The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 89: Jeon Jong-Du (4)

Chapter 89: Jeon Jong-Du (4)

Wow. Did I just pass out for a moment?

Kang-hoo opened his eyes about a minute after being caught in the explosion.

Of course, he hadnt simply closed his eyes without a plan; he had ensured Jeon Jong-dus demise.

So, as his tension fully dissipated, he had closed his eyes and inadvertently drifted off.

With Jeon Jong-dus demise, the five constellations he was contracted with all transferred to Kang-hoo.

The most coveted, the Ruthless Predator, was so satisfying it was almost painful to discuss.

The remaining four constellations also held high expectations.

[War Dog]

[For every 1% decrease in health, your strength correction value increases by 1%.]

After all, since strength is linked with firepower, this constellation offers good synergy with me.

Kang-hoo concluded his assessment of the War Dog constellation.

Of course, its best for an assassin not to lose health, but its reassuring to have something to fall back on if it happens.

[Endurer's Pilgrim]

[Reduces pain by 50%.]

Somehow, I thought it wouldnt completely eliminate the sense of pain.

Feeling pain to a certain extent is beneficial.

If you cant feel it at all, it would be dangerous, but the Endurers Pilgrim seems to reduce it to just the right amount.

[Wind's Guide]

[Mobility increases by 25%.]

[Master of Shell Games]

[Every 100 levels, a roulette wheel that activates a random reward is generated. There are no losses or bad rewards.]


While Winds Guide is straightforward, Master of Shell Games was a new constellation to Kang-hoo.

It was a concept never assigned to a core character in the original work due to its randomness.

It was an idea considered several times during the planning stage, so it seems it was finally implemented.

If rewards are activated every 100 levels, its an especially opportune time for Kang-hoo now.

His current level is 95.

Just 5 more levels, and it seemed like the Master of Shell Games constellation would activate its roulette.

Kang-hoo reviewed the details about the Ruthless Predator once more.

He then noticed an ability called Vitality Absorption was activated.

This ability allowed him to absorb vitality from anything he touched.

It could be activated or deactivated at will. Furthermore, to proceed with vitality absorption, he had to remain stationary.

It matched well with Jeon Jong-du, but its a bit hard to use in the middle of a fight for me.

Kang-hoo nodded as he envisioned the uses and applications of it.

Regardless, it was an ability that could be easily utilized while resting or after subduing an enemy.

He cautiously placed his hand on the dead body of Jeon Jong-du.

[Activating Vitality Absorption.]

And when he activated the previously deactivated vitality absorption,



A vibrant energy flowed from Jeon Jong-dus body into Kang-hoos hand.

He could feel his health, which had significantly dropped during the recent fight, quickly recovering.

It felt like drinking a health potion that was absorbed instantly. The response was immediate.

There was another characteristic.

While vitality absorption was in progress, Innate Mana Hypersensitivity was suppressed for some reason.

To be precise, Innate Mana Hypersensitivity did not trigger. Mana recovery was slower.

Is it not an interaction, but rather a mechanism of opposite action?

I dont know why vitality absorption and innate mana hypersensitivity act oppositely.

But I could directly feel it, and it felt like one clue I needed to remember had been collected.

Probably, this knowledge Ive come to learn will be useful later on.

Even the smallest clue related to innate mana hypersensitivity is good to have. It will aid in research.

Cleanup proceeded quickly.

A fierce battle was still ongoing in the abandoned factory.

Loud explosions were frequent, and from the mix of screams, it seemed neither side had a complete upper hand.

Of course, Kim Su-kyungs mercenary group had the numerical advantage from the start, putting our side in a better position.

Kang-hoo stripped Jeon Jong-du of all his items.

Among them, he separately categorized and kept the items that were irreplaceable or hard to exchange.

The expected value was 20 billion won.

This value compensated for the bounty lost by killing Jeon Jong-du instead of capturing him.

And he put on two grade-4 rings that were suitable to wear.

It was his first time wearing items with a set effect.

[Kalips (Left) - Ring]

[Grade: 4]

[Strength + 100]

[Strength + 25 (Will of Kalips)]

[Kalips (Right) - Ring]

[Grade: 4]

[Strength + 100]

[Strength + 25 (Will of Kalips)]

Thanks to the set effect called Will of Kalips, he gained an additional 50 strength.

Though I havent worn items with set effects yet.

In the medium to long term, focusing on collecting and wearing such items is better.

In the case of Jang Si-hwan, all ten rings he wears have one massive set effect.

Given that the protagonist is insanely buffed, the item composition is quite overpowered.

Since Jang Si-hwan is Kang-hoos ultimate goal Its time to start paying attention to set effects.

Once I reach level 100 and add a basic skill, I should definitely use Hematite.

I currently have a total of 5 Hematites.

Its not just about saving valuable items that can be handy for skill upgrades.

The saying saving it until its too late applies in the world of hunters too.

Because there are countless instances where saving something for later leads to a tragic death and never being able to use it.

There had been some hesitation about how to use the 5 Hematites, but now my thoughts are clear.

Faster mobility and evasion.

I must invest Hematite in skills that can maximize the assassins characteristics.

Thats the only way to more adeptly handle characters who are inherently opposed to me, like Jeon Jong-du.

This battle with Jeon Jong-du concluded at this level because his weaknesses were evident.

Had Jeon Jong-dus level been merely 50 points higher or his reactions slightly quicker, the outcome might have been different.

Absolutely 100.

Kang-hoo rose to his feet.

He resolved that as soon as this mission concluded, he would halt all other missions and concentrate exclusively on leveling up.

Alright, Jeon Jong-du. Its time for you to see the outside world.

Jeon Jong-dus lifeless body lay there.

Kang-hoo seized him by the hair and began dragging him outside.

To the Osho mercenaries, who were fervently fighting, awaiting the arrival of their dependable captain, Jeon Jong-du.

It seemed the time had come to deliver the most definitive message with his body, to shatter their morale and will to fight.



A minute later, time appeared to stand still throughout the entire abandoned factory where a fierce battle had previously raged.

When everyones attention was captured by a loud noise emanating from one side of the second floors railing.

Every hunter who looked could see it.

The body of Jeon Jong-du, his jaw obliterated without a trace and his groin reduced to shreds.

And standing over Jeon Jong-dus face, sprawled on the floor, was Kang-hoos foot.

Damn, the captain

Died so easily?

Who the hell is this guy?

The first to be shocked were the hunters from the Osho mercenary group.

Jeon Jong-du was regarded as a god by them due to his formidable strength.

He was Jeon Jong-du, known for easily bending and twisting iron pipes or aluminum bats just for fun.

It was humorously said that even if the entire Osho mercenary group attacked him, they would all be defeated and killed.

Their faith in Captain Jeon Jong-du and his destructive power was unwavering. It was a natural trust.

However, the shock that Jeon Jong-du had been killed by a single hunter, not even a group of enemies, was profound.

It wasnt merely a death from a fatal wound in one place.

It was a truly grotesque death, with his face and the center of his lower body reduced to tatters.

For hunters unaware of Kang-hoos skill Blood Flower and its power, such a reaction was natural.

Kang-hoo seemed to be a hunter of a completely different class, not an assassin, given the visible wounds.

Your leader is dead. Think carefully if you still need to fight hard.

With an indifferent remark, Kang-hoo casually kicked Jeon Jong-dus body away.

Then, Jeon Jong-dus body fell below the railing, landing face-first onto the ground.


The sound of his nose and forehead breaking was heard, but no one cared since he was already dead.


The sigh released by one of the Osho mercenaries carried the collective sense of loss they all felt.

They had endured, relying solely on the arrival of Jeon Jong-du.

It was a wait that seemed destined from the start since Jeon Jong-du had promised to maximize his combat power and come.

But the outcome of their wait was not hope, but despair.

Now, it was a matter of timing. The question was when they would surrender to the enemy.

I didnt expect the situation to turn so dramatic.

Kim Su-kyung was equally surprised. Precisely, the entire Kim Su-kyung mercenary group was startled.

Its not that they hadnt considered Kang-hoo might seek out and confront Jeon Jong-du.

However, they had not anticipated at all that Kang-hoo would kill Jeon Jong-du and end it all.

They had imagined luring him out and then collaborating with the mercenary group.

The hunters immediately behind Kim Su-kyung were elite forces organized to support Kang-hoo in case of an emergency.

But Kang-hoo had ended Jeon Jong-du on his own, rendering their plans useless.

Given the difficulty in confronting Jeon Jong-du directly, they had made extensive plans and even recruited external mercenaries

To have such a grand plan end with the actions of a single hunter was dumbfounding.

Is it possible for a hunter under level 100 to take down someone at level 350?

Kim Su-kyung was open-minded. She believed that level wasnt everything and that there were always variables.

But a level 100 achieving a complete victory over a level 350 was beyond those variables.

Lee Ye-rin had emphasized several times not to judge Kang-hoo solely by his level.

At the time, Kim Su-kyung thought it was somewhat lip service, filled with trust in Kang-hoo.

But it wasnt.

Lee Ye-rin had spoken the truth as it was. Kim Su-kyung had misunderstood.

Admiration stops here.

As Kang-hoo had set a splendid stage for a successful victory, it was necessary to wrap up quickly.

Kim Su-kyung shouted,

Your captain is dead! Dont resist meaninglessly! Surrender if you dont want to die in vain!

Kim Su-kyungs booming voice covered the entire abandoned factory.

It was as if she had a skill like a lions roar, so fiercely did her voice echo.

Kang-hoo, standing on the second-floor railing, held a practice dagger, looking down below.

If the fight were to start again, it was because there were hunters greedy for the constellation plunder.

He was targeting those guys.

But with the pillar and main support of the mercenary group, Jeon Jong-du, dead,

There was no hunter daring enough to rush straight to the afterlife.

I surrender.

I also surrender!

Dont attack! Please!

Ill lay down my weapon!

The Osho mercenary group was disbanded that day. It was an anticlimactic end brought about by the death of Jeon Jong-du.

And at both the beginning and end of this battle, Kang-hoos name was clearly engraved.

It was Kang-hoos perfect performance, undeniable by anyone for his significant contribution and merit.

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