Villain Heal: The Villainess’s Plan to Heal a Broken Heart

Chapter 26

I give him a blood pill, but hes still looking pale. Is he hungry for blood? If he is hungry, he would tell me that he wants my blood and bite me instantly.

Thats not the problem right now. I wish a doctor would hurry up and come here already. I dont have any equipment or knowledge to use in this situation so I dont dare to do anything. I dont want his condition to be worse than this.

Shiwa Luler calls my name. His condition isnt looking better at all. I sit at my bed edge to clearly see his face.

Luler! Are you okay!? Do you feel hurt anywhere!?

Its hurt

Where do you feel pain!?

Right here

Luler grabs my hand and places it on where his heart is. I can barely feel his heartbeat.

You have to bite me! Maybe you will feel better that way.

Shiwa, Im not hungry

It will help your blood to!!

Shiwa, Im alright

Dont you dare say that when you are in that condition. What part of you is alright!? Why do you come here with a condition like this!?

I want to meet you

I already told you that

I dont know how much time I have left but I know that If I die, I only want to stay near you.

Then I will not regret anything


I slap his right cheek. Luler looks at me with widened eyes. My face right now must look strange to him because I have too many emotion showed on my face right now. I feel angry, mad, but also sad.

Why did he say something right that?

Dont you say something like that!!


Do you know how much I try to keep saving your life so you can live on!? Do you want to waste all of my hard-working for nothing!?


Do you know what a life is!? Do you ever die for real!? If that time comes, you will keep thinking that there are many things that you still hadnt do. You still didnt even reach your dream!! Do you know that ones life is very valuable!?

Theres nothing worth exchanged for a life. At least

If you disappear, therere many people who will get sad and that includesme


I cant keep my thought inside my chest anymore. Its really heart sinking that he is reminded me of my past self. I shouldnt dieI try to think I couldnt change anything anyway. Im satisfied with the life I have now, but I still dont have a chance to say goodbye to my family, friends, all of my relatives, and

Shiwa, why are you crying?

He uses his thump to lightly touched my cheek. I dont even know that my tears kept rolling down.

No, I just have dust in my eyes

I try to appear nonchalant and brush his worried away. He is clever enough to know that I like to keep my room clean so theres no way that there will be dust in here.

but I will not accept that easily because my pride is at stake here!

Im sorry


I made you sad

Im not sad

I will not say something like that anymore. Im sorry

I already told you that Im not!

My body suddenly falls down on my bed lying on top of Lulers body.

Are you trying to provoke me?

You can give me a punishment.

Humph! No way

If you arent angry then I want to stay like this for a while

He hugs me tightly after that. Isnt your condition worsen a moment ago!? Dont tell me that It depends on your feeling? HmmAre you lying to me?

Whatever! I dont care anymore.

I cant refuse you when you are making a happy face like that, you know.

Its been four days since that incident with Luler. He has to stay inside the palace to have his doctor checked his condition. My maid, Sera, has a very high agility as her special skill so she made it in time to bring Lulers private doctor to my house. I was almost branded as a rapist who would rape a patient after he sees me lying on top of Lulers body. Its a good thing that Luler insisted hes the one who requests it so I got out with no problem.

I had sent my sample of a shampoo, a conditioner and a cleanser to Akane. Today, She arrives at my house and tells me that

I beg you! Can I have more of this!? She comes with her guards, but I told them to wait in the living room. I feel uncomfortable to have them following me everywhere. Right now, Akane is alone with me in my room.

I can do that but did you use all of that up? Its been only four days

Im not! My mother and my aunt also want this! I beg you! I dont care how much it will cost but can I have more of this!?


Its demand is rather out of my prediction. Its a good thing I made many of this during this four days. It rather a pretty good idea to start my business inside the fox kingdom first.

I can make more of this If thats what you want but on one condition

A condition?

Yes, I want you to spread these products among your nobles circle

AhI dont think it will escape my mother and my aunts hand, though

They will not care about that because they will be received a large bottle of each soon. I want my product to be well known among those nobles first and you have to bring all of the money from selling these products to me

AhDo you want to sell this? You dont have to do this. Isnt your house very rich already?

I want it to be from my hard working

Oh! Its like this! Leave it to me!

Her fox ears are flipping side to side. Both her tail and ears seem softer than before and her skin is glowing too. She must use my products on her ears and tail. Its no wonder that she like it this much.

Did you also use it on your tail? Can I have your opinion on this?

Its incredible! Both of my hair and my tail look so much beautiful than before. Everyone constantly asked me how did I do it but


Teo looked annoyed but he still likes to touch my ears just like before. I get tired of every time that I told him not to touch it so I left it at that.

HmmWhere is he right now?

He is with Luler at the palace. I also have to go there too. Oh! Why dont you come with me?


Luler must be happy to see your face


Looking back, I hadnt gone there that much. He always the one who comes to meet me but thats the palace! Its not the place that everyone should come and go just like they please.

butI will make this an exception!

I change my cloth to the one suitable for entering the palace and go together with Akane. Her guard has completely changed into a porter. I feel bad for him for having to lift all of my products, but its his duty.

The palaces staff give us a good welcome. They guide us to Lulers room. Walking closer, I can see Luler and Teo chatting at a small table in the middle of the room.

This is the first time that I come to his room in the palace. His room has a white wall, a light golden bed, and a marble floor. Its brighter here than I thought. His room is also bigger than mine.

You also come too, huh

Whydoes that looks strange to you?


Why does he like to say everything with a subtle meaning?


Hows your body? I walk toward him. His condition seems to be better. Teo quietly brings Akane out of this room. I dont know what they are whispering about, but It isnt hard to guess.

Its your first time coming here, isnt it?

I just think that you are going to be stubborn enough to come to my house with this condition so I come here instead

Are you going to come here often?

I will do what I can

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday


Then I go meet you on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday

That would be everyday then!

Yes, every day

No way, I also have my business too!

Then I will go to your house when you cant come here

Are you threaten me?


OhHe pauses before answer my question. It seems like I hadnt punished him that much lately so he becomes like this.


Luler! Kneel down!

!!! He startles and jumps down from his chair to kneel down before me.

You used to tell me that I can punish you if I get angry with your action, right? Now, Im starting to get angry. Are you ready to receive your punishment?


His cheeks begin to flush. Maybe Hes not the only one who gets addicted to punishmentI also the one who get addicted to this punishment too.

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