The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 164: 9) The alchemy contest.

Gu Changgee smirked while his hands began to glow with a red aura.

It was clear that he wished to brutally attack Wang and cause serious damage.

Not to mention he can actually suppress the luck, unlike Bai Lung.

And once he manages to shatter the Dao Heart of Wang, he can actually kill Bai Lung.

As for offending the Saint-Tier alchemist and others, it doesn't matter much.

Once he can absorb the strong origin of Bai Lung, it's all worth it.


Without any dialogue utterance, Gu Changgee straight up punched a hole in Wang's heart.

"pfft!" Wang who was weak hearted and not so into killing, was terrified.

He didn't wish to die... Not so soon, not so early.

"W-Why!? Why me?" His voice broke.

"I wonder why..." Gu Changgee smiled while he waited for the system's voice.


The world around Wang seemed to slow as Gu Changgee's fist moved like lightning, the shocking pain of the blow tearing through him.

[Ding! Your Dao Heart has been shattered...]

Wang's system prompted.


He gasped as his body faltered, feeling the warmth of life ebbing away as he stumbled backwards, shock and despair etched across his features.

The towering mountain range, once a backdrop of ambivalence, now loomed ominously over him, closing in like a predator circling its prey.

The feeling of being helplessness, the feeling of losing vitality and losing vision, it all haunted him.

Dhup! Dup!

Wang's heart raced... each beat a reminder of the fragility of his existence.

"Why me? Just why me!?" he almost whimpered, his voice breaking as he clutched his chest, the crimson stain marking the fabric of his attire a stark contrast against the cold stone beneath him.

He was about to cry... A pathetic act for someone who is the chosen son of heaven.

Gu Changgee's eyes gleamed with cold amusement, reveling in the chaos he had unleashed.

"You think you're special, don't you?..." he said, his voice dripping with condescension.

"The 'chosen one'. But in this world, that title means nothing if you lack strength," He leaned closer, his presence suffocating.

"You were never meant to survive this encounter, if it wasn't me... It would be someone else..."

Behind him, Bai Lung observed with detached interest, the corner of his mouth curving into a smirk at Wang's misery.

Everything was right under the control.

He had anticipated such a turn of events—Gu Changgee had always been reckless when it came to his ambitions.

Well, any villain who lacks patience would be.

Yet the older young master recognized the value in a calculated approach.

"While you've demonstrated impressive brutality, Gu Changgee," Bai Lung said coolly, "let's not forget the bigger picture. Slaughtering him outright may prove unwise... You are being watched by many people, they might not hear you but they indeed saw what happened,"

Bai Lung seemed wise but it was a means of provocation.

A narcissist always hates someone who speaks nothing but wisdom, one must learn when to be a narcissist and when to be a side character.

Wang, gasping for breath, lit up at the mention of 'light'.

His futile hope swelled momentarily at Bai Lung's words.

Maybe… maybe he could negotiate, convince them that they needed him alive to serve their designs.

"Y-You're right! I can help you! I'm the chosen one! You need someone like me!" His plea echoed in the abyss.

However, Bai Lung's eyes narrowed slightly, the humor fading from his expression.

"Help? You?" He chuckled softly, the sound chilling Wang to his bones.

"Understand this. The resonance of destiny isn't something that can be wielded by someone so weak. You are nothing but a stepping stone..." Saying that, he sipped his tea not caring about Gu Changgee's master plan.

However, Gu Changgee on the other hand didn't look any good.

[Ding! You have successfully shattered the Dao heart of the protagonist, crippling him ]

[Ding! A total of 19000 points have been generated...]

[Ding! You have received 9000 points ]

Gu Changgee's system prompted.


[Ding! You have successfully played behind the scene using Gu Changgee to kill the protagonist ]

[Ding you have obtained 10,000 points... 1,000 points extra for buffing Gu Changgee with that tea]

Bai Lung who heard this inside his mind closed his eyes and continued sipping his tea, enjoying the taste.

He had wasted 300 points for 3 cups but managed to get an additional 1000, making a profit of 700.

It was a good business, I guess.

Gu Changgee savored his moment of loss with a butter smile.

He looked flabbergasted... Totally confused.

What just happened? He just made a fool of himself, he is still 1000 points lacking from victory.

Now he can't earn points at all.

Well! Yes, he can earn some points if he can kill Wang but Bai Lung won't let him because Bai Lung's system has also already informed him about Gu Changgee's system and his plan,

Not just that, but Gu Changgee has also offended the Saint level alchemist and other grandmasters by not giving them any face and attacking another constant in their 'area'.

It was go big or go home and sadly, Gu Changgee have to return home.



As Gu Changgee's eyes widened in confusion, Bai Lung's smile grew, his eyes glinting with amusement.

He set his teacup down, his movements languid, and spoke in a tone that dripped with condescension.

"It seems Young Master Gu been outmaneuvered. Your haste and arrogance have led you down a path of no return... You've played into my hands, and now you're left with nothing but the bitter taste of defeat... Didn't you at least once think that there is nothing such as free 'Food'"

Gu Changgee's face twisted in anger, his red aura flaring wildly as he took a step forward, his fists clenched.

He was obviously angry yet he still knew he wasn't a match

" planned this all along, didn't you? You used me to get rid of Wang, but why? What's the point of this game? You can't kill me..."

Gu Changgee was correct because his system won't let him die.

Gu Changgee and Bai Lung have same level system they can't kill eachother, their system will help them survive all odds unless one system is higher level.

(Wang's system was suppressed so, Gu Changgee could launch an lethal attack at him, however, his system can't suppress Bai Lung's system )


Bai Lung chuckled, the sound low and menacing. "The point!? Quite a silly question Young Master Gu, you should know that in this world, only the strongest survive. And you, with your impulsive nature and lack of foresight, are nothing but a pawn to be used and discarded..."


As Bai Lung's words hung in the air, the atmosphere around them began to shift, the wind picking up and the clouds darkening.

Wang, still clutching his chest, looked up at Gu Changgee with a mixture of fear and desperation, his eyes pleading for mercy.

But Gu Changgee's gaze was fixed on Bai Lung, his anger and frustration simmering just below the surface.

He was called a "Dumb fuck" right at his face in most peaceful way.

"You may have won this round, Bai Lung," Gu Changgee spat, "but I'll not go down without a fight. I'll find a way to turn the tables, to take back what's mine..."

Bai Lung looked at Gu Changgee and smiled.

The Tea that Gu Changgee drank was bone strengthening, blood vessel enhancing which means it's like a permanent buff.

As such, Bai Lung is destined to get 30% to 60% of points Gu Changgee earns, unless he dies and even if Gu Changgee's system is upgraded, it can't be removed.

For the next 10 years, Gu Changgee will be a point-farmer.


Outside the mountains,

The Saint level alchemist had no mercy at Wang, he didn't even bother getting offended.

Indeed Wang had claimed the mountain and he was a talent but he was 3 minutes delayed compared to Bai Lung and Gu Changgee who claimed within seconds.

Hating Gu Changgee for Wang wasn't a good trade in the eyes of the Saint level alchemist.

It was something that Bai Lung had planned out.

He had believed the Saint would definitely hold Gu Changgee accountable but when his vision was so far ahead he forgot to see what was in front.

Wang's protagonist halo was suppressed by Gu Changgee's villain halo. At the moment Wang was like a normal person, a fucking ant.

And when ant dies no one cares.

Not just the Saint level alchemist but even people were in favor of Gu Changgee because they recall Wang blaming Bai Lung for old grandma.

He was like an attention seeker so him getting beaten was entertaining for people.

"That shit-head deserved that beating..."

"Young Master Gu must have done that because of the incident... Hmph! I didn't like that servant's face,"

Not just other people but even the people of the Zhao family were in favor of Gu Changgee.

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