The Illicitous Dungeon

Chapter 67: Ouroboros in the Bath

Chapter 67: Ouroboros in the Bath

Whilst Therina and Aura were visiting the nearby wild settlements, Styx was busy expanding the dungeon. An army of miners were digging out new areas deep below the existing dungeon. Most of the miners who were mining ores had also been reassigned to the new team, digging out living areas, storage zones, and complicated and confusing giant corridors designed to confuse and bewilder invaders.

Everything was designed with the dungeon's defense in mind and tying that to aesthetic appeal. Every ambush, and bottleneck point were carefully placed. It also had to allow for his residents to safely pass through, so there were no rooms filled with poison gas or the like.

He did place countless traps in room which he could manually spring though, from special expansion traps to the new inferno gas trap, a heavy gas which filled up the room from the floor. It was made from crimson flower extract and a moderate poison.

Anybody incapable of resisting it would have their eyes, noses and throat burn upon inhaling any of it, quickly finding themselves incapable of breathing as their lungs felt excruciating pain as if they were spontaneously combusting, which wasn't far from what happens.

Even more gnomes and other monsters were working alongside the dark elves to build more tudor style cobblestone and wood homes rapidly and tirelessly in the main settlement. There was currently only thirty homes built, along with ten general stores, where everything was free to residents, in the middle of the settlement.

This wasn't going to be enough to accommodate all the new residents, but all these things took time, especially digging out new areas.

Styx wanted to speed up the expansion even more, and there were three methods he could come up with.

The first and simplest method was to have all the girls focus on breeding miners, which was feasible.

The second method was to have the miners breed with one another to increase the monster count, but this held a different problem which made it no longer possible.

Whilst the monsters could technically breed with one another under Styx's control, the new monsters were no longer Styx's, but instead wild monsters. He couldn't control them and they would also attack even the residents. This was possible for breeding training monsters, but not for production or the dungeon's defenses. Not until the taming problem could be solved at least.

The third and final option was that rather than digging out new areas, turning his eyes to already existing space and expand through that.

Dungeon cores could start a dungeon above or below ground, and each held advantages. The dungeon cities were prime examples of above ground dungeons, and they could expand within a very large range depending on the dungeon's level. Underground dungeons could expand infinitely, but it was much slower as they had to excavate their domain.

Styx came to the conclusion that if an aboveground dungeon core could extend into the ground, surely he could expand out.

In order to do this, he had already developed a solid theory on how to do it. He couldn't 'excavate' the air, but if he built into it, it would be the same as making claim to the area. In order to do this, he built several service tunnels below the ground and extending away from the cliff face his dungeon was situated on.

He built large drills and connected them to high speed turbined engines, which were then connected to large and intricate totem poles in the ground that would raise and push the drill up.

This totem pole was still a construction of the dungeon, and by pushing it up through the ground and into the open world, he could theoretically "push himself" into it

Styx stood in the service tunnel with his avater and inserted several handfuls of fully charged mana gems into a local battery pack. An array lit up and projected itself in front of the device, which was a computational model listing all the available mana channels and functioned as a control gate for them.

He dragged on of the lines across and it then lit up along with the arcane formula attached to that line lit up and begun displaying a real time mana quantity number that Styx could use to evaluate how much mana was being output.

The battery device also listed the total aggregate amount of mana it had access to from the inserted mana gems, but Styx had yet to create an identification system for mana attributes.

The mana line along the ground glowed faintly and the nearby drill begun rapidly spinning and drilling up into the ground.

Dirt was ejected at a fast pace into a pre prepared cart as it rapidly dug through the short distance to the surface.

The totem pole was then lowered and the drill removed before being raised back up again.

Styx's calculations had given fruit, as the pole pushed up and into the open world, he felt as if the border of his dungeon was being pushed along with it. It was as if there was a thin cloth along the ground which was the border of his dungeon, and it was pushed up in a tent like structure with the totem pole as the support pillar.

"Perfect!" Styx laughed and slapped his thigh in mirth.

He had a group of dirt gnomes assisted by a living golem install a giant obsidum pin that locked the totem in place. It reached up about five meters in the air and made a large amount of area above ground count as the dungeon.

He then had the monsters drag to the dirt cart around and install more locking pins as he raised one totem pillar after another. It was unfortunate that he couldn't lower them again, as it caused his dungeon skin to collapse back onto the ground, but this was a small restriction when it meant he had the means to expand outside. The more he built, the stronger and more support he would have too.


Therina returned to the dungeon with Aura and was surprised to see the totems erected outside the dungeon in an organized formation. She was naturally elated for Styx's success and rushed to go see him.

She followed their bond and found him walking through the main settlement in the dungeon which was referred to as just 'Frontier', according to some odd naming sense of Styx's. Houses were rapidly being constructed at a rate of ten per day with everyone doing their own specific part of the construction.

Lava foxes were responsible of providing heat and drying all the cement and bonding materials, so there was very little waiting time for those, but it did make the construction sites quite hot and dry, making everyone sweaty.

When their task was done, the elves would quickly go have a bath in their private residences, which was a common luxury as they all had hot water lines fed directly into their homes and large, open baths they could lounge around in.

Styx was currently in no different a condition, but Therina didn't care at all as she jumped on him and wrapped her arms and legs around him.

"I'm back," She giggled and enthusiastically showered his face in kisses. "I saw your success outside How far does the dungeon expand?"

"About twenty meters per pole."

"Do you have time for me now?"


Styx slyly pinched her ass through her stockings and made her walk beside him as they walked towards his and his girl's residence. Aura had detected this and had already chosen to sleep elsewhere. Her current perch was on top of one of the houses where she could leisurely watch the current construction process while dozing off.


Styx slid into the large bath in his mansion, Therina slowly washing him while pressing her nude body up against his.

She ran scrubbed soap onto his body and removed the dirt with a coarse cloth. Her apple sized breasts pressed up against his back, her nipples dragging up and down as she scrubbed.

Her long golden hair clung to her body and floated on the water where her hip were submerged.

Therina tenderly kissed his back, moving her hands down and firmly grasping his already erect shaft. Her fingertips caressed up and down his meat right before he felt her begin tug on it.

She slithered around his body with a giggle and pushed him back until he was sitting on the edge of the bath. She squeezed her way between his legs and planted kisses on his chest, moving slightly further down with each one.







Her face pressed against his erection as her moist lips kissed the tip of it, her tongue also extending and softly licking it from base to top.

Therina propped herself up with her elbows on his knees and lay forward, everything from her chest down being submerged in the bath. She held him in her hands, her slender finger softly stroking him up and down as she opened her cherry lips and took the bulging, exposed head into her mouth.


Styx felt her hot breath massaging his member, along with her tongue that seemed to lick ever part of it, and moaned in pleasure.

He held onto her head and combed his fingers through her hair as she slowly lowered her head. Styx felt the moist warmth in her mouth enveloping more of his manhood before came the tight constriction of her throat on the tip.

Therina took a little over half of his length in her mouth at once before raising her head back up. She repeated this over and over again, trying to swallow it deeper down her constricting throat.

Styx became more forceful and began rubbing the base of her ears with his thumbs as he was very close to cumming.

Therina silently moaned at her ears being rubbed in their most sensitive spot while also detecting Styx was close to climaxing and moved more vigorously.

She stoked him with her hand harder and pushed it further down the back of her throat, the heat of her mouth enveloping him as he throbbed and felt the internal pressure rapidly building up.

"I'm cumming," Styx quietly released a long exhalation of air as he held her head down on his crotch and released a large mouthful of dungeon seed directly down her throat.

Therina's gulped against the large shaft rhythmically, sucking the cum out of him and even causing it to slide slightly further down.

She then pulled her head off his large, saliva covered penis and smiled at him sheepishly without a trace of semen in her mouth.

"This isn't over," Styx stated with a still greedy smile and pulled her against him. "But it is also time for you to Class Up. I have had all you girls wait for a reason, after all."

Therina rested her head against his chest with her arms wrapped around him.

"We all know and would never doubt you."

Styx nodded and stroked her slender back as he said, "Beatrice and gaining an attribute to her mana have given me inspiration. Once I know what your general class development possibilities are, I can put a compatible attribute in your body and further increase the possibility and quality of your class options."

"Bea missed out then, huh?"

"Not really, but she could have had some better opportunities if I was aware sooner."

Just at this moment, the bathroom door opened and a sweaty Beatrice, who had just returned from monitoring the construction zone, entered.

She glanced at Therina in Styx's arms for longer than normal before calmly stripping off her clothes and sliding into the steaming bath just over an arm's length away, her large breasts highly buoyant in the water.

Styx chuckled lightly as he could feel how powerful emotions through their bond and knew what she wanted.

"Come closer."

Beatrice glanced over and immediately moved closer, allowing herself to be captured in his embrace and lean against him beside Therina. The two elves occupied one side of his chest each with their heads while facing one another.

"I'm a little jealous," Therina sighed while unhesitatingly grabbing onto one of her large breasts in her hand. "I am nowhere near this big. You also have such nice thighs, which is where we all know darling looks first."

"I see."

Despite her words, Styx felt she was actually quite elated inside. Therina's acknowledgment of her meant far more to her than the former knew.

Styx, who knew all of this secretly pinched her waist in the water and pulled her tighter against himself.

"You should also be more open with the others," He stated to her with a smile, causing her to nod her head before speaking to Therina.

"That makes me happy."

Both Styx and Therina simultaneously rolled their eyes, but speaking what was otherwise kept as personal thoughts was highly embarrassing for the dark elf who always maintained a formal and guarded composure before others. It was also the reason for her often otherwise sharp words toward others and why she was eventually voted to be exiled from her former village.

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