the walls on the other side, but other than that, I couldn’t find anything special.

“What kind of clue do you mean these animals are? “Try using your blue eyes, old lady.”

“Do you know what an all-powerful blue eye is? Just kill me you old man!”

Eugene San didn’t have much expectations either. It was just something I brought up once, just in case.

“hmm. There are only murals in the room, but they say the clue is a painting. “This is going to be crazy.”

At that time, Yoo Seol, who had a serious expression on his face, suddenly clapped his hands and shouted.

“Grandpa, I think I know what I am!”

“you? “Is that really true?”

Yu Seol answered while looking at the surrounding walls.

“Yes! The idea was to find an animal similar to this one among the murals here! “Deer, crows, and fish!”

“That makes sense. “As expected, our Seol is a genius.”

It was something worth checking out.

The walls surrounding the 500 pyeong square were filled with tens of thousands of paintings of animals and plants.

You have to find the same picture among them.

It was a hassle, but if the three of us split up our search, it wouldn’t take long.

Before long, Bai Yaoran was the first to find something.

“It looks like grandma found the deer.”


Finally, a clue was found. The smile did not stop on Yoo Seol’s face.

At that time, Baek Yo-ran, who was touching the deer picture, lightly pressed the area and a reaction appeared.

Gigi geek-!

It was the sound of the painted area being pushed inward.

“You were right baby. “Those pictures were the key to opening the secret door.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Jinsan Yu found another clue.

“I found the fish here!”

He immediately pushed the picture inside, but a problem arose.

Isn’t the deer that Baek Yo-ran pushed a moment ago popping out again?

“Wait, brother. “All three have to push at the same time.”

Meanwhile, Yoo Seol had already found the picture of the crow.

“Hurry up, Grandpa, give me a signal!”

It wasn’t difficult at all.

Yu Jin-san took a deep breath and sent a signal to the left and right.

“one! Dooul! Seet~!”

That time when three people push the pieces away at the same time. Finally, the hidden door in the corner of the square began to reveal itself.

Suddenly-! Dedeudeudeuk-!!

A dazzling light was shining through the door that was opening little by little.

Have we finally found the place where the treasure is?

An excited Yooseol started hopping on both feet like a rabbit and heading towards the door.

I couldn’t control my joy.

A hum came out of my mouth along with laughter.

“Hehehehe~ Long live your Majesty the Emperor, long live your life~!”

Yu Jin-san, who was leisurely following along with Baek Yo-ran from a distance, could not hide his happy smile.

“What a guy. “Is the treasure that good?”

One more breath had passed.

When Yoo Seol arrived at the secret door and checked inside, all movement stopped.


Yu Jin-san looked puzzled at his granddaughter’s stiff back and asked.

“Why are you so surprised? What’s inside!?”

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