Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

262 The Determination Of The Ice Mage.

Corner of the greenhouse.

Behind the tall tree, I hung my knee and fell down.

"...... Hai Aku"

Of course, the words you mumbled relentlessly weren't addressed to your partner.

I woke up and hit and scattered, against myself who escaped even more.

Nothing is wrong with Theo, but I want you to hit him with a heartless word and wave away the hand of your beloved who worried me. What the hell do I want to do?

I banged my head against my lap and scratched my hair.

I was embarrassed, pathetic, and wanted to disappear.

"I'll bracket you..."

I didn't mean it like this.

I was going to discuss it more calmly.

However, when I saw the two of them progressing to the future with their glittering eyes, I couldn't hold back my feelings.

While I was stopping for fear of change, the two of them went further and further.

I felt like I was the only one who spared the time for the three of us to be together, and I felt like I had been left alone on my own.

I feel sick thinking for a moment about how I can't hold back.

"...... ah"

I forced the rising nausea to swallow down, closed my eyes and let go of my breath.

When I kept breathing to somehow forgive the needle-shaped emotions, there was a small noise behind me. The sand particles that fell on the stone floor, the sound of the shoe soles stepping on it.

It must be Theo.

Knowing that I would run in here when I was depressed, Theo came to pick me up in anticipation of when his head was a little cold.

He's a good-looking, good-looking man.

Unlike me, I added it to my chest and felt depressed on my own.

The small footsteps slowly approached and stopped behind me.

Pinch the tree to the other side. I thought I'd sat down on the brick at the edge of the flower bed and heard the sound of clothes rubbing.

However, without any particular words, a gentle silence flowed.

A breeze blew in through the thinly open window for a change of air. All you hear is a pleasant leaf rub and a bird's nibble.

The thorns in my heart that stood on the edge of the curve were falling off.

When I took a deep breath, my shoulders relaxed naturally.

Not to blame, not to forgive.

I just bit the happiness of having a friend to wait for me in silence.

In retrospect, it has always been.

When I was little, I was even more of a kid, and I thought I was the most unhappy person in the world. Stretch out your fangs and stretch out your tongue to be unharmed.

Theo and the princess were the only people who spoke to me enthusiastically.

I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to roll around. I think it's something you used to go out with without abandoning me.

Unlike me, they forgave me because I was human, but I didn't want to spoil them. The relationship breaks down when you misunderstand that you can do anything because you are forgiven.

"...... Theo, I'm sorry"

The voice that I spit out pitifully flickered.

"I said a lot of terrible things to you and to the princess." That's not serious... That's cowardly. I can't retract what I said, so I won't say it's convenient to forget it. But that's the kind of bullshit that the kid who woke me up said to pull his leg, so don't touch it properly. "

After a quick mouthful, I'm so embarrassed that I'm scratching my forehead like I'm fooling around.

"... I really know you're right."

I was afraid to listen to the reply, so I continued to speak.

"It's amazing that you decided to follow the path laid down as a mage, instead of proceeding naturally. In response, the princess who thinks about how to use her abilities together is also very impressive."

Originally, Theo had a calm temperament.

I wanted to be a magician because I was born with magic power, but if I could choose, I would have had a different way of life.

Therefore, when I heard that I wanted to do work related to medical care, I was convinced by my head that emotions were the opposite.

"I think that the work that contributes to medical care is better for you than the wizard."

If I could give you an excuse, if it weren't for "now," I would have been able to react a little better.

If not now that the princess was engaged and fatally injured.

"... I knew it, but I hit eight." It's just an excuse to be upset about the princess's engagement and not accept it. "

Haha, the laugh was so dry that it seemed like the sky was turning stronger.

When you're really dressed badly, your sigh leaks. I pressed my forehead against my hands on my lap.

"For me, the presence of the princess is so great that I'm scared to disappear."

There was a breathtaking, small sound.

But I didn't say anything, so I turned it into a pardon and let out a weak tone.

"Because before I met the princess, it was like I was half dead." I didn't even know it was fun or happy, and I think the princess even taught me how to breathe. "

The younger girl pulled her hand back and pulled it up to the bright spot.

That's when I finally started to breathe, and I think my life has begun.

"When I heard that such a person was going away, I was so upset that I couldn't fix it. Looks like the floor at my feet has collapsed... no, it's not enough....... I've been told that the sun will not rise from tomorrow, and I don't even know how I was breathing because of the shock and the underlying fear."

The most important girl in the world.

My light, my sun.

I don't even know how to survive if they take it.

"Really, it's no good.... After all, I'm just a kid who can't do anything." It's only natural that both you and the princess should love it when you have to stand back and walk. "

I disgust myself. But I don't even have the energy to get myself up right now.

Slowly crushing the guilt and despair.

I left it to gravity and tried to close my eyes with my head buried in my lap.

A sharp voice echoed quietly.

"No, it's not."


In an unexpected voice, I opened my eyes wide.

There was always a sign of someone behind him, but he believed that it was Theo. But what I heard was the most important girl in the world.

I was so confused that I couldn't speak. I want to raise my face, but I can't move like I'm frozen.

Even though I let my favorite child listen to the pathetic weak sound, I can die from embarrassment. I want to dig a hole and bury it right now, and end my life there.

Unpleasant sweat came out of my body.

Her face is probably tight and red and pale, and she has a terrible look.

Now, if the princess peeks into me, I'll die. I'd rather kill someone.

The princess did not turn around before me to see if such a stupid and stupid wish could be fulfilled.

He sandwiched the tree between his back and spoke to me.

"There's no way Lutz can do anything, and there's no way he's going to do anything about it."

The princess won't laugh at me even though she heard that crap stupidity.

With a quiet tone, he said it out loud.

It was not a consolation of the moment, but a straight, cloudless voice that told me that it was thinking so from the bottom of my heart.

"First of all, Lutz is smart."


"Even the thick specialty books will be finished soon, and I understand the contents properly." I'll never forget it because I have a good memory. "


"Besides, the motor nerves are good." Even though I'm a magician, Irine said that I can cross the knight equally without magic, and I can win with my body magic. "


Besides, it's so sweet. You don't seem to like words, but you really care about me and Theo.

"Uu, eh..."

I don't know what to look like, being truly praised and killed.

I couldn't afford to worry about my stupid voice leaking out.

"I've had a lot of trouble being born with magic power, but... listening to me, we made ice cream together"

You can't just bounce off this nonsense. The voice of the princess who said that could be heard slightly.

After a horrifying look back, my little hand grabbed hard as if it could hold something.

"I said I pulled your hand, but I was also supported by you and Theo. It's not a one-sided form....... don't tell me you can't take care of my dear friend."

Your chest is stuffed with a bitter voice.

When I thought it was my fault, I felt guilty. But I'm more than happy. Are you mad at me for that?


I stood up impulsively and clasped my thin body from behind.


I was surprised to see my hardened body trying to move apart.

I put my strength into my arms to hold it.

"I'm sorry, I'll be leaving soon." Just stay like this... please "

I deliberately chose words that would keep the princess from coming out.

This way of saying it was cunning, while blaming herself in the corner of her head, she rejoiced at the warmth that fits in her arms.

I like it, I like it.

I love it too much and my heart hurts.

Soft temperature and feel, floral scent, everything. I thought I'd remember it for the rest of my life.

"...... Lutz?"

Such a bewildering and carefree voice.

Even though I was attached to kindness, I was almost worried and bitterly laughed that I shouldn't say anything.

"... I'm sorry for all the inconvenience and worry." But thank you for not abandoning me. "

Just for a few seconds, but with a bit of force at the end, like chewing on a lifetime of happiness.

I shook off the remnants and let go.

She exhaled with a bit of resentment at the princess, who seemed relieved and relieved.

I knew that the princess admired the Commander of the Kingsguard, but it was on my own that I continued to like her.

I laughed at the princess who looked back.

"Don't mess with me, I'll also seriously think about my future."... so if I get stuck, can I talk to you? "

"Of course!"

The princess's face shines suddenly.

"Tell me about the medical facilities and laboratories, too. What kind of work does Theo do and what can I do? Listen to everything, look it up, and ultimately decide for yourself what you want to do.

"Yeah, yeah.... good."

After nodding happily, she muttered small and puffy.

She's gentle, healthy, and adorable.

Isn't it an unforgivable crime to have all this to yourself? and sneakily cursed, thinking of the face of the man who won alone. When I remembered to punch my little toes in the foot, I thought I had a small device. But I want you to forgive me for that.

Are you finished?

My partner, who had approached me after a while, looked at my face like a possessed object had fallen and relaxed his expression in relief.

"I'm glad to be back to my usual bumpy face."

"I'm annoyed."

Returning the hateful tongue to a deliberate dislike. The princess looked at us with a pleasant smile.

This time is very important, but it is impossible to keep it forever.

But I can stay connected depending on my efforts. In that case, I shouldn't be squatting on my knees.

Like Theo, it's good to work on research under the princess.

Alternatively, it was the ants who succeeded the master and gained the power to help the princess.

There was a future for me.

Unless I give up and throw it out, the possibilities are endless.

The two of them walked side by side after the princess who was aiming for a break room to continue her tea.

Theo looked at me with a dazed look next to him.

"Roots. You look bad."

No. I thought you didn't have to force me to give up.

The difference in age is quite big, right?

I heard that men have shorter life expectancy.

"Don't you think a princess is cute even when she's a grandmother?"


After lightly squinting his eyes, Theo murmured in a dumbfounded voice.

You're dreaming on your own, aren't you?

When he smiles like a vicious kid, Theo also raises his mouth.

Buddy of Rocky Me

I slammed my fist into the raised fist.

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