The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Shittiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him

Chapter 18

A father and a motherparents, so to speakare very important to children. It is no exaggeration to say that they are indispensable for children to maintain peace of mind, so much so that the way they are treated by their parents determines how they will grow up.

For Ryuichi, however, the existence of his parents only had a negative effect on him.

Why did I have to get married to somebody like you

Shut up. How the fuck am I supposed to know? Also, youre the one who made me pregnant and give birth to this brat, arent you? You do something about him.

His father was an ordinary businessman and his mother was an ordinary office worker, but although Ryuichis father was still a good man, his mother was an unbelievable lunatic. She had affairs with many men and had sexual relations with them, claiming it was normal.

When Ryuichis father discovered this, the mother turned upon her family and spoke the nastiest of words to both her husband and Ryuichi.

Ryuichis mother talked about Ryuichis birth as if it were a stain in her past she wanted to forget, and his father kept him at a distance because he had his mothers blood running through his veins, even though he was supposed to be his own son Ryuichis family environment was truly abysmal.

I dont want to think of you as my son.

A brat like you aint no son of mine.

Anybodys mind would be warped by such a childhood.

Ryuichi hated his father, who never spared any love or care for him, and he hated his mother even more, who looked down on weak men and treated her own son like trash. Seeing his mother like that made Ryuichi think that all women were scum like her.

In the end, both of Ryuichis parents passed away early due to illness, so Ryuichi was taken in by his fathers family, who didnt treat him well either.

In the eyes of Ryuichis grandparents, their sons wife was a woman whod hidden the fact that shed been constantly cheating on her husband, and the moment she got exposed, she did a complete one-eighty and abused their son.

Therefore, it stood to reason that they wouldnt want to see the face of that womans sonsomebody whod inherited her blood.

Ryuichi, could you please live by yourself? Well make sure to send you money.

To be honest, we really wanted you to live with us, butIm sorry.

Ryuichi could still remember how hed laughed at his grandparentsat the balls theyd had to spout such blatant lies to his face. In Ryuichis former world, he would never have been left in such a poor environment.

However, this was Ryuichis hidden past, a fact that one wouldve never found out by reading the manga alone.


Ryuichi awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside. With his mind still fuzzy, he looked around and finally remembered the events of yesterday. He had visited Shizunas house, was served food, and then slept with her in her room.

If Ryuichi had to be honest, he felt like hed royally screwed up. Things had gone so far off-track from the original course of events in this world that it had become completely unfixable.

Sure, it could be said that in a sense, Ryuichi sleeping with Shizuna was an inevitabilitya done dealbut their current relationship was just too abnormal.

Heh, Id never have thought things would turn out like this.

Even now, he could still remember it if he closed his eyes. The image of Shizuna beautifully disheveled in his arms, her body gradually being beaten into pleasure by his hands; they kept resurfacing in his mind again and again.

It was the same as always; there wasnt anything different than when hed slept with any other woman But he couldnt deny the fact that he felt an inexplicable sense of ease at the sight of her.

If the time comes when you decide to tell me everything, Id be more than happy to lend an ear. You said it yourself, didnt you? That I am an untainted white. So please dont worry.

No matter what happens, there will always be a color beside you that will never change. I will always be there for you, as a strong color that will paint away your anxieties.

The words shed uttered with an earnest look in her eyes; that, too, kept echoing in his mind. It was as if she was affirming everything about Ryuichi, accepting everything about him, and telling him that she would walk together with him.

Man Shizuna Youre one hell of a heroine.

He questioned why theyd made such a good girl into the heroine of an erotic manga. In Ryuichis opinion, shed have been massively popular if she were the heroine of a regularshounenmanga.

He questioned why theyd made such a good girl into the heroine of an erotic manga. In Ryuichis opinion, shed have been massively popular if she were the heroine of a regular



He did some stretches to ease his body before he stood up. Then, wondering what the hell he was thinking about, Ryuichi said, Guess Ill go make breakfast.

Pigs were probably taking flight somewhereor not. But Ryuichi making breakfast was, frankly speaking, just that unusual of an event. He essentially never cooked for breakfast; he would just buy some bread at a convenience store and leave it at that.

Thats why it was massive to hear that Ryuichi would be making breakfast.

First, he cooked some rice in a microwave, then he transferred it to a bowl. After topping it with a raw egg, he poured soy sauce on top and stirred everything together. Finally, his bowl oftamago kake gohanwasready to eat.

First, he cooked some rice in a microwave, then he transferred it to a bowl. After topping it with a raw egg, he poured soy sauce on top and stirred everything together. Finally, his bowl of

tamago kake gohan

wasready to eat.

Damn, thats good.

Sure, it was a simple dish, but it was still plenty delicious. He promptly finished up the meal, got ready for school, and left the apartment.

But I have to say, its been a while since Ive had that nostalgic dream.

That was what Ryuichi had to say about the dream he had today. It was a memory of the parents thatd been with him when he was a child It was far from your normal memory, however, as it was one of the worst memories he had.

Aint no way in hell this sort of family is normal. Thats gotta be manga logic at play.

It was the picture-perfect example of a broken family. It was understandable that itd caused Ryuichi to become distorted, but that didnt mean he thought the things hed done so far were right.

He hadnt committed anything close to a crime throughout his life, but even so, he wasnt living his life in a way that anyone could sympathize with.


A big yawn leaked out of his mouth. He was on his way to school, but he wasnt particularly concerned about how he should face Shizuna. He certainly held her in a somewhat special light compared to others, but that didnt mean he was going to change the way he treated her.

He was just going to treat her as a classmate, as a friend, and as a man and a woman in a physical relationship.


As he was walking down the road to school, he spotted a familiar face.


With their lustrous black hair fluttering in the wind, they looked back at Ryuichiit was Shizuna. She was standing there as if shed been waiting for him, even though theyd made no plans to meet. The instant their eyes met, she ran up to Ryuichi with a big smile on her face.

Good morning, Ryuichi-kun!


Shizuna embraced Ryuichi as if jumping into the arms of her long-lost love. She looked up at Ryuichi as he caught her and smiled, her cheeks slightly reddening. Her smile, which truly charmed everyone, made Ryuichi smile unknowingly as well.

Geez, dont just jump into peoples arms without warning.

Youll have to forgive me this time. After all, Ive been wanting to do this ever since we parted yesterday.

Apparently, yesterdays events had greatly unshackled Shizuna. Shed said she didnt have experience with love, so skipping a ton of steps and jumping straight into a physical relationship mustve caused many changes in her.

It was by no means a bad change at all, but instead a sign that she had completely removed her walls against Ryuichi.

What if somebody sees us?

Personally, I dont really mind. Oh, but, I know you wouldnt want that, Ryuichi-kun, so unwilling as I am, Ill let go of you.

Although she said shed let go of him, she didnt mention leaving his side. And leave his side she didnt, because all she did was let go of him before they stared at each other from point-blank range.

Theyd become so close because of their secret relationship which had changed drastically through yesterdays events.

Ryuichi-kun, staring at each other like this is nice and all, but I think we should get going now.

Oh, right.

Thus, the two of them started walking together. Ryuichi glanced at Shizuna walking next to him, but he could not see much change. Perhaps hed just peeled off her outer layer, but he could feel that shed matured slightly as a woman.

Hmm? Whats the matter?

Nah, I was just remembering our night yesterday.

When Ryuichi said this with a grin, Shizunas face quickly turned red, as if she too had just remembered. He thought shed avert her gaze, but instead she remained staring at him. Her eyes slightly moistened, she put a finger to her mouth and said the following words.

I kept thinking about it, tooall the way until I went to bed yesterday. It was something so naughty and lecherous, but I couldnt help it, I was so happy. It feels as if something inside me has changed, but I dont hate itbecause youre the one I did it with, Ryuichi-kun.

Thats sweet of you to say.

After making sure no one was around, Ryuichi took Shizuna in his arms. When he took the opportunity to place his hand on her ample breasts, she gasped in surprise, but nevertheless, she didnt shake him off and let him do as he pleased.

Geezwere outside right now, you know?

The way you phrased it; does that mean if were at home or something, I can do whatever I want?

Yes. Id love for you to touch me as much as youd like, and maybe even more.

It seemed that Ryuichi had changed her more than hed thought. As has been said many times before, her outward appearance hadnt changed and no one would notice.

Still, something about her had certainly changed, and whether or not it would surface and become known to many peoplewas something that even Ryuichi did not know the answer to as of now.

You shouldve never been born.


The voice of Ryuichis mother resurfaced in his mind like a curse, and he quietly clicked his tongue in annoyance. Little did he know, though, that Shizuna had been watching him with a worried look on her face.

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