The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 52

Jiang Ning supported Third Great Aunt as they walked to a patch of wasteland. The weeds that could grow to waist-high seemed to be restricted by some invisible barrier here, with only shallow grass barely covering the ankles.

But to be precise, this area couldn't really be called wasteland. There were mounds of earth rising one after another, with stone tablets inscribed with characters standing in front of them. This place was full of graves!

"Girl, if you're scared, you can stand here. You don't need to help me over," Third Great Aunt said considerately.

Jiang Ning shook her head without saying anything. There was nothing to fear about the dead.

Third Great Aunt directed Jiang Ning to help her to one of the graves. She then sat down on the grass, lit some incense and candles, and while burning paper money, she slowly began to speak: "Lilin, Xiaoman, I've come to see you..."

Jiang Ning looked at the tombstone, which read "Beloved son He Lilin, beloved grandson He Xiaoman's tomb." It was actually a joint burial!

The pain of losing a child was already the most extreme suffering in the human world, but this old woman had also endured the pain of losing her grandson. Jiang Ning's pupils contracted slightly, finding it difficult to connect the grief-stricken old woman before her with the kind old lady who had washed her hair earlier.

Jiang Ning stepped back a few paces, not wanting to disturb the old woman's mourning. However, as she turned, she caught a glimpse of the characters "Liu Ming" on one of the tombstones.

Jiang Ning's heart tightened. She hesitated for a moment, then walked over and brushed away the grass covering the last character. Sure enough, it was the character "An"!

The entire tombstone read: "Tomb of late father Liu Qingzhi, late mother He Shuyun, erected by son Liu Ming'an."

Another joint burial!

It was the joint burial of Liu Ming'an's parents!

The wind blew gently, and the world was silent except for Third Great Aunt's low voice carried by the breeze: "...I'm doing fine, it's just that I suddenly dreamed of you two last night, and then couldn't sleep all night. Today I thought I'd come over and talk to you..."

"...Don't worry about me and the old man, we're both in good health. The old man can still eat three bowls of rice at a meal, and I can eat two..."

"...The chickens at home haven't laid eggs for two days, I don't know what's wrong with them. If they don't start laying soon, I'll tell the old man to catch them and sell them..."

Third Great Aunt hunched over, showing a weary and aged demeanor. Her head was slightly bowed as she rambled on about trivial household matters, one sentence after another. In the wind, it sounded like sobbing - Jiang Ning knew it was a deep, bone-deep longing.

Jiang Ning quietly kept Third Great Aunt company for nearly half an hour. When she saw her about to get up, she stepped forward to help her to her feet.

Third Great Aunt gave Jiang Ning a grateful look, then advised, "Jiang girl, don't come near this mountain in the future if you don't have to. There are too many lost lives on this mountain, the negative energy is strong, it's not good for you."

Jiang Ning had noticed on her last trip up the mountain that it was rich in natural resources, yet rarely visited by people, which was unusual. Now that Third Great Aunt had brought it up, she couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Third Great Aunt, what exactly happened on this mountain?"

Third Great Aunt turned her head and looked at Jiang Ning for a while, her expression somewhat conflicted. After a moment, she sighed and began to slowly recount the past events of Lotus Flower Village: "In the past, the villagers loved to go up the mountain to hunt. Living off the mountain, you know. Even this old woman used to come up here every few days to dig for wild vegetables and pick mushrooms. But that was all over ten years ago..."

Third Great Aunt paused in her steps, looking up at the tall, verdant mountain: "Later, He Wu's father came across a wild boar drinking water in a valley. When he came back and told everyone, they all believed there couldn't be just one boar, there must be several. Those creatures have thick skin and tough meat, they're strong and have sharp tusks. It would take at least three to five men to catch one. So about a dozen young and strong men from the village agreed to go up the mountain together..."

A dozen young men? Jiang Ning narrowed her eyes, looking back at the field of graves behind her, feeling a chill run down her spine.

At this point, Third Great Aunt let out another long sigh, her eyes revealing infinite sorrow: "It rained heavily that night, and they took shelter in a cave, and then..."

The old woman's voice choked up, painful memories flooding back. Jiang Ning could feel her body trembling slightly.

"The cave collapsed. They died, all of them died... My son, my grandson, everyone, all dead... We couldn't even find their bodies. When we went up the mountain, we only found the clubs and ropes they had brought at the cave entrance. Further in, it had completely collapsed, there was nothing left... These graves are just cenotaphs, only to give some comfort to those still living..."

As Third Great Aunt finished speaking, her eyes, which in Jiang Ning's memory were always smiling, filled with tears.

Jiang Ning finally understood why no one came to this mountain, and why Liu Ming'an had advised her not to go up. She wasn't good at comforting people, and any comfort would have been futile. At this moment, all she could do was remain silent.

Third Great Aunt wiped her eyes with her sleeve and led Jiang Ning towards her home, saying as they walked, "Jiang girl, do you know what people outside call our Lotus Flower Village?"

Jiang Ning answered honestly, "I don't know. I don't go out much, so I haven't had much contact with outsiders."

"Widow Village!" Third Great Aunt answered her own question, then continued, "This village suddenly had over a dozen widows in one night. Liu Ming'an's mother, He Yiyi's mother, He Wen and He Wu's mother, He Zhenhu's mother... All these young wives lost their husbands in one night, became widows, and then had to raise their children alone. How hard it was!"

Jiang Ning escorted Third Great Aunt all the way home and was about to say goodbye when she heard the old woman call her back, speaking earnestly: "Jiang girl, Ming'an is a child with a hard fate. His father originally wasn't going to go up the mountain that day, but Ming'an said he wanted to eat meat, so his father went. After the incident, he felt he had caused his father's death. One rainy night, he ran to kneel by his father's grave. A six-year-old child, how could his body withstand such mistreatment? He fell terribly ill and was left with chronic health issues that took years to recover from..."

Third Great Aunt said more, but Jiang Ning didn't hear it. Her mind was replaying the earlier sentences. Liu Ming'an had briefly mentioned this experience to her before, but Jiang Ning had only thought he had knelt for a night out of grief for losing his father. She hadn't realized there was such a cause and effect behind it.

"What about his mother?" Jiang Ning asked after a while.

"Ming'an's parents were a loving couple. When his father passed, his mother nearly lost half her life. To make matters worse, her only son fell ill at the same time. Ah! Poor woman, carrying Ming'an on her back, seeking medical treatment everywhere, while also trying to find work to earn money. She scrimped and saved for herself but never once deprived Ming'an of food. When Ming'an's health finally improved and it seemed like life for the widow and orphan was about to get better, she succumbed to illness from overwork and passed away..."

Third Great Aunt sighed repeatedly, her eyes full of sympathy. She added, "At that time, Ming'an was only thirteen years old."

Jiang Ning was stunned, her emotions too complex to express.

"Haven't you ever wondered? The house you're living in now is so small, so dilapidated, how could it accommodate a family of three?" Third Great Aunt asked.

Jiang Ning nodded. She had indeed been puzzled about this. Liu Ming'an had told her they had moved once, but that home was bare, with only one bed. It didn't look like a proper home at all, more like a temporary shelter.

Hearing Third Great Aunt speak like this, it seemed there was a hidden story behind it.

Sure enough, Third Great Aunt explained, "Ming'an's real home is on the other side of the village. After his mother died, he moved out, leaving that house for villagers to store firewood and rest. He built a shabby house on the other side for himself. No one could understand why he did this..."


Perhaps it was to avoid the painful reminders. After his mother's death, Liu Ming'an abandoned that home, signifying that he no longer had a home.

Jiang Ning had never had a family, so she couldn't fully comprehend Liu Ming'an's feelings at that time. But she knew that when Liu Ming'an made this decision, he must have been utterly heartbroken.

"Jiang girl, do you know why I'm telling you all this?" Third Great Aunt now took Jiang Ning's hand in her own calloused one, asking with a loving expression.

Jiang Ning shook her head.

"Ming'an has had a tough life, but he has a kind heart. I treat him like my own grandson," Third Great Aunt gazed steadily at Jiang Ning, her voice taking on a pleading tone. "This old woman can tell you're no ordinary girl. Since Ming'an has been with you, his life has improved greatly. I only hope that in the future, no matter what, you'll remember the kindness he showed by spending all his savings to buy you back. Please, don't do anything to hurt him, can you promise that?"

Jiang Ning's mind flashed with an image of Liu Ming'an's face, wearing that gentle, smiling expression. She could almost hear the echo of his warm, tender voice. Beneath her veil, the corners of her lips curved upward involuntarily.

Third Great Aunt heard the young woman before her solemnly promise, "You can rest assured."

After leaving Third Great Aunt's house, Jiang Ning didn't heed her advice to stay away from the mountain. Instead, she once again went to the foot of the mountain and walked into the graveyard.

Jiang Ning stood lost in thought before the tombstones of Liu Ming'an's parents. She stared intently at the three characters spelling out "Liu Ming'an" on the tombstone.

Thirteen years ago, when six-year-old Liu Ming'an knelt here, what was he thinking?

Six years ago, when thirteen-year-old Liu Ming'an knelt here, what was on his mind?

And in each subsequent year, when Liu Ming'an came to pay respects to his parents, what thoughts filled his head?

Jiang Ning felt her mind in turmoil. Third Great Aunt's words echoed in her ears like a demon's curse, turning over and over, disrupting her thoughts.

To think that Liu Ming'an had such a background!

Every time Jiang Ning thought of his name, her heart felt as if it was being squeezed. She slowly reached out her hand and placed it over her beating heart. She knew she had developed a new emotion called "heartache."

I'll be even kinder to him from now on, Jiang Ning told herself.

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