The Magnificent Battle Records of A Former Noble Lady

Chapter 10 - Those Who Start Moving

Was it alright to talk about everything to that elf Miliane?

At Alharts question, Syltina looked up at him.

Are you trying to say that theres a danger of her telling the King, Prince and Saintess about it?


Its alright. When she promised not to tell anyone about our talk, she put her right hand up horizontally across her face, right? That was the elves oath pose. It is proof of an oath that, no matter what happens, they will absolutely never break the promises they make. Its cool, isnt it? Completely different from us.

Seeing Syltina laugh enjoyably, Alhart and Kuroitsu shrugged their shoulders and gave bitter smiles.

Right now, they were in the middle of returning from the castle. After that, they completely ignored the existence of Akari who had, for some reason, appeared clad in a party dress, and the introductory meeting of the members for the purification journey was (by Syltina) forcibly terminated. Though Akari appeared dissatisfied and began to cry about something, as if she didnt consider Akaris existence at all, Syltina had taken Miliane from that place and left. Alhart and Kuroitsu also followed her lead.

And then, Syltina had spoken to Miliane about her everything. After hearing that, Miliane made an oath to never tell anyone about what Syltina had told her.

It seems like youve come to like that elf.

Fufu. Dont you remember hearing the name Miliane Fruktor before? Al?

Miliane Fruktor, is it

He pondered upon it for several seconds. Then, Alhart went ahh, as he let out a half-hearted voice.

Its a name we saw in one of the Guilds requests.

Right. A missing persons request. Though we didnt take it because Rizolda Island was a little far.

Meaning that someone is searching for that elf?

Rather than someone, its her family (friends) that are looking for her. Because she had disappeared from their tribe for a long time, they wanted someone to find her.

Sylti, dont tell me you

Theres no disadvantage in making her our ally, considering her magic and magical talent, right? Also, once this times request is over, if we take her back to her tribe on Rizolda Island, then well be able to complete the missing persons request. Its good that its possible to accept and get approval for finishing the Guilds requests after doing them. Otherwise, someone would have to go back at least once.

It was true that she had thought that Miliane was beautiful. Even if there was a slight ulterior motive behind it, in Syltinas eyes, Miliane was a very beautiful existence. It was also true for her external appearance, but her heart was beautiful. She had been tricked and used by humans many times, but even so, her existence that was still capable of using her powers for humans like this. From Syltinas point of view, she was a miraculous existence.

However, Syltina was no longer capable of unconditionally trusting someone to speak about everything regarding herself based on that alone.

There was value in telling her everything. Just that. Its not that I trust her, but at least as long as she abides by the contents of the request, then Im willing to live with her.

There are likely people who would say that she was using her. However, to Syltina right now, that was the highest level of respect she could show to someone other than those that she personally trusted.

Even if it was the same request, there were some people who she wouldnt tell anything, and wouldnt even direct any of her feelings towards at all, simply making sure that they wouldnt betray the requests contents. Amongst them, to tell one everything, and move in order to not betray the trust that had been directed towards her, was, to those who knew the current Syltina well, the most easily understandable proof of trust that she could give.

Right, Sylti. This morning, a letter came from them(1).

I see. What did it say?

That everything is going smoothly. They said to finish up things on this end as soon as possible. It seems weve got half a year at most.

If its half a year, it should be enough time. This country isnt that big, and its just a journey to defeat monsters and purify taint. Right now, the places producing taint due to monsters include 2 villages and 3 towns. Since monsters dont appear in places where humans live, once we purify those 5 places, then the request will be complete. Well, during that time, well need some countermeasures to make sure that the damages dont expand to any other places.

Yeah, if its that, then it seems that they are taking some measures.

What countermeasures are there?

Seems like theyre sending the Witch of Foresight. If its her, well, Im sure shell do something.

If its her, then theres no need to worry. What did the Master say?

He said hell leave it to us. Well, since hes busy gathering up everyone from all the different countries, he probably doesnt have time to deal with us.

Everyones a free spirit after all.

In any case, well need to purify the taint first or we wont be able to move forward, so lets hurry up and finish this.

Thats true. For that, well need the Saintess to work hard.

Just how much had the foolish and wretched people of this country realized?

Becoming the Saintess guard for the purification journey, was by no means equivalent to Saving this country.

The Guilds requests required a suitable reward, and what Syltina asked of the King was merely the request of Syltina personally. She had purposely not talked about the contents and reward of the request that she and her party had accepted.

Just how many people had realized the significance of that hidden portion?

By the time they realize it, itll be too late.

Saying that, Syltina laughed as though she were having fun.


In the evening of that same day. On a single plot of land in Luran Kingdoms Capital, there was a building under a signboard upon which the words, The Dipterous Sword was written. Within that building was a room furnished with a round table, around which 5 men and women sat.

And so? Just how long will you stay here, Witch of Foresight?

That nickname is embarrassing, so could you stop calling me that? I have a proper name, Clarina Hamillee, so I told you to call me that at least amongst our comrades.

Youre known more by your nickname than your name, so it cant be helped. There are hardly any people that know youre referring to the Witch of Foresight when you say Clarina-san.

Youre not one who can talk, Rain Nanasight. You have that nickname, the Thunder Gods Spearman that most people only know you by.

Thats the case for all of us.

Thats true. For us, everyones nickname is known more widely than our actual names, so it might be quite difficult for someone to identify us based on our names.

Yeah, I shouldve been like Sylti and Al-kun and used my name to sell from the start. Witch of Foresight and such is seriously chuuni(2).

Chuuni? As usual, you sometimes use words that make no sense. More importantly, are Master and him not here yet?

Master, not coming. Everyone from Guild, gather. Said he was busy.

I do believe that he will be coming soon? There was a report from Syltina-sama that she received a reply.

Ah, a report came from Sylti? That was fast. What did it say?

It seems that the purification journey should finish before half a year is up. Well, that will also depend on Clarina-samas work, but shes not too worried and said shell be leaving it to you.

Uwahh, such pressure. Well, if its for Sylti, then Ill do my best. While Im at it though, Ill advance our project.

If you do that, then Syl-san will get mad at you.

But it wasnt planned for Sylti to be involved in this times project to begin with. Because that stupid Rideiran King was so thick-skinned as to try and borrow Syltis power, that Sylti became involved with that country that she didnt want to have anything to do with anymore. It really pisses me off.

The one who made things like this was Sylti-jou(3). When the summoning from the Rideiran King came, even should she could have declined, she ran out of luck when she purposely decided to go laugh at them by rejecting them in person. Using it as an opportunity, he started the preparations for the project, and that was reflected in Masters actions.

Well, since Syl-san accepted the request, then that means she decided to become involved in the project, right? That being the case, then weve got to properly support Syl-san and co. so that theyll be able to move around well!

Thats quite reliable of you, Rain. If thats the case, then you can go together with Clarina as her support and head for Rideiran Kingdom.

Another voice joined in on the conversation of the 5 people. The moment they heard that voice, all 5 people simultaneously stood up and placed their right hands on their chests, deeply bowing to the speaker.

After that person, who possessed dark blue hair and similarly coloured eyes, looked around at all of them, he nodded once and sat in a chair.

Everyone is present, it seems. My bad for being late. Its fine to be at ease.

At those words, everyone sat down once more.

Jin-sama, are you serious about me being Clara-sans support?

I am. I also got permission from Aite.

From the Masterthen, our roles this time were decided by Jin-sama?

Correct. The Witch of Foresight, Clarina Hamillee, as well as the Thunder Gods Spearman, Rain Nanasight. Those two will head out for Rideiran Kingdom to obstruct the expanding damage by the monsters.

Got it.


A little girl possessing long black hair and black eyes, and a young man possessing short golden hair and sky-blue eyes replied back.

The Resourceful Commander, Camina Rulance, as well as the Smiling Gun Princess, Elaine Hunar. The two of you will continue preparations to ensure the success of the project. I will leave the command of those involved in that to you.


Please leave it to me.

A young man with brown cat fur that mostly covered his golden eyes to the point where they could hardly be seen, nodded. At the same time, a woman possessing loose, wavy flaxen hair and chestnut coloured eyes smiled.

The Dual Blade God of Death, Ilusa Smarf will assist Aite.


A young man wearing glasses that possessed rust-coloured hair and similarly coloured eyes bowed respectfully.

We, the Dipterous Sword,

Will wield our swords for your sake, give up our bodies for you sake, and swear to pledge allegiance to you alone. Our lord is one and only that is within our hearts.


At the short order, every person moved all at once. In the blink of an eye, only the man called Jin was left within the room.

Now then, prepare to regret and grieve and fall to ruin. Oh, Rideiran Kingdom.

He, whose name was Jin Luranbard, was none other than Luran Kingdoms second Prince.

No doubt, it is a light punishment for looking down on my Syltina. Much lighter than killing all of you without leaving a single person alive

Laughing as though he were having fun, his figure too, disappeared in the next moment.

Translator Notes:

^He uses aitsu. Referring to a single person, but of unknown gender.

^Chuuni > Chuunibyou, as in middle-schoolers syndrome. Look it up if you dont know what it means. ????

^jou = Miss, but I think this way of saying it has more personality, so Ill keep it as is.

^Rain talks with an extra -ssu at the end of his sentences, but Ill be leaving them out.

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