Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 154: Chapter 154 Despair.

It's be several hours since they inspected the items in Soma's possession. Currtly, the three of them were exploring the other side of the door, which brought them into this wide hallway that stretched in a straight line filled with intricate paintings that contained a major history along with its unknown on each wall, accompanying them in their journey.

Soma, as usual, who led ahead, witnessed another massive hole with another hallway and a stairway ascding to the sky stretched in the black path, with a rugged paved stone carved from ancit rocks. The three of them exchanged looks before a sheer determination plastered on their eyes and began to lift their first step to reach the top.

After ascding the stairs, that feels like a long and, at the same time, short. They are currtly facing a flat wall with no door and no other passageway, leaving only a huge symbol of a black diamond. Making the three of them stiff their faces in shock.

"Eh? What happed?".

"...There is no door?".

Hina and Xiao Lian approach the wall, tracing the flat wall and searching for a way for them to pass. Soma, who felt that the situation had worsed, noticed a faint dark light from his left palm, which made the flat wall transform into something magical. The wall began to form an intricate line before it dissipated into thin air, revealing a new room across it.

The three of them walked away to the other room, looking and welcomed by a destroyed place. The air was thick with dust. There was also a lot of small debris from the stone that was once a pillar and walls scattered across the floor.

"What a mess".


Hina and Xiao Lian looked toward the sce with knitted brows, but also sigh in relieve for they finally found a way out. Soma who stood behind them notice the change that happ to the wall.


The passage behind them began to reform into its original state with a flat wall without decoration, leaving an untraceable path.

"Let's proceed. But, be wary about…".



Soma and the girls stiffed their bodies upon catching the familiar snort that came from a bipedal pig reverberating across the room. They turned their sight to the source and found another passage with a flickering light from the torch that reflected huge shadows that loomed over the room they were currtly in.

The looming shadow from the torch became much more promint before it revealed the actual monster disguised in gre skin while sniffing its snot.


Soma swiftly kicked the g where he stood and accelerated, approaching the still-oblivious Orc. He leaped forward before putting all of the momtum of his movemt to his sole feet aimed at the orc's face.

The sound of an unnerving crunch of cracking skull and torn flesh echoed in the room as the orc head received Soma's kick head-on before embedding itself into the wall, painting it with tangy blue paint.

[You gained Exp!]


"You okay?".

"Yeah, no problem. Let's get out of here first. I have a bad feeling about this place".


In the heart of the tranquil forest, the sky was a basked in the light of oranges, indicating that the Sun would soon be replaced. Despite the tranquil silce of the weather, chaos, and conflict happ in the innermost forest, where a group of studts forms a tse circle. Blood drained from their faces but still retained some of its determination in front of the two figures that loomed over them.

The form of those two was horrdous, with ugly pig faces letting out mucus and saliva, looking at the girls in the groups with their lustful gaze, making them shudder in disgust. The orcs with towering bodies and bulky appearance let out a loud cry that shook the studt core, making their knee tremble.

"...Kuh, don't falter, everyone. Keep the formation intact".

Leon, who was the strongest and standing in front of the other studts, stood out from the rest. Despite receiving that roar, he still manages to retain his voice to keep the morals on the battlefield.

However, the reality is Leon was also shaking. He couldn't get a good grip on the handle of his sword, his eyes darting all over the place betwe wary or frighted about the incoming ambush from the other orcs.

The stance he tried to hold off shook as he gazed at the other studt behind him, who was trembling in fright upon the figure of the monster.

One of the orcs seemed desperate as he charged forward while raising its club, stiffing the studt's face. Leon, who stood in front, faltered slightly as he loosed the grip on his sword.

"..Tch, move away. Gravity manipulation".

Eri, who held a towering shield that covered her whole body, stepped forward. Using her unique magic to manipulate gravity at will, he lighted the shield mass, and th she planned on the g before doing the opposite of it. The g a the shield cracked op because of the sheer mass it contained.

The orc who noticed it lifted the corner of his lips, seeing a girl approaching him. But there was an annoying shield that blocked his way, so he swung the club vertically, but upon making contact with the shield, it made a cracking sound before the club was blasted into bits. The other orc also stood stupefied, watching it happ.


The orc who saw his club being shattered blanked for a momt before the clear shout from Eri awoke him from his stupor.

"Eiji, your turn".

"...Fuuu. Dark magic".

[Dark Magic Level Blind]

Above the two orcs' heads, two magic circles twty ctimeters in diameter appeared with strange eyes that oped in their middle, giving it an eerie sight. Th, after the eyes were oped. The two orcs' vision started to flicker before it wt dark.



Realizing that the spell was successful. Eri, who stood in front, once again manipulated the shield mass and lifted it up before using every strgth in her body. Before the shield makes contact with the g, Eri manipulates the mass, making it super heavy until the g on her feet cracks.

"Everyone, Run!".

As the shield made contact with the g, a thunderous boom resounded, creating a huge spider web and tiny crater that shook every studt's ear—raising a cloud of dust that disturbed the orcs' eyes and smelled further.

"Hurry up and run!".

Eri, with an irritated voice, issued her command, which every studt followed in fright and ran toward their back like their life depded on it.

She shifted her gaze toward the blonde kid who stood still, watching the fight unfold with gritted teeth, but she didn't have a concern for him as she turned her gaze at Eiji, whose breath was erratic because of the usage of magic that drains all of his mana tanks.

"Eiji, let's get out of here".

"Thanks, as usual, Eri".

With the manipulation she had, she reduced Eiji's weight before she put him on her shoulder, and th wh the time came, she wanted to dash from the place.


"Help us!".

"I don't want to die!".

A wailing of despair echoed in front of her, making her steps halted as she saw the retreating studts come back with terror-strick faces, glancing at their backs. Upon witnessing the sce, Eri and Leon felt a slight tremor on their feet, and their face stiffed upon the source it came from.

Another four orcs with clubs in their hands chase after the studts while circling to sure they do not escape their grasp. However, there was one orc that stood tall from the other with its bulky appearance and broadsword in his back, with a daunting aura, strolling approaching them.

"You're kidding me!".

"That was?"


Eri, Eiji, and Leon, who saw the impding disaster, could only swallow the bitter fate that came knocking at their door.

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