The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady

Chapter 35 - And, Then, Reality!

A desperate chorus of citizens welcomed Akari who returned to the street they were previously in.


Saintess, where have you gone!?

Please help us!! The demons are!!

Now is the time for you to use your power for us!!

Wa-wait! Calm down!! The demon is gone already!!

The air changed course as soon as the townspeople confirmed that it was Akari and rushed to her, screaming as if they cannot control themselves.

Ooooh!! Just as expected, Saintess! You vanquished the demon for us, didnt you!?

How reassuring! If its with her power, then, were saved!!

If the Saintess is here, then, we dont have to fear the demons!!

Ah, no, I didnt really exterminate

Akaris voice is drowned out by the crowd who began to cheer excitedly.


Frackt! And Mars, too!!

Akari, who was being carried away with the peoples momentum, heard a voice calling out to her.

Turning that way, she sees Frackt and Mars trying to get to her in a hurry.

Its Prince Frackt!! Prince Frackt has also come for us!!

God hasnt forsaken us!!

Please help us!!

Please have mercy on our pathetic selves!!

The people became more excited at the arrival of Frackt, the Prince.

Oi, what the hell is up with you people!? Cut it out! Dont touch me so easily!!

Saintess! Please help me!! I dont have anything to eat!! Please have mercy!!

My Prince! Please! Please!! Please have mercy on us!!

Wait, hey!! It hurts!! Stop pulling me!!

Big sis!!


Many hands reached out and rushed to cling to them.

Mars desperately reached toward Akari, however, the rushing crowd swallowed him up faster than Akari could grasp him, and Mars disappeared to the back of the crowd.

Hey, knock it off, would you!? What mercy are you saying!? We are here for the sake of purifying the tainted lands were going on this journey for your sakes!! What else are you asking me to do!?

Unconsciously, Akari screamed angrily at the people who only voiced their own demands.

The crops arent growing! Please help me with that miraculous power of yours!!

My father is sickPlease, please help him.

Ever since Manrinia had become tainted, the goods from overseas cannot come in and I cannot sell my products! My money has also run out!! If it stays like this, then I will die of hunger!! Hey, do something about it!!

Thats impossible! I dont have such power!!

Unable to stand it anymore, Akari shouted and confused the crowd.

What do you mean, Saintess?

What did you mean by that?

I mean, arent you the Saintess?

I am, but that doesnt mean

If thats the case, then, you are here to save us.

Thats why I said Im saving you, arent I!? I am on a journey to purify the tainted lands!!

If its like that, then thats no help at all!!


Even if the land returns to normal, I still need to plant my crops from the start! If its like that, then until when will I have to wait? We cannot keep on starving!!

Some people cannot even buy their food today! We want money and food instead of the lands left behind because of the taint!!

For you to say such a thing I mean, if I dont purify the lands, wont the demons grow in number? Eventually, the whole country will be tainted because of the demons thats why I

We told you so.

Casting her eyes downward, Akaris voice shook. It was at that time when a voice reached her ears not quite loud, but cold and clear.


Hey, lass. Isnt it just as my master said?

Carrying Mars, who had been swept by the crowd, under his arm, Kreutz advanced despite the crowd of people and stood in front of Akari.

Human beings are ugly and selfish creatures. Believe and never doubt that you are the misfortune that has befallen us equally. It is always someone other than yourself that breaks it. Its fun to watch someone grieve over their misfortune, but not think of doing anything about it.

What are you trying to say?

Right now, the people of this country are depending on the Saintess title that you bear. These people are hoping for a miracle to happen in response to the misfortunes and unhappiness they are facing.

Thats Its not like I can make miracles happen!!

But, thats not how the people of this country think. They believe that the Saintess is the one who will save them and cause miracles to happen. Thats why theyre asking you.

Whats up with that I mean, for the sake of this country, I

They value the food and money necessary to survive another day than the purification that will save the countrys future. They want justice that benefits themselves instead and not the justice aimed at the masses.

Isnt that really selfish!?

But, thats what people are, Saintess.

Syltina suddenly appeared behind Kreutz, and, with a snap of her fingers, an invisible wall stood between them and the citizens.

Isnt that what I told you? Theres no value in believing the people of this country. They take it for granted that someone will save them, but dont think about the sacrifices that it might cost them.

From under her hood, Syltina glanced at the citizens who became bewildered with the invisible wall that suddenly appeared before them, and seized Akaris arm.

Have you already understood what would happen if you revealed yourself, Saintess?

Today, we will leave the town as it is and camp nearby. We will also do the shopping from tomorrow onwards. To avoid repeating events like this one, we will be avoiding places with people, so please understand.


Murmuring, Akari shakes off Syltinas arm and rushes to the citizens who are separated from her by the wall.

II, for your sakes I went on this dangerous journey for this countrys sake!! Why isnt anyone thankful!? Be thankful, worship, offer your respects!! I dont care if you dont have any money! I cannot cure your sickness! You can just starve yourselves to death!! This, this!!

Akari, stop.


Yuto, who was in the vicinity, went and covered the mouth of Akari, who angrily expressed her feelings to the citizens.

You shouldnt do that.


You cant. It is already too late for these people. Just like Kreutz-san and Lady Sylti said, these people think that its only normal to receive alms. There is no point in telling them about the hardships on our side. For these people, its best to just give up and say, theres nothing I can do about it.

Give up

Yes. But, dont forget this, okay? These people work for the countrys sake, and in turn, the country gives them prosperity and safety. However, this time, it was the country who took away these peoples safety in the first place. These people have a good reason to beg you. And hey, Akari? Its not like youre cooperating with this purification journey without any rewards either, are you?


There must be something youre bound to receive by the end of this journey, right?

Thats true.

Rather, if you do this for free and the country gains something from it, then you definitely have a reason to implore them. So, with that in mind, the country announced your participation in the purification journey quite grandly, didnt they? Akari, your Saint title carries a much greater responsibility than you think.

Wha, thats I didnt know that

I dont know what you were thinking when you took on the title of Saint, but, as long as you are the Saintess, the people of this country will depend on you and have expectations of you. Keep that in mind. Then, shall we go?

Ending the conversation, Yuto leads Akari by the arm, and this time, turns their backs away from the people, and starts walking.

Even then, the citizens were still making a fuss for some reason, but none of it reached Akaris ears.

With this, I dont have to pointlessly accompany the Saintess on the shopping trip anymore.

Yuto sighs in relief.

After meeting up with Milliane in the town, they left and decided to camp out in the nearby forest.

That night, Yuto, who was on night watch duty, smiled, wryly, at Alhart who had woken up to take his turn.

You, you purposely let the Saintess reveal her identity, didnt you?

Thats right. But, you and Lady Sylti not stopping her from going back there afterward means you agreed with my line of thinking, didnt you?

I guess. From this time on, if we just stop by towns and villages like we always did until now, then the news about the war between this country and Rulan Kingdom might be found out sooner or later. With this, I thought it would be a good excuse to travel off the main roads. Even Sylti thinks so, too.

Well, if the war breaks into full swing, then theyll surely find out, but its easier if they dont know until then. By the way, have you heard? Lady Sylti says they met Fara today.

Yeah, I heard. That guys troops are procuring supplies now, arent they?

Looks like it. But, Im curious when they would notice that Fara, a common soldier, slipped in.

That old man never changes.

Thats one of his good points, you know? He asked Miss Milliane to tell us that we might still meet him tomorrow, so send him my regards.

Ah, youre babysitting tomorrow, arent you? Good luck.

Yeeeeah, well, the Saintess probably took a lot of damage today so I think shell be quiet tomorrow. The Prince is fine if you just ignore him, and Miss Milliane is originally quiet, soyup. I think tomorrow will be fine somehow.

Alhart shared a strained laugh with Yuto, who seemed like he was talking loud enough to hear himself, and turned to look at the carriage where Akari and the others were sleeping.

I wonder what Syltis intending to do with the Saintess at the end?

Beats me. Either way, Im sure at the end, she wont be in front of us anymore.

Right? Ah, the Saintess sure is pitiful.

Youre saying that quite monotonously, though

The two looked at each other and shared a laugh, but in the next moment, those smiles disappeared as they simultaneously spoke,

The one who got scolded is in the wrong after all.

The words that quietly disappeared into the darkness of the night did not reach anyone, but the two.

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