The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 123: Quick Reaction, Narrow Escape

Upon hearing that Bjamin was acting on Donald's orders, Irving's face showed a hint of confusion.

"Are you saying Donald st you here?" Irving asked Bjamin ttatively.

Bjamin shook his head. "I came here on the orders of the Chairman. My duty is to sure the old Chairman's safety! So, don't ev think about taking him hostage."

"Me, take Donald hostage?"

Irving repeated Bjamin's words in disbelief. He th realized there was some misunderstanding betwe them.

"I am not holding Donald hostage. The one who has tak Donald hostage is the currt Chairman of Ocean Group, Joseph! The very person who st you here!"

Irving thought that after saying this, Bjamin would immediately change his attitude towards him. However, to his surprise, Bjamin remained impassive. Bjamin stood still, coldly staring in Irving's direction.

At that momt, Bjamin's walkie-talkie suddly crackled to life.

"Captain, the old Chairman is asking if the battle is over. If it is, please come to see him with Irving. Confirm receipt, over."

"Received, over," Bjamin replied.

After ding the call, Bjamin turned to Irving and asked, "You must be Irving. The old Chairman is calling for us. Let's go quickly."

With that, Bjamin headed directly towards Donald's ward.

Irving found Bjamin's reaction somewhat strange. However, so far, Bjamin had posed no threat to Irving, nor to Vicky and Donald. Both sides had be cooperating up to this point. Therefore, Irving saw no reason to be overly critical of Bjamin's reaction.

Irving followed Bjamin towards Donald's ward.

At the same time, at the trance of the sanatorium, Joseph ssed that something was amiss. The sounds of the battle had ceased, indicating that someone among Elvis, Irving, and Bjamin had emerged victorious.

Joseph, feeling a bit anxious, urged a bodyguard beside him, "Quickly, contact the assault team. Find out what's happing now."

"Yes, Chairman! I will contact them immediately!"

Just as Joseph finished giving this command, his expression turned slightly hesitant. Joseph suddly realized that if Donald had indeed perished in the battle, there would have be a significant reaction.

Whether it was Irving, Bjamin, or Elvis, each held Donald in high regard. Moreover, Vicky had not be involved in the battle. If Donald had truly passed away, Vicky would be in immse pain and likely wailing in despair.

Since of these reactions had occurred, the most likely scario was that Donald had not faced any life-threating danger. Realizing this, Joseph felt the urgt need to leave immediately.

Joseph called over his secretary. "We have more important matters to attd to. Leave this to the security departmt. Let's take the helicopter and leave right away."

Joseph's secretary looked slightly puzzled.

"Chairman, do you really think we should leave now? Didn't you say earlier that you needed to stay here and see what happs with your own eyes?"

"I know what I said earlier; I don't need you to remind me! The situation has changed significantly. Staying here is just a waste of time. There are many pressing matters at Ocean Group that require my atttion!"

By this point, Joseph's tone had become very severe. His secretary had no choice but to arrange for the helicopter to come over. Soon, Joseph and his secretary boarded the helicopter and headed towards the capital's airport.

Joseph had made up his mind; he needed to get away from the capital city as quickly as possible.

Donald had already lost all faith in Joseph. With Vicky's help, Donald would undoubtedly regain control of Ocean Group. Once that happed, Donald would uncover everything Joseph had done while serving as Chairman. Donald would certainly not let Joseph off the hook.

Joseph's only hope now was to escape to a place where Donald couldn't find him for the time being.

The Bevolt Sanatorium wasn't far from the airport. Once he arrived at the airport, Joseph boarded his private jet and left the capital for another country. Joseph didn't notify his subordinates because, in this dire situation, he didn't have time to inform anyone else.

Back at the Bevolt Sanatorium, inside Donald's ward.

Upon returning, Bjamin and Irving were met with Donald's question, "You two have dealt with Elvis, right?"

"Yes, old Chairman," Bjamin replied coldly.

"Stop calling me the old Chairman. I've decided to return to Ocean Group and resume my position as Chairman," Donald said calmly to Bjamin.

Donald's declaration shocked the other Ocean Group security personnel in the room. They had grown accustomed to Joseph being their Chairman.

They never expected that Donald would immediately return to serve as the Chairman of the Group. What would happ to Joseph? Once this news is announced, how much chaos will it cause? These questions were too overwhelming for them to ev contemplate. Therefore, they all wanted to see Bjamin's reaction, as he might be the only one who truly knew the situation.

However, Bjamin's reaction was just as it had be before. Although his face was covered by a mask, prevting others from seeing his expression, his body language alone made it clear that Bjamin was not surprised in the least.

"Where is that bastard Joseph now? Get him here immediately! He must pay for colluding with outsiders to deceive me!" Donald's fury was evidt wh he spoke of Joseph.

Halfway through, Donald began to cough. Though Vicky had helped him regain some of his health, he had be gravely ill not long ago. His rectly recovered body couldn't withstand such intse stress.

"Chairman, we can't reach Joseph. We can only get in touch with his secretary. According to the secretary, Joseph has already tak his private jet and left for another country," Bjamin reported.

An Ocean Group security guard, after communicating with other Ocean Group employees via walkie-talkie, reported back to Donald.

Donald's expression grew ev more grim. "I knew it, that ungrateful son would definitely choose to run away! How did our Smith family d up with such a disloyal child?" Although Donald's tone was still filled with anger, Irving ssed that Donald wasn't overly concerned about Joseph's escape. In fact, it seemed that, to some extt, Donald might have tacitly approved of Joseph's departure.

"Chairman, what should we do next?" Bjamin asked Donald calmly.

Donald glanced at Vicky, th at Irving. "Since Joseph has fled abroad, let's head back to Ocean Group headquarters. I will announce my return as the Chairman of the Group. I will also reveal my new batch of personnel appointmts. Vicky, as my granddaughter, must hold a more important position within the Group."

At this momt, Donald was determined to mtor Vicky. As his granddaughter, she had risked everything to save him, and deep down, he was incredibly moved. If it wer't for Vicky, he might have already left this world. Because his granddaughter gave him the chance to continue living and regain control of the Group, he was committed to nurturing her.

He wanted to sure that his granddaughter would become his right-hand person!

After saying this, Donald hesitated for a momt before slowly continuing, "Irving, since you are Vicky's boyfrid, you should come with us to Ocean Group headquarters. Vicky might still need your help afterward."

Irving nodded. "No matter what trouble Vicky faces, I will be there to help her! Our relationship is very deep!"

Irving's words deeply moved Vicky.

Vicky never expected Irving to value her so highly. Moreover, he was willing to say this oply in front of others. This only deeped Vicky's admiration for Irving. In her heart, she already saw Irving as someone she could trust her future to. Now, Vicky guinely hoped that she could marry Irving.

"Alright, save these words for wh you're alone," Donald remarked plainly. "Everyone, get ready immediately. We are heading to Ocean Group headquarters now."

Under Donald's orders, the Ocean Group security team swiftly escorted Donald, Vicky, and Irving back to Ocean Group headquarters at the fastest possible speed.

On the way back to the headquarters, Donald issued new directives. He instructed all members of the Ocean Group board to arrive at the headquarters as quickly as possible.

Wh the board members received Donald's instructions, they were very surprised. They hadn't expected the directive to come from Donald, especially since he had handed over the Chairman position to his second son, Joseph, two years ago.

These board members also kely ssed that a significant change was immint within Ocean Group. So, before heading to the headquarters for the board meeting, they had serious discussions with their trusted subordinates to strategize responses. After all, this incidt occurred so suddly that it left them at a loss.

They had no choice but to gather some of their own people to analyze the situation's developmt.

However, no matter what preparations they made, they couldn't possibly predict the actual situation. After all, Joseph's escape, Donald's return to power, and the planned elevation of Vicky all happed within a single day. Ev those with the intt to gather information couldn't possibly collect useful intel in such a short time.

Thus, the majority of Ocean Group board members only learned the specific details after the emergcy board meeting was conved.

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