Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

7 The Impact Of The Reincarnation Princess.



One afternoon, when Emma's condition was much better and she began to concentrate on her own study before she went to the Eigel family.

A golden bullet came into my stomach as I was on the corridor facing the garden, aiming for the library.

`` Sister, sister, sister! ''

The identity of the bullet was his younger brother. Golden hair that is lighter than me is pressed into my belly.

Brother. Please ask for help. My sister, I thought I could get my gut out of my mouth right now.

"Roses Mary, are you hurt?"

"All right"

The guard knight standing behind me is puzzled. Ah, I knew that the bullet that came was the Prince, so I couldn't bounce back ...

"... Johan"


When I'm worried about my little brother like a puppy, what do I do? Johan stiffened his small body.

What appeared was a brilliantly beautiful boy with a wooden sword for training .... Brother Christophe.

"I'm in the middle of training. Go back."

Chris, who speaks with a cold voice without expression, is impressive. Even though I know I didn't tell me, my back grows.

Of course Johan was frightened and clung to me more and more. Why are infants so strong in hands? My sister, it's about to reverse the internal organs soon.

Looks down at the ice blue eyes on the long eyelashes, and his brother sighs. Johan's body bounced again. I'm scared of my brother's every move. What kind of training is being done?

"Good morning, Chris brother. I'm sorry to have disturbed my discipline."

I know you're not in a good mood, but let's say hello.

Your brother shakes his head. Although his expression remained blank, his eyes were gentle.

"It's not your fault, because Johann wasn't able to see you for a while and was so sinking."

Apparently, my brother, who accidentally found me, abandoned his discipline and started running.

I was open-minded. You have to be careful about the route and time of day.



Bend your knees and look into my little brother, who is slightly shorter than me. Johan called me, moistening his big eyes.

My younger brother is not cute. Even if it's a spoiled and weeping baby, a jealous and annoying little brother.

But if you pamper here, nothing will change.

"Johan, apologize to your brother."


I have a harsh expression in my blue eyes, which look stunning.

Oh, sorry. Johan.

But my sister decided to make her heart a demon. It's different from living alone with two people. I have to expand my world, my world.

I don't have a useless older sister that is just sweet.

"Chris was taking time to train with you while you were busy. You threw it out."

Apologize. Once again, Johan's pretty face was squatting and distorted.

The hand that was holding my clothes is released, and my pants are replaced. The younger brother who turned the head of the nose bright red, muttered in a low voice, while standing down.

"... go, me ... no ..."

"I can't hear you. Turn your face up, turn to your brother and try again."

"Well ..."

The face of an escort knight stood by Johan's body, stiffened. My brother has his eyes rounded.

You're probably considered a scary older sister. Good.

I decided to shift from a sweet sister to a scary one.

"Sorry, no ..."

"once again"

"... I'm sorry !!"

My brother, who stretched his back and shouted loudly, finally relaxed.

Good. A good child.

? !!!

I was nodded with satisfaction, but I turned to my older brother and got stuck.

It's not surprising that Chris, who received a loud apology and smiled with a bitter smile.

There was a person standing behind him.

A wooden sword in his hand that looks easy to move is the same as his brother. Perhaps he was teaching his brother and brother how to handle swords. By the way, he was the best swordsman in the country.

Dark eyes that emit sharp eyes to black hair that seems to be strong and hard.

The line from the fearless cheek to the chin is the same, but it looks young because there is no stubble. No, I'm actually young.

A tight body with moderate muscles on the tall looking up. The wild-looking man looked at me with the eyes of an interesting creature.


"? ... What's wrong, Rose?"

There is nothing like this.

Please, brother. Deny me. I'm mistaken for another person now.

"He is ..."

"Oh, he's our knight of the sword and a member of the Guard."

Shaken by Chris, he kneels in front of me.

Grasp your hands gently and stop just before your lips touch. My fingertips gasped, and I hardened involuntarily.

"Please forgive me for this kind of greeting. I'm Leonhard von Orcein, a member of the Knights of the Guards.

A low, sweet voice that I was scorched about.

I am trembling with the joy that I finally met and the shame that showed him a disappointment. Probably my worst impression in him.

(I did it in the most important encounter scene ...)

The meeting with the long-awaited leader of the Knights of the Future Guard was accomplished in the worst form.


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