The Genius Female Forensic Pathologist, The Psychological Anatomist

Chapter 89: The Couple Butchers: Case Closed

Chapter 89

Zhang Ming was taken aback, then explained, "I'm collecting love, all kinds of love. The brain is the source of all human emotions, so the brain will present the most authentic state of our emotions. Those brain wave data are their love."

"Since you say the game was designed by you," Fang Rui placed a laptop in front of Zhang Ming, "then write out the program for your game, the one where clicking a button randomly generates voltages. That should be simple, right?"

Zhang Ming's face changed dramatically, and fine sweat began to form on his forehead. He tried hard to suppress the strong feeling of nausea. But when he put his hands on the keyboard, he suddenly vomited, ruining Zhang's newly acquired laptop.

Zhang looked crestfallen: "Boss, my computer..."

"Look on the bright side, you'll soon get a new computer," Fang Rui consoled him.

"..." He wasn't really someone who always craved new things.

After Zhang Ming's nausea subsided, he quickly tried to cover up: "I was previously treated for internet addiction at a Behavioral Correction School. Aversion therapy made me physiologically averse to computers, so I can't use them now. That's why I forced Zhou Junwei to design the program for me. He's studied this and is very professional."

Fang Rui and Sun Guangtian took another statement from Zhou Junwei.

"Everything was done under Zhang Ming's coercion," Zhou Junwei accused. "I'm gay, but I don't like Zhang Ming, yet he kept pestering me relentlessly. Later he threatened me, saying if I didn't help him, he'd reveal that I'm gay. This would not only cost me my job but also ruin my reputation. I had no choice but to help him."

"But murder is a crime, far more serious than a ruined reputation, isn't it?"

"At first, he didn't intend to kill. Later, when he didn't get the results he wanted, he started killing. After killing one couple, he couldn't stop. Targeting Dr. Mu and Officer Fang was also Zhang Ming's idea. That day he came to the school to find me and happened to meet Dr. Mu, and he became interested in autism. Later, when he saw that Officer Fang and Dr. Mu were a couple, he became curious about what love is like for people with autism."

Zhang Ming took responsibility for all the crimes, while Zhou Junwei insisted that Zhang Ming had coerced him into committing the crimes and that he wasn't the main culprit.

Currently, there was sufficient evidence, and although the case could be closed without confessions, the distinction between principal and accessory offenders was always a complex issue. In this situation, the judge might not necessarily agree that Zhou Junwei was the principal offender.

Fang Rui held a brief meeting to report this situation to everyone and asked Lin Sen if there was any way to drive a wedge between them, make them turn on each other, and clarify who the real mastermind was.

Mu Mian pulled a small bone from her pocket: "This is a voice recorder. I secretly recorded their conversation in the car."

After everyone listened, they were certain that Zhou Junwei was the principal offender. Zhou Junwei seemed to have an emotional disorder, unable to feel emotions. Zhang Ming, on the other hand, was his loyal follower, willing to do anything for Zhou Junwei.

"It's a pity that the recording can't be used as evidence," Mu Mian sighed. "I originally wanted to record video, but they would have seen me. I could only record audio."

Lin Sen looked at Mu Mian, his voice softer than usual: "Dr. Mu, do you want to get revenge on Zhou Junwei?"

"Very much so, but murder is illegal. Keeping someone in a cage and electrocuting them is also illegal," Mu Mian sighed.

"But attacking someone psychologically isn't illegal."

Mu Mian's eyes lit up: "Consultant Lin, please elaborate."

Fang Rui looked at Lin Sen, thinking that in the future, he shouldn't casually tease him. Those who study psychology are not to be trifled with.

Zhou Junwei was once again brought to the interrogation room.

This time, Mu Mian and Lin Sen were interrogating him.

Seeing Mu Mian, Zhou Junwei's face darkened. He felt that Mu Mian and Fang Rui had acted together to fool him.

Mu Mian smiled slightly at him, then launched into a merciless critique of Zhou Junwei.

"Mr. Zhou, your game lacks any creativity. The electric shock test part plagiarizes the experimental logic of Milgram's experiment. Although you made your own innovations, I'm sorry to say that the part you innovated destroyed the essence of the experimental logic.

The EEG part is even worse. You even put the electrode cap on me crooked. I even doubt if you understand what EEG equipment is for. You certainly can't interpret EEG data."

Zhou Junwei looked at Mu Mian angrily and shouted, "Shut up! I won't allow you to insult this game."

"See, you only dare to call it a game. Because you know yourself that your design has no scientific basis, no logic. If you want to study love, you need to first define love, then propose your experimental hypothesis, choose the variables you want to study, control for irrelevant variables..."

"Get her out of here! Get her out!" Zhou Junwei became extremely agitated. "I won't allow you to insult my design."

"Hmph, I haven't even started insulting you yet, I'm just telling the truth."

Lin Sen looked at Mu Mian, a bit helpless. Mu Mian's words had no aggression, just pure sincerity. But this was precisely what broke Zhou Junwei's defenses, probably because what Mu Mian said was true.

"Mr. Zhou, why are you so agitated? Are you the designer of this game?" Lin Sen asked.

Zhou Junwei knew they were using reverse psychology to provoke him and gradually regained his composure.

"Zhang Ming's things are mine. Can't I defend him?"

Lin Sen looked at Zhou Junwei, "Mr. Zhou, do you think this case will go down in history?"

"Of course it will. Such a creative method and motive for murder will definitely make it into criminology textbooks." Zhou Junwei was very satisfied with the case he had committed.

"Yes. But the protagonist of this case will become Zhang Ming. The perverted one people will curse will be him, and the one called a crime artist will also be him. And you, I estimate, will only be recorded as Zhang Ming's accomplice. Are you content with that?"

Zhou Junwei's face changed dramatically. He wouldn't allow his most proud design to become Zhang Ming's, even if it would reduce his crime.

Lin Sen said, "All of this is clearly your achievement, why give the chance for fame to Zhang Ming?"

"I want to see Officer Fang. I confess." Zhou Junwei didn't want to see Lin Sen anymore. Although he knew Lin Sen was deliberately provoking him, he couldn't help but fall for it.

Facing Fang Rui and Sun Guangtian again, Zhou Junwei confessed the truth.

"I am the mastermind behind this series of cases. Zhang Ming was just my assistant," Zhou Junwei stated. "I wanted to know what love is, so I captured those people and made them play my game. Their results were very unsatisfactory to me, so I had Zhang Ming kill them."

Zhou Junwei said, "I can't feel emotions, so I needed to observe their love through their EEG data. I didn't intend to kill at first, but they didn't take my game seriously. Later, I started to incorporate the electric shock element, which could both create a dangerous situation to amplify their love and punish those who didn't respect love."

Zhou Junwei described the process of the crime, which was similar to Zhang Ming's description. Only the motive for the crime was different.

With this, the case finally came to a close, and Zhou Junwei and Zhang Ming would soon face legal punishment.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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