The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 39: Battle Royale 3

A guttural roar echoed through the snow-capped peaks, a challenge thundering down from the storm-wracked sky. Axl, the Dragon Chosen, perched precariously on a crumbling peak, his crimson wings catching the faint crimson streaks in the dawning light. Below him, the virtual battlefield of the academy's entrance exam unfolded, a chaotic tapestry of frantic participants and lumbering beasts.

Axl wasn't built for patience. Unlike some, his heart didn't race with excitement at the prospect of showcasing his potential. It thundered with a primal hunger for battle, a yearning to unleash the power that coursed through his veins after his harrowing awakening as a Dragon Chosen. Today, the mountains, once his playground, were transformed into a crucible to test his mettle.

Axl surveyed the scene with a predator's gaze. A hulking minotaur, its horns gleaming with a metallic sheen, rampaged through a group of terrified students. Their pathetic attempts at magical defense were mere sparks against the whirlwind of brute force. Axl's lips curled into a smirk, not of amusement, but of anticipation. This wouldn't do. He craved a worthy challenge, not a slaughter.

With a powerful thrust of his wings, Axl launched himself towards the fray. His descent was a blur of crimson and gold, the wind whipping around him like a battle cry. The minotaur, sensing the sudden shift in the atmosphere, lumbered to a halt, its beady eyes locking onto the descending dragon.

"Finally, a decent opponent!" Axl roared, his voice rumbling across the mountainside. The minotaur bellowed in response, charging with a ferocity that Axl respected. He met the minotaur's charge head-on, a fist crackling with raw electrical energy slamming into the beast's chest. The impact sent the minotaur skidding backward, a surprised roar escaping its throat.

Before the beast could recover, Axl was upon it. Lightning arced from his fingertips, weaving a web of crackling energy that bound the minotaur in place. It thrashed and bellowed, its strength useless against the crackling bonds of lightning.

"Now this is a challenge!" Axl laughed, the sound echoing like thunder. With a swift movement, he ripped a chunk of jagged rock from the mountainside and hurled it with devastating force. The rock slammed into the minotaur's forehead, its roar cut short as it crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

Axl stood over the defeated creature, his chest heaving with exertion. The thrill of battle pulsed through him, a euphoric rush that made him crave more. His gaze swept across the battlefield, searching for the next worthy opponent. He spotted a pack of griffins, their razor-sharp talons tearing through a group of elven archers.

With a burst of speed, Axl launched himself towards the aerial battle. His wings, imbued with the power of lightning, propelled him at an impossible velocity. The griffins, startled by the blur of crimson, turned their attention to the new threat. Their razor-sharp beaks screeched, talons outstretched as they swooped down to attack.

Axl's face split into a grin. He unleashed a torrent of lightning, a crackling storm that erupted amidst the griffins. The beasts shrieked in pain, their wings faltering as pure energy coursed through their bodies. With a maneuver honed by years spent soaring through the mountainous peaks, Axl weaved through the bewildered creatures, his fists connecting with bone-shattering force.

Feathers rained down like crimson snow as the griffins fell, their fierce screeches fading into mournful whines.

While the students below watched in awe and terror, Axl felt a pang of dissatisfaction. These creatures, while challenging, weren't pushing his limits. He craved a battle that would leave him breathless, something that would truly test the power coursing through his veins.

Just as frustration began to simmer, a tremor shook the mountains. A low rumble echoed from the icy depths of a nearby cave. Axl narrowed his eyes, sensing a surge of powerful magic emanating from within. Could this be...?

His question was answered as a colossal figure emerged from the cavern's mouth. An ice drake, its scales shimmering with an ethereal blue light, stomped its massive feet onto the battlefield, its eyes burning with an ancient fury. The other contestants scattered like frightened ants, their initial bravado replaced by raw fear.

"Finally!" Axl roared, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Here, at last, was a worthy opponent. The ice drake, sensing the challenger, turned its glacial gaze towards Axl. A low growl emanated from its throat, a sound that resonated with the tremors of a coming avalanche.

The battle that followed was a spectacle of elemental fury. Axl, a whirlwind of crackling lightning and earth-shattering.

" Even though this creatures should be above 7 stars, right now they a nerfed to psuedo seven stars while the few dangerous ones are seven stars. This will be a great fight. Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle shall be..." Before Axl could finish someone screamed.

" Run! It's an ice drake."

" Who in the world tells his opponents to run from danger. Doesn't he know we are in a competition? Or are they in some kind of alliance." Thought Axl


Lara, the Elven Chosen, perched gracefully on a snow-laden bough, her keen eyes scanning the wintry battlefield. Her bow, carved from the heart of an ancient oak and imbued with the magic of the wind, lay taut in her hand. A pack of feral snow wolves, their fur the color of a fresh blizzard, lumbered through the undergrowth below.

With a swift, silent movement, Lara nocked an arrow, infusing it with the swirling essence of wind that danced around her. The arrow zipped through the air with deadly precision, lodging itself deep in the lead wolf's throat. The beast crumpled lifelessly, its demise barely registering a blip on the chaos unfolding below.

Lara, ever the pragmatist, knew this was just a prelude to the main event. The academy's entrance exam wasn't just about slaying beasts; it was about accumulating points, and the most valuable points came from defeating other participants. Her gaze narrowed as she spotted a group of humans huddled together, their faces etched with nervous determination.

This was Zehn, the self-proclaimed leader of the human alliance, and his ragtag band of followers.

Lara gracefully descended from the tree, her movements silent and swift. The humans, oblivious to her approach, were locked in a heated debate. Zehn, a lanky young man with nervous energy dancing in his eyes, was frantically strategizing.

"We have to stick together!" he yelled, his voice laced with desperation. "If we can just hold on for a bit, we can gather enough points to secure a decent ranking for all of us!"

Just as she drew back the bowstring, a figure erupted from the group, a whirlwind of fire and wind. Zehn, the self-proclaimed leader of the human alliance, noticed and launched himself at Lara, a blazing blade in his hand. Lara, startled by the sudden attack, barely managed to deflect the flaming sword with a gust of wind that sent her tumbling back.

"Stand down, elf," Zehn called out, his voice shaky despite his attempt at bravado. "There's no point in fighting amongst ourselves. We should be working together, taking down the beasts!"

Lara's lips curved into a cold smile. "Working together? You humans and your alliances. Cute, really. But these are points and glory we're talking about," she said, locking an arrow onto her exquisite elven bow. "Besides, weaklings like you will only slow me down."

"Fine," Zehn replied, his voice laced with ice. "We settle it the old-fashioned way then."

Zehn's hand instinctively reached for the small pouch hanging at his side. He'd promised them safety, a chance to rise above their perceived limitations and they accepted, he thought he'd just use them to farm points. But this wasn't how he'd envisioned his first major test.

Lara released the arrow. It sang through the air, a blur of white tipped with a wickedly sharp head. Zehn, fueled by a sudden surge of adrenaline, sidestepped the deadly projectile. He raised his hand, channeling a ball of fire in his palm.

"Ignis!" he shouted, hurling the fireball at Lara. The flames roared, momentarily obscuring the elven warrior. But Zehn knew better than to celebrate too soon. A gust of wind, sharp as a blade, extinguished the flames mere inches from Lara's face.

The battle was a dance of elements. Lara, a master archer, unleashed a volley of arrows imbued with wind magic, each one whistling through the air with deadly precision. Zehn, relying on his newfound grasp of wind and fire magic, struggled to defend himself.

He conjured a swirling vortex of wind to deflect the arrows, but Lara countered with a torrent of water that dissipated the vortex and soaked Zehn to the bone.

They were evenly matched, atleast that's what Zehn thought, their strengths and weaknesses canceling each other out. Frustration gnawed at Zehn. He couldn't afford to lose. He had to show his "allies" his strength, his leadership. But every spell he unleashed seemed to be countered by Lara's effortless grace.

A guttural roar shattered the tense silence. A hulking ice troll lumbered towards them, its frozen breath forming a swirling mist. Zehn and Lara momentarily locked eyes, a silent decision passing between them.

Lara, with lightning speed, nocked an arrow and imbued it with wind magic. The arrow, a white streak against the snow, found its mark – the troll's eye. The beast bellowed in pain, stumbling back. Zehn seized the opportunity. He gathered the remnants of his magic, weaving them into a miniature tornado laced with flames. "Ignis Ventus!" he roared, unleashing the fiery whirlwind.

The tornado slammed into the troll, the flames singeing its fur and the wind whipping at its exposed flesh. The beast roared again, a sound of pure fury, before collapsing heavily onto the snow.

Lara, drawing upon the calming power of water magic, countered with a wave of shimmering water that extinguished the flames and left Zehn momentarily disoriented.

" You stole my kill." Said Lara.

She drew her bow to finish off Zehn.

The humans, seeing this, knew what they had to do. With a silent oath, they formed a tight circle around Zehn, chanting a simple spell, their voices weaving a fragile shield of light. It wouldn't last against Lara's power, but it would buy Zehn some precious seconds. Time to escape. If he can get a good rank he could protect them. They had no hope in ranking high that's why they clung to this alliance.

For protection.

With a curt nod to his friends, he turned and sprinted away from the clearing, the image of his fallen comrades spurring him on. He wouldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. He would survive and repay the humiliation.

So they took on Lara who effortlessly shot them down. No mercy. She just looked at the departing figure of Zehn and sighed.

"Now then, come out you rat." Said Lara.

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