The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 112: Sitri; Unhinged.

At the same time that Sitri summoned her army, Sol extended his arm to the side and summoned Han, who spared no time at all as he emerged with a roar, unlike before he had no life-threatening wounds or serious injuries.

"Han, it's time." Sol gestured to the demon-god, and Han looked up at her and sneered, here lies the woman who made him cocky enough to try and steal Ikaris, the being who led the start of his doom, in his broken and twisted mind he justified her his greatest enemy, so without any incentive Han leapt up toward her summoning his katana.

[Sword dance thirteenth form-]

Han vanished in a flash of lightning, clashing blades with the demon-god who didn't even budge at his attack and just stared passively pass him at Sol whom she perceived her greatest and only threat present.

"Go play with my minions." Sitri curved her arm and sent Han flying over her head toward the portal behind her. "I have bigger problems to worry about than you, sword hero."

[-Cosmic Thunder]

Han completed his technique while upside-down before crashing into the face of the first demonkin with his heels sending a large formless multicoloured bolt of lightning at Sitri's back.

"I said don't bother me right now!" Sitri snapped wildly, spinning in a fraction of a second and ripping the bolt in two with her sword-hand and bare hand.

This was a mistake, this was exactly what the others had been waiting for, before her momentum could slow down she saw the look on Han's face and then Sol's foot in her peripheral.

Sol was in no position to use over-the-top techniques or exert any great amount of strength, and he knew that Sitri was the same, though he also knew that divine demon mana was more potent than even divine mana so he had to conserve even more than she did, which was why he asked the others to help him take her down.

Still, she managed to catch his foot and swing him, intent on tearing him in two but another mana spear from Dina dug out her knee before several mana bolts from Arla collided in the back of her head and Ikaris's feet crashed against her back causing her to release Sol as she was sent flying from the three-way assault.

[Infernal magic: Holocaust]

"Go on, I will remain here with Han and keep these ones off your backs!

Arla erected a flat barrier in the face of the portal and started blasting crimson hellfire into it killing most of the creatures while the stronger ones made it through, but there they were intercepted by Han who had gone to work on them.

"Ikaris!" Sol jumped horizontally, and without missing a beat or even hearing anything Ikaris turned the side of her sword and swung against his feet sending him tearing through the sky at Sitri like a bullet while her and Dina rushed in behind him.

"Fuck!" Sitri finally came to a halt after crashing several hundred metres away from her portal and raised her head.

"This is annoying-" she dodged Sol's strike and attempted to skewer him, but he spun after missing his mark and blocked her attack with expert efficiency, rapidly spinning a second time and delivering three fast kicks to her head while he spun before landing on his arms and pushing himself up with another double-heeled kick to her stomach, immobilizing her for a fraction of a second where he was able to drive his sword through her side before she held on to the blade and crudely leapt and punched him back into the ground.

Before she could strike again, she had to evade to the side when two diagonal arcs of sharp rapid moving mana zipped at her leaving deep trenches in the ground after she dodged them.

There on the ground Sitri had to make unnatural turns and arcs when several mana spears fell out of the sky courtesy of Dina.

"You don't make it out of this alive!" Sol dropped his hand sideways and aimed his palm at Sitri.

[Infernal magic: Explosion]

The surface around her started melting as the air superheated, and she was too distracted dodging Dina's continuous onslaught of mana spears to do anything about it, by the time she was on her knees she was beset by an explosion that tore through her good arm and sent her crashing to the side again.

Landing on her feet Sitri held her stub of a hand forward and morphed it into a smaller blade than the other hand, too low on mana for complete regeneration while she was fighting the three of them at once.

"Had I known this would be the case, I would have killed you earlier instead of playing around..." She shifted her jaw painfully and spat, ejecting two of her wisdom teeth with a pained expression.

"It's a theory, but there's a chance that killing her gets rid of all the demonic mana across arkadia as well as the demonkin themselves, I don't know if it's true since all the demonkin I fought died before the demon-god but... I guess we'll get there when we get there." Sol took a deep breath and summoned his sword after she had ejected it from her side and burned the wound closed.

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"Ugh..." Usami sat up with a groan, finding nothing happening and nobody but Bruce, Sara and Eris and then Idria a bit further with her hands folded against her chest and a bed of flowers beneath her." She nudged Eris and Bruce, but sighed, holding her head and standing when neither of them woke up.

"What happened to everyone else, where did-" She stopped when a sudden flash of lightning ascended in the distance.

"Han?" The spear hero cradled her head again and then started walking after seeing another ascending bolt of yellow lightning followed by several flashes of crimson from a distance that made them sound like fireworks.

"Should I be helping though?" She questioned herself but her legs kept guiding her to the direction of the conflict.

"Don't think like that, if the demon-god dies then I can go back to Uriyu, that's my drive, I have to fight for his sake." Usami gave herself one last boost of confidence before taking off in a sprint at full speed and then using [dash] to double down as she turned almost parallel to the ground, zooming through debris and rubble.

"As long as I can kill a significant amount and raise my levels, then in theory I can fight indefinitely, at least until my mind is exhausted!" Arla waved her hands casting explosion after explosion inside of the mouth of the portal bombarding everything that emerged through it.

"What happened to your staff?" Han asked taking a breath and landing next to her while she stopped firing when a massive dragon head emerged from the portal roaring.

"It was lost in the chaos earlier!" Arla began weaving her hands through the air and manipulating the mana around her like a martial artist.

"It's an eldritch dragon, Dina's power would come in handy right now... but-"

"They are taking on the demon-god, we have no choice but to handle this, if Sitri gets even a slight edge over Sol and the others then all will have been for nothing." Arla intercepted his complaint. "Aren't you at least four times stronger than you were back then, is it too much to take down?" She added and he scoffed.

"The problem is not taking it down, the eldritelch dragons are high levels with high defence physically and magically, but you barely get anything from killing them, killing this thing will be a waste of mana but we don't have a choice..." He paused.

"Do you hear something?" Han turned just in time to see a spear as large as the portal fall from the side, decapitating the dragon in one strike before Usami landed next to them, heaving and huffing.

"Are we keeping them from coming through?" She asked, ignoring their shocked faces and staring at the portal as more creatures started crawling from around the neck and through the purple blood.

"Yes, Sol, Dina and Ikaris are currently locked in battle with the demon-god we have to prevent these creatures from helping her gain an advantage."

"Got it."

On that topic, Dina was bombing the living hell out of everything with a mass airdrop of [origin explosions] while Ikaris used her divine mana to heal Sol after he had nearly been sliced in half, he stared intently, ready to spring into action at any moment while growling at the fact that Sitri was in fact a better fighter than he was, he had to keep improvising, but she was relentless every time she attacked, she was a force of nature.

"All done." Ikaris released Sol's arm from her hug and he stood again, refreshed and back to his 300k mana cap after sharing mana with her.

"Thanks-" Sol summoned a shield and pulled her behind himself just as Sitri emerged from the explosions with a kick, using his defence as a spring to launch herself at Dina who had been a pain after going airborne to avoid getting caught.

"No you don't!" Sol discarded the shield in an instant and summoned a whip with sharp razor-like teeth across the body, catching her by her leg and tearing through her skin as he dragged her back to the ground, losing the whip when she further wrapped her leg with it and dragged it from his grasp.

"Enough..." Sitri's wings healed over and opened up, swatting the new wave of [origin explosions] away and then ripping off her hands with her teeth. "I have had enough of this, I am a god, I am THE god of this domain, I will not be bested by imposters and worthless heroes!" Her arms grew out and all her injuries healed over as she extended her hands outwards.

The skies exploded in a chorus and Sitri's mana started bubbling beneath her skin.

"She's lost it!" Sol snapped.

"I am the demon-god, Sitri, a royal goddess, a pure bred demon of the highest nobility, I will not be felled by this filth...

NO, I WOULD RATHER DESTROY EVERYTHING AND ERASE ALL LIFE ON THIS MISERABLE BALL OF ROCK!!" She roared, expending the remaining three percent of her mana in one large explosion that forced Sol and the others to retreat as it continued rapidly expanding until it destroyed even the dimension gate she had created earlier.

"I will earse ...everything!"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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