The Girl is Beautiful but Violent

Chapter 112

"A thousand trees burst into bloom with the east wind at night, scattering stars like rain, as bejeweled carriages fill the fragrant roads. The phoenix flute sounds, jade lanterns gleam, and fish and dragons dance all night long..."

Jiang Ning silently recited this timeless verse as she walked hand in hand with Liu Ming'an into the Lantern Festival celebration at the foot of the emperor's palace.

Jinse Street was arguably the most prosperous place in the Capital City. At the end of the long street was Jinse Lake, and on its shore stood the renowned Tianxiang Tower, a place where countless officials and nobles lingered endlessly.

However, Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning were unaware of this information. It was only when they reached this spot that they discovered the lantern festival actually circled around the lake, with several exquisite painted boats floating on the water's surface.

"Holding a lantern festival by the lake, aren't they worried about people falling in?" Liu Ming'an couldn't help but worry as he looked at the crowded scene.

"Hahaha... Of course people will fall in! That's what makes it fun!"

A hearty laugh came from behind them. Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning turned to see a man holding a seven or eight-year-old girl in his arms. He had obviously overheard Liu Ming'an's concern and joined the conversation uninvited.

"What's so great about this lantern festival? I've seen enough of these shabby lanterns. I come here every year just to watch people fall in and then get fished out like dumplings, hahaha..." The man finished speaking and pinched his daughter's cheek. "Nini, isn't Daddy right?"

"Fall in! Fall in!" The little porcelain doll of a girl clapped her hands and shouted, her face beaming with a smile.

"Yes, good. Let's go over there and wait to see how many people fall in this year!"

The man finished speaking and, ignoring the strange looks from others around him, carried his child towards the lakeside.

"Oh my, teaching a child like that, I'm afraid he's raising a little hellion..." A woman nearby who had overheard the conversation said with disdain, pulling her own son in the opposite direction while advising, "You should stay away from people like that in the future. Those who take pleasure in others' misfortunes are not to be associated with..."

The little boy, who appeared to be in his early teens, nodded seriously at his mother's guidance.

Liu Ming'an and Jiang Ning exchanged glances, both seeing amusement in each other's eyes.

"It truly takes all kinds!" Liu Ming'an remarked.

"To each their own, we needn't agree," Jiang Ning concurred.

But things indeed turned out as the man had said. After walking just a few steps, they saw someone slip and fall into the lake. People at the lakeside routinely extended a long bamboo pole towards him, and once he grabbed it, they pulled him ashore.

Others around seemed accustomed to such sights, merely glancing over for a moment before returning to their own affairs.

As Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an leisurely circled the lake, they witnessed four falling incidents firsthand.

At first, entering the lantern festival was a dazzling experience, with lanterns of various shapes and colors creating a spectacular, breathtaking scene. But after one lap, Jiang Ning felt aesthetically fatigued.

There were also activities like guessing lantern riddles and matching couplets, with prizes for winners, but neither of them wanted to draw attention to themselves, so they were content just to watch.

Just as the couple was losing interest and thinking about getting some tangyuan (sweet rice balls), drum beats and the twang of strings came from the painted boats on the lake. Amidst the sounds of various instruments, a woman's melodious singing voice drifted on the wind.

"She's here! Miss Kongfang is coming out!"

The crowd seemed to ignite in an instant, pushing towards the lakeside. Liu Ming'an held Jiang Ning's hand tightly, but they couldn't resist the combined force of the crowd and were pushed to the edge of the lake.

Several splashes were heard as more people fell into the lake, truly like dumplings being dropped into a pot.

Liu Ming'an quickly grabbed onto a willow tree by the lake about as thick as a bowl, steadying himself before pulling Jiang Ning into his arms. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

"The last time I saw a scene like this was at the wine-drinking contest in Wine Selling Town, but those people were pushing to pick up money. I wonder what these people are pushing for?" Liu Ming'an whispered in Jiang Ning's ear.

"Well, we can't leave now anyway, so let's just watch," Jiang Ning replied.

Jiang Ning actually disliked such crowded situations, with people packed tightly all around like enoki mushrooms. Fortunately, Liu Ming'an held her in his arms, shielding her from others, which made her feel less uncomfortable.

They looked out at the lake together. On the foremost painted boat, a woman dressed in thin silk with a light veil over her face cradled a pipa in her arms. She plucked the strings gently, her melodious singing voice continuously reaching the ears of the crowd.

In this weather, with temperatures just a few degrees above freezing, dressed like that and in such a pose, Jiang Ning thought she understood the woman's profession.

She's quite dedicated to her craft, Jiang Ning mused.

As the song ended, the surrounding crowd burst into applause. The woman slowly stood up and gracefully bowed to the people on the shore.

A bejeweled woman emerged from a nearby boat and called out to the crowd on shore in an affected voice, "Gentlemen! On this auspicious Lantern Festival night, Miss Kongfang wishes to find a gallant young man to accompany her on the painted boat for some pleasant conversation. Which young master would like to volunteer?"

As soon as she finished speaking, eager shouts erupted from all around.

"Miss Kongfang, I have a pair of white jade bracelets for you!"

"Miss Kongfang, I have a string of South Sea pearl necklace I'd like you to accept!"

"Miss Kongfang, my gift is a premium sandalwood prayer bead bracelet..."

Jiang Ning and Liu Ming'an were experiencing such a grand scene for the first time and looked at each other in amazement.

"Just how stunningly beautiful must this lady be?" Jiang Ning's attention was fully captured by this spectacle.

Liu Ming'an, however, was thinking of something else: "They're so openly consorting with courtesans, don't their families try to stop them?"

As the painted boat gradually approached the shore, the crowd surged towards the bow. Liu Ming'an held tightly onto the tree trunk, which prevented them from being pushed to the front.

Fortunately, the woman's boat stopped quite far from this willow tree, and people rushed over there, leaving the area around them suddenly spacious. Liu Ming'an let out a long sigh of relief and took Jiang Ning's hand, walking towards an area away from the crowd. "Ah Ning, there's nothing worth seeing here. Let's go get some tangyuan."

They had only taken a few steps when a large, fat man came running towards them, followed by two servants in gray. One servant carefully held a brocade box, not daring to walk too fast, while the other carried a large bouquet of flowers, calling out, "Young Master, slow down! We'll make it in time..."

"Don't... don't waste your breath!" the fat man panted, his facial flesh quivering with each breath. He threatened menacingly, "If... if Kongfang's boat is taken by someone else first, I'll... I'll beat you both to death!"

The two servants were startled and quickened their pace.

However, the servant holding the box was so focused on his master that he failed to notice what was beneath his feet. He stepped on a round wooden stick from a broken lantern on the ground, his foot slipped, and he lost control, falling forward. The box in his hand was flung out, heading straight for Liu Ming'an's head.

Jiang Ning, quick as lightning, pulled Liu Ming'an behind her and swung her leg in a sweeping motion. In the blink of an eye, the box was kicked back towards the fallen servant. The lid popped open upon impact, and a shower of jade fragments spilled out with a clatter.

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