The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 84

My Villains Episode 084

22. Witches (4)

The shaft of the winch was completely smashed as if the ax had been thrown.

If you pull the chain that leads to the lattice door, it will go up, but… It was impossible to lift a piece of iron the size of a closet without borrowing the power of a machine.

I’ll have to bring an ox or have a troop of soldiers stick around. Otherwise, there seems to be no way to open this lattice door.

“Eh, I can’t help it.”

I approached with my vertically pierced eyes and shouted out loud.

“Langboldt-! We secured the entrance Daak!”

At the sudden shout, the soldiers surrounding the castle began to murmur. Soon after, Sir Langboldt, clad in a blue cloak, stepped forward.

“Phoenix? Is it you!”

“yes! I secured the entrance, but the winch is smashed and I can’t raise the lattice door!”

“The enemies?”

“All the guys in the tower in the back have been dealt with! The rest of them seem to have gone upstairs!”

Sir Langboldt stroked his mustache for a moment before replying.

“Once you know! Wait a minute!”

Well, at this point, I’ve almost accomplished my goal.

As a bonus, Sister Olga was also saved in Grania, and when the soldiers enter the palace tower in the back, they will be able to open the lattice door together.

If the soldiers push in and wipe out the ‘Unveiled Witch’ and the SS, the mission is over.

“Hey, what a surprise!”

The place we are now is right inside the salt castle lattice door.

Corridors stretched to the left and right of the lattice door, and on the other side were stairs leading to the upper floors. The voice now came from the top of the stairway bent in the character ‘己’.

We hurriedly stood up and glared at the stairs. I tightened my grip on Hrunting and looked towards the stairs, but the owner of the voice didn’t seem to want to come down.

“Aren’t you a bloody swordsman?”

“…Who are you?”

“I am Kunrid Oalphson of Ea Freed!”

“What is Kunrid Alpo?”

When I asked back with a puzzled expression, Grania whispered next to me.

“He’s the captain of the castle guard.”

“…the captain of the guards?”

What is this again?

“What is a nobleman like a captain of the guards doing hiding on top of the stairs! Why don’t you show your face and talk?”

“Sounds cheeky on the subject of Hong, the cowardly conspirator!”

“The conspirator? What kind of dog eats grass”

“Are you going to deny the crime of cowardly slandering an innocent lady?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, man. Ubar confessed that that bitch was an infiltrator!”

“this guy! Don’t insult Madame Camilla!”

I’m just a man who can’t speak.

“Besides, aren’t you a mercenary hired by His Excellency! With that in mind, do you dare to kill the guards and bring a group of bandits into the castle?”

“Bitch to be hired. Because you were forced to do the job once, did you quit?”

“This bastard with no honor!”

“Where is the honor for a bullshit mercenary?”

Grania frowned at my sarcastic remarks, but didn’t say anything. The guards commander took a moment to catch his breath, then shouted again.

“If you fulfill your duty of faithfulness to His Excellency even now, I will forgive you for your misconduct until now!”

“No, there are no obligations left?”

“You son of a bitch… surrender right now or your comrades will die!”

…my colleagues? who? Ellen?

Ellen must be sleeping on her feet at the inn?

Grania, noticing my confusion, quickly opened her mouth.

“It’s about Uncle Gilius and Pharrell. They must be holding on to each other.”

“… ah.”

I had it erased from my mind for a while. there are two of them left

Putting aside Gilius, Pharrell is a waste to let him die like this…

Perhaps judging my silence as hesitation, the guards captain rebuked me in a very soft voice.

“Your Excellency the Count is a merciful person. If you swear allegiance before him, he will forgive all your sins and give you gold.”


When I looked back at Grania while chewing on my lower lip, she bit her lip for a moment, then shook her head.

“…can’t accept it.”

“What if we save Pharrell and get out?”

“You can’t. It must be a ploy to lure you in and kill you.”


If he had frowned and said, “Save my sister,” he would have firmly refused.

Hmm, let’s think about the enemy’s strength.

There must be about 20 guardsmen. The captain of the guards talking on the top of the stairs is probably a knight-level fighter.

The land mages… I heard that the prince dragged them to the wall. Good luck out of misfortune. But crucially, there will be

‘Unveiled Witch’, the fourth pick of the chapter …

…No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think I can handle this alone.

As I was about to say no, the captain of the guards shouted first.

“for a moment! The Countess has made a new proposal.”

“A new proposal?”

I waited for the captain of the guards to explain, but the voice that followed was someone else’s.

“Brother Phoenix!”


Where did you hear the voice a lot?

At that time, Grania, who had been silent, screamed in surprise.

“Parrell? it’s you?”

“You also had an older sister. Are you not hurt anywhere?”

“Me and Sister Olga are fine. you?”

“I’m fine too.”

As if to prove his words, a man appeared on the stairs.

Slender body, strong forearms, light leather armor, dirty brown hair, Carl… It must have been Farrell.

“Why are you out there?”

“Camilla-sama sent it. He said he wanted to clear his name…”

“Who is he? What kind of bullshit is that”

“Your wife is only 18 years old brother. You don’t know anything.”

Pharrell’s eyes turned purple from the yellow light shining through the darkness.

In this world, when you’re 18, you’re no different than an adult, so why are you all wrapped up like this?

“I didn’t know anything, but Ubar was blowing!”

“Do you believe the words of a thug?”

“Oh, I’m so frustrated I’m dying.”

When I knocked on my chest in frustration, Grania stepped in instead.

“Parrell! Don’t be stupid and come down quickly!”

“No, sister. Uncle Gilius will get hurt if I go down.”

“Camilla-sama doesn’t ask for much. He wants to talk to Phoenix.”

“Is this a story?”

“I told you that you want to clear your name. You have evidence to prove your innocence.”

“What is the evidence…

“Even if you don’t understand after looking at the evidence, Mr. Gilius and I will release you.”

Having said that, Pharrell turned to me and added in an earnest tone.

“Brother, please trust me just once, as if saving one or two people.”

…I’m going to turn this arm around.

After Farrell’s repeated persuasion, I finally accepted the proposal.

It’s really stupid to walk in with your own feet when you know it’s a trap.

Of course, it is not without calculation.

First of all, the place where Countess Camilla asked for a private meeting was none other than her bedroom. It is quite far from the audience room where the castle guard and other guards are gathered, and the stairs and passage leading to it are completely separated.

So, if it is a trap, I plan to use the narrow passage to deal with the enemies. There are many windows starting from the 3rd floor, so you might be able to jump outside.

Ha, anyway, I don’t want to take this risk. It would be easiest to wait for the knights and deal with

them together.

“Thank you, brother.”

“…it’s okay. You’re not doing this because you’re pretty.”

“Hmm, yes.”

The reason I took this risk was with the expectation that I might be able to kill the countess at the opportunity.

Countess Camilla, aka ‘Unveiled Witch’, is the last pick of the chapter. In fact, it is a relatively difficult enemy that is no different from a mid-boss.

The reason why he is tricky is that it is not easy to access. They’re not very tough, so if you approach them, you’ll be able to cut them down and kill them in one fell swoop. If you attack in a small and confined space like a bedroom, you will have a decisive opportunity.

In other words, my goal was to rescue the hostages by slitting the neck of the ‘Unveiled Witch’ while pretending to listen to bullshit trying to convince me.

“I don’t know why my brother is misunderstanding, but Mrs. Camilla is a good person.”

“He is very kind not only to the official bodyguards, but also to a mere mercenary like me. Even though he is not his own child, he takes great care of Godwin. Although he is young, he is very considerate.”

I knew he was a talkative guy, but his snout wouldn’t stop even at a moment like this. If it’s great, it’s great.

“Have you been bewitched by the Countess? Why do you keep talking nonsense?”

“…Ah, I’m bewitched.”

…This bastard is inactive right now, right? Did you really spill it?

人} exchanging such words entered the hallway, which is normally only used by the castle lord’s relatives.

There were wooden boards on one wall and portraits on the other.

The wooden boards, which were dug out with a knife and filled with paint, were used to cover the windows. I wondered if the portraits were probably depicting the ancestors of Seongju.

After passing through the hallway and turning the corner twice, I was able to reach the bedroom.

“I brought my wife Phoenix brother.” Having said that, Farrell took the initiative to open the bedroom door.

“Come in.”

Pharrell was acting as if he were an attendant of the Salt Castle.

Suddenly, an ominous thought crossed my mind, but I couldn’t turn away from here.


Resolved, I entered the bedroom with my hand on Hrunting’s perm.

The moment I took the first step into the room, the smell of cosmetics mixed with the scent of flowers crossed my nose.

It was like mild shampoo, and it was like the perfume I had put on a couple of hours ago. It was a captivating scent that would make you want to look back at least once if you smelled it while walking down the street.

The only light in the cozy bedroom was the light from stacks of candles in silver dishes. As befits the castle lord’s bedroom, the room was quite large, with dark shadows cast in every corner.

Gilius, a large mercenary with a shaggy beard, stood in a corner. It was strange to stand unarmed and unarmed, but I didn’t pay much attention. It was because of the woman sitting in the center of the room.

The woman sitting in the antique wooden chair with a high back must be Countess Camilla.

When I met her, I was at a loss for words.

Like a married woman, she was wearing a white kerchief and even draped a thin cotton thread down her nose.

Even though he covered his face like that, his thick eyebrows and pointed nose were clearly visible.

A child’s innocence was red in the twinkling eyes that could be seen through the cotton thread, and a woman’s maturity was contained in the plump lips.

He was a little short in stature, but his limbs were long and his proportions stood out.

…Was ‘Unveiled Witch’ so pretty?

The Countess was quietly facing me.

His mouth seemed to open… he was confused whether he was waiting for me to speak or choosing his words. In the end, I was the first to open my mouth.

“Naha *keuhum* Did you ask to see me?”

The countess’s lips drew a small arc at my slip of the tongue. Then, Sosogoth lowered his head and said, “Yes. Thank you for accepting my unreasonable request.”

“No, no. Thank you.”

“It’s an honor to actually see the rumored bloody swordsman.”

“Yes me too. I am honored too.”

What the hell am I talking about? At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be a trap, so all you have to do is slit this woman’s throat and ruin it…

“The Count often complimented me. He said he was a rare warrior.”

“I see.”

“So he was very sorry about the situation. About bleeding each other over trivial misunderstandings.”

“…Ubar already confessed everything, and I also obtained a letter from the bandits. Admit your sins even now and surrender with the Holy Lord. The prince will be lenient too.”

“What crime have I committed?”

“Didn’t you conspire with the thieves?

He tried to sell the whole city.”

The red lips were tightly closed.

Are you trying to admit guilt? The moment she thought, the Countess began to appeal in a tearful voice.

“Why would I do that? I am the Count’s wife. What on earth would you sell your husband for?”

“I love South Harbor. Busy market streets, naive fishermen, trading posts with all kinds of goods, brave but kind soldiers, who love their children to be born in the future.”

Tears flowed down the cotton thread again and again. Instead of wiping away the tears, she stroked her belly. Looking back, I saw that my slender stomach was slightly bulging.

“South Harbor is the city my son will rule. This city, and the beautiful sea, and the wide fields, and the peaceful hills, all of Savon will be my son’s. But then, why would I forsake all of this?”


“It wasn’t the marriage I wanted. The Count is a good lord, but he is not a charming man. But I love this child given to me more than anything else in the world. So, I cannot betray this city.”

My heart suddenly beat rapidly at the Countess’ appeal.

A faint scene runs through my head. A woman interrupting a stranger and shouting. Camilla’s bloody appeal resembled that in her memory.

I stood there blankly for a moment. Camilla continued in a whisper.

“The love I’ve been dreaming of since I was a child… was a man with an open arms.”

A young woman stood up from her chair. A light green chiffon dress gently waved.

“The person who will protect me, the person who will be by my side even if everything in the world turns against me, the person who will embrace me no matter what sins I commit.”

Every time I moved slowly, I smelled the smell of flesh. I swallowed a quickening breath.

Purple eyes twinkled beyond the cotton thread. I couldn’t take my eyes off of those eyes.

A white hand touched his chest. Camilla asked me with a look like a young hind.

“You… are you that kind of guy?”

Will Prince Ulkar believe me? If I said it was my foolish delusion, would he believe me if I told him that the confession he vomited up was a lie?

…No no. I don’t want to show the prince’s face. Any woman would be blinded by its beauty.

yeah he won’t listen to me Because he is a cruel slaughter king.

You must defeat the enemies besieging the Salt Castle with the Royal Guard. All you have to do is go to the pier and board the ship and surrender to the pirates. Because Camilla is the priest’s daughter.

The arms that stretched out quickly hugged Camilla’s petite body. It seems that the conflicts and fears that filled my head are completely blown away.

I buried my nose in the fragrant hair and made up my mind.

Yes, it won’t be easy, but it has to be done.

for Camilla.

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