The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 109: Darkness and Insanity.

"Your quarrel is with me!" Sol sneered before taking off toward them.

"If this is what it will take to get you to put me first then by all means-" Sitri's blade pressed against Ikaris's bare abdomen and pierced her body, but in that same moment the world froze, not an isolated space, everything stopped moving.

[Casting: Clockwork]







[Clockwork: Dominion is being cast, time has stopped]

[Clockwork: Dominion]

Sol was overcome with rage unlike anything he had ever experienced before, Sitri was unable to adjust fast enough to his [Dominion] and before her or anyone else was the wiser Sol was gone, Ikaris was left standing and Sitri had disappeared with him.

[Stop, reconsider]

"How dare you!!" Sol had Sitri by her face dragging her across the surface of D'ol, roaring and smashing her repeatedly into the recently reinforced moon completely decimating everything the gods had rebuilt. How dare you lay your hands on them!?" Sol screeched and wailed as blood dripped from his eyes and nose. "I warned you!"

"Save your bre- gaah!" Sitri folded around his hand in shock and pain when he suddenly stopped moving, causing her body to ragdoll vertically before he spun and drove his arm straight through her stomach breaking to the other side and then tearing through her ribcage and freeing himself for a follow-up kick that broke her neck and sent her straight back to Arkadia, leaving more than half of the moon tearing off into space from just the shock of his kick.

Arkadia was large, that much was evident from the fact that one of its moons was the size of earth while not even being large enough to cover a continent if it was spread across the surface by comparison, but when the demon-god crashed through the skies a large portion of that massive atmosphere caught ignited and exploded into fire and ice covering a majority of one of the continents in destruction that started tectonic shifts across the entire globe.

In Argom, the Queen stood on her balcony staring off into the distance as she saw lights and shadows dancing across the cosmos and aurora beams racing across the skies above while waves of Arkadian ground started rising and falling.

"This, is the end." Misty Vermon stated, placing her hands to her chest as a multitude of stars began descending toward land covered by the constant rain of moon fragments.

"I am the only true god of this domain!!" Sitri arose from the gigantic crater her body had made taking flight toward Sol and morphing her arm into a blade-like appendage.

"No power you hold will ever contest me!" She roared, furiously cutting through his feathered wing, spinning around his wild swing and then tearing the other wing right out ot his back causing an eruption of blood as he roared and spun again losing an arm and catching the blade with his teeth which mostly broke or cracked.

"Gnnnnn!!" Sol's eyes glazed over with crimson again and he stepped in her side tearing her arm clean off her shoulders and spitting it out before grabbing her by her neck and slamming his forehead into hers sending her skyward a second time. "I am no god, I am he who slays gods, I will be your destruction, I will be your HELL!"

[The gods have taken to controlling damage]

"What the hell is happening?" Dina stared as the side of D'ol facing Arkadia distorted and tore apart from the rest of it. "Is that the demon-god transformation?" She asked, but nobody could reply, they were all too shocked to speak, Ikaris in particular was so stupified that she just stood there staring at her blood coating her hand with horror on her face.

"Ikaris?" Dina called to her from the other side of the crater. "Let's go back to Argom!" She called but Ikaris was unresponsive, she only reacted when a crimson flame appeared at her side and a massive being the size of a statue knelt next to her and rested its hand on her shoulder.


"What?" She asked still in a daze, slowly looking up until she was face to face with Dr'ul.

[I fear this might become ragnarok for the gods as well as Arkadia, I seek your help in calming him.] Dr'ul's form dimmed until she was visible beyond just a mass of light, and Ikaris blinked and stared in reaction to her request.

"I do not have the power to calm master anymore, he has lost his sense of reason." Ikaris gave the goddess of war a dead-eyed stare as tears floated from her eyes, removing her hand from her abdomen and revealing where she had been stabbed.

Outside of their shock at seeing another god descend and address Ikaris with such respect everyone present stared in horror, Ikaris's womb had been pierced, Sitri had done the unthinkable, and Sol as he had said many times before had gone off the rails because of it.

[We have to do something] Dr'ul seemed to panic upon seeing the wound and cast her hand over Ikaris's abdomen, trying and failing to heal the damage.

"The damage has already been dealt, there is no more life inside of me to save." Ikaris stared up at Dr'ul, too traumatized to move, to grief-stricken to react any other way.

"No..." Dina held her hands over her mouth, and similarly Arla had her hands covering her head, that image she saw before, the image of Sol and Ikaris when she first found out how powerful they were, their roles had been reversed, it was Ikaris who was being cradled by Sol now, she was not weaker, but she was still being protected, and the monster inside of him had been awakened from his traumas being reignited.

"Is there no way at all to stop him before he destroys our homes?" Dr'ul shrunk until she was a head taller than Ikaris and took her hand, ignoring everyone else who stared at her hair burning like flames.

"I do not know."

The tremors continued even as the gods exerted themselves to keep Arkadia from shattering as Sol and Sitri fought with their all, cataclysm after cataclysm, the elf continent was nothing but a massive hole being filled by the western ocean, and in the midst of that fiery hole Sitri had Sol pinned to the walls with her legs locked onto his side's, her fangs sunked into his shoulder and her thumbs gouging his eyes while he had his left hand through her chest and his right hand tearing her jaw open.

Her intention was to crack his head open and tear him apart, but out of the blue a rush of mana erupted from his throat and blasted her clear to the other side of the crater while he leaned forward and dropped his head crying blood as his eyes rapidly healed and his body rejected the venom she was trying to force into him.

"What will it take to kill you, what will it take to make you disappear forever!?" Sol raised his head leaning forward, but immediately a spear was lodged through his forehead, spilling blood as he snapped back with his mouth open and spasmed before falling still and going limp trapped against the wall of the hole that was being filled up.

"A Primordial Chaos Demon God transformation, how did he manage to access such power so instantly?" Sitri huffed and lowered his hand as she approached Sol, wiping her blood from her mouth and summoning a second spear of serrated edges and reverse spikes and burying it into his chest.

"I am intrigued beyond my own beliefs, you unbelievable little abomination." She summoned a third spear and aimed it for his abdomen. "You are too wild to control though, so I will go ahead with my original plans to enslave the gods and return with them-"

"IKARIS..." Sol gargled on his blood.

"Even with your brain chopped up!?" Sitri's eyes widened as she felt fear for the first time in her life staring at him as she aimed and rammed the spear through his stomach and tore it back out in a series of brutal repeated stabs. "Just die-"

"You can't have her!" Sol grabbed the spear in his head and the one she was stabbing him with, bracing his legs and other arm on the wall.

"You can't, you won't, I won't allow it!!" His voice doubled over on itself, cracked and broke into another distorted undertone scream as he tore himself free of the serrated spears and grabbed Sitri who had panicked in the face of his self-slaughteting act by her face and spun, pinning her to the wall and going limp before his eyes focused again.

"Sitri..." Sol's lips curled into a sickly grin of purple blood as the holes in his body closed up.

Upon his mention of her name, Sitri snapped to her senses and raised her legs to kick him away, but his grip on her head tightened so painfully that her legs fell limply as she grabbed on to his arm and began panicking again.

"Wait...!" Her tail flailed and slapped against his chest weakly as realisation had come to the demon-god at the same time it had struck Ikaris who turned from her consultation with Dr'ul and stared off into the distance.

Sol never lost his mind, her getting impaled and losing his child was a trigger that flipped the switch she had sensed inside of him since the first day of her freedom, releasing a darkness that was being held at bay by his kindness and his good nature.

He lied about the demon-god transformation making him feel like a different person, all it did was bring forth the darkness that already existed within him, what he feared was himself.

"Something born of Atla."

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