The Divorced Wife of the Richest Man is Reborn

Chapter 50

Green hat, red car, Yan Xishan left in a flashy manner, and Yan Zhao turned back to Chen Meilan, saying, "Xishan's coal mine can't just be managed by himself alone; we need to find a reliable person to keep an eye on it."

Yan Xishan had been poor enough to fear poverty, and he naturally liked to exploit loopholes and make money, without any conscience.

Especially towards those poor miners, he would either coax them or intimidate them, forcing them into the coal mine to mine gold for him. In the coal mine, without conscience, a collapse that kills people can happen in an instant.

In fact, making money isn't about a moment; looking at coal mine owners, those who rise one by one end up dead, with no good endings. But standing in that windstorm, everyone just wants to ride the wind and fly, no one thinks about the crash when the wind stops.

"My brother is fair-minded, he can do it," Chen Meilan said.

Yan Zhao firmly said, "No, Chen Degong is too naive. You don't know how much grain and meat Zhou Xueqin's family swindled from him? In three days, he would be completely manipulated by Yan Xishan and dragged down."

Brother was good in other aspects, but he was too honest. Once he slaughtered a pig, he gave all the meat to Zhou Xueqin's family, and he and the children ate pig tails, pig liver, and pig intestines. Every year, he sent bags of fine wheat and millet to the city, just because Zhou Xueqin's family would cry about being poor, and Chen Degong's heart was too soft, always leading the children to tighten their belts and endure hardships.

But she didn't know many people, and Yan Bin was eager to go, but he was even less suitable. He would only collude with Yan Xishan and secretly make money.

"Let's look again. Xishan isn't a bad person, but he's not exactly a good one either," Yan Zhao said about Yan Xishan, his tone inevitably rough.

"Dad," Yuanyuan had run off but came back now: "I've prepared your gift for you."

The little girl had run home specially, wrapped the gift she bought for Yan Zhao with red paper, and wrapped it neatly before handing it to him: "Open it and take a look."

Yan Zhao didn't think Yuanyuan would buy him a gift; children's feelings for their biological parents are different, and blood is hard to sever. Little Wang would help Zhou Xueqin hide things, and the most important corner of Yuanyuan's heart was reserved for Xishan.

Turning back, Chen Meilan was smiling, especially happy today, her gaze as gentle as water.

Yan Zhao had thought it was because Yan Xishan had finally given her shares, but now he wasn't so sure.

The biological father was a green hat, and the new father was a leather wallet, not a single-sided one, but the most popular double-sided one, and it was black, Yan Zhao's favorite color. It had layers inside that could hold a lot of things.

Such a wallet now cost five yuan, and Yan Zhao had once wanted to replace it but found it too expensive and didn't dare to buy it.

"Thank you, Dad really likes it," Yan Zhao said.

After walking a few steps, he added, "Come by yourself tonight, or I'll come over to carry you."

His ears were still red, and the texture must be very soft. Why could this dog man always say the hardest things with the roughest tone but have such soft ears?

Chen Meilan had never had a great experience with that matter.

In her previous life, she had been struggling with two men because of it. Yan Xishan was shameless and clingy, often fighting late at night, and he liked to smash windows. Chen Meilan kept a kitchen knife under her pillow when she slept.

But it was hard on Yuanyuan, who had seen her parents fight many times in the middle of the night, always scared to trembling.

With Lu Jingyu, Chen Meilan learned to be obedient. No matter what, she never confronted Lu Jingyu, only took care of the three children, did logistics for his construction team, managed finances, and did the accounts exceptionally well.

They were husband and wife but more like comrades and partners. She worked hard to become his indispensable right-hand man that he dared not easily discard.

Even when Lu Jingyu had many mistresses, and some even had children for him and wanted to take her place, they were all discreetly dealt with by Lu Jingyu himself.

Even when Lu Jingyu often subtly elevated himself and belittled her outside, he wouldn't, and didn't dare to divorce her, and at home, he still had to act like a perfect husband.

Because of what she had done, she deserved to enjoy his wealth and glory. The old members of his company only recognized her as the boss's wife.

Whether Yan Zhao is an exception remains to be seen.

Since he has that need, Chen Meilan won't deliberately avoid it; for family harmony, she will actively fulfill it.

The most unstable factor here is Little Lang, who likes to wet the bed at night. If he does, he will find her missing. After picking up Little Lang from kindergarten, Chen Meilan confiscated his little water cup.

To prevent him from drinking too much and needing to urinate at night.

But there are always accidents. Today, Little Wang and Yuanyuan brought home a little guest, a timid, skinny little boy who looked severely malnourished.

"Mom, this is Ma Xiaogang, my classmate," Little Wang introduced.

It turned out to be Leader Ma's grandson. Just as Little Wang finished introducing, the little guy suddenly made a "pop" sound and really blew a snot bubble, no wonder he had the nickname "Snot Bubble."

"Come in quickly, when will your family come to pick you up?" Chen Meilan asked.

Ma Xiaogang shyly looked at Little Wang, who waved his hand: "Anyway, my dad doesn't sleep with me, he said he'll sleep with me tonight."

Chen Meilan glanced at Yan Zhao, who turned his head.

He was the one who picked up the two kids, so it's not her fault; he brought the guest here.

Chen Meilan today made meat rolls, with lamb and onion filling, wrapped in dough and made into small buns. The fire was strong, and the lamb rolls were steamed on the edge of the pot, then stewed in a pot with fried spare ribs, meat sauce, and black fungus and daylily. When the soup was done, the lamb rolls were also done, with a golden bottom, soaked in the soup, soft and tender, crispy and fragrant to eat.

Ma Xiaogang ate two bowls in silence and still seemed unsatisfied.

Yuanyuan, with a small appetite, handed over the half-eaten roll she had left, and Ma Xiaogang started eating again.

The phone rang, and Chen Meilan went to answer it, with Little Wang rushing in as well.

"Hello, Meilan, Xiaogang said he went to your house to visit, my child doesn't like to eat..." Mrs. Ma said on the phone.

Little Wang grabbed the receiver and said, "He ate two big bowls and two small meat rolls at my house."

Mrs. Ma's voice sharpened: "Really?" But being an official's wife, she could keep her composure, laughed for a while, then signaled Little Wang to let Chen Meilan take the phone and said, "Submit the bid on the 25th, don't forget."

Chen Meilan didn't hang up the phone but kept listening. It's a habit in the officialdom: if someone helps you, there must be a price. She needed to hear what the price was. If Mrs. Ma directly asked for money, she wouldn't dare to take the project.

"Meilan, your Uncle Ma is about to retire, this project is the last one he's overseeing, just wants to build the building well, quality can't go wrong, the price can be higher, remember not to lowball just to get the project. Ah, once he retires, we'll just be ordinary people." Mrs. Ma said again.

"I understand," Chen Meilan said.

When Leader Ma retires, he'll be forgotten. Mrs. Ma certainly wants her to show some gratitude, and she's now just waiting for Chen Meilan's response.

Mrs. Ma wants to know if she'll be a person who repays kindness or a white-eyed wolf who takes and runs.

Meilan thought for a moment, then had a sudden inspiration: "Mrs. Ma, I have a coal mining company here, no one to oversee safety, I'm not at ease letting the workers go down the mine. How about when Uncle Ma retires, I hire him as the manager of my coal mine and pay him a salary?"

Giving someone a fish is not as good as giving them a fishing rod. Leader Ma has worked in a state-owned enterprise, has strong legal and safety awareness, knows how to grasp the big picture, and still gets to be a leader, which is a good job.

"Your coal mine? Isn't that Yan Xishan's?" Mrs. Ma suddenly laughed, "That has nothing to do with you, does it?"

"I can't tell you much, but if you really trust me, I'll keep my word?" Chen Meilan said.

The equity issue isn't something to discuss with outsiders, but Mrs. Ma will relay her words to Leader Ma.

And Leader Ma should understand the intricacies involved.

Mrs. Ma said "good" several times before hanging up the phone.

Sending the grandson over was a probe, and Chen Meilan's idea hit the mark with Mrs. Ma.

That project, Chen Meilan felt more and more that this foolish donkey might just get lucky.

Ma Xiaogang lived in an apartment building, so he was particularly curious about the courtyard houses. In the evening, Little Wang and Little Lang planned to take him out for a walk, showing him around and introducing him to the various households, especially the notorious Yan Sanye's family, which they would emphasize. They also intended to visit the village's most famous site, the former venue of a public trial, to take a commemorative photo and recount the grand occasion of that time.

Yan Zhao was the first to take a shower, but he didn't use the hot water from the water heater; instead, he used cold water.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Chen Meilan understood the implication in his eyes.

"Let me put the kids to sleep first," Chen Meilan said.

As she walked past Qin Yu's house with her children, she heard Yan Dawei shout, "You did this yourself; you go get the money. I'm not getting involved."

"If you weren't so useless, I wouldn't have to do it myself. If you had any backbone, I wouldn't have to grovel before others," Qin Yu shouted and cried as she stormed out of the house, dragging Ningning with her and carrying a woven bag, seemingly preparing to move out.

Parents fighting made the children feel ashamed. Ningning, like the former Yuanyuan, kept pleading, "Dad, please help Mom, please."

Just as they were leaving, they ran into Chen Meilan. Qin Yu sighed and said, "Meilan, I'm getting a divorce, a divorce!"

Yan Dawei also chased after them. Seeing Qin Yu walk away, he felt both angry and somewhat embarrassed, pulling Chen Meilan inside to explain, "About that project with Qinchuan Group, Leader Ma called and told us to bid. Qin Yu didn't want to involve you and wanted me to handle it. I ignored her, and she took a thousand yuan to bribe the junior officer in charge of the bidding. Then, the higher-ups suddenly transferred, and that officer was moved away. I told her she couldn't do it, but she insisted."

Being a contractor, anyone could do it.

But in the construction industry, there were always people taking bribes and demanding kickbacks. Unless you firmly established yourself and aligned with the most influential leader, it was difficult.

No wonder Qin Yu had recently stopped teaching Yuanyuan piano. It turned out she had been quietly trying to secure a project with Qinchuan Group.

"What about the money? Did she just give it away?" A thousand yuan was several months' salary.

Yan Dawei spread his hands and said, "She was the one who gave it away. Now she wants me to get it back. How can I? As soon as I open my mouth, she calls me useless. What can I do?"

Chen Meilan couldn't offer any advice on this matter.

There were indeed many nouveau riche, but not everyone who went into business could become one.

Qin Yu wasn't good at dealing with people; her strength lay in music and teaching students. If she really got into construction, she would likely suffer more losses.

Little Wang and Ma Xiaogang shared a room, while Yuanyuan and Little Lang shared another.

Chen Meilan had to put the kids to bed. After telling stories to Yuanyuan and Little Lang and hearing that the other two kids in the next room had fallen asleep, she quietly carried a blanket and tiptoed towards Yan Zhao's room.

It was her first time sleeping on the new Simmons mattress, and she felt quite excited as she carried a pillow and sneaked out.

However, she heard Yan Xishan's voice faintly from the next room, likely drinking at Yan Sanye's house. Yan Sanye was Yan Xishan's cousin, and it was thanks to Yan Sanye's efforts that Yan Xishan survived childhood. Yan Sanye was like his real father and had taught him to be a scoundrel.

As soon as she stepped out, someone suddenly grabbed her from behind, lifting her off the ground.

Thinking it was that scoundrel Yan Xishan because of his laughter, Chen Meilan raised her hand to slap him, but then realized that the person she had fought with, Yan Xishan, was in the past. This was Yan Zhao.

His hands were very hot, and his breath was scorching, making Chen Meilan's heart skip a beat.

Nose, eyes, lips, the night breeze carried the sounds of drinking and gambling from the next room. He kissed for a while, paused to catch his breath, then kissed again, pausing once more.

It was strange; her forehead was so delicate, her lips so soft, like flowing moonlight, while he was like high-temperature smelted steel, molten lava.

His lips scratched her cheeks painfully. As Chen Meilan struggled, Yan Zhao said hoarsely, "Don't move."

Next door, Yan Xishan was boasting to Yan Sanye about his upcoming plans. His coal business wouldn't just be sold in Xiping City; he aimed to expand nationwide, especially in the south, where there were many factories and a high demand for coal.

He planned to penetrate deeply into the south, fiercely attacking that vast market described as a dreamlike water town, gentle and fertile like a woman's body.

No one knew how he intended to do it, but there was indeed someone deeply engaged in conversation on the other side of the wall.

"Are you doing this willingly? I never forced you, did I?" Yan Zhao suddenly stopped and asked.

Chen Meilan was surprised; between husband and wife, there shouldn't be any question of forcing or not.

"Isn't that so?" He asked seriously, his eyes fogged with red under the moonlight.

In the courtyard, the moon was round like a plate. Chen Meilan was too lightly dressed and shivered from the cold.

The old lady couldn't maintain her composure anymore. She hugged her pillow and ran towards the small bedroom.

She had no shame left; she ran with her pillow.

But she was thrown by Yan Zhao.

There was a thunderous creak, like a giant rat squeaking, but it was the bed, the new Simmons mattress, which had already been loosened by the kids jumping on it. If you got on from the side and didn't move, it was fine, but if you pressed down from above, it would creak.

"Squeak!" Another long, angry squeal from the giant rat.

"Is there a rat? A rat?" someone shouted.

"Society is better now; rats are well-fed. Why is the sound so loud?" someone else said.

Yan Zhao was dumbfounded, probably never expecting the Simmons mattress to break so quickly.

Weren't they supposed to be indestructible? How did it break so fast?

Moonlight filtered through the unclosed curtain, and Chen Meilan whispered to Yan Zhao, "Do you see the two jars in the corner?"


There were two large jars in the corner, used for storing flour and fine rice. It was an old habit in Shaanxi Province; people felt that flour and rice stored in plastic bags would lose their flavor, so they kept them in jars in a cool place to preserve the long-lasting aroma of wheat and rice.

Yan Zhao didn't want to let go, but Chen Meilan pushed him away.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, as the two got up, a series of rat-like sounds made it impossible for the neighbors to continue drinking.

"Yan Zhao, can't you kill that rat?" Yan Sanye shouted.

Chen Meilan couldn't help but laugh. Yan Zhao was pulling her up, asking, "Is it funny?"

It seemed a bit out of place to say it was funny now, but Chen Meilan really found it hilarious.

Yan Zhao turned Chen Meilan's face and said, "I'll make you cry later!"

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