Villain Heal: The Villainess’s Plan to Heal a Broken Heart

Chapter 8

WhyDont vampire have a lifespan of 500 years!?

Yes, but my doctor told me that Im different than other vampires

I hope this kid didnt lie to me. His stare seems serious enough. My instinct as a doctor is tingling right now and I cant ignore those who need my help.

Love or hate isnt something that will make my ethics waiver.

Can you tell me more about this?

I have a slow heartbeat since I was born even now I can barely feel it in my chest. My blood calculation isnt functioned well in my body. My doctor told me that if Its going on like this, my lifespan will be shortened because blood is very important to vampire

After he finished speaking, I remember what happened three days ago.

I remember checking for his pulse and fail for it. That time I really thought he died.

ButI shouldnt jump to the conclusion like this. I grab his wrist and look for his pulse again. I cant even feel his pulse like that time in the garden.

but I still have another thing on my mind.

Why did you tell me that If you didnt drink my blood, you will die?

When I drink your blood. My heart seems to beat faster

Oh! This is a predators instinct, right?

His body may be in needs of a stimulator.

This illness cant be cured by medicine or magic but required mental treatment instead.

This case needs emotional healing the most.

Ive treated this kind of patient occasionally. Most of them rely on the support of their family or friend. If they are strong enough, they will get better as time passed.

However, this child is only 10 years old

How much is his will to fight this illness?

Due to his status as a prince, he always has to bear a pressure from others. They always look up at him with respect. It would be good if hes a sophisticated person then this will pass by with no problem.

Whereas this Luler in front of me is so pure.

Dont worry. I will help you.

Help me?

Thats right, you will certainly live like a normal person. I can assure you

And you will be my first patient in this world!!

I come a bit closer to be a doctor.

When you speak like that somehow I feel relieved a little bit. Thank you

What about your heart?

My heart beats slightly faster

Oh! My diagnose isnt wrong!!

If drinking blood makes his heart beat faster then there have to be other methods. The method to make his heart beat faster

Normally, Isnt it supported to be the other way around? Boys should be the one who makes girls heart go Doki Doki so why am I, a girl, the one who has to make this boys heart beat faster!? No! Thiss only a treatment. You dont have to think too much, Shiwa.

Then you have to answer my question


What else do you like other than blood?

He shakes his head.

What else makes you scared?

He vigorously shakes his head.

What aboutthe thing that you hate?

He only shakes his head again.

If you are only shaking your head like this then we will not be going anywhere!!!

I dont know what I scared

Are you dislike of everything except for blood!?

I like your blood

If you only drink from me, I will die!!!

I dont know when I toss all of my formality out of the window

This is getting nowhere at all. I hope I can find out information more than this. I should repeat to myself that hes only a kid. Theres no reason to be angry at him. Its hard when you have a 20 years old mind but five years old body.

Then I will start with something basic


Which sweet do you like most?

Your blood

WRONG!! Then what about

I like your blood the most

Im not finished talking yet!!

Its no good. We cant even understand each other.

It cant be helped. Ive to do the hard way!!!

Are you afraid of pain?

I think so

Good! Sit down!!

He sits down immediately like a puppy followed my instruction with an expressionless face.

Today I will teach you to feel about a basic fear

a basicfear

Yes, close your eyes then

After he closes his eyes, I go and grab my favorite headband to tie around his eyes. This basic fear is very easy to stimulate in a kid. Even though vampires arent afraid of darkness. Im sure there wouldnt be any kids out there who arent scared of this.


I whip the belt down to the floor making a deafening sound. He startles a little when he heard this. Are you scare right now!? Your heart should beat nonstop after this! I will make your heart beating hard enough that its ripping out of your chest!!!


How about this? Are you feeling scared right now?

I feel

What? Youve to speak clearer than that


SomehowI feel excited


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