The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War ~And Thus, I Became The Strongest Knight Disciple (♀) in The World~

Chapter 108: 15-year-old Inglis and Hyrule Menaces' Escorting Directive (16)

Chapter 108: 15-year-old Inglis and Hyrule Menaces' Escorting Directive (16)

After they were finished helping the Chivalric Order preparing for their departure, Inglis and the other three returned to the Knight Academy. It was already evening and they were getting peckish.

「Aah, I’m so hungry~! Let’s hurry up and get some dinner at the cafeteria.」

Said Rafinha while she rubbed her stomach.

「Yeah, Rani. There should be new items on the menu today.」 「Ah! That’s right! I’m looking forward to them~ ?」 「Heeh? What kind of menus are they? I wish they’re a new salad or vegetable soup.」

Leone responded. It was a wish that sounded right coming from Leone, as she was easy to get fat and careful with her food.

「As for me, I wish they had new varieties of confections. There isn’t much on the menu that I’m getting tired of them.」

Inglis also understood Liselotte’s request. However——

「「Neither of them.」」

Inglis and Rafinha shook their heads in unison.

「You know? What are they?」 「「Double-extra large seared cheese on grilled bone slice, double-extra large bechamel sauce pasta with all toppings, double-extra large extremely hot pasta with all toppings, double……」」 「Wait! They’re all double-extra larges! What the hell with that……!?」 「「We requested them.」」

The cafeteria was taking proposals for new menu items, but either the students weren’t interested in them or they were already content with the current menu line-up, there weren’t many proposals that came in. However, Inglis and Rafinha were aggressively submitting their proposals. People with bigger voices would be heard at times like this. Not doing was theirs to blame.

「Wh-, what do “all toppings” consist of?」 「「They have beef, pork, chicken, and fishes, everything!」 「Uuuh…… Just listening to that gives me heartburn……」 「A- are they delicious?」 「Yeah. They might appear unappetizing, but they are all the same once they’re in our stomachs.」 「Yup. We’re going to eat them all anyway, so we put ‘em all together.」

And that saved time for the cafeteria aunties too.

「Both bechamel sauce and extremely hot sauce are new flavors, too.」 「And since they’re new flavors and we’re not picky with the toppings, so we just mix ‘em together, meat and all!」 「I’m looking forward to it, Rani.」 「Seconded, Glis.」

Inglis and Rafinha nodded at each other, their eyes sparkling with excitement.

「「Ha ha ha……」」

Leone and Liselotte could only laugh dryly as they watched over them. It was then…


A thunderous roar sounded from the Academy’s courtyard, with smoke billowing up.

「!?」 「Wh-, what is happening……!?」 「There’s smoke!」 「It’s coming from the courtyard!」

Immediately after that, commotion rose. They couldn’t see with their position adjacent to the main gate, but they could feel chaos taking place.

「Let’s go over there!」

Commanded Rafinha and they all headed for the scene. A huge portion of the school building’s wall collapsed with flame eating it out.

In the front of the said wall were what seemed to be the remains of Magic Stone Beasts, laying unmoving. It was the large kind with a higher power level that had begun to emerge a while ago. At any rate, the battle itself seemed to be over already.

「Put the fire out!」 「It’s all right, we’ll put it out!」

Third-year students who had been there since the beginning were already putting out the fire so there was no concern of collateral damage. Rather, there was another more pressing issue.

「Is Sir Silva alright!?」 「Sir Silva! Are you okay!?」 「Please pull yourself together!」

Silva was lying down surrounded by other senior year students. It seemed like he received quite a serious blow, apparent from the wounds that covered his body. He was barely conscious and couldn’t stand up by himself so he had to be assisted by other students.

「Senior Silva……!?」 「Wh-, what bad injuries……!」

Looking at how badly wounded Special Grade Rune bearer Silva was, either that Magic Stone Beast was that much stronger, or the amount of Magic Stone Beasts that emerged was so huge that he was outnumbered? Either way, something unusual must have happened.

「I-, I’m fine……just a flesh wound. Rather than that, bring Lady Ripple away before she is awakened. We can’t have her see me like this, or else it will haunt her mind.」 「U-, understood!」

The student who received Silva’s order went to take Ripple away from the scene. It was then Principal Miliera came over after she heard the commotion.

「Wh-, what is happening——!? M-, Mister Silva, are you alright!? How could someone of your caliber get injured so badly……!?」 「P-, Principal……I’m ashamed to say that this is my fault. I’m sorry.」

However, the third-year students raised objections to such statements by Silva.

「That’s not true! You’re not at fault, Sir Silva!」 「That’s right! It’s all because of this punk passing by!」

The one clutched by the third-year student was——


Squire division first-year student Lahti. As usual, along with him was Knight division student Pullum.

「S-, sorry…… They’re right… It’s all because of me that this all happened.」

Lahti’s pale face was looking down.

「I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry! Lahti was trying to save me……! That’s why it was my fault! I’m really sorry!」

With tears swelling, Pullum was bowing her head again and again.

「Lahti, Pullum. What happened?」 「Ah, Inglis huh……that senior, he covered me when I was targetted by the Magic Stone Beast…… because of me, he was injured!」 「That’s right! It’s because of you! It’s your fault that Sir Silva——!」 「S-, stop it, all of you……!」

Silva controlled his peers that were getting fervent.

「But Sir Silva——!」 「It’s our mistake since we brought them into the subspace with us to begin with. Not to mention, it’s only natural for people with strength like me to protect those who are weak and runeless. Are you injured?」

Silva asked Lahti.

「Y-, yah…… I’m not.」 「I see—— That’s, good……」

At the end of his words, he lost consciousness.

「Mister Silva……! Th-, this is bad, the wound is severe! He might lose his life! Bring him to the infirmary, quick!」

The principal gave her instructions in panic. Given the situation, it seemed like Rani already had to test the new ability of the Artifact given by Special Envoy Theodore.


But, before Inglis could say anything——

「Please wait! Let me do something for him! There’s something I need to try!」

Rafinha already stepped forward and announced so.

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