The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband

Chapter 3

The Noble Womans Guide On How to Tease Ones Husband

Translated by: Oinkoink

Proofread by: Silkscreen

Chu Jinglan would never enter the Imperial Palace if it is not necessary; thus, merely for the sake of courtesy he came here today to pay a formal visit to the Queen Mother and also to attend the welcome dinner banquet that the Emperor, Chu Sanghuai, arranged for him.

As dusk fell, hazy shades of the carved beams and painted rafters of the Golden Pond Pavilion spread out that still fitted closely with the embedded images in his memory where every places contained the vivid images of either tranquil or lively, all seemed to reappear in front of his eyes and made the path leading to the Chen Ji Palace became incomparably long.

Many of the ministers have already taken their seats by the time he arrived. There were not many familiar faces left from the reign of the previous emperor. Instead, many new scholars from poor and humble origins were gathered together as they discussed historical works, as well as political affairs. All of them are well-educated, well-balanced, and uncorrupted. On the other side are the high-ranking officials of the prominent families; seated with refined speech, rarely laughing and displaying cultured demeanour.

There is a flat white marble-paved open space in the center, which was originally used for enjoying songs and dances, but now has separated the officials of the prominent families with those of poor and humble origins. Just like the river that divided the Chu and the Han, as both sides did not have any interaction with each other proving the matter of peer competition wasnt really baseless.

[T/N: river that divided the Chu and the Han ( Ch hhn ji) a line that divides rival territories]

They nevertheless did share one common understanding stay away from Chu Jinglan.

It is indeed a laughable matter since many of these promising talents have never actually seen Chu Jinglan before. When they met him in front of the palace, they merely thought he looked outstanding and imposing with a pair of brown eyes as cold as the midnight stars, none dared to look him straight in the eyes. However, when they turned around and caught sight of his mystical dragon robe, they promptly wished they had jumped three feet away to distance themselves, lest others misunderstood.

Who didnt know he was the thorn in the Emperors eyes during that year of the heir selection? After he left for Northern Land, there were rumours circulating that the true crown prince whom the previous emperor had his heart set on was actually him. Wouldnt it be obvious for those who dared to approach him to pull the rug from under the Emperors feet? Even if one didnt want the official post, one would still want to stay alive!

Hence this was the scene.

Chu Jinglan took a sip of wine and just as the wine filled the stomach, an extremely familiar male voice reached him from the left-hand seat, We[1] remember that younger brother doesnt drink wine in the past, has he changed his nature now?

Finally, the Emperor has arrived.

He is wearing a crimson ceremonial robe with red shoes and a twelve jade-bead crown, which dazzled like the sun. As soon as the Emperor ascended the imperial pedestal, all the ministers turned silent of their own accord and stood up in succession to salute him. Chu Jinglan was also no exception and his every movement was extremely respectful with cautiousness.

The Emperor turned his body around to take the seat as both hands were placed on the gilded dragon heads armrests. Then he waved randomly towards the group of ministers who expressed their gratitudes and seated themselves. He seemed to have not noticed them, instead chose to look at Chu Jinglan when a light flashed through his eyes that diminished as quickly.

Why is Our younger brother so courteous? We havent seen you for many years and missed you very much. You dont have to be constrained with the presence of the ministers here, just relax.

Yes, younger brother will comply.

Chu Jinglans voice was as bland as water, so no one was sure if he heard the words. The smile on the Emperors face gradually deepened and the atmosphere was inexplicably strange. The ministers also acted with extreme caution that even the colliding sound of chopsticks against the plates could not be heard, seemingly as quiet as a pool of stagnant water.

Why are all the ministers so quiet? We set up this welcome dinner banquet not for you to keep watch. Why not give a toast to King Lan?

After hearing that, the ministers immediately looked towards each of their own and couldnt say much since the Emperor had already ordered it. Some petty officials couldnt wait to start putting on a play of flattering and fawning on Chu Sanghuai, while the other side toasted Chu Jinglan. The attempt to please both parties were soon followed by many.

The expression on the Emperors eyes darkened for a moment, before rapidly returning to their original form. As he carelessly glanced through the throng of people, his gaze abruptly paused at one place and immediately opened his mouth to ask, Why is General Ye not proposing a toast?

Ye Huaili faintly replied, Reporting to the Emperor. This official is stationed at the defence post for many years and was prohibited to drink liquor in the army base. As the commander, this official must strictly abide by the military order; hence, will not likely be able to drink anymore as time passes.

So thats what it is. The Emperor lightly tapped the armrest as thread of laughter lines became visible at the corners of his mouth, If all the troops at the border frontiers are as self-restrained and devoted to public duties like General Ye, We would not needlessly be worried about the border defence anymore.

Those people who were just proposing a toast saw that the Emperor didnt even reproach Ye Huaili but instead commended him, therefore their expression slightly changed. The cup of wine in their hands now felt like soldering iron, too hot to hold. Chu Jinglan looked as if he didnt understand the profound meaning. He just lowered his head and poured himself another cup of wine. A subtle melancholy that streaked across his eyes, which was somewhat endured and restrained but vanished the instant he raised his head.

He recognized this voice. It was the man who spoke in the restaurant yesterday. He knew this person was the outstanding General Ye Huaili of the royal court. He was also extremely familiar with this surname that had been clearly engraved on the silver medal of the black-clad assassins.

What a loyal and devoted Ye family! Such a distinctive standpoint without any ambiguity!

Speaking of the border frontier, there have been a lot of petitions recently which mostly apply for construction of the garrison and to increase the allocation of armaments. What are Our younger brothers opinions with regards to these matters as you have just returned from Northern Land?

Chu Jinglan was silent for a moment before he slowly replied, Younger brother doesnt know about other places but the northern border has long been subjected to the harassment of foreign enemies. Since the defending troops have limited support, the common people have also been suffering untold hardships. If these matters can enhance the strength of the troop, the barbarians will most probably not dare invade our countrys border anymore.

If thats the right measure, this matter will be handed over to you. You can officially discuss this with the Ministry of War tomorrow. Minister Zhu will submit the account book for Our perusal after the discussion. The Emperor fiddled with the four-stem, jade wine cup, half his face obscured under the shadow of the palace lantern, Since you are finally back, it is only right that you should share some of Our responsibilities in the affairs of governing.

All the ministers burst into an uproar.

The purpose of Chu Jinglans return this time was unclear and not only was the Emperor not wary of him, but even allowed him to immediately participate in the governing and political affairs!

The sound of music masked the low, murmured whispers of the audience, but being there, one would know that it was like bees buzzing in ones ears, which were provokingly annoying. Just then, a powerful and resounding voice cut through the whitewashed silence.

This official believes that Your Highness King Lan is not suitable to participate in the royal court and to partake in the governing of political affairs.

After Ye Huaili finished his words, he looked at Chu Jinglan across the floating gauze net and the innumerable rosewood tables with a dauntless expression. Chu Jinglan returned his gaze nonchalantly without a trace of annoyance except the sereneness of his eyes were like a deep ocean that could seemingly reel one in at any time.

Ye Huaili vaguely frowned.

Generally, it would be impossible for a persons temperament to remain amiable and magnanimous like before after such an incident. Thats why Chu Jinglans performance was particularly dubious. Perhaps he is actually acting out a play for everyone to see.

Ye Huaili was still pondering on this when Chu Jinglan took up his suggestion and spoke in a loud voice, General Ye is right. Younger Brother has not returned for many years and ought to proceed with worshipping the ancestors, as well as performing a self-reflection. It has been a quite long time that I am out of practice to partake in political governance. Disappointing the Imperial Elder Brothers expectation is trivial but failing the security of the border and appeasing the people is a major matter; thus, I would like to request the Imperial Elder Brother to retract your order.

The Emperor raised his brows as he looked closely at him. Every second seemed endless before he finally opened his mouth, All right. Wait until you are ready then.

Chu Yinglan bowed his thanks and said, The matter of worshipping the ancestors

Whats so troublesome about it? The Emperor smiled and turned his head to summon the commander of the imperial guards, Zhang Yin for an audience as he instructed him, Escort King Lan for a roundtrip to the Imperial Ancestral Temple tomorrow.

This official obeys the Emperors command.

Zhang Yin responded profoundly then swiftly withdrew from the main hall promptly. Chu Jinglan didnt refuse as he got up once more and cupped his hands, Thank you, Imperial Elder Brother.

The Emperor waved his hand then directly dropped the topic; instead he said, We see that King Lans mansion has been vacant for a long time. Perhaps it is somewhat inconvenient to reside there again. Wouldnt it be better to stay in the palace and move back after the renovation.

A glint streaked across Chu Jinglans eyes yet when he raised his head, he unexpectedly mocked himself right in front of everyone, Younger brother is only one person and unmarried, so its the same staying anywhere. However, troubling the Imperial Elder Brother about this matter is truly remorseful.

It was clear to everyone at the feast that this was a tactful rejection.

The Emperors expression remained unchanged as he laughed boisterously, Speak of marriage, We must ask the Queen Mother to seek a marriage for you at once so to save you from using this to fend Us off again.

Younger brother dare not go pay a formal visit to the Queen Mother later if the Imperial Elder Brother speaks this way.

Then dont even think of getting out from the Imperial City compound today.

As soon as the words were out, the ministers were startled with cold sweat that they abruptly looked up towards the seat of honour then blew out a breath of relief when they saw the thin smile at the corners of the Emperors mouth. Their minds, however, were extremely precarious as they eventually felt that they might have missed out on something. The Emperors intentions were seemingly getting more and more difficult to surmise. Yet Chu Jinglan merely clasped his hands and returned to his seat when the Emperor also didnt pursue it further, leaving the matter unsettled.

Soon after the feast concluded, all the ministers gradually left the banquet in groups of twos and threes, slowly walking towards the Imperial Palace gate and departed.

Since its still early, Chu Jinglan has to make a trip to Han Zhang Palace. He walked down to the paved passage, there are blue bricks and auspicious clouds around the knees. He was winding around a corner when a shadow abruptly appeared revealing the corner hem of a gown. When he looked up, he saw it was precisely Tang Qingfeng who had been waiting for a long time.

Wangye. Tang Qingfeng bowed to salute.

Chu Jinglan briefly nodded his head then his elegant figure crossed to the front of the corridor. Tang Qingfeng silently followed. Afterwards, they passed through countless cassia trees towards Dian Lan Palace. He vaguely reminisced those early years when he was still the imperial bodyguard in the forbidden city where he used to follow Chu Jinglan just like now; shuttling back and forth within the Imperial City. However, the circumstances at present have already changed.

Unconsciously, they arrived in front of a desolated palace with creeper vines covering the vermillion walls and weeds that reach their ankles. It appears that no one resided here for a long time. Chu Jinglan, however, stopped and silently gazed at the cracked door. His eyes wandered, not knowing what went through his mind.

Tang Qingfeng was surprised at first as to why they stopped here until he raised his head and caught sight of the inscribed plaque on top and suddenly realized. He secretly condemned himself for being so oblivious as not to even recognize this place.

This was precisely the residence of Chu Jinglans mother, Imperial Concubine Chen before her death.

When the previous emperor died six years ago, Imperial Concubine Chen subsequently passed away also and this place was left deserted. Though this was known to them, looking at it now would inevitably arouse deep feelings; especially for Chu Jinglan ,as his heart still couldnt get over it and was drenched in blood.

Imperial Concubine Chen died to protect him.

The past surged up from the bottom of his heart and could not be calmed for a long time, yet Chu Jinglan only stood there. There was no fluctuating emotion, so much so that not even a little bit of nostalgia was displayed on his handsome face. Just as he lifted his foot to leave, a subtle sound of broken dry twig was heard. He abruptly turned around with a deep undercurrent rolling in his eyes.

Just when Tang Qingfeng wanted to speak, he saw Chu Jinglan take long strides towards the inner courtyard. The wooden door was pushed open and a creaking sound emitted from the uneven interlocked of the door. They saw a shadow of a person startled by their entrance through the door and she started running helter-skelter towards the rear with flimsy and confused footsteps, unlike one who practices martial arts. It would probably be a palace maid or perhaps a Gugu[2].

The two quickly leaped into the hall, since they wanted to catch up and find out who that person is. But as their vision swept across every nook of the hall, they were shocked to see the place clean and spotless. Cleaning tools were casually placed beside the eight immortals table evidently proving that someone didnt have enough time to collect them and left it behind. Could it beshe has been taking care of this place all along?

After the death of Imperial Concubine Chen that year, all the slave servants who served her were also executed one after the other so there shouldnt be anymore former slaves left. Who would take the risk to do this?

Numerous questions rolled in Tang Qingfengs mind but he was aware that it was foolish to stay any longer in this place and softly stated a reminder, Wangye, weve already stayed too long in this place. If we are to return late, Physician Lu would be worried.

Chu Jinglan tightly clenched his fist and unclenched it after a while later, Lets go.

[1] We/Our ( Zhn) used by a royal person in proclamations instead of I

[2] Gugu ( -Gg) old palace maid / paternal aunt

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