The Omnipotent System

Chapter 30 Enigma's Dilemma

30  Enigma's Dilemma

Nine months had passed since the auction at Biddersnest, and life had settled into a new rhythm for James and the elf twins, Elamenor and Erren. They were outside, deep into their training session under the bright sky, the air filled with the sounds of nature.

"Keep a calm mind, hold your breath, keep your focus on the target, and fire," instructed James, watching Elamenor closely. The young elf, a picture of concentration, pulled back the string of his bow, the arrow poised to strike. With a deep breath, he released, sending the arrow soaring through the air to strike the target dead center. A bullseye.

"Impressive," James nodded with approval, "but not enough. Keep practicing, and you might surpass me in archery."

Elamenor smiled, a glint of determination in his eyes. "I will not just surpass you, but also surpass big brother," he declared confidently.

In the months that had passed, Adams had taken time to train the twins as well, building a bond with them that was both familial and inspiring. Elamenor had witnessed Adams' prowess and sought to emulate it.

Erren, standing nearby, chimed in with a grin, "You can never beat big brother. He's the best at everything, and I want to be like him when I grow up."

Elamenor glanced at his sister, who had such admiration and respect for their big brother that it seemed boundless.

Linda, who had been watching the training session from a distance, approached with baby Jameson, now toddling at her side. Though Jameson couldn't yet speak properly, his giggles filled the air with joy.

"Sigh, you're getting too obsessed with your fascination for him," Linda teased Erren with a playful smirk. "You have to follow your big sister's advice and never grow up to be like him. But I guess you won't listen to her, right?"

Erren crossed her arms and pouted slightly. "Humph, I don't see what's wrong with big brother. He's the coolest person I've ever met."

Linda grinned, delighted to have sparked a reaction. "So you're saying we aren't cool, huh, Erren?" She put on a mock pout, feigning offense.

Erren laughed, her eyes bright. "You're all cool, but not as cool as big brother!"

Linda's smug expression faltered, replaced by a look of exaggerated defeat. "Sigh, I guess you're a lost cause," she said, giving up with a laugh and settling onto a nearby bench, watching the others as she played with Jameson.

James continued guiding the twins in their training, while Linda kept a watchful eye, ensuring everyone was safe and having fun.

Elsewhere in the city, a woman sat by a window, her eyes scanning the bustling streets of Beastaria below. She was Enigma Grove, the enigmatic owner of Biddersnest Auction House. Her long, flowing black hair shimmered in the sunlight, cascading down her back like a silken waterfall. Her features were sharp yet delicate, and her presence commanded attention even in solitude.

"It's been nine months since I last saw him," Enigma murmured to herself, a note of frustration in her voice. "So why can't I seem to get him out of my head? Sigh, this is becoming annoying."

Ever since that fateful auction where she had publicly appeared and met those mysterious youngsters, Enigma had been haunted by thoughts of the young man who seemed to lead them. His presence lingered in her mind like a melody she couldn't shake, invading her dreams at night and her thoughts during the day.

"Did he use a charm on me?" she wondered aloud, doubting herself. "No, that shouldn't be the case. If he wanted me, he wouldn't need such tricks. He's confident in his looks. Or maybe it's because of his looks... yes, that must be it." She sighed again, the thought circling endlessly. "How many times have I told myself the same thing? Maybe I should pay him a visit and ask if he did something to me. Yes, that seems probable."

Unaccustomed to these new feelings, Enigma found herself in uncharted territory, grappling with emotions she had never experienced before. Resolute, she decided it was time to confront Adams and demand an explanation.

Having made up her mind, she stood, her gaze sweeping over the city as she located the group of youngsters she had become so fixated on. With a determined nod, she vanished from her vantage point, ready to face her ghost.

Back at the inn, Elamenor and Erren were playing outside with little Jameson, who toddled around happily. Erren, ever the playful one, had donned her flying shoes, zipping around with glee.

"Hey, slow down!" Elamenor called out, trying to keep up with his sister's antics.

Erren grinned mischievously. "Hehehe, we never said anything about not cheating!"

Elamenor shook his head, amused by her antics. "You cheeky brat."

Before he could say anything else, a figure appeared in his view, causing him to assume a defensive stance, honed from countless hours of training with James. Erren, sensing the shift, flew to Jameson and grabbed him, bringing him to Elamenor's side as they both prepared to defend themselves.

Enigma emerged from the shadows, her presence both intimidating and regal. Seeing the twins, whom she remembered as slaves from the auction ten months prior, she was taken aback by their transformation. The children now exuded confidence and strength, a testament to the influence of the mysterious young man she sought.

"Clap, clap, clap," came the sound of applause, drawing everyone's attention. James, Jessica, and Linda emerged from the inn, having watched the scene unfold.

"Impressive," James said, pride evident in his voice. "You guys didn't disappoint me. Hahaha, I feel so lucky to train both of you, but this isn't your fight, so let me handle it."

James gestured for Linda to take the children inside, ensuring their safety in case of a confrontation.

Now facing Enigma, James asked, "Why are you here?" Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Enigma regarded him with curiosity. "I see you trained those kids, judging by your words," she observed. She had never encountered children so fearless and composed, even when faced with an opponent they couldn't hope to defeat. It was astonishing, especially considering they had yet to start cultivating their powers.

James studied her, trying to recall where he had seen her before.

Enigma continued, "Please, don't take this the wrong way. I was just looking for Adams. Is he around? I'd like to talk to him."

James remained silent, still trying to place her face.

"Ah," James said suddenly, recognition dawning. "Aren't you the owner of Biddersnest Auction House?"

Enigma arched an eyebrow, intrigued by his deduction. So, he was merely trying to remember her identity. She sighed, relieved.

Jessica stepped forward, her voice calm and diplomatic. "He's not around. He went to the Beast Empire. What do you want? I could pass on a message for you."

Enigma shook her head. "Oh, no need. I'll come back when he returns from his trip."

With that, she disappeared from their view, returning to her apartment with more questions than answers.

Watching her depart, Jessica sighed, understanding Enigma's plight. "She doesn't even know she's already fallen for him," she remarked quietly, recognizing the signs of Enigma's struggle with newfound emotions.

Back at the inn, life returned to normal, with James guiding the twins in their training and Linda watching over them with affection. Yet, the encounter lingered in their minds, another chapter in the unfolding story of their lives.


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