Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken (LN)

Volume 17 - Ch 4

The Blue Devils Murmur

Nice to meet you all.

My name is Rain.

Eh, you dont know me?

Youre a fucking idiot, you know that 42 ?

Ill beat you up.

Go back to school and study.

Oops, excuse me.

I guess I snapped 43 a bit.

No, Im usually a ladylike person, but sometimes I get violent.

Yes, sometimes.

But aside from that, since you dont know who I am, I guess I should introduce myself.

As I said before, my name is Rain.

Im a servant no, a maid.

I am a faithful maid of the Demon Lord Guy Crimson-sama.

Ive known Guy-sama for a long time.

Before the creation of the sky and earth, perhaps.

How long ago was that?

I dont know.

Or rather, do you remember the exact time you were born?

You dont, do you?

Thats what it is.

Ignore the stupid question because its inconvenient. I was invincible because I was derived from the Great Spirit of Darkness.

No. I thought I was invincible.

Im not going to deny that I got a little carried away.

And because of that I made a huge mistake.

I teamed up with a like-minded to attack those who seemed even bigger than I was.

Looking back on it now, I was such an idiot.

That bastard was so powerful.

We thought we could win two against one, but he beat us flat out.

The guy who beat us was Demon Lord Guy Crimson-sama, aka, the Red Primordial (Rouge).

By the way, it was Green Primordial (Vert), or Mizari, who challenged Guy-sama together with me.

We are very good friends.

My job is Mizaris and Mizaris salary is mine.

Thats how we still work together as coworkers.

Rain! Dont slack off and get your cleaning done.

Tsk, Im introducing you to her, but shes being a bitch.

What did you say?

No, nothing.

Yeah? I hope so.

Dangerous, dangerous.

Mizari is very perceptive.

She catches on when Im slacking off and its tricky to keep up with her.

Ill just try to clean up again without her getting mad at me.

So, yeah, we were in the middle of an introduction.

Mizari and I lost to Guy-sama, but this revealed one fact.

A demon will be extinguished when their core is shattered.


We, the primordials, can come back from any condition!

I heard that the True Dragons inherit memories and reset their personalities, but in our case, our personalities remained intact.

Guy-samas partner, Ice Dragon Velzard-sama, used to re-educate her younger brother, but that doesnt apply to us primordials.

Seriously, isnt that amazing?

I would love to brag about it, but unfortunately there are some drawbacks.

It takes a long time to recover.

But, you know, that is a minor issue. Whats important is the other one.

Immortality is good, but the loser must become subservient.

And in our case, that was Guy-sama.

This revelation had thrown a wrench into the balance of power among the demons, creating a distorted equilibrium.

This is either our fault or our fault.

By the way, Mizaris opinion is the former and mine is the latter.

Did you know that?

Youre not prejudiced against me, are you?

Stop looking at me like Im a bad child.

Well, thats beside the point.

Ill tell you some secret information about demons.

That is, how to kill one.

The primordials cannot be destroyed, but they can be made subservient. However, since that is not as enforceable as servitude, it is not quite an absolute obedience.

We can also disobey Guy-sama if we want to.

I dont, though.

And to a certain extent, he has the power to force us to do so.

Its also a hassle to disobey.

Next, the primordials immediate family.

Normally, except for that idiot Black Primordial (Noir), primordials have many other subordinates. They are useful as maidservants because they obey all orders from their superiors of the same color.

There may be a misunderstanding if I say spawning.

Its too complicated to explain in detail, so Ill give you a quick explanation.

A newborn lesser demon is colorless.

They have knowledge but no ego, and theyre weak. Most of them are often summoned by humans, and are called servant types.

When these demons grow a sense of self (ego), theyre called autonomous (self-supporting) demons. When they evolve into greater demons, they are characterized by their nature and personality, and the colors of their lineage are clearly distinguishable.

Or, the higher-ups could scout and form a faction.

Rather, this may be the mainstream thing to do.

Mizari is so diligent that she manages her own faction.

Theyve even infiltrated human society and run several groups, such as the Apostles of Vert.


Im, well, I guess Ill pass on that hassle.

Hey, stop messing around.

Im the same as Black?

Are you kidding me?

I have my own faction!

Black pisses me off, so dont ever think anything stupid again.

Damn it.

Back to the subject at hand.

So, newborn demons dont have factions, but by the time they evolve into greater demons, theyre color-coded to belong to a faction.

Some of them are born with colors, but they are often reincarnated demons.

Since demons are immortal, they will reincarnate even if they die.

Even those relatives will disappear if their cores are shattered. However, demons are stubborn and can resurrect after their souls are shattered. Especially those close to the primary colors.

If youre lucky enough to beat one, then youd have to crush the core.

Incidentally, with newborn servant types of weak willpower, you wont need to be so careful. Those are small fry that has only knowledge of battle but no experience, so it might die just by destroying the body. Well, theres nothing to worry about.

And well, heres our secret.

Since we figured this out, I feel like our defeat was also meaningful.

Rather, if anything, we did a good job.


So, in the spirit of self-sacrifice, we serve Guy-sama, and its a lot more fun than it seems.

Guy-sama seems to have decided to leave the struggle for supremacy in the underworld and work on earth.

Guy-sama is apparently a very disciplined man, so we were with him.

You can do what you want with your life, too, he said.

But I dont care about that.

I want to be on the winning side all the time.

Guy-sama cant be defeated, so I think the position Im in is the best.

Well, if Guy-sama loses, thats interesting.

So, at that time, I said,

No. My mission is to be of service to you.

What do you think?

Its almost like a perfect maid, dont you think?

You wont find a maid as loyal me anywhere elseat least I thought so

Thats right. You are the king. We are your subjects. That is the eternal and immortal truth.

MizariYou act so good!

Its probably from the heart, so its a bad idea.

I guess my rivals are not so easy to deal with.

But Mizari seems to trust me, so Ive stopped showing her things.

Oh well, what can I do?

So the rotten relationship between Mizari and I continues.

We wandered from place to place and settled in our current base.

Its the most frigid place a creature could ever live in, but Im a demon, so I dont mind.

Thats a lie.

When I was trying to wash my clothes, they just froze.

When I poked them in anger, they just fell to pieces.

I got pissed off.

Well, I made that mistake, but Im fine.

You ought to be more careful about what you do!

Rain, I think I should be a little concerned about that, dont you?

Guy-sama warned me about this, so Im starting to care a little bit.

Thats where the servants comes in.

My subordinates make it easy on me!

So, I havent failed once since then.

I have grown up too.

Our job is not only washing clothes.

We are so good that people say we are all-around versatile maids.

We also do laundry, singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, and fine arts to meet Guy-samas needs.

Well, there have been some failures in cooking and laundry.

But we all learn from our mistakes.

Its the same with demons, so lets forget about the past.

My specialty, frankly, is painting.

I love abstract painting.

The other day I painted Mizari as a model and she was moved to tears.

I was furious.

Then it was a great success!

You really are

Mizari was stunned, but I didnt care.

Her rage means that her emotions were in turmoil.

Thats a big deal to a demon, a spiritual life form.

I was scared of my talent.

Needless to say, when I paint Guy-sama or Velzard-sama, I have to choose a concrete painting. Its always a big hit because theyre so perfect.

Thats right. You can draw if you put your mind to it. Thats why Im even more annoyed

Mizari said something, but as always, Ill just let it slide.

By the way, let me tell you about one of my hobbies.

The extreme cold is so harsh and inhospitable.

Its a snowstorm outside.

It is all white.

With such a backdrop, the inside of the Barrier is in everlasting summer mode.

We even changed the terrain to create a lake and a white sandy beach.

I lay out on beach chairs and let the caterers serve me.

It was the best kind of entertainment.

I wonder how much energy is spent on my hobby.

I cant stop smiling just thinking about it.

This is also very popular with Guy-sama.

If you think about these things, Rain is the best.

I admit it. I knew you were great, Rain.

Ufufu, Mizari also gave me a compliment.

At this rate, I will continue to utilize my hobbies in my work.


Oh yeah, I have an important job not to forget.

Occasionally, I am a guide for the Walpurgis.


In the early days, as the name suggests, the three members Demon Lords got together to enjoy a meal.

Guy-sama and Milim-sama.

And also Ramiris-sama.

Milim-sama is the niece of Velzard-sama and her power is immense.

There was a time when she lost control and went on a rampage, and it was beyond description.

We could have joined the battle because we would not die, but to do so would have destroyed the planet itself, so in the end, Mizari, Velzard-sama, and I were tasked with containing the aftermath of the battle.

Were not going to do it again.

If Ramiris-sama hadnt helped us, we would have fallen before the battle was over.

So that's why we love Ramiris-sama as well as Guy-sama.

Of course, we respect Milim-sama, so we are very excited to have all three of them together.

The definition of Walpurgis has changed over the years.

The number of Demon Lords is on the rise.

Keeping mankind from dying out. That is Guy-samas job, but hes been recruiting more people to help him do it.

The first person to become the fourth Demon Lord was Dagruel-sama.

Actually, he was the one who suffered the most when Guy-sama and Milim-sama fought. He also helped us prevent the earth from being affected.

Even so, Dagruel-samas dominion has turned into a barren landwell, thats not my problem, so its fine.

Hes managed to live with magic, but it didnt stop the desert from expanding. Its all settled now, but it seems to have been harder back then.

I just said good luck and cheered from afar.

The next Demon Lord was Ruminas-sama, the Queen of Nightmares.

She is the only daughter of the vampire ancestor, and is very strong, but I think she should be the one to talk about it.

She was supposed to be the ancestor of the god human beings born from Veldanava-sama.

Veldanava-sama sought a wise being to speak to him. With the birth of angels and demons, his need was satisfied.

Thats why he tried to bring civilization to earth, and it seems that the ancestor 44 was expected to play that role.

Well, it failed.

They were immortal and didnt need to produce any offspring. Thats why they lost.

Or, like us demons, the ancestors didnt have a gender. So it seems they had to wait for tens of thousands of years or more for a race to be born that could thrive on earth.

I heard it all before.

But the ancestor didnt give up.

It kept running these forbidden experiments to fulfill Veldanava-samas expectations.

That bastard loved to experiment more than the prosperity of his descendants.

Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing is difficult for me to say, but I can tell you this,

He was an annoying asshole!

I don't know how many times humanity perished because of that idiots experiments.

However, its also true that because of that idiots experiments, true human beings (high humans) were born.

Although the eternal god human beings could not be created, it contributed to the birth of mankind.

You dont believe that, do you?

Youre right.

I didnt see it with my own eyes, so I dont believe it either.

I heard that the ancestor created two races by analyzing his own body.

They were the high humans and the vampires.

Its not the way they were supposed to be born, but its just as well they were born.

By the time Guy-sama was summoned to earth, the human race had already spread. The high humans built a huge nation, larger than the human beings today.


It seems that both races had their strengths and weaknesses.

Although the high humans inherited strong magical power, their spirits had problems.

As you can see from the stupidity of summoning Guy-sama, they thought that they were the best of the best.

Theres a saying in other worlds that Those who are arrogant have not been around long enough and thats exactly what happened. They were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

And as for the vampires, they had their own problems.

But was that a good thing?

Theyre still alive.

A strong body and powerful magic. High immortality, and a mature mind. Its a good thing they had all these things, but they were always vulnerable to being out in the sun.

They couldnt truly be the supreme ruler of the earth.

That ancestor asshole continued to experiment.

Well, I was there at the time, so I can generally remember what he was doing.

At that time, spirits from the Great Spirit of each attribute had already separated and filled the earth with the four major elements.

Those spirits took in magical elements and materialized, rather, they had a body. In other words, it was the Ancestor who helped them materialize.

From the earth attribute, the earth spirit (High Dwarf) was born.

From the water attribute, the water spirit (Siren) was born.

From the fire attribute, the fire spirit (Enki) was born.

And from the wind attribute, the wind spirit (High Elf) was born.

Up to this point, it was still within the acceptable range, but from here, the Ancestors recklessness began.

That asshole experimented with breeding these races and gave birth to various species.

To be honest, for a lady like me, it was quite a shock.

The result was the birth of various species such as dwarves, ogres and beastmen, which were successful examples. There were many failures that were buried in the shadows and later deteriorated into goblin-like monsters.

Guy-sama was also worried that this couldnt be left alone.


As long as Veldanava was left alone, we couldn't punish the Ancestor.

As a result of his experiments, the diversity had certainly increased

One might say that the world had become more complicated, but it had also become more interesting.

Yes, if its someone elses affair.

For me, it was all right because it didnt bother me at all.

I dont suppose you enjoy watching me get in trouble, do you?

No way, no way! Thats a misunderstanding, Guy-sama. Im Guy-samas faithful maid.

I decide on a beautiful curtesy.

The fact that I was able to get away with it perfectly must be the result of my daily efforts.

Well, I was troubled by the Ancestor as I survived such a critical situation.

However his experiments led to his downfall.

Ah! My daughter! You are my masterpiece

It is time for judgement Disintegration

I guess he had it coming, huh?

To have his own body turned to dust by his daughter

Well, that guy went too far.

I was relieved too, and thats a secret.

This is the secret episode of the fifth Demon Lord Ruminas-samabut dont tell anyone.

After that, the sixth one to become Demon Lord was Dino-sama.

By the way, can I be frank with you?

What? I already am?

Well then, I dont need to be shy.

Ill just say it.

I dont like to call Dino names.

Because hes a piece of crap.

He doesnt work.

Hes the perfect example of depravity.

I could have forgiven him if he didnt work, but he also puts me to work!

That is unacceptable.

I cant let him do that anymore.

Just give it to Mizari.

Then I will forgive you.

And when I said that, do you know what that guy said?

No, because Ill get in trouble if I ask Mizari, right?

Thats right!

Its bullshit!

Im angry, and by saying that, its like saying Mizari is more scary than me.

Well, shes often angry, but thats not to say that I dont have a dislike for Mizari



Are you stupid?

Do you think you can handle a primordial?

There are right and wrong things to say in this world.

People who dont understand that deserve to get beaten to death.

Those are Rains words of advice.


In this way, six people became Demon Lords, and the Walpurgis became a business debriefing session.

At first it was just a tea party, but it turned into a business meeting before I knew it.

It sounds cumbersome, so Ill pass.


Thats a lie.

I will serve as a guide properly.

Everyone seems to be very busy.

About one person is slacking off.

If you look closely, there are a lot of people working, but that important job of managing the human race hasnt diminished at all, has it?

First of all, Guy-sama.

Its a madhouse.

Except for Walpurgis, Mizari was also helping desperately.

I have to support her. Ill take care of the cooking and laundry, thank you.

Next, Milim-sama.

Here, too, she is also more serious than you might think.

If there are skirmishes between nations, she would go to them and sanction them both.

If a country is under attack by a giant beast, she would go there to help people.

She doesnt always act like a Demon Lord, but thats typical of Milim-sama.

And then, Ramiris-sama.

The social recluse.

She doesnt come out of the labyrinth of her own making.

But thats okay.

I owe Ramiris-sama a debt of gratitude, so I can forgive anything.

Dagruel-sama is the same situation.

After all, it seems to be a mess to clean up after the wreck.

He doesnt have time for anything else, so it would be a great help to him even if he could slow down the desertification process.

The amazing one is Ruminas-sama.

Shes a far cry from that Ancestor and is very good.

Before I knew it, she had the complete control over the vampire forces.

On top of that, she is protecting the humans who have lost their strength.

Vampires, who used to see humans as bait, now follow Ruminas-samas orders to protect the human race.

Lets put it bluntly.

How did you do it?

Thats seriously a great accomplishment.

And next, in contrast to Ruminas-sama, is that piece of crap.

Dino-sama, why dont you work a little harder?

I dont need you to tell me that!

I dont understand.

Was there ever a greater insult than this?

No, no.

I guess thats why Dino is a natural enemy of mine.

Well, under the circumstances, six people werent enough.

Therefore, I started to recruit more people.

But then Ruminas-sama retired.

The reason for this was that the new recruits were too stupid.

Many had an arrogant attitude towards Ruminas-sama and Ramiris-sama. Finally, they went on a rampage to show them what they were made of, but by then she had run out of patience with them.

Ruminas-sama is a beautiful girl, and her opponents would think she was lower than them. In order to break through this situation, she may have decided that it would be more advantageous to have a more dangerous looking being as the Demon Lord.

As Ruminas-samas replacement, Roy was put in.

I (Ruminas voice) will now go behind the scenes to support everyone. Ill put Roy in the front as the Demon Lord, is that alright?

If this were Dinos statement, he would have been accused by everyone of trying to slack off.

However, this is Ruminas-sama, the trusted and proven leader.

With the circumstances being what they are, everyone accepted it willingly.

That was the beginning of a new era.

Powerful majins began to rise in prominence as Demon Lords.

The minimum requirement is the acquisition of a Demon Lord Seed.

To fulfill this requirement, ambitious majins, such as Kazaream, became Demon Lords.

Once again, the purpose of Walpurgis changed.

It was decided that a meeting would be held with the consent of three people, to make a treaty or agreement between the Demon Lords.

It was also decided that it would be at this meeting where new Demon Lords would be approved or not.

For me, it was a funny development.

But, well, Guy-sama seemed to have no complaints about it, because it served its purpose.

If Guy-sama is convinced, then I cant complain.

A new system was being established.

While looking after Guy-samas personal belongings, I serve as a guide for the occasional Walpurgis banquets.

A number of Demon Lords have come and gone.

Before long, the names of the ten great Demon Lords began to spread.

And then the slime came on the scene.

Demon Lord Rimuru-sama.

I first saw him in Walpurgis when Demon Lord Clayman called him in.

Even so, I kind of miss Clayman.

Even though he was weaker than me, I can admit that he had the courage to call himself a Demon Lord. Besides, he was good at coordinating and was surprisingly useful.

Convenient, wasnt it?

If I pushed him a little, hed take care of the troublesome work, too.

Oh dear, I wonder where he went wrong

It was a shame at the end, but he chose the wrong person to oppose.

Mizari, who went to pick up Rimuru-sama, came back and said Claymans life expectancy may be running out.

And she was right.

I was the host of the meeting, but once I gave the floor to Rimuru-sama, it was a one-sided discussion.

It was refreshing to watch, but there was one thing that bothered me.

Yeah, it wasnt so much related to Rimuru-sama as it was to Ramiris-samas servant.

Isnt that a black dependent?

Right. I felt his presence when I picked up Rimuru-sama, so Im sure of it.

No way. Hes so free-spirited and selfish, how could one possibly follow someone like that?

Well, I dont know, do you? I dont know what hes thinking, and I dont want to know or care what he thinks, but

Well, thats right.

I think its exactly as Mizari says.

That guy, the Black Primordial (Noir), is both weird and selfish.

Hes one of us, but honestly, I dont want to get involved with him.

Because he tied with Guy-sama!

Even if Mizari and I challenged him together, we would have had a difficult time. That fact made me feel a sense of weakness, even though I had never fought him in person.

No, I was just showing off.

Rather than having a difficult time against him, I honestly believe that I cant win.

Because Guy-sama and Black werent serious at all. The two of them just playing with each other, but the battle was in a realm we couldnt follow.

Well, I have my pride as a primordial, so I wont ever admit it.

If possible, I really dont want to get into trouble with Black.


This is the worst.

Im going to fight with Black.

Why did I do this to myself?

Im wondering why when Im such a good girl.

Maybe they found out that I stole Mizaris treats?

No, I blamed it on my subordinate (archdemon) so I shouldnt be suspected.

So why, I wonder, but things happen.

I decided that this was an opportunity.

Because I dont like him.

He doesnt have any factions, he does things on his own, and hes willing to stand in Guy-samas way.

He could incarnate if he wanted to, but Im annoyed that he wasnt interested in it.

That being said, I was pissed off that he didnt evolve and remained an archdemon for a long time, as if he had no interest in the world.

Its probably Blacks doing, too, by encouraging the remaining three colors to stay in a state of equilibrium, and if hes really a demon, he should aim for the future of evolution according to the rules!

After all, I have to say Im crazy here.

Hes certainly strong, but Im strong too.

Maybe I wont win, but maybe is the main word.

Battles are very compatible with each other.

Black doesnt know what Im capable of, so I think he might let his guard down. So, if I go for it, theres a chance.

My good point is that Im positive.

With my theoretical armament fully armed, I was ready for the battle with Black.

I was feeling a passionate murderous intent, but my hands were tied. Rather, Id prefer you call me Diablo, Blue Primordial (Bleu)no, youve been given the name Rain.

I was a little happy to hear that.

I thought he wasnt interested in other people, but now he even remembers my name.

Huh, maybe I should rethink it a little bit.

Yes. My name is Rain. It was given to me by the great Guy-sama, the Red Primordial (Rouge), the strongest of our primordial breeds. Not like you, who was named by some Demon Lord mutt (hybrid) of some unknown species.

I felt a little better and tried to incite him.

I called Rimuru-sama a mutt.

Personally, I like the slime because hes cute, and Rimuru-sama seems to be a good Demon Lord, so I thought it would be a good tactic against BlaDiablo.

It didnt work.

What? Do you want to die? No, you want to disappear from the world. Kufufufufu, Im going to give you what you want.

His eyes seemed quite serious.

Well, Diablo doesnt always let anyone know what hes thinking, so I didnt think hed get that emotional and pissed off.

Lets fight, Diablo! Oh, Im looking forward to it. Ive been wanting to fight you ever since Ive sensed you fighting the White Primordial in the east.

What a relief it was that I was using the skill, Mist.

If I split up my body beforehand, I can come back even if one of me dies. Otherwise, I would never want to fight an opponent that I might not be able to beat.

By the way, it was true that I was really interested in the battle between Diablo and the White Primordial (Blanc).

Because I had also fought the White Primordial (Blanc).

The reason is jealousy.

For some reason, Diablo had a respect for the White Primordial. I wanted to see what that power was like.

As I recall, I was able to bring the game to a draw thanks to Mist.

To put it the other way around, the game was a lossno, it was still a tie.

I didnt lose.

Only to Guy-sama can I admit defeat, because Im a capable girl.

And yet the battle raged on.

Maybe I was too serious.

I used all my strength to hunt down Diablo with everything I had.

In terms of magicules, were evenly matched in quantity, I may even be better than him.

What a surprise.

But Im not stupid enough to be so careless.

Diablo said that he didnt to be serious against me.

Its frustrating, but I think he meant what he said.

Am I sore loser? I know you just incarnated and cant give it your all, but thats no excuse, okay?

I try to tell him that, but I know what Im really saying.

This perverted guy isn't that kind of idiot.

Hes one of the top two guys I thought were trouble. He would never make the kind of mistakes that some small fry would make.

But this was unexpected.

Before I knew it, a stacked magic circle painted with glowing spells had appeared around me.

What? Wait?

Moreover, isnt that spell holy magic, which demons are not good at?

Its impossible not to be surprised.

Ruminas-samas signature disintegration spell was aimed at me from all sides.

Oh, I understood at that moment that I might have lost.

Im sure you were worried.

Of course, Im fine.

Didnt I just say that I have the Mist skill to be safe?

Girls will hate you for that kind of nitpicking.

Dont think, but feel.

Just sympathize with them, and theyll be happy.

Of course, so will I!

But that Diablo guy is beyond rude.

Bringing up another person in the middle of a battle.


Who is that? You gotta bring them here.

I was indignant, but then I was shocked to learn that it was the White Primordial.

I mean, what?

Lets calm down for a minute.


Why does the White Primordial (Blanc) have a name?

I was still trying to set up Diablo, though I knew he would see through my act. I thought that would happen, because hes been a very tricky character since he was the Black Primordial.

It pisses me off.

If it werent for this guy, I would have laughed at him for being a sore loser.

But for now, the Testarossa case is more important.

It seems that Guy-sama was not the only one who was hiding with me. This is very bad, indeed.

For a while now, Diablo has been proudly talking about Demon Lord Rimuru.

It was annoying with all the Rimuru-sama this and Rimuru-sama that and so on and so forth, but its too much of a distraction to talk about important topics. What annoys me is that hes doing it for real.

Guy-sama seems to be annoyed, but I have to put up with it because he is my partner. I managed to get out the shocking story of how Demon Lord Rimuru has taken on other primordials as his subordinates.

I dont want to believe it.

If he can make me believe it, I have strategically lost.

But unfortunately, it seems to be the truth.

Its the worst.

The White Primordial (Blanc) is Testarossa.

The Purple Primordial (Violet) is Ultima.

The Yellow Primordial (Jaune) is Carrera.

Until now, the balance of power had been in balance for so long, but now its collapsing in an instant.

I hope these kinds of changes would take decades or centuries, but the reality is brutal.

Living freely without constraints. I sometimes think thats the right way for a demon but shouldnt we be competing with each other?

Isnt it wrong to be united into one force?

Then one side is too strong, and there would be no competition.

But hes done itisnt that right?

Demon Lord Rimuru, I think hes dangerous from the bottom of my heart

Until now, the Ancestor asshole and the annoying Black Primordial (Noir) Diablo have been two of the top names on my list of problems.

But todayright nowDemon Lord Rimuru has taken the top spot by a landslide.

He is the one I should be worried about at all costs.

Hostility should be avoided, even if it means rubbing smoke in it.

Unlike Guy-sama, Im a good girl.

Besides making me angry, Ill just go with the flow and call him Rimuru-sama like I really mean it.

I decided in my mind that it was good to do so.


We pulled back, leaving things to chance.

Its very unusual.

Because Guy-samas real purpose was to deal with the situation because he had detected some very serious force being activated on the spot.

Yes. No matter what happens here, Rimuru-sama will take care of it.

Diablo was boasting, but I cant believe that he accepted it.

However, as a mere maid, it is out of the question for me to question Guy-samas decision.

In the end, I left it to Rimuru-sama, and I was relieved that it was the right decision in the end.

Because Guy-sama was worried about Ruminas-sama.

Ruminas-samas control of Western Nations has made Guy-samas job much easier. So I worry about it.

I agree with it.

Theres no way Im going to take over.

Anyway, Im glad to hear that it seemed to be finished safely.

Its a shame that Mizari failed her mission, but what can you do when youre dealing with a White Primordial (Blanc) named Testarossa.

Was she strong?

I didnt fight her, but she looked nasty. Having a name and a body made her a demon noble. Shes a lot stronger than a bad demon lord.

Im sure.

She was so troublesome even when I fought her, so if shes evolved, she may be out of control.

In the first place, she didnt care much about winning or losing. Shes willing to accept tactical defeats as long as she can get the result she wants.

Thats why that woman is unfazed by defeat.

She was number three on my top secret troublemaker listnow number four. Oh, actually, shes still number three because the Ancestor was destroyed.

Wow, looking at it this way, the top members of the trouble list are all in Rimuru-sama forces.

Carrera is also trouble, and Ultima is a land mine if handled incorrectly.

I have a lot of respect for him, controlling those guys.

Lets try not to pick a fight with Rimuru-sama.

Id like to say something all of a sudden, but I understand what you mean and I agree with you. Rather, thats line I want to say to you.

How rude. Im not going to cross that troublesome guy, either.

Really? Youre the one who wanted to challenge Guy-sama to a fight. Thats unbelievable.

That was, well, a youthful indiscretion.

Im growing up and I wont make the same mistake.

And so, thats how we came to look at Rimuru-sama.


Its bad! Its bad!

Rimuru-sama, its seriously bad!

Its the first time I met you, but you are dangerous!


I already met him at Walpurgis?

Shut up.

What do I care about that? Im talking about Rimuru-samas trouble!

Its all I can say, but thats what happens to everyone.

Because, listen to me.

Rimuru-sama, you evolved us as well!

I cant believe it.

But its true.

Im a good girl who tells the truth, even though Im a demon.

However, I can be of service to Guy-sama now.

In terms of strength, I had barely been acknowledged by Guy-sama.

In fact, if we had to take on the Octagram crowd, there was no one we could beat.

But now that I think about it, the current Demon Lords are very good.

I could beat Ramiris-sama, but Im not so sure. If she gains her true form, its us who would lose.

I want to hurt that jerk Dino, but if I do, Ill be the one who cries. Thats why Ill forgive him, and want him to be thankful for my generosity.

Oops, but I digress.

Lets get back to the story of how we evolved.

It all started when Diablo called Guy-sama.

That why we came to visit Rimuru-samas country, but Guy-sama was not happy because he was pushed around by Diablo.

I thought that it would be trouble and wanted to stay home, but I couldnt afford to do so.

However, that was the correct thing to do after participating

Rimuru-sama hadnt met Velzard-sama before and they were exchanging greetings. Afterwards, he greeted me very politely.

One could fall in love with him 45 .

I thought I should pretend to be a misunderstood girl and go for it.

Of course, I didnt do it out of thin air, did I?

If I had done it, I am confident that it would have been over for me, so it was the right decision.

And then, the friendly tea party began.

I was observing behind Guy-sama, but Rimuru-sama somehow seems to be similar to Guy-sama. I saw that they reacted the same way and had a hard time with Diablo.

I saw that he and Guy-sama have the same reactions.

Needless to say, it made me like him a lot more.

But there were other things that bothered me, too.

First, Rimuru-samas servant.

He seems to be called Benimaru, but why does he seem stronger than the Demon Lords?

The other one is Shion-san.

Shes become much stronger from the last time we met!

I can somehow feel a hint of evil in her. Does she have an advantage over a demon?

What is this?

I wonder if I can win if I fight seriously?

However, for me to admit my defeat would be to lose the purpose of my existence.

Absolutely not.

So I kept a cool face.

But you know, I had to work pretty hard.

Because those two werent the only ones with any hint of strength.

Well, wait a minute.

That wasnt Testarossa.

There are at least three or four other people here besides them.

Why are there so many Demon Lord class under a Demon Lords command?

I thought that only Guy-sama was allowed to do that, but it seems I need to change my mind.

As I was making up my mind, the smell of tea was wafting through the air.

Is it a break?

But were maids, so its bad manners to have tea together. Unfortunately, I was thinking about seeing off, so I was led to the next room.

To our surprise, there was even a cake for us.

As expected of Rimuru-sama.

Just by looking at this attention to detail, I have to admit that hes qualified to be a king!

And then, it was time to taste it.

Is this a strawberry shortcake?

I look like a pro at cooking. Ive confined a head chef of a top hotel to learn his craft, so Im proud to say that my cooking skills are as good as those guys.

In other words, what Im trying to say is that I cant be satisfied with a half-hearted taste.

Its so good!

What!? Youre kidding me!!

This is so good!

It looks simple on the outside, but its a complex harmony of flavors.

Oh, so there are several layers.

Theres a different kind of cream in between.

Arent these the kind of things that take a lot of time and effort to make?

And the fact that the flavors are so evenly distributed shows that all the ingredients have been carefully planned out.

Its amazing

Mizari is also impressed.

Our specialty has always been fresh fruitcakes and sugary pancakes that rely on high quality ingredients. I didnt expect to see so much technology being used in a single cake.

Is this technology from the other world?

I asked unconsciously, and Shion-san answered.

Thats right. This is a strawberry short made with three kinds of cream, developed by Mr. Yoshida and Shuna-sama. It also contains a small amount of black rice powder, which is very popular with monsters.

Yoshida-san is an otherworlder, isnt he?

I know who Shuna-sama is. She is the person who showed us around and even served us.

Smooth, refined movements and an unassuming demeanor. Even from my perspective, who is known as a perfect maid, she was highly praised for her excellent customer service. Moreover, her cooking skills are also quite impressive.

While enjoying the cake, I talk to that damned Diablo.

By the way, arent you stronger from the last time I fought you?

I had been wondering.

I had always wondered if he was stronger than from the last time I fought him.

I couldnt ask him in front of Guy-sama, but now I could ask him in person. I cant miss this opportunity.

Because ever since we evolved into demon nobles, we havent been able to gain any more strength.

Our experience has made us stronger.

However, thats not what Im talking about; Im talking about the existence itself that could not evolve. And yet, this Diablo guy so easily

Kufufu, youre still stupid, arent you?

That was Diablos response.

I dont know. What is this annoying feeling?

Can I hit him?

Yeah, sureand my inner conscience is all for it.

I think I should do it.

Just as I was about to act on that thought, Diablo interrupted me by saying.

Kufufufu. It is all thanks to my lord, Rimuru-sama. He has rewarded me for my services!

Damn this bastard!

Youre acting like youre just trying to trick me.

Then Ill be the one to return the favor.

Oh, I see. So then youre not much better off either. I agree with you that Rimuru-sama is a great man, no doubt about it, but thats another matter. You yourself are relying on Rimuru-sama.

Well, I told him.

Its only because of Rimuru-sama that you have evolved, so your skills are nothing to sneeze at!


Yes. Thats right, but is there any problem?

This Diablo bastard just admitted it without a word.

And hes looking at me like hes happy to see melike he knows whats going on!

Thats annoying.

I look like an idiot.

Rain, dont do it. Even Guy-sama isnt going to win an argument with this guy. Its okay for you to cry.

Even Mizari said such a thing.

But unfortunately, that opinion seems to be correct.

I stared at Diablo in frustration.

Then something unexpected happened.

Shion-san smacked Diablo on the head, making a nice thwacking sound.

I was so happy.

Moreover, she even preached to him.

Youre being cheeky, Tea-boy! You are not to be rude to our guests.

When I heard that, I couldnt help but pump my fists in a pose.

Glancing to thee side, I saw Mizari smiling happily.

Of course she did.

This is just too funny!

Then, leaving us alone, Diablo and Shion-san started fighting, which continued until Shuna-sama came onto the scene.


I have no qualms in adding the sama anymore.

Shion-san, who can quarrel with Diablo, is amazing, but Shuna-sama who can beat up Shion-san and Diablo together, was most wonderful in my point of view.

Theres a lot to learn from her.

By the way, the quarrel between Diablo and Shion-san really was a quarrel, which surprised both Mizari and me.

Shuna-sama came to call us, so we obeyed quietly.

She told us that she would teach us the recipe for the cake.

She told us that Guy-sama had asked her to teach us how to make the cake.

We are very grateful.

I must tell her how I feel when I am shown into the parlor where Rimuru-sama is.

As expected of Demon Lord Rimuru-sama, the cake was wonderful.

Oops, I was late.

Id like to acknowledge Mizaris omission.

I am deeply moved that you have been so generous in teaching me your recipe.

Then Rimuru-sama laughed and said it was no big deal.

Thank you. If we can continue to work together, it would be desirable for me.

He calls that cooperation when we receive it unilaterally?

Thats very generous of him.

However, my recognition was still insufficient.

You guys, Rimuru will give you strength. You should be more grateful.

Guy-sama suddenly told me

Mizari and I had been given the honor of evolving into a true demon lord.


Its dangerous, right?

Really, just what is Rimuru-sama?

Looking back on it now, all I can think of is that its dangerous.

We will make effective use of the power hes given us, and if hes ever in trouble, well be happy to help him.

The amount of magicules is increasing day by day, and we can be of more help to Guy-sama than ever before.

We owe it all to Rimuru-sama, and it is only natural that we should return the favor.

However, there is Testarossa in his country, so I doubt there will be any situations that require my help

Thats all for self-deprecation.

Its time for todays mock battle with Mizari.

Daily special training is indispensable to get used to our own power.

Well then, to the training groundsOh?

It's unlikely that someone is making a joke at such a time.

Rain! Someone just broke into the Barrier.

I know, I know. But this is

This is no longer a time for mock battles, nor is it a time for idle chatter.

Thats it for me.

I look forward to seeing you all again.

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