The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 162: 7) The alchemy contest

Saintess gazed at Zhao Ling, seeing the determination burning in her eyes. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her friend.

"Alright, Zhao Ling," she said, her voice softening slightly.

"I'll see what I can do to help you gain Young Master Bai's attention," She added.

She placed a hand on Zhao Ling's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "But you must understand that it won't be easy. Bai Lung is a... complicated man. And he values loyalty and obedience above all else... Like absolute obedience,"

Saintess knew that Bai Lung was a complex man who demanded absolute devotion from those around him.

He had no tolerance for weakness or disobedience.

And she also knew that Zhao Ling, for all her good intentions, was still somewhat naive and idealistic.

Well which women isn't idealistic, all of them want 666.

( 6 figure salary, 6 inch dick, 6ft tall height )

"I can try to put in a good word for you, but the rest will be up to you," Saintess continued.

"You'll need to be willing to do whatever it takes to earn his favor. Can you handle that?"

Saintess watched as Zhao Ling's expression shifted, the determination in her eyes burning brighter.

She knew her friend was not one to back down easily.

"Yes, I'm ready," Zhao Ling said, her voice firm.

"I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself to Young Master Bai. Even if it means..." she paused, swallowing hard. "Even if it means putting my own needs aside."

Saintess nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Good. Then let's get started."

She leaned in closer, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "The first thing you need to do is observe him closely. Study his mannerisms, his preferences, the way he interacts with others. Learn what pleases him and what doesn't... He likes well mannered woman,"

Saintess glanced over at Bai Lung, who was still basking in the adulation of the crowd.

"He values competence and efficiency above all else. If you can anticipate his needs and fulfill them without being asked, he'll be impressed... Also, he isn't as good as you think he is,"

Zhao Ling felt a shiver run down her spine at Saintess's words, but she nodded resolutely. "I understand. I'll do whatever it takes..."

Saintess reached out and squeezed Zhao Ling's hand reassuringly. "Good,"


At the other cornor.

Lady Muna's words touched the hearts of many, but one observant woman among the crowd saw through the facade.

Qin Cheng, watched the scene unfold with a shrewd, analytical gaze.

'How curious... The young master's actions, though outwardly noble, ring false to my ears. That Revival Pill is a treasure beyond imagining, yet he wastes it so freely on this old woman's life? No, there must be something more at play here. His eyes betray a cunning intellect, a mind always two steps ahead of the crowd.

Not to mention, how can Young Master Bai even get such pills!? Don't tell me mother gave him.

This is no act of pure altruism, I suspect. Beneath that handsome facade lies a calculating schemer, one who plays the game of power with masterful skill.

He seeks to paint himself as a paragon of virtue, to win the adoration of the masses. But I see the truth - this is merely another move in his grand design, a calculated ploy to elevate his standing and influence.

Still, I must admire the elegance of his performance. The way he so effortlessly manipulates the emotions of those around him, tugging at their heartstrings with each well-placed word. He is a virtuoso of the human condition, a maestro who conducts the symphony of social dynamics with precision and flair.

Ah, but I shall not be so easily swayed, young masters.

Your charms may enrapture the masses, but I see the steel beneath the silk,'

Qin Cheng's eyes narrowed as she thought.

As someone with constellation eyes she could easily see through fake soul yet didn't decided to butt in.

However she still had question on why he would act in such a way.

Nevertheless, she got some information on him.


Bai Lung's lips curled into a small smile as he listened to Lady Muna's humble words.

"Think nothing of it, old woman. The Revival Pill is a mere trinket compared to the value of a life. I am merely righting the wrong I have done..."

He glanced around at the captivated crowd, noting the shifting gazes of awe and admiration directed his way.


The seeds have been sown.

Discreetly, his eyes met Qin Cheng's, and he detected a flicker of shrewd calculation in her gaze.

Ah, so there is one who sees through my act. How intriguing.

Those constellation eyes of her... Its really beautiful.

He thought to himself.

He posses a demonic eyes but still those eyes are too OP.

Bai Lung inclined his head slightly in her direction, acknowledging her astute observation.

With that, he turned his attention back to the old woman, offering her a hand to help her to her feet.

"Now, let us put this unpleasant incident behind us. I believe there is an alchemy contest that requires our attention."

With that Bai Lung looked at Wang, his red eyes glowing menaingly.

Wang trembled feeling his ass sweating.


"Ahem* Ahem* what a great display of kindness and goodwill, it was a worthy sight to witness, however, its time we continue with the test..." The old man in fairy white cloth from before uttered.


A magical mountain appeared in front of them.

"The first challenge is to reach the top... And anyone can go," The old man said again stroking his beard.

With that contest officially began.

People momentarily forgot the event as they had contest that need their attention.



I take a deep breath as I gaze up at the imposing mountain looming before me. The air crackles with an otherworldly energy, and I can feel the constant pull of increasing gravity with each step I take.

This is no ordinary climb - it is a test of my alchemical prowess and determination.

"So, you wish to witness the true extent of my abilities, do you?" I said to my inner self that mocks me, my voice confident and assured.

"Very well then, let us see just how far I can ascend this treacherous peak."

With that, I begin my ascent, my movements growing more labored with each step as the gravity intensifies.

I call upon my alchemical knowledge, carefully mixing various reagents and elixirs to enhance my strength and agility.

The climb is arduous, but I refuse to be deterred, driven by an unwavering determination to prove my worth.

As I push onwards, I can feel the strain on my muscles, the sweat beading on my brow.

But with each step, I grow more accustomed to the increased gravity, adapting my movements to compensate.

Haah* Haah*

My determination only steels further, fueled by the knowledge that this is no mere physical challenge - it is a test of my very alchemical prowess... I need to show my worth.

I know I can't return to Zhao Family now after what I have done.

Where will this treacherous ascent lead me?

What trials and tribulations await as I climb higher and higher?

Only time will tell, but one thing is certain - I will not be deterred. This is my moment to shine, and I will seize it with every fiber of my being.

System! Help me.

[Ding! Gravity has been supressed by 80%]

The air grows thin as I climb higher, my lungs burning with the effort. But I push on, my eyes fixed on the summit that looms ever closer.

Ah! Even with supressed gravity i can feel my legs go numb.

The increased gravity makes each step a battle, but I refuse to be defeated.

Reaching into my pack, I withdraw a vial filled with a shimmering liquid. With a quick flick of my wrist, I uncork it and down the contents in one swift motion.

Immediately, I feel a surge of strength course through my veins, the alchemical elixir granting me the power to continue my ascent.

As I climb, I can sense the watchful eyes of the judges, evaluating my every move.

But I refuse to be intimidated. This is my moment to shine, my god damn moment, I am supposed to be main character with system, its a event to prove the depths of my alchemical knowledge and skill.

Haah* Haah*

Damn it... I can feel my legs go nuts.

With each step, I grow more confident, more assured in my abilities.

The mountain seems to stretch on endlessly, but I remain undaunted, well I must.

My mind races, considering new alchemical formulas that could aid me in my quest.

I must be prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead, for I know that the true test of an alchemist lies not in the strength of their body, but the power of their mind.

Haah* Haah*

I can see the peak... Hahaha! This is it... I knew it. I can see no one else, does that mean, I am first one.

Hehe! Goddamn... I am god!

But to my horror, as I reach peak, I saw two people.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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