The Strongest Conquest System

Chapter 471: Stay And Keep You Company?


"Do you want me to stay and keep you company~?" Azmond asked with his nose about to touch Aya's.

"!!!" Aya didn't know what to do as she started internally freaking out with her eyes darting all over the place, trying to find an out.

However, no matter how much she attempted to steer her sight away from the devilishly handsome man, nothing seemed to work!

And in the end, she found herself gazing into his hypnotizing eyes like a deer in headlights

"I-I don't know anymore" She murmured, her eyes glossing over, as a certain emotion started to shine through her veiled expression.

Is this girl already raring to go?

Azmond found this situation quite to his liking as he leaned in, preparing to pretend to press his lips against hers before backing out at the last second.

However, right when his soft lips were about to touch her equally enticing lips, she dodged her head to the right before saying, "I'm not as easy to fool as all the other women you tried this on."

After which, her jittery countenance immediately transformed into a stoic one, as it became abundantly clear to Azmond that she was the one playing him by the string.

It looks like I was the one who was tricked this time, huh?

Even though he should be quite peeved over that fact, for some reason, his interest in the woman before him only seemed to grow exponentially.

And before he knew it, he flashed a wide, brilliant smile before patting her on the head, slowly fading away from sight.

Just as Azmond was about to disappear, with a devious grin on his face, he said, "I can't wait to talk to you again, miss Aya~ Until next time~"

After which, his figure vanished from sight as he left the velvety and crimson-colored room, heading back to the girls in his party.

And in his place, he left a gorgeous woman, confused and slightly relieved.

As even though Aya would never admit it, she was close to falling for his charms

Although only by a little bit!

Her thoughts trailed off as a slight smile emerged on an expression that had been expressionless for many years before today


|Did you go and meet that harlot!?|

Boundless's vexed voice echoed out across the VIP stands as she ran up to Azmond, expecting an answer.

However, contrary to her expectations, he simply flashed a light smile and said, "Let's go and meet some old friends from the City of RiverBloom."

After saying those words, he walked right past the busty brown beauty and made his way toward the exit of the Coliseum of Dacrats.

|Y-You| Boundless was at a loss for words for a second until she finally found her voice and shouted, |You Big Baka!|

After which, she ran like a ninja in the tall, masked man's direction and leaped up onto his back!

|Take this, you dumb baka!| Boundless exclaimed while her soft hands fell on his back.

However, instead of hitting him, she snuggled up to him with a content look on her face.

But after a moment or two of walking like this, her eyes widened as she said, |You tricked me! You meanie!|

Boundless couldn't believe she had fallen for such an 'elaborate ploy'!

Azmond looked at the silly woman doing whatever came to her mind as a light chuckle escaped his lips before he asked, "Do you want some of those cinnamon rolls you saw next to Calista's favorite shop?"

|Really!?| Boundless completely forgot what she was just thinking about as her mind traced back to those tantalizing cinnamon rolls.

And it didn't take long before she snuggled even further into his back and mumbled, |Luv you|

A deep blush formed on her face after she said those words, as she made herself at home on his body.

Azmond watched this scene happen with a loving smile on his face as he responded, "I love you too, my little cinnamon roll~"


For just an instant in time, it was almost like there were just the two of them in the world.

A host and a system

Forever together until the end of time.

However, their moment was quickly interrupted by all the other unique characters in their party:

"You said we could go to that Takayoki place, Azmond!" Clawdia exclaimed, her body already linking up with his right arm.


Azmond turned his gaze down to those pretty misty jewels on her face as he sighed a little at their mesmerizing beauty before saying, "We can go there on our way to the IronHeart Household in the countryside."

"You promise?" She asked with a pleading voice.

"Of course. So why don't we enjoy our time together?" Azmond replied, his feet already taking a step outside of the Coliseum.

However, he left behind a few troubled women in the VIP stands, namely, Thalia, Aya, the AquaRing family, and, of course, the Azure Empire Princess, who had become an avid fan of his.

On the note of the AquaRing family, Marina, Margarete, and Aqua were still talking to Esra and Nadia while deciding what they would be doing next.

They had already acquired the support of the disciple of the man beyond the stars, so now they had to figure out what it was they would be doing until Azmond informed his 'master' of their matter.

And that was when Esra brought something up as she said, "Why don't we just go with Morningstar and his group?"

"..." "..." "..."

Nadia, Aqua, Marina, and Margarete all looked in the direction of the second-eldest daughter of Marina.

And Esra took that as her cue to continue, so that's what she did

"I mean, it sounds kinda fun, right? We're always stuck up in one place or another, whether it be the Adventurer's Guild, Mage's Tower, or even the Castles," she began with a slight grin.

"So why don't we change it up? It can't hurt to be a little adventurous every once in a while! Plus, I want to see exactly where the extent of the abilities of that Morningstar lie!"


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