The Successor of the Underworld is a Cheat Player

Chapter 47

The Successor To The Underworld Is A Cheat Player 47

“Please reveal your identity.”


Sein marveled at their appearance.

Intentionally concealing Rasiel’s emblem.

“Something different?”

The moment Sein’s hand, covering the emblem, came down.


The guards pondered and quickly corrected their posture.

“We, we are in the presence of Ras’s organization member.”

In this rural area, not just Demorus, but Ras as well, is treated like a Grim Reaper.

“E, excuse me…”

“Huh…? Could it be…?”

Among them, someone seemed to recognize Sein, but Sein hastened a step further.

“Sein Demorus. Open the door.”



The faces, already contemplating, turned pale.

“…Open it.”

One senior guard spoke in a mosquito-like voice.

“Open it, you brats!”


The city gate began to open.

“That’s right, that’s how it should be.”

Satisfied, Sein, along with Sessil, started heading towards the open gate.

Finally, Sein and Sessil entered, and the gate closed.

“If he’s Sein Demorus…?”

The junior guard, with a doubtful expression, asked the senior guard.

“Fool. He’s ‘Sein Demorus.’”

This is Borfeo.

“The master of the back alleys!”


Only then did the junior guard seem to realize he was standing on the brink of life and death.

The incident that occurred a few days before he became a guard.

The tales of Sein’s feats on the night of death and the subsequent events were truly legendary.

Regardless of how the guards felt, Sein stepped into the gate.

He advanced with unwavering steps.

The street was now empty, as if by magic.

It’s the same as before.


But what will unfold from now on will be different from before.

Memories, memories.

Quite believable equipment for a rural town like Sector 8.

Eyes that seem to have gained some experience in their own way.

Even compared to the candidates who have nothing but the strength given by their bloodline, they look much better.

“Have you come-!”

Shouting towards Sein, dominating the street.

Those who immediately lower their stance and bow their heads.

A familiar face stood in front of them.

“Yes, it’s been a while.”

This is Borfeo.

The land that became Sein’s territory.


It was where Derun, his most trusted subordinate, was.


“Those judgment bastards said that kind of thing?”


“I’ll have to teach them a lesson soon.”

Sein, listening to the events that have unfolded.

Now, there was no need to use Cyclops’ house as before.

The Derun Family.

The emerging power that completely dominated the backstreets of Borfeo, expanding its influence even now.

Feared even in the nearby territories.

“Oh, have you arrived?”

Familiar faces burst in and bowed their heads.

“Oh, the outsider!”


The first connection made in Borfeo, now absorbed into the Derun Family as the commander of the forces.


Shaking as if about to wet herself at any moment.

“The vixen has come too.”

Called the overlords of the backstreets of Borfeo, but Sein only took in Cyclops and Fox.

“Oh, nice to see you after a long time.”

Just barely standing before their true master was all they could do.

And that wasn’t all.

“Nice to see you again.”

This person, smiling much more relaxed compared to the others.


He was the top topju of the Tanba from a while ago.

With the Deren Family backing him, he expanded his business and became the number one merchant in Borfeo.

His courage, which was certainly not lacking compared to the other naive fellows, appealed to Sein.

And another thing.

“Master, nice to see you.”


At the last voice, Sein made a puzzled face.

Standing there was a sturdy middle-aged man.

He seemed familiar, but Sein didn’t know who he was.

But a master?




The middle-aged man, who had a hammer tied to his waist, lowered it to the ground.



It was a name Sein had heard before.

If it’s Aaron….

“That old man?”

That old man is the middle-aged man in front of him now?

And on top of that, what’s with the master?

“What’s going on.”

Aaron scratched his head as if embarrassed by Sein’s words.

“Well, you see….”

It was said that Aaron’s age wasn’t that old to begin with.

But he had long lost his will to live, living like a recluse, which made him look much older than his age. Meeting Sein, he regained his will to live and things changed.

“Does that make sense?”

“Of course, the Tanba gave me a lot of help.”

Deren said.

“As Borfeo’s only blacksmith, and with his exceptional skills, I invested in everything good for his health.”

So that’s how it happened.


Sein almost forgot about Aaron’s dramatic transformation.

That this was a world of dreams and fantasies.


Sein calmed his slowly astonished heart.

His gaze slowly began to change.

The atmosphere, which had lightened somewhat because of Aaron’s work.


Sank heavily.


It had been a long time since they faced Sein.

They had thought that they, too, had not wasted their time, but Sein was completely different.

If it had been just vaguely visible before, now it was like a new white fog.

High up in the sky, like something living in a place he could never reach.


“Yes, Captain.”

“Is there someone who needs to die?”

With Sein’s words, the atmosphere, already heavy, plummeted to the ground.

“Fox, is that girl not slacking off and doing well?”

The woman spared because of her skill.

“Her skills are not as bad as you might think.”

Phew, with a long sigh, the sound of Fox sitting down was heard.

It would have been good if it ended there.

“The other families have issues with the top glass receiving our family’s protection and growing rapidly, not just this one.”

Derren was entrusted with Borfeo, but he was not a dictator.

Moreover, there were others here with power similar to Derren’s.

So, it was a problem that naturally arose.

“It’s a matter of life and death. It could happen.”

Sein rose to his feet.

His vacation.

“Why couldn’t you handle it?”


Derren briefly closed his mouth, blaming himself for his mistake.

But it was also impolite to keep Sein waiting.

“They have attached themselves to the Lord of Borfeo.”

The Lord of Borfeo.

The one who could wield power similar to Derren’s in Borfeo.

“Any other issues?”

“…There are some differences of opinion with the Lord.”

The task was set.

“Considering myself as a rogue of the underworld.”

His vacation, its starting point.

“Shall we hold a festival of blood?”

The inside of the quiet hall.


The sound of chewing cookies in the hallway echoed alone.

“This tiresome city.”

A woman with a face full of discontent walked down the corridor.

Despite her worn-out appearance, the woman exuded a radiant beauty.

“How long must we remain stuck in this remote corner?”

Viscountess Borfeo.

That was the city’s name.

However, after the fall of the old empire, their once respected status became nothing but an empty title, devoid of any real significance.

“What’s the difference between slaves and us?”

A life where one is used where needed and easily replaced.

Even such a life was exhausting.

“Damn bastards!”

She was tired of listening to those who came to her every day to complain.

“Wine! Bring me wine!”

At the woman’s command, a maid hurried over and handed her a goblet of wine.

Glug, glug.

The woman gulped down the wine in a manner devoid of any formality.

Finally, she could enter her destination, her room.

“Someday, this wretched city.”

She paused in her soliloquy.


The curtains, bought with gold from the upper districts, fluttered weakly.

One of her treasures that even the knights couldn’t touch without her permission.

The gray moonlight streaming through the open window.

“What do you want?”

A voice that shouldn’t have come from there was heard.


She contemplated.

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Should she shout in anger?

Should she call for the knights?

“I knew it would come to this.”

But she nonchalantly reclined on the sofa as if it didn’t matter.

“I knew it would be like this since those whining merchants.”

If she were to trace back where it all went wrong, it would probably be from the moment she tore her mother’s womb and came into this world.

From the moment she was born as Remy Borfeo, the heir of Viscount Borfeo.

“Oh. I’ve heard the stories, but it’s more exhilarating than I thought.”

“That side must be Sein.”

In the dark shadow, a man slowly revealed himself.

Addressing Sein, Lemi spoke.

“Demorus? No. Those folks wouldn’t bother about this countryside. Did you come just for your territory?”

“Those folks…”

It was the first time someone referred to Demorus like that here.

“Is there something to fear?”

There was still some wine left.

Lemi drank it without hesitation.

“Ever since the witch came, I sensed something was amiss.”

The visit of Arin’s Borfeo.

And the order of the alley, everything in Borfeo had changed.

“Being the direct governor of Demorus. Can one survive without going mad?”

The place where Demorus’s blood directly claimed the territory.

That place was Borfeo.

“Then be careful.”

Sein sat across from Lemi.

“If you hadn’t entertained the garbage talk, I wouldn’t have bothered coming, right?”

“That’s true.”

Grinning, Lemi seemed amused.

“But what can we do? The iron mine has long ceased production, and since the arrival of Sein Demorus, the great ruler of the back alleys, the finances are in a sorry state.”

The wine was now in Sein’s hand.

He poured it into Lemi’s glass.

“Thanks. Anyway, I have to survive too. If there were any mistakes, it was a miscalculation. I thought it would take a while for you to lose in the candidate competition or even come to Borfeo. Ugh. It tastes awful.”

Pushing the wine glass as if asking for another, Lemi spoke.

“I was planning to gather money and rise to the upper district before you arrived, or tidy up the lordship. It’s my mistake, whatever.”

Another glass.

That was the end of it.


The wine glass put down had red wine remaining like blood, rippling.

“What a waste.”

Sein spoke as Lemi looked up at him.

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