The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

8 8. Halt Knights Anxiety And Growth

Slowly walking down the lavishly decorated hallway, Haltnights reached the front of the guest room.

This is where guests are welcomed in the castle, but now Akali, the heroine, is under house arrest. At the entrance stands one knight, including the implications of watching.

"... open it"

"Your Majesty told me not to let you through."

Haltnights commands the knight, but it was already after he was given a stricter circular than the king. Serious knights don't even snort at the words of Haltnites, the prince.

But I really wanted to talk to Akali. Halt Knights hasn't had a conversation with Akali since the graduation party.

In addition, in this state of house arrest...... I was also worried about the mental state of the acari.

"I won't stay long. We just need to see how it goes."


Speaking of which it is the king's order, if it is the usual Haltonites, I will obey it. At present, it is Alexander, the King, who leads the Knights, not Halt Knights.

I understand that well, and I don't mean to bend the orders of the Knights.

But I couldn't even give it up to Halt Knights this time.

"Please. I think maybe..."

"Your Highness?"

"... no. I may have made a mistake. I think we need to have a conversation with Akali to confirm that."

The knight opens his eyes to surprise when he hears the serious words of Halt Knights.

I was putting it in a woman named Acari, and I became an irresistible fool. And because I was hearing rumors like that. The knight, too, at first thought it was such an idiot, a lie.

But Philine, the maid of the Duke of Clamenteal, who came to the castle at his mercy, said, "My Lady Tiara Rose was very hurt by His Highness the Haltnights". Yes, I cried sadly.

The knights stand at the gates of the castle in turn, so they are familiar with Philinee, who comes to the castle for his managerial duties. Valued her husband, the bright and adorable Filine was popular with knights.

"I am very glad that His Highness will think so."

"Really, I just need a little bit"

Again, Halt Knights asking for a little.

It is not the first thing he asks of a knight who is royal. Can I really let Akali see him, who hurt Tiara Rose, who is also popular with the people?

" for 10 minutes. That's all I close my eyes to."


Hurting a woman is against chivalry. But even if Halt Knights is the prince of this country. From now on, it is possible to become the Lord of the Knights.

- Your Highness may be about to grow.

Then, as an adult, you may also need to push your back. The more painfully I know how Filine feels, the more a knight thinks people fail and grow.

But of course, I won't forget to leave the door slightly open to see what's going on inside.

Because it's not good for a man or woman before marriage to be alone in public, and if anything happens, it's the responsibility of the knight who was guarding the door.

But soon - I regretted letting him in the room.

"Dear Halt Knights!!"


Halt Knights hurries into the guest room to effectively use the allowable time of only 10 minutes.

There was only one acari there, sitting in a chair and relaxing reading a book.

"I missed you, Master Haltnights! I thought they wouldn't let me out of the room and I'd die in my spare time with nothing to do!!"

Acari, who welcomed Haltnights with a smile, throws the book out and rushes over.

Akali, who said he was bored, didn't do anything to think about what happened at the graduation party.

Halt Knights said he couldn't even sleep at night after the graduation party thinking about all sorts of things......

"But I didn't think Master Aquasteed would say that to Master Tiara. Dear Aquasteed, I hope Tiara doesn't fool you...... What happened to you?

"... my father told me that my engagement with Tiara had been dissolved. I haven't heard anything about Prince Aquasteed, so I don't think he's engaged."


Acari with an obviously relieved face.

Is the relief due to the fact that Tiara Rose's engagement with Halt Knights was successfully broken, or - is it due to the fact that Aquasteed and Tiara Rose's engagement is not?

To Halt Knights, I didn't know.

Until now, Akali admired herself as "Master Halt Knights". The guys around me, Akali's brother-in-law and school healer, and the Knights platoon leader... I was close to various people, but didn't care that far.

Of course, that's because he was the target of the attack, but Halt Knights doesn't know that fact.

"That development surprised me just because how much Master Haltnights broke off his engagement. I'm sure we've been intimate for a long time!

I tried to watch out for the outrageous acari, but Haltnights decided that time was limited.

Confirm what you need first now.

"... Acari. Is everything Tiara said then true?

"What -? What you were saying, is that it?

Acari tilts his neck and says, "I remember being told tough and it was hard..."

That doesn't mean I didn't like what Tiara Rose said, I didn't like what she said or what she was cautioned about.


"But I had Halt Knights... It was very, very comforting."

Acari, laughing like lights, hugged Haltnights all the time. But Haltnights let the acari go to pay for it by hand.

"Dear Halt Knights...?

If always, Hartnights is adorable with a hug of clams and a stroke on his head from himself. But I can't even afford that right now.

Halt Knights did his best to think about himself.

"Something troubling you? If it's okay with me, I'll talk to you."


"That's right. Could it be that Master Tiara told you something? - I can't believe Miss Villain Warrant is still involved after this edition."

Halt Knights laughs bitterly at the clams it takes to decide that Tiara Rose is absolutely bad. The last word was too small to reach Haltnites' ears, but I'm convinced it would be one that worries me.

- Did Akali say something terrible to Tiara Rose? Or is it a rebellion to not fit your personality when you get here? I've heard that once a woman gets screwed, it's a hassle.

"Since then, I haven't seen Tiara. I've been thinking about the graduation party all by myself."

"About the graduation party? Sure, I don't like being stuck here like this either. I want to go to Master Halt Knights! When can I go to Master Halt Knights?

"... for a while yet, it will be tough. Makes the acari feel hard too, but wait a little longer."

"Really...... But hurry up, will you?

Akali complains to Halt Knights that she doesn't like being alone in this room anymore.

I'm wondering, Halt Knights, but I've always taken care of the acari. Of course I want to let you out.

But it's not something that can be done at Halt Knights' discretion. You have to talk to the king and decide what's coming or you can't move.

"Tonight - I'll talk to your father. Also, I'll tell you the results, so just be a little more patient."

"... ok. I'm expecting you, Master Haltnights. And don't tell me about Master Aquasteed either! I want to help Tiara before she gets hurt like I did."


There is no way that Aquasteed, the king and prince of the great kingdom, can be hurt by one woman. I think so, Halt Knights, but I tell myself that Akali is purely worried.

I didn't really like being given the names of other men in front of me, but I don't even get up to Halt Nights to pay attention to that.

- Am I tired?

Next to Sighing Halt Knights, he talks about how Akali is worried about Aquasteed.

More than that, I wanted you to think hard about this one. More, thinking about ourselves, Haltnights makes me want to scream.

No more talking... maybe not mentally good right now. I think so, but Haltnights can't let go of the clams he talks to in loneliness.

What can I do? Yes, the voice of salvation appeared when I bit my lips off.

"Your Highness, Haltnights, it's 10 minutes."


"Ah, ah. I'm sorry I said I couldn't. Akali, it's time for me to go. I'll inconvenience you, but I need you to stay in this room a little longer. Tell the samurai if you need anything."

To the voice of the knight, the acari leaks dissatisfaction. I swell my cheeks and say, "Don't go home yet".

Unlike Halt Knights, which only laughs bitterly, the knight pulls the acari off Halt Knights "because it is an order". You were just surprised, Akali inadvertently lagged behind.

"His Royal Highness Haltnights"

"I know.... I'll be back."

"Huh...? Wait, Master Halt Knights!!"

Hartnights, nodding at the knight's words, leaves the room immediately.

The knight controls the acari that tried to stop it and refuses to leave the room. I didn't know she was such a woman, and the knight watched Halt Knights walk away with slack.

The brightly colored carpet adds majesty to having a husband. In the glass placed on the desk, a domestic alcoholic beverage made luxuriously from fruit juice.

And sitting in a chair are Alexander, the king of this country, and his son, the Prince Haltnights.

There was a heavy silence between them when they said they were parents and children.

Now it's the night after the graduation party, and Alexander and Aquasteed's talks should already be over during the day.

That's why Haltnights is more nervous than usual. What the hell can I tell you from my own father - .

"Halt Knights. I heard you went to Miss Acari's today, right?

"... Huh! Yes, I apologize for my unsolicited behavior."

Serious knights kept a good report when they said they would close their eyes. If that's the case, Haltnights sighs that what he talks about is also missing.

Honestly apologize, but complain that it was necessary.

"So there's something warm to talk about and get something?

"I should have listened to Tiara more. Without listening to anything, I only swallowed the word of the acari"

Hold hands tight, Halt Knights face seems to distort painfully.

But which side should I lower and apologize for now? Before that, my father, the Marquis of Clementil, refused me, and I couldn't even see him.

"You and Miss Tiara Rose got engaged and tied up at an early age. But your actions were not good as royalty, as man."

"... Yes. Me, too, no - me, too, I thought. I met with Akali today and thought about the two of them a lot. Akali likes me, but Tiara Rose..."

Akali likes Halt Knights. This is a rare fact.

- So, what about Tiara Rose?

To calm his breathing, Haltnights takes a deep breath once.

And slowly, say what you felt for yourself.

"Tiara Rose looked to this country - the" Kingdom of Lapis Lazuli ". position as a nobleman or as a civilian. Be firm and proud. I think he understood the future well."

"... right. Miss Tiara Rose firmly understands that she is the Marquis of Lapis. So he also took a good look at Halt Knights. Didn't you?"

"No, you must...... I was so cherished by Tiara."

- Your Highness Haltnights, you must not run away and trouble teachers during study time!

- Everyone trembles at first.... Me too, I'm trembling. But we're two. We're not alone, so let's stick together, shall we?

- More breasts, please! You must be the King Prince of this country!!

- Please master at least three languages. Other than that, I will follow you, too.

- It is His Majesty's orders that the knight take precedence. Don't let His Highness twist that with his own personal greed!

What comes to mind are memories of my childhood.

Sure, Tiara Rose's tone was tight, but that was all a caveat because I was thinking of Halt Knights.

"Yet - I hurt Tiara without believing"

"If you found that out, it would mean you've grown up, too. But this time it's never too light."

"... Yes"

Halt Knights, nodding with serious eyes, was already ready to accept everything. And I had a great deal of anticipation of what would be imposed on me.

I'm glad my own son grew up here, but I was wondering why he didn't grow up before he broke his engagement with Tiara Rose... Alexander sighed in his heart.

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