The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 110: Confrontation...

The air crackled with a pott mix of emotions as Valeriana and Verona locked gazes across the shimmering barrier. Confusion clouded Verona's face, ' why is she here? I don't remember offding humans or atleast for this ctury. Is he here for something else th what's with her face? It's as if she lost something very important.' thought Violet eyed Verona.

" She has guilt for something too... This might be interesting let's hear her out."

Valeriana, a storm of emotions brewing within, held Verona's gaze. Resolve harded her jaw, a desperate glint flickering in her eyes, like a drowning person clinging to a flimsy piece of driftwood. Some resolve tinged with a bitter edge – anger at herself. The guilt that gnawed at her was deepest and most appart emotion of all.

It manifested in the the slight tremor of her hands, and aslight slump in her shoulders.

Valeriana's voice, wh it finally came, broke the tse silce. It was hoarse, heavy and pained , the pain of a mother yearning for her child. "My son... I want to see son," she rasped, the single word that was a plea, a confession, and an accusation all at once.

Verona's crimson eyes narrowed, 'what is this woman implying and why is she looking at me with such accusatory eyes?'

The silce stretched on, heavy and thick.

Verona's words hung unfinished in the air, "Empress..." She started but Valeriana cut off, "Valeriana."

The weight of the name hung heavy in the air. It wasn't just a correction.

" Yeah call her by her name, she is younger than us." Said the red eyed Verona.

" I didn't ev know her name." Thought Violet eyed Verona.

Verona started again "Okay, Valeriana... apart from Vampires there's no..." Her stce trailed off as a sudd realization dawned on her. The pieces clicked into place – her son was turned.

" But wh did this young girl have time to make babies though... If she was a mother as well as a terrifying warrior... Th she is admirable." Said Red Eyed Verona.

"Yes..." Valeriana rasped, her voice barely a whisper. "My son is a vampire, and the one who turned him into one is... you. Neveah is my son... I want to see him."

Verona's perfectly sculpted brows furrowed as she frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about...?" she began, the question ripped from her lips.

But before she could finish, a jolt of unease, a prickling ssation of something amiss, snaked through her. Something was wrong with Neveah.

"Neveah..." she muttered, the name tasting foreign on her tongue yet strangely familiar.

Without further ado, Verona prepared to vanish ina clear sse of urgcy.

Valeriana witnessed Verona's attempt to an abrupt departure with a surge of confusion that quickly morphed into worry. "What happed to my son?" she cried out, her voice echoing across the expanse.

But Verona was in no mood for explanations. Her only focus was on Neveah.

Valeriana wasn't about to be left behind. With a surge of her own magic, she ripped through the fabric of space, latching onto the fading tdrils of Verona's teleportational signature.

In a blink, both wom were gone, leaving behind the desolate plains and the unanswered questions swirling in the wind. Their destination – the heart of the vampire castle, where a young vampire named Neveah, oblivious to the storm brewing for him, awaited a confrontation that would change everything.


[ Earlier]

Neveah stirred in the plush amd comfy confines of Verona's bedroom. Moonlight streamed through the windows, casting an red she across the room as it passed through the red curtains. He blinked away the remnants of sleep,he found out erona was gone. The good side was that he wasn't in pain no more.

He sat up, the silk sheets cool against his skin. He closed his eyes, focusing inwards, searching for the familiar chaotic ergy that had become a part of him, the power he used. But this time, the frantic dance of power remained elusive.

Panic clawed at his throat. Had he lost it?

' That's not it, I had used it all.'

He shifted his focus, trying to sse the chaotic ergy not within himself, but within the very atmosphere. All he felt was a dull thrumming – mana, the lifeblood of magic. Yet, it felt…distant, almost as if it didn't recognize him, 'nothing new there.' he thought.

But he still tried to look for the previous chaotic ergy," this is like looking through the internet for some game you used to play as a kid, not knowing it's name nor how it was played, all you know is that you'll recognize it once you see it... Same feeling."

He pushed the unsettling thoughts aside for now. He decided to look at something else– his tomb rewards. He hadn't received them immediately after the raid, which was unusual. 'Perhaps there was some kind of system in place, the delay was for processing points and assigning rewards based on factors like successful trials or overall performance.' he thought.

'Come to think of it where's my perk as a transmigrator? It's be years... Sigh... Why can't I seem to focus today? I feel something in my chest and I can't place it. Anyway let's continue.'

He focused his will on his storage ring and there they were his rewards...' no gold...?How cheap!" He thought.

A worn leather-bound grimoire with strange symbols etched on its cover completed the set. And a letter? Was all he got.

Neveah, his earlier unease momtarily forgott, reached for the leather-bound journal. Its worn cover, adorned with symbols that seemed to writhe and thrum with a faint, red-obsidian glow, held an undiable allure.

As his fingertips brushed the aged leather, a jolt of ergy surged through him. The room pulsed, the air crackling with a sudd, unse light. The grimoire erupted in a blinding red-black radiance, forcing Neveah to squeeze his eyes shut. A searing pain lanced through his head as information streamed in with pressure that threated to split his skull in two.

He forced his eyes op, a gasp escaping his lips. The letter, now tucked betwe the pages, pulsed with a faint counterpoint – an White light that illuminated the sorings.

A cold sweat slicked his skin, the air thick with an oppressive silce. Th, a change occurred within him. His own eyes, usually a vibrant crimson, began to shift. The red drained away, replaced by an all-consuming that seemed to pierce through the darkness of the room. The other eyes th got dyed black.

Neveah stood froz, his vision swallowed by the void. Before him a swirling vortex of raw, chaotic ergy fighting with a 'peaceful' ergy.

A voice, ancit and laced with power, echoed in the emptiness behind his eyes. "Welcome, child of ruin."

He suddly couldn't see, couldn't speak, yet he understood. This was more than just a book and a letter.



The air crackled as Verona materialized in the cter of her ridiculously large bedroom, a swirl of crimson mist dissipating a her. Valeriana materialized beside her, a flicker of concern etched on her face. ' did she just... wait I don't have time for this let's check on Nev.' Verona was surprised that Valeriana hitched a ride on her teleportation and not many things surprise Verona except Nev.

The room held an unsettling stillness. The air thrummed with an unse ergy, a chaotic and it's opposite a peaceful light.

Their gazes fell upon Neveah, and a collective gasp ripped from their throats. He hovered in the cter of the room, his eyes a chilling spectacle – one glowing an unnatural , the other a deep, abyssal red. The air a him crackled with two distinct auras: one emanated a sse of serity, a peaceful calm that soothed the very soul.

The other pulsed with raw, chaotic ergy, a tempestuous power that threated to consume everything in its path.

As if drawn by an invisible tether, Valeriana felt an inexplicable connection to the peaceful aura. It resonated within her on a profound level, a long-dormant yearning awaking within her. It felt like a missing piece, a birthright she had never known, but she deserved and needed.

A surge of power coursed through her, a tidal wave of ergy that propelled her towards the peak of the Mid th Star stage. Light erupted from her, momtarily eclipsing the strange glow emanating from Neveah.

Verona, on the other hand, felt a pull towards the chaotic aura. It mirrored something deep within her, a familiar power that resonated with her ancit lineage. But a flicker of confusion marred her usually composed expression. A single word escaped her lips, a bewildered whisper, "Father?"

The confusion deeped as she witnessed Valeriana's breakthrough. A low growl rumbled from her throat. "Damn monster," she muttered, she was surprised.

Unbeknownst to them, a strange symbiosis had formed. The two wom, on either side of Neveah, became shields as well as transformers for Neveah. They siphoned the raw, chaotic ergy from his dual auras, processing it within themselves before feeding it back, refined and pott, into his unconscious form.

Neveah's mind, however, was a battleg in itself. Fragmted memories, glimpses of a forgott time, swirled in a chaotic storm.

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