The Return of the God Level Assassin [BL]

Chapter 1119 From Bai Ze'S Perspective

BAI ZE looked around Guizu Academy and couldn't help but whistle. The school was very grand, boasting manicured lawns and towering buildings that hinted at the affluence within. From his vantage point, he could see glimpses of the school's prestige reflected in the pristine architecture and lush greenery. Although he also attended a private school, this place still amazed him.

So, what was he doing here, exactly?

He glanced at his friend standing not too far away. Shen Ji Yun was looking intently at the auditorium where the graduation ceremony was being held. It seemed as if he couldn't wait for the ceremony to end and for the doors to open, eagerly anticipating the moment when he would see Luo Yan walking out of it.

Last Sunday, after their small party celebrating Luo Yan and Yu Jiao successfully finishing the college entrance exam, Shen Ji Yun suddenly asked if they could talk privately. Given the grave expression on Shen Ji Yun's face, he thought it might be something serious, so he agreed without question.

Who would have thought it was just the other asking him if he wanted to go to Luo Yan's graduation?

Bai Ze was baffled at first. He hadn't expected that what Shen Ji Yun wanted to talk about would be that. But then, his brain quickly understood why the other had asked him to attend Luo Yan's graduation. It was one of the rare moments when his brain actually worked fast in such a situation.

It was obvious that Shen Ji Yun was planning to use him as an excuse so he could go to Luo Yan's graduation without arousing suspicion. As much as he disliked being some kind of 'smokescreen', he also wanted to personally congratulate his cousin for graduating high school.

So, he agreedbut not without a price. Since Shen Ji Yun's motive was not entirely pure, unlike his own, he set some conditions. He demanded a five-tiered lunch box filled with his favorite foods and asked Shen Ji Yun to buy some game items he had been planning to buy for a while now.

The other readily agreed. Showing that he's really determined to go to Luo Yan's graduation. With him being like that, Bai Ze also had to do his part. He asked for permission to his parents, and they both agreed.

And so they were here.

Everything had been going smoothly, except that he hadn't told Uncle Tian they would be coming. He thought Shen Ji Yun wanted to surprise Luo Yan. As a supportive friend, he didn't want to ruin the surprise, so he also told his parents not to mention it to Uncle Tian. It was only when they arrived in S City that he discovered Luo Yan already knew they were coming and that this was actually his idea.

He only found out about it because when they arrived at the airport, Shen Ji Yun asked him if someone from the Luo family would fetch them. Imagine his surprise Pikachu face when he heard that.

Shen Ji Yun looked at him as if he wanted to slap the back of his head or something. But the other, surprisingly, didn't do anything and just sighed. Probably because he couldn't neglect the fact that it was because of Bai Ze's help that they were even here.

To make up for his mistake, which was not a fault of his own, he quickly called Uncle Tian. But he only received a busy tone. It's either his uncle turned off his phone or it's on silent mode. The same happened when he tried to call his cousins. Which could only mean one thing - they were already at school and the graduation ceremony might already be starting.

Bai Ze suggested that they went to the Luo mansion first. Since the people working there knew his face, they wouldn't be sent away. But Shen Ji Yun had another idea.

The other told him that they should just go straight to Guizu Academy. Since he had made a 'mistake', he had no choice but to agree. It's good that they didn't have much luggage since they would return to B City this evening.

And that's how it was decided that they would go straight to this school.

Since today was graduation day, the security of the school was even more strict. But Bai Ze used his extraordinary intrapersonal skill to convince the guards to let them enter. His charm and handsomeness probably also helped a lot.

Now, they were waiting outside of the auditorium, alongside some students' family members.

He had been taking pictures of the school's beautiful architecture and landscape, while Shen Ji Yun had only been staring intently at the auditorium door. When he got tired of taking pictures, he simply sat down on one of the benches and waited. Meanwhile, his friend over there was still standing still like a statue.

Bai Ze sighed. Was this really a normal thing for people who were in love? Although Shen Ji Yun hadn't really changed much since he and Luo Yan became a couple, in other aspect, he's like a different person. Maybe that's just a normal occurence for people who had someone they liked.

At that thought, he was suddenly reminded of the fact that his other cousin, Luo Jin, liked that woman, Su Yuqi. Just thinking of the possibility that she could be a member of his extended family through marriage was already giving him goosebumps.

He shook his head, not really wanting to think of that possible future.

But now, with the possibility that Luo Jin and Su Yuqi might end up together, and with Shen Ji Yun and Luo Yan being an official couple, wouldn't that make him the only single dog on their team?

Thinking that he might really be the only single person in their team by next year was seriously giving him a sense of crisis? Should he go and find a girlfriend? A certain cat-eared person crossed his mind. But before he could truly delve into that thought, he noticed when he looked in Shen Ji Yun's direction that his eyes seemed to be sparkling right now.

Bai Ze turned to the auditorium and, as expected, quickly noticed Luo Yan walking out of the entrance.

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