The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 125: Achieving Multiple Goals

After announcing the first two personnel changes, Donald turned his gaze to Vicky.

"I will assume the position of Chairman of Ocean Group myself, and the CEO position will be handed over to my granddaughter."

With Donald's words, everyone's eyes in the meeting room shifted to Vicky. Vicky felt a bit nervous for a momt. She didn't know what to say or what kind of action to take.

At that momt, she suddly heard Irving's voice.

"Don't be so nervous. Both Donald and I have great confidce in you. Besides, reclaiming the inheritance rights of Ocean Group has always be your goal, hasn't it? Now is the time to showcase your capabilities."

Hearing Irving's words, Vicky looked over at him and saw an couraging smile on his face. Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward.

"I am confidt that I can perform well as the CEO of Ocean Group. I also hope that during my ture, I can work well with all of you. I ask for your support in my work."

Vicky spoke smoothly, and a smile finally appeared on Donald's face.

"You see? This is my granddaughter! There will be no issues with her as CEO. All you need to do is support her."

Giv Donald's dorsemt, no one in the room had any gs to object. Vicky was directly appointed as the CEO of Ocean Group. This actually exceeded Vicky's expectations; she had originally thought she would be appointed as interim CEO first.

"Alright, I'm getting old, and I'm already tired from saying just these few words. I'll let the group's CEO speak to you now and outline your next tasks."

With that, Donald vacated his seat, inviting Vicky to take his place. This gesture demonstrated his firm stance—that he intded to pass on his position to Vicky. This move also elevated Vicky's authority in the eyes of the other board members.

After taking Donald's place, Vicky cleared her throat first.

"You all should be well aware that I hav't be involved in Ocean Group's affairs for some time. Therefore, in the first week or two, I hope to familiarize myself with the various operations of Ocean Group.

In the next couple of days, I ask each of you to organize and report on what you're responsible for. If I find your methods appropriate, you will continue to handle your currt responsibilities.

If I find any issues with your methods, I will prompt you to make necessary adjustmts. If anyone fails to follow my directives for adjustmts, I will directly dismiss you."

Vicky mustered all her courage to say these words. She didn't want the others in the room to sse any insecurity from her. Her approach indeed had a very positive effect; the people in the meeting room began to feel a slight fear of her.

"I have nothing more to say. Grandpa, if you have anything else to add, please go ahead," Vicky said after outlining her plans for the next couple of weeks. Donald shook his head.

"I have nothing more to add either. Let's adjourn the meeting. Just follow my granddaughter's instructions," Donald said.

With that, the emergcy board meeting of Ocean Group came to an d. However, for the board members who attded, their crisis was far from over. They knew Vicky would likely target some of them in the coming days, causing underlying tsions within Ocean Group.

On the surface, though, Vicky had already achieved a significant victory. She successfully regained control of Ocean Group and ousted her uncle. More importantly, her beloved grandfather had regained some of his health.

Vicky knew her grandfather's illness wasn't completely cured, but with Irving's help, she believed she could evtually find a way to fully restore his health.

After everyone else had left, only Vicky and Irving remained in the meeting room.

"Congratulations, you've finally achieved your goal," Irving said with a smile. He was guinely happy for Vicky, having witnessed all the hardships she had dured.

"I owe you a huge thank you. Without you, I could never have achieved my goal. Without you, my grandfather might have be killed by my uncle," Vicky said as she hugged Irving.

Vicky was truly grateful to Irving this time. She had always liked him, but now she found herself hopelessly in love. She couldn't imagine what would have happed without Irving! As they embraced, every detail of their journey from first meeting to resolving her grandfather's crisis flashed through her mind like sces in a movie.

She was deeply moved and felt a profound sse of happiness in that momt. Indeed, what could be more blissful than being in the arms of the one you love? She wished this momt could last forever and wanted to savor every bit of this joyful time.

"Do we really need to say thank you to each other?" Irving's words left Vicky momtarily stunned. Tears began to stream down her face.

"You're right, we don't need to say thank you. From now on, I'll give you my full support. Whatever you ask, I'll agree to it," Vicky declared with a big smile, despite the tears in her eyes.

Irving knew Vicky was expericing a whirlwind of emotions. He waited for her to calm down before sharing his plan with her.

"I've learned from Bjamin that Ocean Group is also forming its own guild. I hope to collaborate with Ocean Group's guild."

As soon as Irving mtioned his plan, Vicky nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, that's not a problem. In fact, Ocean Group's guild won't just collaborate with you; I've decided that you will lead it," Vicky said.

Irving was surprised by Vicky's decision. However, he remained steadfast in his previous stance. He had no inttion of joining any guild, ev if it meant being the guild leader.

"You should know that I have no inttion of joining any organization. I just want to collaborate with Ocean Group's guild," Irving clarified.

Vicky realized that her decision had be a bit hasty after hearing Irving's words.

With a hint of apology, Vicky said, "I didn't consider your feelings. Since you don't want to be the head of our guild, how do you propose we collaborate?"

Although Vicky was willing to offer Irving all the help he needed, she had to be more cautious wh it came to Ocean Group. She had just tak control and didn't want to be perceived as an incapable CEO.

"I will provide your guild with some equipmt. In return, your guild should give me 50% of the minerals and crops you find. That sounds like a fair deal, doesn't it?" Irving proposed.

Irving believed his offer was fair. He had similar terms with other guilds. Vicky, knowing this, readily agreed.

"I can agree to those terms. But for the specifics, you should discuss with Bjamin. I'll call him over right now," Vicky said, reaching for the phone to dial Ocean Group's security departmt.

However, Irving stopped her.

"No need to call him over. I'll go visit him directly. He should be in the security office, right? Just let him know about our decision. You have plty of other things to handle, and I shouldn't waste your time."

Irving was guinely considering Vicky's situation. He had noticed some board members who were not tirely convinced by Vicky during the emergcy meeting. He wanted her to make a strong impression right from the start, so he didn't want to take up more of her time.

Vicky knew that Irving was thinking about her best interests. She secretly vowed to herself that she would excel and earn the respect of the board members as soon as possible. Although proving herself would be a challging task, Vicky had full confidce in her abilities. All she needed was an opportunity, and she felt that opportunity was just a the corner!

Vicky nodded, "You can go see him now. I'll give him a call to inform him."

After leaving the meeting room, Irving quickly headed towards the security manager's office. The security manager's office was on the first floor, while the boardroom was at the top. It took Irving a full minutes to reach the security manager's office.

Inside the office, besides Bjamin, there was another man prest.

"You must be Irving. Presidt Tang has already called me. I'm aware of everything, and we will cooperate with you," said the portly middle-aged man ingratiatingly upon seeing Irving.

"Although I'm the head of the security departmt, I'm not very familiar with matters within the shelter game. Bjamin is the one handling the shelter game. You can discuss the collaboration with him," the security manager said before leaving the room.

As soon as he stepped out of the office, the expression on the security manager's face changed drastically. He shot a cold glance at Irving from the corner of his eye.

"Who would've thought that Joseph would fail at the hands of this kid? I need to find out what Irving is capable of," he muttered to himself as he quickly walked away.

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