The Villainess Is Being Doted on by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Country

3 3. Convicted Graduation Party: Part One

In front of the venue where the graduation party is held, Tiara Rose stands in a spirit of pride.

If you open this door, it's a guilty pleas event that starts. Halt Knights waits with Akali, and the other attackers are beside him to cover Halt Knights.

- When I get in front of you, your body shivers.

"Dear Tiara Rose..."

"I'm fine, Philine. Okay, I'll be there."

"... Yes. Welcome. I'll see you soon, too."

Filine, a samurai, enters the venue through another door, so that's all we can do together. Of course, we can rendezvous inside the venue, but the samurai are basically waiting between refrains.

Take a big, deep breath and calm your mind. Signalling the knight to open the door, Tiara Rose slowly and gracefully moved her legs.

The warrants and warrants that had already been in the venue opened her eyes to see Tiara Rose, who had entered alone, unlikely. And he made sure Haltnights was in the venue, and everyone on the spot took a breath.

The venue, seen through a wide open door, was already gorgeous. The many flowers used for luxury even seemed like a dream world. Arranged dishes and drinks can also be seen as top-notch at a glance.

...... but they soon disappear from Tiara Rose's sight.

- It starts, right?

In the center of the venue, Haltnites and Acari stand side by side.

Then the attackers of this game. It's a strange thing to be here, even though you have no contact with any of the attackers other than Halt Nights. Game correction, is that what it is?

If Tiara Rose thinks about that, Halt Knights' voice sounds to the venue.

"Tiara Rose, I'm here now to announce the break-up of your engagement."

As soon as possible. I get dizzy at a venue that was quiet.

Haltnights, the first prince of this country, slammed his engagement into the princess of the Marquis family with Lapis.

With a small voice, "Impossible" from all over the venue, "Who the hell is the woman beside His Highness?" "What do you mean?" "Why, Master Tiara Rose?" I hear voices.

But even if the king and prince of this country proclaimed it exalted. The gaze is directed toward Tiara Rose.

Tiara Rose stays on a slow stride, going all the way to the front of Halt Nights and gracefully giving a bowl of grace.

" may I ask why?

And slowly, ask Halt Knights why.

Tiara Rose didn't do anything extraordinarily bad. I also remembered the contents of the culpable event well, and the simulation was made during the night.

"Reason? Tiara Rose, why don't you ask your own chest. You're not saying you don't know, are you?

"I don't know."

"... Huh!

Raise your voice so that you immediately deny the words of Halt Knights. Tiara Rose looks forward with Rin's eyes, saying she has done nothing wrong.

But because I watched too closely - my father and His Majesty the King entered my sight. He seemed to have already been on the top seat at the party venue, watching Tiara Rose with a stunned (just) face.

In the game, he was in the venue but didn't intervene at all. For that reason, Tiara Rose hadn't really thought about it -... especially her father, the Marquis Clamentile, with a face that she couldn't say would not intrude.

Tiara Rose continues her words, as she decides not to have seen them.

"I have done nothing to be ashamed. But if Master Haltnights wants someone else, shouldn't we go through a solid process?

"It's disrespectful to answer the royalty, Tiara!

At the same time as Halt Knights' voice, which ruled firm Tiara Rose's claim disrespectful, his father takes one step forward.

- There was no Marquis Clamenteal intrusion event in the game!

Tiara Rose hurriedly turned her gaze to her father and shook her head. I was going to tell him that it was okay... but is it well communicated?

Has the feeling been conveyed, the father undoes the foot he steps out of. In the meantime, relieved that it was good, Halt Knights' voice immediately echoes to the venue.

"I hear you've said a lot about Miss Akali coming from the border land.... Akali, would you have been scared?

"... Yes. But Halt Knights was here, so it was okay."


Halt Knights to move on without giving any specific reasons. Acari, leaning gently against Haltnights, wept as she dyed her cheeks.

People who can't swallow the situation at all don't want to see this romantic sight with a pompous face.

In the first place, Tiara Rose has never justified herself on the grounds that it was a frontier land, even if she had ever praised her deeds. Also, basically other humans were present because there was no such thing as being two with Akali.

Tiara Rose gets anxious that she hasn't looked into it, even though she'll know as soon as she makes sure.

In the game, there was no such thing as submitting evidence, but will it continue to be treated like that even now that it is moving as a reality? That being the case, Halt Knights is going to be pretty stupid.

Tiara Rose sighs one thing and asks again.

"His Highness Halt Knights. So, I'm not sure."

"Say it yet. You said to Akari," Kneel down and don't dance with me... "

I finally got the specifics, but that was too naive.

"His Royal Highness Haltnights is revealed to be the King Prince, so it is only natural courtesy for us to kneel down and give thanks. I don't have a problem with these parties, but isn't it natural when I greet you for the first time..."

"I see. But isn't it too tyrannical to say don't dance? I'm dancing with other ladies, but why would I say that only to Akari?"

"That's because Akali was danced with Halt Knights more than twice. No way, His Royal Highness, Prince Wang... you don't know what that means, do you?

It is common sense that the first greeting to the royal family is always to kneel down and thank you the very best. Since then, there have been no problems with the courtesy of ladies at tea parties and night clubs.

Tiara Rose cautioned because Acari didn't do it. "We greet the royal family with the utmost gratitude," he said.

It also means that it is your fiance who dances with the same opposite sex more than twice. For the first time as a couple, you are allowed to dance more than three times.

In the nobility of this country, it is not good to know it. Yet Akali applied to Halt Nights for a dance and danced twice.

Don't you see how humiliating that was for Tiara Rose? Even though I say that I am more fond of acari than Tiara Rose, I am the one who showed attitude around me.

"Was there a problem somewhere?

"Yes, but...! Akali always said he was terrible. I guess I've always used cold words."

To the words of the rightful Tiara Rose, Haltnites nevertheless continues the words. Do you not realize that it is already becoming disjointed?

Tiara Rose, who is proud to be the daughter of the Marquis, never makes cheap remarks.

"Does His Highness Haltnites consider me such a man?

"Think or nothing, it will be now"

"... I have never met you two with Akali. There were always other courtiers with us...... Didn't you look into it?

- With this look, I guess I haven't looked into it.

I'll put up with wanting to sigh again a lot, and try to put my neck up like I'm in trouble.

Haltnites hastily told Acari, "Were there others?" Ask.

"Uh... Right, there was someone around Dear Tiara. I think it was Mr. Furluane and Mr. Marietta."

What Akali tells you is a young lady who is surrounding Tiara Rose (...).


Who would have uttered the word? From the shimmering venue, the lady's voice echoes.

The one who panicked about it was Halt Knights, who was next to Akali.

In this country, no, this game Lapis Lazuli's Ring has no expression of surroundings. Though the player used the phrase, surrounded by a villain warrant lady.

I mean, that's a very disrespectful word.

"Akari, what are you saying...... Huh! Tiara's, is that your friend?

"Huh? Yeah, right"

Acari, on the other hand, seemed to not know what he shouldn't have done, and he snapped his neck.

"Dear Acari, they are my dear friends. don't say that."

"Also, is that how you say it terribly to me? I, Master Tiara, didn't say anything about being disturbed!

"I can't believe it's awful..."

An acari who fails to understand what that means abhors his voice to Tiara Rose.

Tiara Rose cared about her friend and just paid attention to Akali. Other students and invitees at the party venue are familiar with that.

With the blurring, I was surprised by the clams and heard a whispering leak.

"His Highness Haltnights wants to break my engagement because I did terrible things to Lord Akali. And that's the thing, right?

"Ah, ah."

"I have done nothing particularly terrible. but the heart of His Highness Haltnights rests with Lord Akali"

Tiara Rose, smiling lonely, was a pathetic hartnights assumption from anyone's eyes and a pathetic young lady hurt by her love for Akali.

Whoever sees it, it's bad for the acari without common sense and the halt knights that have pelted the story. Maybe it'll be a different ending to the game, Tiara Rose thinks.

It's nice to be disengaged here, but there's no reason to deport Tiara Rose from the country.

- If you end up like this, it's probably the most peaceful route.

With that in mind, Tiara Rose is in a bit of a mood. I thought marrying a royal family was a burden, and less free time.

but although the best reason for the extreme is the desire not to marry Halt Knights.

"Yes, but... Huh! It will be true that the acari was hurt because Tiara Rose did not give much explanation. I'm breaking up my engagement to Tiara Rose and getting engaged to Akali. In other words, Acari will be the queen of the future."

"That attitude towards the future queen, it is not acceptable. Tiara Rose, therefore, I will deport you outside the country!!"

- What are you talking about, this prince? Are you stupid? You're stupid, aren't you?

Now it was time for an extra-large sigh, and a father trembling with an angry face in Tiara Rose's sight where he was going to do something.

No, your father will explode -... I try to raise my voice if I don't stop him, but the clear voice of a completely different man echoed the venue.

"That's it, Prince Haltnites. Isn't your language worse than Miss Tiara Rose's? - Hey, Miss Tiara Rose?

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