The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 360: 360 The Gift for You

Chapter 360: Chapter 360 The Gift for You
Luo Ziling returned to school and texted Yang Qingyin, asking where she was.

Yang Qingyin immediately replied, telling Luo Ziling to wait for her in the parking lot.

Luo Ziling found it strange but eventually complied with Yang Qingyin’s instruction and went to the parking lot to wait for her.

When Luo Ziling arrived at the parking lot, Yang Qingyin was already there.

She was waiting for him in the car.

The BMW SUV they had driven to Bashang Grassland last time was parked there, and Xiaoli was standing by the car.

When she saw him approaching, Xiaoli beckoned him over and said that Yang Qingyin was waiting for him in the car.

When Luo Ziling opened the car door to get in, he saw Yang Qingyin sitting in the back, with the seats folded down. She was barefoot and fiddling with a laptop.

“Watching something?” Luo Ziling also took off his shoes, checked that his socks didn’t smell, then sat down next to Yang Qingyin, “Oh, still looking at photos?”

Seeing Luo Ziling sit down, Yang Qingyin closed the ACD interface she was using to view photos and opened another software. She then commanded Luo Ziling, “Swipe here.”

Luo Ziling, a bit mystified, watched Yang Qingyin point at a little lit-up strip on the side of the laptop for him to touch.

“What’s this for?” Although he was full of questions, he still did as Yang Qingyin instructed and swiped.

“Swipe again,” Yang Qingyin took his finger and brushed it over the strip repeatedly, five times in total, before it was finished.

Luo Ziling noticed a progress bar on the screen that advanced with each swipe. After five swipes, the bar reached one hundred percent, and a prompt announced the fingerprint was successfully entered. But he still didn’t understand what was going on.

At that moment, Yang Qingyin shut down the laptop, and after it was completely off, she gestured to Luo Ziling again, “Swipe here.”

Seeing Luo Ziling with a puzzled look, Yang Qingyin grabbed his finger and swiped it on the little lit-up strip.

To Luo Ziling’s astonishment, the computer automatically turned on.

After a few screen transitions, the desktop appeared, leaving Luo Ziling slack-jawed.

“What’s this?” The poor computer novice was full of surprise.

“Just ThinkPAD’s fingerprint power on,” Yang Qingyin said with pride, “Your fingerprint and my fingerprint have both been recorded. This laptop can be turned on by the two of us. Just a reminder, you’re not allowed to let anyone else’s fingerprints be recorded or let anyone else use your computer.”

“No way, this is for me?” Luo Ziling looked at Yang Qingyin in amazement.

“What’s so strange about that? Didn’t I promise you last time? Consider it a Mid-Autumn Festival gift. Don’t reject it,” Yang Qingyin said, giving him a domineering look, “Remember what I said? Repeat it back to me.”

“Alright, I remember,” Luo Ziling nodded, still feeling very happy. “But there’s no need to repeat, right? I’ve memorized it!”

Yang Qingyin had actually given him such a valuable gift.

“Here’s the bag. Just put the laptop in it after shutting it down. These are the power cords, the mouse, and this is the laptop bag,” Yang Qingyin didn’t fuss over Luo Ziling’s reluctance to repeat her words and patiently explained the gadgets related to the IBM laptop to him. Seeing that Luo Ziling was listening obediently, she smiled with satisfaction.

After putting the laptop in the bag, she pulled out a jade pendant hanging from her chest, flashed it at Luo Ziling with a smile, and said, “Isn’t it pretty?”

“Very pretty,” Luo Ziling recognized at a glance that it was the jade he had given to Yang Qingyin last time, now polished into a beautiful pendant.

“From now on, I’ll wear it every day,” said Yang Qingyin as she seriously examined the Jade Pendant for a few moments before asking Luo Ziling, “How much do you think such a Jade Pendant is worth?”

Luo Ziling, looking baffled, shook his head: “I don’t know, a few hundred?”

“Then bring me a hundred of them,” Yang Qingyin extended her hand to Luo Ziling: “I’ll take as many as you have.”

With a smack, Luo Ziling slapped away Yang Qingyin’s outstretched hand: “Where would I get that many? It’s hard to come by jade of this color.”

“You know it’s hard to come by, yet you say it’s only worth a few hundred?” Yang Qingyin grabbed his hand, speaking passionately: “This piece of jade could buy you a house in Yanjing.”

“No way?” Luo Ziling gasped in shock, “It’s that valuable?”

“Yes,” Yang Qingyin nodded, “To that few hundred you mentioned, you need to add a ‘ten thousand’ after it.”

“I don’t believe that!” Luo Ziling thought Yang Qingyin was fooling him.

“It’s true,” Yang Qingyin asserted seriously: “Why would I lie to you? It’s really valuable. If you can’t bear to part with it, you can take it back?”

Seeing Yang Qingyin getting ready to take off the Jade Pendant, Luo Ziling quickly grabbed her hand: “How could I?”

Before Yang Qingyin could respond, Luo Ziling continued: “It’s not like I bought it. I came across that piece of jade by chance, and just thought it looked pretty. Such a beautiful jade suits you well.”

“Then I’ll keep wearing it, and you’re not allowed to renege and ask for it back, okay?” Yang Qingyin stuffed the Jade Pendant back inside her clothes, slightly triumphant, then looked at Luo Ziling with a smile: “Where do you want to go this afternoon?”

“You decide. I’m happy to go wherever you want to take me.” Luo Ziling no longer cared where they played, just as long as he was with Yang Qingyin.

“It’s too late to climb the Great Wall, so let’s just stroll around the nearby Summer Palace or Summer Palace; it’s just that there are so many people there.” Yang Qingyin suggested, “Or, shall we just wander around anywhere?”

After thinking for a bit, Luo Ziling made his choice: “Then let’s go to the Summer Palace. It should be a bit quieter there, at least quieter than The Summer Palace.”

“All right, then let’s go now,” said Yang Qingyin as she picked up her hat from the side and put it on, then took out the glasses as well.

Luo Ziling always carried large-framed glasses to disguise himself; he put on his too, and after looking at each other, they couldn’t help but laugh. “We really do look like underground operatives,” Luo Ziling joked, “A secret code is a must.”

“Old Wolf,” laughed Yang Qingyin as she called out, “From now on, I’ll call you that, how about it? Feels intimate, doesn’t it?”

“Isn’t that a little harsh?” Luo Ziling said with an embarrassed face.

“I think it sounds quite nice. I’m calling you that from now on.” Yang Qingyin, looking excited, pulled Luo Ziling out of the car. “Old Wolf, time to get out.”

“Fine, if you like calling it that, then feel free,” said Luo Ziling, pointing to the laptop left behind, “is it okay to leave it in the car?”

“It’s fine, it can’t be seen from outside,” Yang Qingyin, taking the initiative, pulled Luo Ziling’s hand and headed forward.

As he was being led by Yang Qingyin, Luo Ziling smiled and asked, “Then what should I call you? Tibbie? Little Lamb?”

“Why add ‘little’? ‘Lamb’ is nice enough. Many people call me Xiaoli!” Yang Qingyin turned around with a bright smile.

“Well then, I’ll just call you Little Lamb. How does that song go? ‘The wolf falls in love with the lamb’… I must learn that song.”

“Hmph, then you better memorize that song well!”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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