The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 37: Awaken

After my 6th bottle I sighed In defeat. I could not get drunk off this low percentage, my enhanced liver and stomached are pairing up to block all fun "I should totally make an alteration to my next set of enhancements so I can turn my tolerances on and off" I said dejectedly.

Orchid in curiosity took my current bottle and took a sip out of it, she seemed to disagree with it as she took out her tongue in distaste. "Orchid doesn't under stand Apollo-mate, Why would you wish to partake of this fermented beverage. Orchid sees no benefit to consumption."

"Alcohol is used to inebriate oneself, you poison your body in such a way it feels good. It has different effects on different people But sadly this stuff is too weak for my current body to feel the effects, I would have to drink id guesstimate 30 to 40 before I felt anything."

Orchid said nothing in response just stayed by me while I finished my last bottle. It may not get me drunk but it still tastes nice and crisp so it is a good refreshment. After finishing the beverage, the pair of us returned to my room to relax while waiting for Jewel to return to her body.

2 hours went by and nothing was happening still. I had no problem with this as I genuinely enjoy just sitting in silence with my loved ones with a few casual conversations littered between the silence. It was a sort of comfort, being in a state of peace with someone without feeling the need to do or say anything.

While thinking this, Jewels limbs snapped to life like a puppet whose strings have been repaired and Awakened gracefully sitting upright. She did not stay upright for long though as I practically speared her torso back onto the bed once I saw she was fine. "Thank all that is psionic you are alright." I said planting a tender and loving kiss on her head while stroking her back.

"Orchid said you were fine but I still filled with worry." the hug I placed around her could potentially crush a standard human but she took It in stride and hugged me back.

"Your precious Jewel Is fine my love, Your act of passion just sent me over the edge of the pleasure I could take while keeping the hive active, There were 281 concurrent invasions in different star clusters taking place with many more about to take place or are preparing to launch.

The biomass we would have lost would have been devastating If I let my pleasure distract and take over the entire hive. It was rather fortunate your magic hands only affected everything from here to Home world and non of the frontal conquests links were touched.

A few scout fronts like the one from your home system were affected but there are only a few hundred billion there so they were not too affected."

My face went dead pan at the last part 'Oh, only a few Hundred billion bio-forms? Thats hardly anything.' Jewel seriously needs a perspective check she can get scary with how she thinks.

Deciding to get comfortable I placed my head onto Jewels lap she understood the my underlying want and began to stroke my hair "mmmh" I let out a calm moan in comfort I was feeling all sorts of good right this moment I decided to flirt with my jewel a little while. "So apart from doing the deed so well I almost blew up your head, how was it for you?"

A loving smile grew upon Jewels face as she looked down at me. "I did not know what to expect, the hive has reproduced asexually through our eggs and biomass mutations for millennia's. So to experience something new and so deeply intimate with our mate... It is actually hard to describe the emotions and chemical reaction racing through me as I relieve it let alone what I was feeling during the act."

"Hehe I will take that as you did enjoy it then, I thoroughly enjoyed it as well and in case you were wondering, You are an excellent mate and I am sure we will be doing it more soon." I said before Inquiring. "By the way I have never heard you speak like you did when you were in heat during our session your voice seemed to overlap with many others what happened?"

Jewel smile grew again at me calling her an excellent mate before responding. "What you heard were some of the more powerful psionic bio forms in the hive, the stronger a psionic user is the more they become like myself the brain.

As such they were feeling everything as I was feeling simultaneously, You need not worry yourself my love It was just an effect of being in heat and for the first time being able to act upon it, I just lost a bit of control and let them in."

A few hours went by again just chatting about this and that standard things we usually do. It didn't take long before I felt tired and decided to take. Once I fell asleep and entered rem, Jewel and Orchids faces sunk with misery. About an hour ago Jewel wanted to check If she was inseminated by her mate and decided to survey her anatomy.

She expected to find her Loves seminal fluid already deep inside her sculpted bodies uterus but sadly there was nothing except Residual psionic energy she passively exudes.

It turned out when she lost possession of her body, the psionic energy she naturally lets out re entered her to protect her unconscious state. Unfortunately her mates precious fluids were considered a foreign substance and were eradicated in the process.

With tears welled up In her eyes at the pain her queen was feeling Orchid relayed.

"Orchid Is very sorry this has happened to you my queen this is a great tragedy but forgive Orchid why are we not telling Apollo I'm sure he would want to know?" "Apollo did not even consider impregnation during our entanglement Orchid, You should know well by now through his sharing's of his genetic memories that Apollos prey species don't always mate to reproduce.

Or at least the ones he got from his inherited knowledge from do not. "

The hive was not dumb, they knew Apollo was special among the human prey species. Other than being the most perfect being in the whole existence of everything and being their mate, He knew things he should not, It took a few years but after devouring enough prey-spawn of the same race they came to the conclusion that Apollo was by far more advanced than the average prey-spawn.

It took other pray spawn years to speak and function properly and their mate could do It all on the first day of his life, well telepathically at least.

Unbeknown to the two sad chatter linkers, Apollo's Psionic Origin was flaring up once more. This was only a minor flair up, One that did not even cause Onyx ,who was overseeing the current metamorphosis of the Origin, to be fussed about it. She just let out a little remark "You really don't like being left out huh?

just because you can feel they are talking about you does not mean you need to be involved." before focusing her attention back to the matter at hand.

Currently unaware of the meddling of my origin, I was in a Lucid dream I was back on the planet we had just invaded, I felt a little bad I did not know the name but that is not why I was back here. I was actively trying to better my performance against the jungle predator. Although I won I still got scratches and large rends on my power armour during the fight.

After the 6th time beating it, Another copy of the cat pounced from the tree once more but before It could reach me It stopped in mid air confused I tried to activate my lucid dream by saying outload. "the jungle predator continues to attack me It stopping was just a mistake on my subconscious brains part.

I waited for a moment for the dream to fix itself. Calling out a 'glitch' in my dreams usually works but now doesn't seem to be the case. "Weird." I muttered before walking over to the frozen memory. Upon reaching closer the predators figure turns Smokey before dissipating entirely. "Why are weird thing always happening inside of my head.

First I am not allowed inside my own Mindspace because of some reason I'm not allowed to know and know my grandmaster level lucid dreaming is bugging out and not following my orders come on!"

When the smoke disappeared so did the rest of the surroundings in the dream I was left standing In an Infinite black room with the only thing in sight was a strange red line that was crackling with power similar to electricity.

Knowing something weird was going on I just rolled with it as It has done me good so far. "So strange red line, what do you do?"

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