The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 191: Species' Biological Memory

Janine was sat with her back resting comfortably on the couch. Her eyes were closed and her face appeared calm, but if you looked closer you would see her leg twitching in anticipation and her heart rate elevated due to her excitement and nervousness.

"Are you sure it won't hurt?" She asked with her eyes still closed. "It did not hurt Mindy, so I see no reason it should hurt you in any way shape or form. Just relax while I prod around your mind for juicy mental images of last night." I teased.

Janine opened her eyes and looked back at me with an unamused look on her face. "Sorry, just trying to ease your worry, you will be fine." I said in reassurance. My assurance did help her as she fully relaxed herself and waited for me to do my thing.

I placed my hands on top of her head and closed my eyes before activating my telepathy. Using my tendrils of telepathy, I was surprised by what I saw In Janine's Mindspace. An actual Mindspace...

It was small and its defences were so weak, borderline emaciated in its structural integrity. From my knowledge of Psionics, even with how run down this Mindspace was, there would be some Psionic activity present.

For Janine's safety, as I don't want to prod around with a new discovery, I removed my tendrils and opened my eyes. Taking my hands of Janine's head, she opened her eyes and looked at me inquisitively as I made my way around the table. "So I take it you found nothing? Because I don't feel any different." Janine looked dejected, but also looked like she expected such results.

"No I definitely found something, but I don't understand what it is, hold up a second." I said as Janine looked on as excitement began to build within her.

"Hey Onyx, come here a second." I said to the room and Onyx emerged from my Mindspace right behind Janine. "Do you require my aid My Universe?" She said. "Kiyaaaaah!" Janine screamed and stood up from the couch to hide behind me.

Upon seeing who it was that scared her, Janine became flushed. "Onyx please don't scare me like that, I wait, have you been here long?" Janine questioned.

"No, I have just arrived. I am linked to Apollo on a deep level you see and when he calls my name, I can materialise myself to him if I am close enough." Onyx partially lied to explain her bondage to me.

Janine bought it. "Oh I see, Psionics are super weird and come in all forms I guess." She muttered.

After Onyx explained to Janine, I informed Onyx of what I saw. "Hmm Interesting, would you show me, my universe?" Onyx asked and then walked over and placed her forehead next to mine. She did not need to do this as we had our bond and she could read my mind on a whim, but a little bit of lovey telepathy wont hurt anyone.

I then closed my eyes and placed the image of Janine's Mindspace in the telepathic link I had made between Onyx and I. Onyx, being the amazing stalker she is, knew what the problem was straight away and began to explain.

"Oh Janine, you are a remarkable specimen aren't you." Onyx said as she slowly paced to Janine and put her hands onto Janine's shoulders. "What do you mean?" Janine said in confusion, I also had the same questioning, but decided to stay quiet.

Onyx then sniffed Janine's neck causing the woman to shudder a little. "Yes, I can see why that has happened." Onyx mumbled, leaving Janine and I in suspense. "My love, I know you like torture, but can you not torture us and get to the point."

Onyx looked at me offended. "I would never torture you my one and only, though this one on the other hand..." My blank look of disapproval caused Onyx to roll her eyes. "Apollo, you can be such a downer at times... But I love you either way and never want you to change." She said with a smile before finally explaining.

"Janine here has a heritage block on her Mindspace. It seems that her, lets call her Sepiida mother the native and the other one alien. It seems her Alien mothers species had innate Psionic abilities. However, her Sepiidan native genes are currently blocking her from having access to said abilities."

Having heard that, Janine suddenly jolted in place, noticing the behaviour I asked. "Janine, you good?" She did not respond for a moment, but eventually looked at me, her large blue eyes having found some clarity.

"Yes I am fine thanks, I just received some information from my shared biological memory that I have from my 'alien' mother as Onyx put it." she said. I stayed quiet and nodded at her to continue and share what she found out.

"So, It turns out my spacefaring mothers species actually have a problem when it comes to having sex with random alien species' In order to keep themselves as secretive as possible, they put a locker on our abilities and we, the offspring, can only find out about this information if a female takes the offspring with them, or the offspring find out about the block themselves somehow."

As Janine said that, she had a very pissed off look on her face, which she was happy to vent to us. "This is such a Bullshit! I have memories inside my DNA that I don't even know about, this is such bullshit, so unfair!"

She continued to rant and rave for another 5 minutes until she sat down on the couch with a thud, looking on the verge of tears. "It is not fair, why was I abandoned to live my life surrounded by a species that hates my own and only tolerates us because we are good at fucking them."

I sat down next to her and brought her into a hug, which she responded to with great enthusiasm as she attempted to squeeze the life out of me. I stroked her hair and let her sob for a few minutes before she quietened down.

"You are more than your species stereotypes Janine, I hope your time to come with us will help you see that." I said as I stroked her shoulder. "Though if you ever feel like flashing me again in that white thong I will never say no." Janine snorted at my comment and headbutted my shoulder playfully. "Asshole."

Seeing I had cheered her up a little, I turned to Onyx who just stared and observed the whole thing and asked. "So do you think there is a way to bypass this lock?" I said thinking it would be quite the delicate procedure or require something beyond my capabilities.

Onyx however brought my expectations right down. "No nothing special. All you need to do is place a small amount of Psionic energy into her Mindspace near her origin and she will do the rest." I looked at Onyx dumfounded. "Really thats it?"

Onyx simply nodded her head and sat down on the opposite couch and crossed her legs. Turning away from her and back to Janine, I smile and ask. "So, do you want to awaken your Psionic potential?" Janine smiled back and simply nodded her head.

Standing back up, I had Janine position herself comfortably and I once more used a telepathic tendril to enter her Mind. This time however, I carefully made my way to her defences and with no resistance passed them with the tendril.

I did some quick maths and planning to find the centre of the Mindspace. Once there I found her origin. It was small, in real space it would be the size of a button. Once I had located it, I carefully passed neutral Psionic energy through my link to feed the Origin.

It took no less than a second for the Origin to radiate with life and for Janine's once frail defences to roar to life. Her defences gained so much strength that it snapped off my unexpecting tendril, leaving small traces of my own energy inside for her origin to complete its start up.

Unbeknown to Apollo, just like with the branded warrior, the small amount of limitless potential his energy had, would cause a greater change In Janine's ability.

Opening my eyes, I looked down at Janine and waited for a little while. Sensing my gaze, she looked at me curiously and asked. "Did it not work?" I replied. "No it should have done, your Origin, the source of your Psionic power, woke up and kicked me out of your Mindspace."

I stared at her a moment longer trying to see if anything would happen. "Weird, when Mindy awoke, her power went haywire for a little while, I wonder why nothing is happening with you."

It was then Onyx stood up from her chair and in a blur, ran over and picked Janine up by her neck. "Onyx what are you doing?" I asked in surprise. Onyx then dropped Janine without looking at her and smiled predatorily.

"Oh your friend here gained an ability alright, she is completely invisible to me right now, which is truly fascinating to me as I should be able to see her with my own abilities."

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