The World Is Mine For The Taking

Chapter 161 - 25 - King’s Game, Part 1 (6)

Leon's POV

I kept my focus on the woman even as I sensed eyes on me. I continued to defend against her attacks, parrying when possible. It became evident that she possessed exceptional skill, making it increasingly challenging for me to defend myself. Despite this, she showed no signs of relenting; if anything, her speed seemed to intensify.

I marveled at the velocity of her sword. It surpassed even that of individuals renowned for their swiftness, reaching a level where the blade's tip was barely discernible until the last moment, demanding complete concentration—truly overwhelming speed. Yet, amidst the intensity, I couldn't help but feel exhilarated.

It was a rare encounter with such masterful swordsmanship, a display of fluidity and precision unlike any I had witnessed before.

After a prolonged exchange, the woman ceased her assault. She assessed me with a cold gaze, her scrutiny palpable.

"You... You're not taking this seriously, are you?" she inquired.

"What do you mean?"

"You're belittling me."

"Is that your interpretation? I assure you, I'm exerting every effort to defend myself against you," I countered.

"You deceive." Her accusation sent a shiver down my spine. The way she uttered "liar"... it was oddly enticing. "You're not wielding a sword; you're solely relying on your mana to deflect my attacks. Furthermore, you're not employing your full strength to block them. You're exerting only the necessary force.

If you're not underestimating me, then what is it?"

I wasn't exactly undermining her, but it appeared she perceived it that way.

"Who are you?" she inquired.

"I don't believe it's my place to divulge that information, especially considering I previously posed the same question to you without receiving an answer," I retorted.

"Very well, then. I am Veronica. Veronica Eclair. My full name is Veronica Eclair Silverblade. I hail from the Silverblade lineage. I hold the position of Vice Commander within the Magic Knights.

I am 18 years of age. What more do you wish to learn about me? Perhaps my body measurements as well?"

"I suppose that will do," I replied. Given that I could already discern her body measurements, there seemed little point in pursuing that line of questioning further. "But it doesn't quite sit right with me to divulge my name to someone who just attacked me out of the blue."

"Tch," she clicked her tongue. "Then I shall extract it from you by force." With determination in her eyes, she lunged toward me. The intensity of her killing intent now surpassed anything she had displayed earlier. It felt peculiar, witnessing such a cold, emotionless woman now filled with such hostility. Nonetheless, I did my utmost to evade her relentless assault.

"Cease." The command came from above, spoken by a woman with an angelic yet subtly demonic voice. I glanced upward to see two women descending. The one who appeared to be flying was a stunning dark-skinned beauty with light pinkish hair and eyes. The other, with black hair and purplish eyes, emanated a hint of sadism.

She regarded me from above, her grin betraying a sense of sadistic amusement. It was a familiar expression, one I often wore myself.

"You may cease your actions now, dear sister," she addressed Veronica, who, though still visibly dissatisfied, sheathed her blade.

"Lower me, Laurel," she commanded the woman carrying her through the air. With a nod, the flying woman descended, gently placing her on the ground.

"And who might you be?" I inquired.

"My apologies for the oversight. That was rather impolite of me," she replied, maintaining her smile. "I am Lilia Silverblade, Commander of the Magic Knights. The one and only," she declared.

One and only...

"It's a bit unexpected to have the Commander of the Magic Knights in my presence," I remarked. "What brings someone of your stature to someone like me?"

"Well, you've piqued my interest. You're the first person to meet my gaze so directly," she said, though I sensed there was more to her curiosity.

"Why then did you attack me?" I questioned.

"I simply wanted to verify the accuracy of the information you provided when applying to the academy. You claimed to have no skill, correct?" She then turned to Veronica. "Is that accurate? Does he truly possess no skill?"

What was this? Another attempt at blackmail? It certainly seemed plausible. But even if they did try to coerce me, I wouldn't succumb to their demands. I'd sooner eliminate them all if it came to that. However, I did have a desire to spare Veronica.

If I wasn't mistaken, she was what Elise's "Third" required me to find.

It was conceivable that she was my sister in this world. Given our striking similarity in appearance, features, and age, we might even be twins. Perhaps the Commander's parents had adopted her.

I couldn't help but ponder why my family members were scattered across the world. Who were our parents, even? Well, dwelling on that matter seemed futile for the time being. ???&?ЕМ+?¥?$

Veronica scrutinized me from head to toe, her expression seemingly curious. Though her countenance resembled that of a doll, devoid of emotion, I couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue in her gaze.

After a moment, she shook her head. "He lacks any skill," she declared.

"Oh? Is that the case?"

"Yes," she affirmed.

Veronica appeared to be covering for me.

"What? So this young man is simply dull? What a waste of time," the commander remarked, her smile still intact. "And here I thought he would make a suitable pet. I long for a splendid dog like you, but I have no use for one that is ineffectual. Return to my side now, my dear sister."

Veronica complied, joining Lilia. As she passed by me, she cast a subtle glance in my direction, one that only I seemed to catch.

"Carry me back to our post, Laurel," the commander instructed. The woman, named Laurel, possessed dark skin and an imposing stature, even taller than mine, easily lifted the commander once more, preparing to depart. But before they took flight, the commander fixed her gaze upon me.

"I command you to forget anything that transpired in here, including the altercation between you and Veronica, and my presence," she declared. "Furthermore, you shall revere the name of Lilia Silverblade every day and prostrate yourself before her whenever you are in her presence. Essentially, you will regard her as your goddess."

I sensed her exerting her influence over me, likely utilizing her formidable skill. Gabrielle had mentioned that the commander of the magic knights possessed a potent ability known as Absolute Command. This skill could effectively compel obedience, functioning akin to mind control. Any directive she issued would be followed without question, even to the extent of self-harm if commanded.

However, there were skills capable of countering hers, such as Gabrielle's Guardian and the Queen's Effect Negation. Veronica likely possessed a skill capable of nullifying the Absolute Command, though I couldn't be certain.

My Guardian surpassed Gabrielle's, and even so, I harbored doubts regarding the potency of such a skill over my mind. This enabled me to resist its effects. Nonetheless, complying with her directive seemed prudent for the moment, prompting me to nod in acknowledgment.

"As you have commanded," I affirmed.

The commander's expression resembled that of someone who had just been presented with a wagging puppy, her happiness evident. With that, Laurel soared into the air, disappearing from view. Veronica lingered for a moment, casting a glance over her shoulder, before swiftly departing.

And then, out of the blue, I heard this metallic chime, a sound I was getting used to, echoing in my head.

I figured I'd give her domination requirement list a pass for now and headed back to base.

And that wrapped up that strange encounter.


I returned to the base to find the team already awake.

"Where have you been?" Johanne inquired.

"I took a leak," I replied.

"Uh, alright. But Leon, refrain from using such crude language in front of the Princess," he admonished me.

Princess Myrcella chuckled, "You needn't worry about me. I don't mind. In fact, I find a bit of earthy conversation rather refreshing. It's a rarity in the castle, after all."

During our conversation, I noticed Shredica eyeing me suspiciously. It seemed she harbored doubts about my claim of simply taking a leak outside. I chose to ignore her for the time being.

"Now that everyone is present and awake, I propose we hold a strategy meeting today. Are you all in agreement?" Princess Myrcella inquired.

We all nodded in affirmation, including Harold and Hertrude. With that, the Princess proceeded to outline our plans for the day, emphasizing the importance of avoiding unnecessary confrontations. As she spoke, Shredica's gaze remained fixed on me.


I wonder what she wants from me?


Shredica and I got paired up to scout the area and keep an eye out for any potential threats, all part of Princess's grand strategy to get the lay of the land. Meanwhile, Hertrude and Harold were back at the cave, Princess finally deciding they were more of a liability than an asset. She told them to bunker down and defend the cave if things got hairy.

As we were strolling along, Shredica suddenly halted, shooting me this intense look that sent shivers down my spine.

Then, out of the blue, her cheeks flushed crimson, and she leaned in, puckering her lips.

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