Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 672 - Might Of The Super Einherjar

Chapter 672: Might Of The Super Einherjar

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

“You look gorgeous, Sister Ma! He had never looked at me in my eyes once.” Heidi murmured under her breath. As a princess, it was rare to carry out a conversation such as this.

“I don’t believe that! He must have looked at you, maybe when you were not paying attention. ” Li Ruoer blurted out.

“Don’t mind her, sister. We will let you return to your business. Wang Tong is waiting for you in the living room. ” Zhou Sisi said.?Deep Blue moved slowly toward Ma Xiaoru and sniffed her. He tilted his head in confusion as he registered a strong scent of Wang Tong on Ma Xiaoru’s body.

Heidi and Deep Blue were then led to Wang Tong by the three girls, who was pleasantly surprised to see Heidi in one piece.

Deep Blue threw himself at Wang Tong, nuzzling his cheeks. Wang Tong patted the beast gently and willed it to sit on his haunches.

“Heidi, how was the situation out here? Did Deep Blue figure out the whereabouts of the queen?”

“I have done a round of all the suspicious locations, and after gathering all the data, I am confident that the queen is hiding in the Shengwei Space City.”

“Shengwei?” Wang Tong furrowed his brows. “If my memory serves me right, that was a human’s settlement, wasn’t it?”

“Yes and no. There are no immortals living there, but all the humans have pledged their loyalty to Patroclus. Deep Blue made quite a noise when we approached the space city.” Heidi explained. “The queen very likely is in there. All Zergs could sense the queen’s presence. There must be something other than the humans inside that space city. Otherwise, Deep Blue wouldn’t be so agitated. It’s a perfect hiding spot, considering it is a human city.” Zhou Sisi said.

“Let’s ask Zhang Jin. I can’t wait to see some action already.” Wang Tong said.

Zhang Jin rushed to Wang Tong’s residence after he hung up the phone. She was troubled by the lack of progress when she received his message. Despite the industrious work of the covert agents, they had gathered no useful information that could help her decipher the queen’s whereabouts.

After Zhang Jin heard Heidi’s briefing, her face lit up with glee. “I can’t believe that I missed that city! That sneaky b*stard! Shengwei city has a synchronized orbit with the moon, so it is the perfect location of storing the hyperspace! The space ship must have been hauled into the city when the immortals first built the city.”

“If that is the case, there must be a portal or some sort that can lead us to the hyperspace. We still need to get the key from Patroclus.” Li Ruoer said, and her words suddenly took the wind out of everyone’s sail. The recent surge of covert agent’s activity must have caught Patroclus’ attention, and therefore, he must be prepared. To get the key meant that Wang Tong would have to challenge him right now; they had returned to where they started.

Even the most optimistic one of them could not encourage Wang Tong to rise to the challenge when he was not yet ready.

However resourceful Zhang Jin was, she also had to concede defeat. There were covert agents inside Shengwei City, but that was not enough to control the city. In order to open the portal by force, she would need the combined energy of at least four Zeus class battlecruisers. A fleet of four battlecruisers was bound to catch the Immortals’ attention long before they had closed in on the city.

Plus, no one knew what the key looked like. It could be in any form, and therefore, stealing it from Patroclus was impossible.

Feeling defeated, the five girls looked to Wang Tong at the same time. Why was he so quiet?

Wang Tong was carefully sipping on a cup of tea when he felt the searing glance on him. He lifted his brows and scanned the five girls’ gaze and slowly put down the teacup. His mind froze, and his heart skipped a beat as he was mesmerized by the five girls’ beauty.

“What…Why did you stop? Go on?” Wang Tong said.

“Do you already have a solution? What a jerk!” Li Ruoer saw through his ruse right away. She walked to him and punched him with a peach-sized soft fist.

“I surrender! ” Wang Tong raised both of his hands.” I have already told you not to worry about it. I will handle it.”

“Bullsh*t! Can you erase an entire city by yourself?”

“I can’t, but someone else can.” Wang Tong said confidently.

The Shengwei City was one of the ‘model cities’ one would often see on the immortals’ propaganda material. All the humans were candidates for joining the immortals, and the city was lauded as the exemplar of peaceful coexistence of humans and Immortals. All humans in the space city were Ivantians.

It was a normal Saturday morning, and the city was hosting its annual drafting of future immortals. The humans who had been drafted today would be sent to the moon to become an immortal.

Thousands of people gathered at the central plaza where the drafting was taking place.?But suddenly, the ground started to shake like an earthquake.

Everyone knew that there was no earthquake in a space city.

Was it a solar storm? No, it shouldn’t be. The forecast said nothing about it.

The alarms went off, and the entire city was under the security laser scan that worked industriously to screen out the threats. The moving laser scans were everywhere, and made lots of people feel dizzy.

The scan results suggested that the entire city was being propelled forward by an unknown force—What!

On the big screen at the center of the plaza, an image stabilized that showed a man pushing the city in space.?The man turned to look at the camera and gave everyone a large grin.

There would only be one person who could do something as ostentatious and conspicuous as this: Wang Tong!

Wang Tong was wearing a shiny set of METAL suit, and beside him stood an old service robot. However, upon closer inspection, people noticed that Wang Tong was not pushing the city at all; instead, the city seemed to be moving on its own. How was that possible? The space city came with an enormous power plant which produced enough energy that could cancel out any external forces.

Could it be the god who was moving the city?

The CCTV scanned the nooks and crannies of the city, and finally found what they were looking for.

It appeared to be a human and not a god who was moving the city. Everyone was shocked by the development as they waited for the image of the man to stabilize. When it did, Dimalis’ jaw dropped in surprise.

Wasn’t it the War God?

He had suspected that the War God was Wang Tong in disguise, but it appeared that he was wrong.

In a blink, the image of Einherjar Wannabe moving the space city went viral across all planets.?The Martians recognized him right away; no one would have forgotten his signature METAL suit.

“It’s the War God!”

“Long live the War God!”

Mars was awash with cheers and joys. No one cared what he was doing and why he would be moving a city; his appearance was enough to set everyone’s hearts on fire.

Meanwhile, in the Shengwei city, chaos ensued.

“Crank up the engine! Max output! Crank the output to the max!”

“My lord, we are already at max output, but the city is still moving.”

“Bullsh*t! Try it again. Not even a level thirty Einherjar is able to move a space city.”


Energy spilled out of Zachery’s mouth as he shouted with a lion’s roar. The power propagated as it rippled outward, increasing its energy with each inch it covered.

If an Einherjar was not powerful enough to lift a city, what about a super Einherjar?

On the moon, as the immortals watched the development unfold, they were rendered speechless. Not even Harmon knew anyone who possessed that much might.

“Is he the Blade Warrior?” Harmon asked nervously.

Patroclus shook his head. “No, but close. He is...was the pirate king Zachery. He was the only person who was as powerful as Rilangalos and Li Feng.”

Meanwhile on Earth, Wang Tong’s girls watched the news with surprise and trepidation. Li Ruoer bit down her lips to hold back her admiration for Wang Tong.

Could it be that he was actually a god? While the other girls were filled with excitement, Zhang Jin felt sad; not for herself, but for Patroclus.

The fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus was inevitable.

Porten looked at the screen and swallowed down his fear. He realized that his decision of leaving Li Ruoer alone might have saved his life.

In space, the Immortal reinforcement to the Shengwei City halted their advancement. What would be the use of a fleet when their enemy could move a whole city?

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