The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady

Chapter 39 - Alhart And Famiras

Ding! Ding!

The bell attached to the door rang.

Such a sound is naturally drowned by the noise inside the shop, and nobody pays attention to Alhart who had just come in.

Yo, Al! Over here!!

A voice called out to Alhart as he stood at the entrance looking around as if searching for someone.

Heey, Fara. Long time no see.

Waving at Alhart, and sitting at one of the seats at the back was Fara, or Famiras Carranzado.

The food arrived at the same time a smiling Alhart took a seat opposite Famiras.

This is?

I ordered it. Eat, eat! We can talk even while eating, cant we? Its my treat!

Then, I wont hesitate. Oh, right. Yuto sends his regards.

Whats with that, hes not coming?

Yeah. Hes guarding the Saintess.

Sounds rough.

Well, its just a bit more, anyway.

so only 2 more places left, huh?


If it takes Rulan Kingdoms troops about a month to reach Rideiran Kingdom, wont the battle take at least three months to be settled?

Well, considering the difference in battle strength, then that position is reasonable. Is there a possibility of Rideiran Kingdom setting up a naval battle though?

The possibility is zero. This country doesnt have that kind of military strength right now. The most they can do is to engage the enemy head-on.

Well, in terms of military strength, then, Rulan Kingdom is no big deal either. But, The Dipterous Sword lending them a hand greatly changed their war potential.

A new dish is brought in front of the two even as they eat while talking.

Alhart, who was about to dig into the dish, suddenly stopped.

Hey, Fara. Im just curious, but

What is it?

You know those guys?

So you noticed, huh. Actually, I had a run-in with some bandits before I came to this town. Those might be the remnants.

Seriously, dont leave any.

Alhart, exasperatedly, whispered as he resumed his meal.

No, I was eager to wipe them all out, but, those guys got away fast.

Saying that Famiras shrugged and reached out for the food.

After that, several boorish men surrounded the two as they continued eating while holding a conversation.

Hey, look what the wind blew in. Youre talking about us, arent you?

Stop saying stupid things. Werent you the ones who started it?!?

The two complain, but dont stop their chopsticks from moving even as one of the men approached them.

Thats a good reaction, Sir Knight!!

The table was kicked and made a loud noise that caused the lively chatter inside the store to die down.

So, youre just going to completely ignore me and my buddies, and carelessly eat? Haah? Haaaah?!?

Famiras sighs and stands up in front of the man threatening them.

You just wasted my food. Dont you know there are people suffering from food shortages? Besides, arent you the ones showing impressive reactions right now? Hey, Al. Oi, Alhart!


At the same time, the question was asked, Famiras glanced at Alhart, but, unconsciously, groaned out his name as his eyes flew to the spectacle before him. Alhart had churned out a dull reply without stopping his chopsticks from moving to the dish that he had saved when the table was kicked over.

What the hell is with you, youre still eating.? Do you understand the situation were in? Heey, are you in there?

The hell, Fara? Those rascals came here to pick a fight with us, didnt they? I do understand that much.

Then why are you still eating?!? A battle is starting from now on!! Prepare yourself!!

Haaah? Nah, Ill pass. Too troublesome.

Troublesome you just like alwaysMan, you never change! Hey, you naughty brats, lets go outside. Ill deal with you just as you wish. Al just stay here and behave! Get ready for a scolding later!!

Suuure. Dont lose, mkay?

You have such nerve to tell me that.

With his weapon, the spear, in hand, Famiras gallantly followed the men out of the store. However, in less than a minute, he returned and with an abashed smile, reached his hand out to Alhart.

Sorry, but my spear isnt suitable for fighting inside the town. Can you lend me your sword?

Wheres your spare sword?

Its at the blacksmiths right now. I wont handle it roughly, so, Im begging you.

Make sure you dont handle it roughly or get any shit on it in the battle, you hear? Take it.


If the blade gets so much as a scratch, then, Im gonna strangle you.

I get it, geez.

Receiving the sword from Alhart, Famiras once again leaves the store.

Really hes such a klutz, that Fara.

After seeing off Famiras, Alhart wryly chuckles and resumes his meal.

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