Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain

Chapter 134: Chapter 134:Trapped? [4]

The hike back up the cliff was exhausting as arduous as I had to stop, calculating the exact route I needed to take to reach the next rock, then summon my wing, and finally flap it.

However, at least I had some motivation now.

Halfway up the cliff, I stared downwards at the village, seeing the same group of kids gathering water in their empty buckets.

How many times had it been now?

Over 100 times...

Since I had begun climbing this cliff to get back up, these poor children had gathered water over a hundred times.

Recalling how I had loudly yelled and ridiculed the children, I almost lost my grip on the cliffside and plummeted back down toward the village.

I was by no means a saint or good person for that matter... but still, there were some boundaries that couldn't be crossed.

As I continued my difficult journey up the cliff, a sudden thought popped into my head.

How long had that village been stuck in the loop...?

Days, months, years, tens of years, and even centuries... no one knew.

Remembering how the village looked so old and had such little advanced technology, I could only sigh.

It had to be more than ten years, at least, if the civilization was so little advanced that they still gathered water with buckets and cooked food with fire.

How long had those townspeople been gathering the same water, cooking the same animal corpse, and slicing the same barriers?

Were those children and adults... enjoying their life?

I mean, they had no idea about the loop or repetitive actions, so in their heads, it would be just another normal day.

Oblivious to how they had been repeating themselves for over ten years, in their minds, the children could actually be happy.

Wasn't I doing the same thing..?

I had been acting oblivious to thousands of deaths and tragedies taking place around me, even though I knew about them, and giving the excuse that they didn't involve me.

Well, in the children's and adults' cases, it was different; they weren't acting... they truly had no idea about what was going on.

But, was me acting oblivious a bad thing...?

I mean, I didn't have any negative feelings, sadness, anger, or depression at myself when I ignored these events.

It just felt normal... like it was regular and completely ok for me to ignore these things.

And it was completely normal that I cared for my own life above the lives of others; in my head, there was nothing wrong with what I was doing.

Sure, there were slight moments of guilt, but those feelings quickly disappeared when I imagined my death being caused by my intrusion in one of those tragedies.

On the other hand, Lily was the complete opposite as she went out of her way to prevent every tragedy she could.

As soon as she had transmigrated, she went straight into action, saving the town on the outskirts of the human realm from a djinn attack for the prologue event.

What had I been doing as soon as I transmigrated...?

Gathering overpowered items, honing my skills, and training in order to ensure my survival.

To be fair, the two of us were in completely different situations.

Lily spawned in as an overpowered character who already had tons of abilities, wealth, and items... whereas I was just some extra with nothing to my name. wasn't like that mattered, though.

Even if I had been transmigrated into the body of some important character with overpowered abilities and family backing, I would have done the same thing.

In fact, I would have probably done more.

I would have gathered more powerful items and abilities, once again ignoring the tragedies occurring around me.

Our mindsets were different.

Was one of our mindsets morally incorrect and seen as flawed by society?

Yes, I wholeheartedly believed that if the people around me discovered or learned about my current mindset, they would ridicule me and look down at me with disgust.

If Lily's mindset was revealed, she would be celebrated as a hero by society and be given countless awards and presents.

Even if the evidence shows that my actions gave way to a better end result, whereas Lily's actions caused the world to end, peoples' opinions wouldn't change.

|But why did society's opinion of my mindset matter?

Who were they to decide what I wanted to do with my life?

I was completely fine with doing things like this.

That was the only thing that mattered.

If I didn't want to do something, I didn't do it. If I wanted to do something, then I did it.

That was it... end of story.

So, what if I was seen as flawed by others?

Teleporting one up one last time, I took one last glance at the village below before slumping down on the ground.

Exhausted, I fetched my crow from watching the village and ordered him to grab me some food.

A couple of minutes later, the crow appeared above my body with a bright red apple in its claws.


"...get one for the cat too."

After dropping the first apple into my hands, the crow appeared a couple of seconds later with another apple, which I cut before handing it to my cat.

Enjoying the sweet taste of the apple's skin, I lay on the ground, watching the sunset, and the sky slowly turns black, indicating the start of the night.



There was no such thing.

There were titles given to people by other people.

Why did people have the ability and right to give others titles?

They didn't.

Well... there were some heroes in this world.

But other people didn't give these titles to these heroes.

The title of hero was assigned to Liam, Kevin, Lily, Alya, Zach, and now maybe Irene and Ruby by the creator of this world.

The Author.

He had the right to give out those titles... because he literally made the characters.

"I guess that makes my title permanently a third-rate villain then..."

Shutting my eyelids, I basked in the cold breeze of the night, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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