The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 119: Little Ver

An unsettling silence hung heavy within Verona's inner space. Here, the duality of her being was laid bare – two Veronas, one with eyes of crimson, the other with eyes of violet, stood facing one another, locked in a debate.

"Are we truly going down this path?" Red-eyed Verona voiced her apprehension, her voice echoing in the vast emptiness. "This is a risky gamble, feeding him Father's blood."

"It's the only way to trigger his evolution," Violet-eyed Verona countered, her voice laced with unwavering conviction. "Besides, we have no use for it. We have little time left and we are already ' established' beings Nev is still growing."

Red-eyed Verona offered a small smile. "So, we will turn Nev into this era's Progenitor?"

"Perhaps it was father's intention all along," Violet-eyed Verona mused, tracing a finger across the air. "You can sense the purity in Nev's vampire side, a resonance with his blood, right??"

A flicker of unease crossed Red-eyed Verona's face. "It seems our father had a plan for this, and as always one we weren't privy to."

Violet-eyed Verona nodded in agreement. "Indeed. But a troubling thought lingers," she admitted, her voice laced with concern. "These inheritances… they can hold a power of control. Remember those incidents of… 'revival'?"

They were referring to cases where an inheritance was a trap to get revived, the inheritance giver would make the receiver very similar to himself or herself and in the last moment they would take over those bodies, they wouldn't live for long, more like 4-20 years but that was long enough to complete whatever they wanted.

And these incidents were VERY RARE and only applied to the very powerful dark mages or anyone who had embodiment level darkness proficiency for example the Vampire Progenitor.

After the 'revival' both parties die.

Red-eyed Verona's expression hardened. "We can't let Nev fall victim to such a fate. That's why we'll be by his side, every step of the way. However…" she trailed off, her voice tight with anxiety. "What if push comes to shove? If a choice has to be made between Nev and Father, … can we truly do it?...

Are you positive we will pick Neveah"

Silence descended once more, heavy and suffocating. The two Veronas locked eyes, the weight of the decision settling upon them.

"What do you think, sister?" Violet-eyed Verona finally asked, her voice very serious.

For a long, agonizing moment, neither spoke. The answer hung in the air, unspoken yet understood. Finally, Red-eyed Verona broke the silence, her voice tinged with a hint of despair.

"Let's take Nev to Valeriana," she proposed. "We need time to think, Alone."

Violet-eyed Verona met her gaze,"…Agreed," she conceded.

A swirl of violet energy ripped open the air, depositing Verona and an unconscious Neveah in Valeriana's grand chamber. The air crackled with a strange serene energy and Valeriana, bathed in a soft white light, sat in deep meditation.

The vibrant red flames or blue that she once had had changed to white and enveloped her their tips glowing transparent and becoming invisible but you could still feel the heat.

Inside, Valeriana felt a profound shift, a sensation of breaking free from an invisible leash.Yet... The source of this restriction, the identity of the one who had bound her, still eluded her. Who or what is she breaking away from?


Suddenly, a cough shattered the stillness. Valeriana snapped open her eyes to find Verona holding an unconscious Neveah. Concern furrowed her brow.

"What happened?" she asked, a tremor of worry lacing her voice.

Verona shrugged nonchalantly. "Training exhaustion," she said, her voice dripping with amusement. "Nothing a little rest won't fix."

With a swift movement, she placed Neveah on an ice couch with snow cushions and pillows.

Valeriana's lips curved into a small gentle smile. Despite Verona's gruff exterior, a hint of genuine care for Neveah shone through.

"Of course," Valeriana replied, her voice warm. "Leave him to me. I'll ensure he gets the rest he needs."

Verona nodded curtly, a silent understanding passing between them. With one last fleeting glance at the sleeping Neveah, she vanished.

"I'll be back in a while," her voice echoed as she left.

With a gentle sigh, Valeriana settled beside the sleeping Neveah, her gaze lingering on his peaceful face. There was much to learn, much to discuss with Verona upon her return. But for now, she would simply focus on the task at hand – caring for Neveah, building a bond with him as she brushed a stray strand of hair from Neveah's forehead.

Before Verona stood a weathered tombstone, a stark monument against the barren wasteland. Tomb was a generous term; it was more of a gateway. With a flick of her blood blade, she carved a perfect blood-red circle on the ground. The air shimmered, and a hidden door materialized with a low groan.

Descending the damp, web and moss-covered stairs, Verona ventured deep underground.

Finally, she arrived at a vast chamber, almost empty but had two ornately carved obsidian coffins resting upon stone altars.

One coffin was covered in small diamond jewels and was smaller than the other, it was meant for a female . Verona brushed a hand across the smooth surface, her thoughts shielded by her cold emotionless face.

Then, she turned towards the other coffin. From the empty space she retrieved a vial containing a mixture of Neveah's blood, she mixed it with chaotic energy and then dropped it on the coffin.

As the potent mixture dripped onto the coffin's surface, the chamber pulsed with a dark-red ominous energy. The stone floor trembled, the air crackled with anticipation. With a deafening groan, the coffin lid erupted outwards, propelled by a surge of power. A figure rose from within.

The man was – shirtless, with a lean, muscular physique accentuated by baggy black pants. His long, black hair flowed down his back, framing a face etched with an ageless beauty. Face and Crimson eyes, identical to Verona's, blazed with an otherworldly intensity.

"My descendant," he boomed, his voice a deep rumble that echoed through the chamber. He scanned the cavernous space, his gaze finally settling on Verona. He paused and sighed...

"Little Ver," he began, his voice laced with surprise. "What brings you here? This… wasn't meant for you.And the security measures… how did you even…"

Verona, who had been observing him with silence, finally met his gaze. "I'm Good at deception, forgery, and hiding, remember. You are the one who taught me those very skills, isn't that right Father?" she said.


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