The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 47

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 47

47. A Father’s Love

The negotiation had come to a dramatic conclusion.

After parting ways with the Commission of Miracles and returning to his office, King Aethelstan let out a sigh of relief. Of course, his sigh was not only of relief. King Aethelstan’s forehead was creased with fatigue.

“How tedious.”

“…Isn’t that always the way with the Church?”

“They act as if it’s only natural to test people.”

Overt’s timid attempt at consolation did little to appease the king. He had suffered too much to be mollified by the consolation of a third party. The negotiation itself had been like a test by the Church, so it was only natural.

However, it was useless to keep wasting his energy on his emotions. Overt brushed his hair out of his face and changed the subject.

“Do you think the information the Church gave us was also part of the test?”

King Aethelstan recalled the countless pieces of information that the head of the commission, Boniface, had brought up.

A great deal of information had been poured out in a short amount of time. The origins of the Yubas, the pagans across the sea, the reason for the revocation of the right of investiture… Elements that seemed independent of each other were somehow connected.

Of all this, King Aethelstan focused on the part about the pagans.

“They say the pagans are gathering in numbers close to 50,000 to 100,000.”

“…Even so, it’s unlikely that they number 100,000. Especially considering that they would have to cross the sea, the actual number we would face would be even smaller.”

Overt’s opinion was simple. It was likely that the pagans were gathering, but the Church had been using fear to peddle indulgences for the past thousand years. Considering the unique circumstances of having to cross the sea, it would be impossible for them to invade with 100,000 troops.

Even so, the reason they had mentioned 100,000 was probably a cheap trick to instill a sense of crisis in King Aethelstan. Overt had come to the most reasonable conclusion possible within the bounds of common sense.

King Aethelstan’s thoughts were not much different. However, even if the number was reduced, it was still a threat that could not be ignored. King Aethelstan pressed his forehead with his right hand.

“However, if they have the same strength as the Yubas, it would be more than enough. Even that number would be a formidable force. To be honest… I don’t think the defensive alliance that the Church is promoting will work out properly. In the worst case, there is a good chance that our duchy will be destroyed. That’s how I see it.”


“When that time comes, I must meet my fate with my country as a king.”

“Your Majesty.”

“…As a lord and a father, I also have a duty to prevent the end of our family and the death of my children.”

King Aethelstan had not simply accepted the offer after seeing only a partial picture.

‘If I have the honorable title of Protector of the Holy Land, even if this land is destroyed, the ambitious lords of the mainland will take care of our surviving family.’

King Aethelstan had noticed the consideration that the Church had not explicitly mentioned out of respect for his honor and had accepted it.

‘Moreover, they said they would ask our family’s opinion on the investiture of the bishops, so it would be difficult for the mainland lords to ignore that. If His Majesty’s consideration continues, we will be able to receive at least minimal treatment even if we flee to the mainland.’

The Church’s promise was simple and clear.

Even if the islands fell completely into the hands of the pagans by dawn, the Powys family line would be guaranteed. Both exile and life after exile would be taken care of under the protection of the papacy.

This ensured the safety of his children and grandchildren. That was why King Aethelstan was able to uncrease his furrowed brow, if only a little.

“Your Majesty, please do not worry too much. They will have weakened during their journey across the sea, and they will be tactically disadvantaged because they have lived far from civilization… I am confident that we can protect everyone if we have a well-trained army and support from the mainland.”

“Unless their leader is a devotion level 5, that is.”

Even Overt could not speak fluently in front of the words ‘devotion level 5’.

Devotion. An abstract measure of how much one is favored by God.

Lux Stella grants blessings in stages to those who keep their vows, while the old gods of the underworld, called demons, grant blessings to those who offer more sacrifices. In that case, what kind of sacrifice would be required for devotion level 5?

“The priests have intentionally erased records of demons, saying that apostasy could increase if the blessings of devotion were known. They never revealed anything beyond the first level, which is immunity to disease, because even the blessings of Lux Stella could be discovered by the enemy.”


“I wonder how much power the 5th devotion would give.”

But there was another part that was more exciting and scary than that.

Before the negotiations were over, Duke Aselton asked a question with a mixture of curiosity and urgency. He wondered if there were any members of the church who belonged to the 5th devotion.

Then, Bonichego’s answer stimulated his imagination in many ways.

‘There can be no official believers of the 5th devotion who serve Lux Stella…’

Was it because no one had ever received it in history, or was it because the church seriously concealed its existence? Duke Aselton was lost in thought, excited like a young child for the first time in a long time.

He was almost lost in thought.

“No, it’s not.”


“Narva will be thirteen soon. It may be peaceful for now, but as the situation becomes urgent, the responsibilities he will take on will be significant. Originally, I let him play freely because he was the third son who had nothing to do with the inheritance, but he became very annoying because of that.”

Duke Aselton was originally a knight.

However, he was a knight with a slightly different personality than Terbear, his second son. Unlike Terbear, who was easygoing and quickly forgot bad things, Aselton tended to let things go, but he was a man who would chew on annoyance that exceeded his standard.

Moreover, he was not free enough to leave alone the annoyance of his youngest son, who wanted to receive his inheritance from his living father.

“Oberth, my dear friend. How are you doing in persuading the vassals and defending against the coastal raiders?”

Spy Oberth tilted his head at the sudden question, but answered obediently.

“It seems that Lord Edelred has successfully achieved his purpose. Lord Edelred said that he will return soon, and it is rumored that even Lord Terbear has recently become so fierce that the raiders have turned their heads.”

“Hmm. Hmm!”

In an instant, Duke Aselton recalled his loving heart for his youngest son. His eyes, which had been glaring just before, were filled with compassion.

However, the memory of Narva’s unfilial acts toward his father settled after a painful groan. The compassion disappeared from Duke Aselton’s eyes, and instead, venom began to mix.

“Bring them both back. I will also send a letter to Bishop Illenfoot.”

“To Lord Terbear… even the Bishop?”


Only then did Oberth, who had noticed his true intentions, sweat profusely and ask back, but the answer that came back was very cold.

“You’ve been playing for twelve years, so you have to study from now on to catch up with others!”


It was when the snow was falling that the detention was lifted.

I was walking down the hallway with Edwina and clicked my tongue at the white trash piling up on the windowsill. When I put my fingertip on it, it was neither moist nor soft, so it was real trash that couldn’t even be used for snowball fights.

Except for the advantage that it could be used well with a broom, it was completely useless.

“If it snows, we can have a snowball fight.”

“Were there any friends of Your Highness’s age that you could hang out with?”

Edwina asked, sorting her hair that fell below her shoulders. It was a strangely dismissive tone. She seemed genuinely surprised that there was anyone to play with.

Oh my.

Edwina found the sociality of a modern person living on Earth in the 21st century very funny.

“Why don’t we call the servants who are busy working and play with them? It will be a good memory for the servants too.”


It will be a very exciting event for those who live a colorless and difficult life and whose threshold of stimulation has fallen through the floor. I, a modern person of the 21st century. I could be sure of it as an event package led by the Manager in the mountain club I used to belong to.

But for those who don’t know about such a career, it might look different.

“I… Your Highness. I doubt it will be a really good memory.”

“We’ll see when we try.”

Medieval people who valued the sense of community would have gladly accepted it. I brushed off Edvina’s question lightly and kept walking.

“By the way, there are many faces I haven’t seen today.”

“Yes? …Your Grace, do you remember the faces of all the servants?”

“Of course. I don’t know their names, but I remember their faces. That guy over there, the one who just shaved his beard, is the one who almost got hit by the glass bottle I threw.”


This is strange. This is definitely a time when she should be moved, but for some reason, Edvina’s face was completely pale. It seemed that the meaning was not conveyed properly, so I explained it with a warm smile.

“I have to remember who works for me and what they did, don’t I?”

This is the mindset of a good boss.

I know what kind of person you are, and you are never just a random extra. You are all equally precious to me. Let’s tone down these heartwarming words a little.



“Your Grace, please wait. I’ll be right back. …Until the hiccups stop. Please. I’ll keep my mouth shut…”

Edvina started hiccuping. I don’t know how Edvina usually thought of me, but I don’t know why she suddenly started hiccuping. I’m curious, but… it’s too much to ask such detailed questions, so I decided to let it go.

Anyway, this was my first outing since my close aides were released.

I arrived at the door of my father’s office and knocked calmly.

“It’s Narba.”

“Come in.”


The voice from beyond the door was rougher than usual. It seemed that he was not alone with my father. I made up my mind to be more polite than usual and opened the door.


“Narba, you’re safe! I knew you’d be safe!”

Tervere, with his plump face already turning red around the eyes.

“Long time no see, Narba. You were quite the troublemaker, weren’t you?”

A familiar man with warm and gentle eyes was waiting for me.

“Lord Edelled?”

“hahahaha, it seems you’ve forgotten what I look like. It’s been too long. There’s a lot we want to talk about, but.”

Edelled definitely looked like a mediator.

His eyes had a natural upward tilt, and his brown eyes had a gentle, rustic feel to them, reminiscent of a humble cottage. The calmness he exuded in his every move and gesture naturally eased the tension of those who saw him.

But what did Edelled do? Edelled flicked his index finger at my father under the hem of his cloak, which he had slightly raised, out of sight of others.

“My father is very determined, so be prepared.”


Determined? Prepared for what?

I couldn’t respond to Edelled’s half-joking, half-serious concern. This was because my father’s atmosphere had suddenly changed. My father was exuding an aura that was somehow familiar, yet terrifyingly intimidating.



My father’s eyes were unusual.

From Noble mtl dot com

“I haven’t been paying attention to you lately. Some of it was unavoidable, and some of it was intentional.”

“No. I understand completely.”

“No. When I think about the important task you will be taking on in the future, I can no longer let you play around… I can no longer let you be an idiot.”

This is… it’s coming.

“I’ll give you plenty of opportunities. Stop playing around and studying, Narva!”

Even if I put aside the fact that this was about 90% my father’s true intentions spilling out.

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