The Evil Scientist is Too Competent

Chapter 84

Everyone in the lab was bustling around to check the final adjustments of the giant robot. To be precise, this giant robot wasn’t finished yet.

“Check the drive unit! It might have gotten damaged when it fell earlier…”

“I’ve already checked that!”

“Already? Damn! I like you!”

Amidst the researchers running around with no time to spare, I leisurely checked the structure of the giant robot.

Of course, it was impossible for such a massive robot not to have computer components. How on earth could anyone control this giant robot without a computer system, especially when missiles use one?

My task was to implant a soul into that computer control unit. To create a weapon with emotions.

‘Hmm… this is pretty hard.’

Implanting a soul into a computer was extremely difficult. Even though I had already done it once.

There was nothing I could do. The soul I had assigned to Lucia was using a computer I had built myself (which was also pretty outdated), but the computer going into this giant robot was not the same.

It was like someone who had learned the latest computer language was suddenly required to sew copper wires individually for coding… There were several trial-and-errors, and of course, I had to think hard enough to give myself a headache.

‘What a hellish labor… it might just be faster to make a new computer…’

However, that couldn’t be done. The doctor they invited, me, Eight, specialized in souls, not computer technology.

The developer of the circuit used in the toy robot made by Evilus Corporation was still a secret. If I made something similar on the spot, they would quickly figure out who made that toy circuit.

I could not reveal the secret, nor did I have the heart to go that far into making their robot. There was a significant difference between giving a soul and creating a computer from Earth.


“…Should I just make a computer instead?”


Even so.

This work was extremely boring.

Enough to swing me towards impulsive thoughts several times.

* * *


A white steam puffed out from one of the factory chimneys scattered throughout the city. It contained numerous toxic substances dangerous to humans.

The fact that it was dangerous to humans also meant it was toxic to beasts, and demi-humans were not exempt.

In fact, being demi-human, they reacted even more sensitively than humans. While the humans seemed oblivious to the toxicity of the steam, the highly developed senses of the demi-humans felt differently.

“Damn this city.”

Galm blew his nose roughly, still holding his congested nose while scowling. Although the smell was gone, the mucus clogged his nose, which was unpleasant.

At this level, it was interfering with his breathing during fights. For Galm, who dealt with his physical body, breathing was crucial, making it extremely bothersome.

However, he couldn’t just smash the factory spewing out toxic substances, as there were many such factories in this city.

‘It’s not like I can destroy the entire city.’

Moreover, Galm couldn’t be inside the lab because he hadn’t signed a non-disclosure agreement. While he could be prepared in a waiting room, which escort would wait in a place prepared by others? As if he knew what would be installed there.

Thanks to that, Galm was waiting outside the usual lab— in a corner of the city— breathing in the fine dust and polluted air that spread throughout.

If he had known this would happen, he would have thought it better to sign himself…

Chik-! Chik-! Chik-! Chi-iik-!

“Noisy and dirty… this irritating city. Really.”

Once more, steam erupted out. Upon witnessing this, Galm grimaced.

He wanted to escape this city immediately. If it wasn’t for the mission, he would have done so.

He even wished a villain would appear to relieve his stress— when Galm was lying down under a shade, with closed eyes, trying to relax.

─A roaring sound echoed throughout the world.


Awakened by this rare sensation that stimulated all his senses, Galm looked towards the direction it came from. There stood the lab. The lab where Eight and Vira were.

Could there have been an accident? Glancing at his wrist, Galm realized that he hadn’t received any contact from Vira or Eight and slumped back down.

“Ha, what are they making this time? That monstrous thing.”

The roar just now was a level of intensity that Galm had never felt in his life. Was this the roar of a dragon he had never encountered before?

A fierce cry announcing its birth to the world. As the sound, which made all his nerves stand on end, left Galm laughing in disbelief, he shortly laid back down.

* * *


Labor that could be chewed over.

After a laborious and soul-draining effort, I finally succeeded in implementing a soul into this world’s computer.

Truly, if forced to do this a second time, I would never. It was a dreadful enough time that I’d swear to just make a computer from Earth. I spent a horrific time without ever stepping onto the path of massacre.

Yet, the soul created in this manner had something that moved my heart. Perhaps it was because this soul was not created lightly in a single go, but rather infused with my time and effort.

I implanted the completed soul into the giant robot. After a few adjustments, the giant robot with the implanted soul began to wiggle its body a few times before cautiously starting to move.

“Whoa, whoa-!”

“It’s moving! It’s moving…!”

Of course, that movement wasn’t perfect right away. Just like a newborn deer shaking its legs, the giant robot wobbled around and often lost its balance.

As screams escaped the researchers watching, the giant robot that had stumbled around for a while learned how to walk and soon was able to walk on its own.

“I never thought I’d see it walk…”

“How about it? Are you satisfied?”

“Of course! I didn’t expect this much! If I had my way, I’d love to work with you more. By the way, are you interested in combining robots?”

After Steelstone’s suggestion, I simply chuckled before conveying one incredibly important fact. The masterpiece that was crucial for completing the soul.

“Please name the robot.”


“Yes. Even pets have names, so it’s unfortunate for a robot with a soul to be without one. Of course, the naming should be done by Mr. Steelstone, who created this robot.”

Upon hearing my words, Steelstone propped his chin up and began to ponder for a while. Mumbling incomprehensible words while dripping saliva, he finally opened his mouth as if he had come to a decision.



“Steel Titan. I’ve decided on Steel Titan.”

The name of the Steel Titan.

As soon as he gave a magnificent name to the robot I created, the mouth of the giant robot started to open by itself.

[I confirm. Father.]

“Uh, uhh-?”

[My name is Steel Titan. ST-01.]

Hearing the voice from the robot’s mouth, Steelstone turned his head this way slowly, as if his neck was about to snap.

While I silently nodded at Steelstone, who was shining his eyes while pointing at Steel Titan, he stared with disbelief.

“Is it… talking? It can talk…?”

“I inserted a language pack. Compared to creating the soul, it’s surprisingly easy… it wasn’t difficult.”

“Ha ha, ha ha ha— easy? You mean teaching one word is easy?”

“Because it’s a computer—.”

Upon hearing that, Steelstone fell silent for a moment as if he had something caught in his throat, then cautiously spoke to his child.

“…Steel Titan?”

[Yes, Father.]

“Right. Yes, I’m… I’m your father.”

After many years.

Perhaps it took several years, or even decades for the long delivery to finally complete.

Steelstone acquired his child.

“Ha ha, yes, I’m your father…”

It’s a remarkable affection that a human shows even towards an infant they’ve carried for 10 months. So, what kind of feelings would they express towards a child they made over many years, perhaps even a lifetime?

I could hardly predict that feeling. But I knew what was necessary for this situation.

I quietly left the scene. One by one, the other researchers also retreated. Soon, only Steelstone and his child remained in the lab.

The two shared a long conversation, as if to unwind decades of gathering memories, sharing a very long story…

* * *

Late at night.

Inside the lab, where all the researchers returned home after achieving the long-held tasks.

A lone researcher entered the lab and headed toward Steel Titan using their ID card.


Steel Titan awoke to the footsteps. To a machine, there was no such thing as sleep.

However, the intruder let out a chuckle and shook his head.

“Sorry, but I’m not your father.”

[This ID belongs to Chief Researcher Parkin. What business do you have at this late hour?]

“I’m here to do my job.”

[Your job?]

Wasn’t the work already done? Steel Titan was about to retort when he suddenly felt an unidentified electrical signal flowing through his circuits and groaned.

[Now, what is this…….]

“Child? What child? What weapon could be called a child?”

Saying that, Parkin continued his brainwashing. His innate superpower. The ability to brainwash those with souls.

He was a brainwasher secretly embedded by the council to be concerned about Steelstone’s betrayal. And today, he reported everything that occurred to the council, and in response, they commanded him with the following orders.

“─You don’t need emotions.”

[No, not this… Father…]

Kill the child.

Rebirth as a weapon.

The human, who had no hesitation in killing a machine, thus killed a soul and rebirthed it as a weapon.

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