The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 36: Arcana Mysteria.

Arcana Mysteria, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness, rose majestically above the clouds. Built on a floating mini-continent, it was a testament to an alliance forged in desperation – a collaboration of races united against a common enemy. No budgetary concerns hampered its creation. Each race poured their unique skills and resources into its construction.

The dragons, ever proud and ostentatious, contributed mountains of gold and rare materials, their scales shimmering as they transported the precious cargo. The elves, renowned for their healing magic, provided a contingent of skilled healers and stocked the academy with an abundance of rare herbs and potent potions.

Injuries were inevitable in such a training ground, and the elves ensured their students would have the best possible care.

Beastmen, known for their raw physical prowess, acted as the primary labor force. The dwarves, masters of architecture and runecraft, wielded their hammers with unparalleled skill, etching potent runes of defense into the academy's very foundation. However, a watchful eye was kept on their runic magic – a necessary precaution in this fragile alliance.

Humans, ever resourceful, contributed their own share of manual labor, gold and precious materias. Despite the underlying tension, the construction proceeded with surprising speed. Still, a question lingered – the question of the vampires.

Unlike the other races, they lacked a blessing from a goddess, leaving them without a chosen champion. Yet, their contribution was undeniable – a seemingly endless stream of gold that flowed freely from their coffers. The other races, ever pragmatic, saw no reason to turn down free resources. Who, after all, could resist the allure of such wealth.

So the Vampires would send a couple of students cause their race like dragons and elves didn't have the ability to reproduce all too frequently.

Knowledge, too, flowed freely within the academy walls. A vast library housed a vast collection of skills and disciplines, each race contributing their own unique knowledge base. However, this sharing was not without its limitations. Each race guarded their most coveted secrets, offering only what they deemed safe or beneficial to the alliance.

And so, in a mere three months, the impossible became reality. Arcana Mysteria, an island of knowledge and power, hovered above the world. But unlike most islands, it wouldn't remain static. They didn't want any race to claim it as their own. This academy, a symbol of both cooperation and suspicion, possessed the remarkable ability to travel.

It would move like a city in the clouds, offering its unique education to every continent in turn. The future remained uncertain, but under the watchful gaze and schemes of the races, Arcana Mysteria was poised to become a crucible where the heroes of tomorrow would be forged.

The grand gates of Arcana Mysteria creaked open, a beacon of hope in a war-torn world. Eager students, all under the age of fifty, flooded in – a vibrant tapestry woven from the six different races. The academy's enrollment criteria were strict: a minimum of four stars, but no more than six, ensuring potential without overshadowing the learning process.

Inside, the academy boasted a multitude of specialized schools. The School of Combat, a bustling hive of activity, housed three prestigious departments – the stoic Knights, the enigmatic Mages, and the mysterious Summoners. It attracted the most applicants, each department promising a unique path to power. However, the academy wasn't solely focused on brute force.

Other equally vital schools existed – Alchemy, for concocting potent potions and elixirs; and Engineering, for crafting innovative weaponry and defenses.

Cross-disciplinary learning was a cornerstone of Arcana Mysteria's philosophy. Even warriors had to possess intellectual prowess. Compulsory courses from other schools ensured their strength wasn't simply brute force, but a well-rounded arsenal of knowledge and skill.

The races had meticulously crafted a syllabus for each department, drawing upon the expertise of their finest scholars and warriors. The best teachers, renowned in their respective fields, were handpicked to guide these future heroes.

One crucial detail remained unresolved – the appointment of a vice-chancellor. The academy would answer directly to the alliance council, with no single chancellor holding absolute power. However, the races devised a unique wager.

The first blessed champion to achieve a seven-star rating would bestow the honor of vice-chancellor upon a scholar or warrior of their choosing, a significant power play within the academy's structure.

The grand opening of Arcana Mysteria was a momentous occasion, but before these eager students could delve into the curriculum, a crucial hurdle awaited them – the entrance exam. Meeting the age and star-rating requirements wasn't enough. This exam served a dual purpose: to gauge their individual talents and strengths, and to allocate precious resources accordingly.

However, a murmur of discontent rippled through the student body. Was it truly fair? The strong, with their inherent advantages, would be showered with resources, further widening the gap between them and those who struggled. Shouldn't the weaker students also be nurtured, fostering a more even playing field?

But reality had a harsh bite. Strength was the undisputed currency in this world. Weakness wasn't just a disadvantage, it was a perceived sin. The races, ever competitive, wouldn't miss a chance to flaunt their prowess, display superiority and earn bragging rights. You might say this was the main reason for this ranking test. This exam, then, was more than just a ranking exercise.

It was a grand spectacle, a display of raw power and cunning.

With over 65,000 participants, may seem like a lot but given they come from different races the number is still small, but it was just the first batch, later many more will enroll, the logistics were daunting. Weeks of testing were simply out of the question. The academy devised a ruthless solution – a two-day battle royale.

Imagine a vast arena, an exact miniature and downplayed copy of the world itself, with diverse terrains and a variety of fearsome beasts. Not only would the students need to contend with these monstrous creatures, but also with each other and against time as the arena size shrunk after a period and those outside the zones will be eliminated.

This wasn't a civilized duel; it was a test of survival, a chaotic clash where cunning strategists could outwit brute force, and where magical ingenuity could overcome raw physical power. Every action, every victory, every strategic maneuver would be recorded, meticulously analyzed by a panel of the most renowned instructors from each race.

A point-based system, factoring in kills, survival time, and strategic brilliance, would determine the final rankings.

The pressure was immense. These students, stood at the precipice of their destinies. The next two days would determine not just their standing within the academy, but also their potential for greatness. The fate of the world, it seemed, would hinge on the outcome of this brutal, spectacular, and undeniably unfair entrance exam.

A hush fell over the colossal gathering point where students from across the races had converged. The grand opening ceremony was over; the real test was about to begin. The entrance exam to Arcana Mysteria wouldn't be a traditional arena clash – logistics for 65,000 participants were simply out of the question.

Instead, a low hum filled the air as the students were scanned one by one. This wasn't a mere formality; it was a digital transfer, a gateway to an alternate sub-dimension, a testing ground designed to mimic the harsh realities of the world outside. Here, death and injuries held no permanent consequence.

Any student who fell in battle wouldn't be welcomed by the grim reaper; rather they'd be unceremoniously ejected back to their physical realm.

But make no mistake – this wasn't a painless simulation. While their bodies remained safe from permanent damages, the students would experience the fight in harrowing detail. The sting of a sword cut,the impact of a blow, the agony of a beast's bite, the suffocating grip of fear – all would be transmitted with startling realism.

Sight, touch, and smell would be heightened, though disoriented by the fantastical landscape of the arena and the spells cast by both beasts and fellow participants.

The students, transported via teleportation pads or intercontinental travel depending on their location, arrived in a steady stream. Each scan, a silent promise of a grueling ordeal.

The metallic tang of anticipation filled the air as students from every race, united only by their ambition, waited. Humans, with their steely determination, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with hulking Beastmen, their muscles twitching with barely contained energy. Elves, their grace masking an inner fire, shared the space with dwarven warriors, their stoic faces grim beneath their thick beards.

The arrival of the last student was heralded by a soft chime, a final note before the symphony of chaos began.

As the last student materialized within the digital arena, a deafening alarm shattered the tense silence. The battle royale had begun.

Across the vast, diverse landscape – a swirling tapestry of mountains, forests, and treacherous swamps – 65,000 hopefuls were thrust into a chaotic free-for-all. Alliances would be forged and broken in mere moments, strategies devised and discarded in the blink of an eye. This wasn't just about brute strength; survival demanded both cunning and resilience.

The students, thrust into a world of simulated pain and peril, were about to embark on a journey that would not only determine their standing within the academy but also reveal the heroes, and the villains, waiting to be born or made.

Then, a deafening alarm ripped through the virtual dimension, shattering the tense silence. In an instant, the students scattered, their individual strategies blooming like deadly flowers. Some sprinted towards the high ground, seeking vantage points. Others, veterans of skirmishes in their own lands, formed impromptu alliances, a temporary truce forged in the crucible of survival.

The beasts, monstrous creations of code and magic, materialized with roars that echoed across the diverse landscape. A monstrous serpent with scales like molten lava erupted from a volcano, while a pack of spectral wolves materialized in the mists of a haunted forest. The students, thrust into the heart of this digital menagerie, became the hunted and the hunters in a game with no clear victor.

Pain, sharp and unforgiving, became a constant companion. A slash from a beast claw sent a human warrior reeling, the sting of the wound burning his flesh. A young elf, caught in a magical trap, screamed as bolts of energy tore through his virtual form. Yet, the pain wasn't a deterrent; it was a grim teacher, reminding them of the stakes.

Every roar, every scream, was a testament to the dangers lurking within this sub dimension.

The entrance exam had begun, and the students of Arcana Mysteria were thrown into this place. The next two days would be a brutal ballet of survival, a desperate scramble for resources and glory. Their rankings, their futures, and their standing at the academy, hung in the balance.

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