The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently In His Second Life

Chapter 5

k clouds started forming overhead.

It started to rain, the wind picked up too.

I want to finish this before it becomes a storm.

There was a considerable distance between the bandits and I.

The spell I used a little while ago, Black Shot is the rapid-fire version of its ball form.

The Sky system focuses on speed, but with that said, its rapid fire magic can still be avoided so I have be careful about that.

I only got those other guys because they were careless.

The thieves scattered to my left and right. They all kept their distance while aiming their bows at me.

With a mage as their opponent, they could either fight me through a long distance battle, or directly assault me knowing that some of them will die.

They decided on the former.

At least thats what I assume theyre doing. Predicting this, I shot out Red Wave before they could spread out too far.

Red system primary ranged magic: Red Wave.

Its a spell that constantly shoots out hot air, also doing a small amount of magic damage.

Although its a low-power spell, depending on how you use it, itll be useful for various situations, like being a distraction or Stoping movement.

Hot air spread across the ground, burning the thieves hair.


Suddenly being exposed to hot air like that, its not suprising theyd react like that.

The thieves riding horses were burnt, and stopped their movement.

My magic cant reach that far yet, I wont be able to kill them from this position.

If I can defeat one of them with magic, itll be tough to fight the other three, especially now since theyre vigilant against me.

Oh well Lets just kill them all at once.

No choice but to use Great Magic.

It was already raining, but as if in response to what I said, the storm seemed to get stronger.

Now would be suitable.

I collected all the magic in my body into my hands, and started chanting.

I beckon the spirits, shout like a storm, and roar like thunder, wipe out the foes before my eyes with the wrath of the heavens!

Black Thunder!

The sound of lightning could be heard from the black clouds covering the sky, when it suddenly poured down on them.

A dazzling light engulfed everything I could see, then a thunder clap resounded after a slight delay.

In place of where the thieves stood was nothing but a tremendous cloud of dust rising into the air, which was subsiding quickly in the wind and rain.

I could feel the increase of experience, so I think I defeated all of them.

After the dust settled, I went to check the place the lightning stuck.

The ground was gouged out where it fell, the soil was burnt black, and the thieves had disappeared without a trace.

My breathing was heavy, even though I feel like passing out, I needed to stay concious even a minute longer.

When you use too much magic, you put a great burden on your body.

Great Magics magic consumption is quite large.

Right now, probably because I went beyond the limits of my magic, its completely exhausted.

I sat down, and repeatedly took deep breaths, again and again.


I think I feel a little better now.

Sky system Great Magic: Black Thunder.

Even though its magic consumption is small compared to other Great Magic, and the fact that you can only cast the spell when theres cloudy weather, this spell has alot of defects to it, but if you ask me

Looking at the aftermath of the spell, it was still a really powerful attack.

It was hardly used, but the remains just scream that a big spell was used here.


The last sentence anyone?)

I continued to meditate while thinking about things like that.




After a long period of meditation my magic had recovered to some extent, I dont think Ill pass out anytime soon, but I still feel kind of sick.

As I turned to the caravan, there was a rather fat man staring at me.

I guess I fufilled my original purpose.

I turned towards the direction of the girls body and put my hands together in prayer.

After that I turned around and made my way towards the caravan.

How wonderful! You helped us! To be able to use such powerful magic at your age is amazing!

The middle-aged man with a bundled shaggy beard lavished praise towards me.

Pehaps hes the leader of the caravan. To a boy, such as I, he probably feels really weird asking for help.

Power controls the world after all, you need to treat anyone with power above yourself with respect so that you wont be found offensive.

This man also seems to understand that.

Im so lucky. If I were to try and fight them, I wouldve been killed. I really have to thank you!

Dont thank me, my performance was disappointing, I wasnt even able to prevent that lady from before from dying.

The worst-case scenario was still avoided though, and for that, Im lucky!

Although I dont think his luck is that good.

Okay, now its time to reap the rewards.

Anyways for now, are you alright? Im a mage but because I dont have any magic Items I wont be able to treat you if youre hurt

To my fastball request, the caravan leader gave me a blank look.

Crap, was I too direct? Not good, negotiations were never my thing in my past life.

But then his face immediately changed to a smile.

Ha ha ha. Yes, that is so. Words of gratitude wouldnt be enough for what youve done. Of course Ill give you something.

I guess Im lucky that I still look like a child. It wouldve been rude to protest against my decision a little, but I guess I was given a break.

I was never very good at reading the subtleties of the human mind since the old days.

But because Im not truly prepared to reward you while my caravan is like this, after we go to town, could you find me tomorrow?

All right.

After that the caravan went to town.

I got to ride the carriage too, the people whos lives were just attacked treated me like I was one of the grand heroes in stories.

Maybe if I didnt come there wouldve been more casualties. I wonder if any are that girls family.

No, it wont be that way. Ive seen many times when couples are seperated death.

Its too bad but, thats just how things are.


First line, anyone?)

After we returned to town and seperated, I went home.

The lights in the house were left on even though it was quite late at night.

Of course Mom was probably still awake and was going to give meanother hour-long sermon.

While I was thinking of what kind of face mom would make after I entered, probably because I was really tired from everything, I accidentally walked into the door and hit my head.

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