Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 668 - Let It Go

Chapter 668: Let It Go

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

The news of Wang Tong’s appearance on the Moon and his ‘kidnapping’ of Zhou Sisi had gone viral on the Moon. So insolent was the Earthling boy that he had stolen the young lover of Divine Lord. He had carried the mission with such levity that it was as if he had picked up a girl during his stroll in a park.

The ease with which Wang Tong had succeeded in his mission spoke loudly of his abilities. However powerful Jin Qianzheng was, he was rendered motionless by the energy projected from Wang Tong. Most immortals had seen the recording of the fight between Wang Tong and Moye; however, watching an opponent on the screen was a very different experience than fighting one in real life.

The incident stirred the Immortals and made them restless for revenge. Zhou Sisi was considered as Patroclus’ mistress by the immortal public, and Wang Tong’s action was a brazen provocation. Meanwhile, the public on the moon turned their attention to Patroclus as they waited for his response. As the leader of hundreds of thousands of immortals, Patroclus could not appear to be weak.

But contrary to the public’s expectation, Patroclus didn’t lose his marbles when he heard the news. He had felt Wang Tong’s presence ever since he landed on the moon, and guessed out the latter’s plan right away. Knowing that Patroclus would risk his overall plan by confronting him, Wang Tong didn’t attempt to mask his soul energy. Neither Wang Tong nor Patroclus wanted to involve Zhou Sisi in their final showdown.

With the last connection with the human world gone, Patroclus could finally double down on his plan of subjugating the human race. He wished Zhou Sisi good luck and felt happy for her to finally be with the person she so madly loved—the person he would kill very soon to commemorate his ascension to godhood.

Patroclus had spent the night by himself inside the giant empty hall of the Divine Lord, thinking and reflecting on his past for the last time. With the sunlight of the morning, he lit up a fire in his mind and burned his old memories away: a new era was about to begin.

The Immortal force searched for Wang Tong on the moon. They secretly wished, but were not hopeful, that they would find the heir of the Blade Warrior. Even if they did, they would have no idea how to deal with him. To the Immortals, Wang Tong was as much an impossible target as Patroclus were to the humans six years ago. Wang Tong had turned the tables around using not only his one on one combat skills, but also mass destruction mastery spells. He could have demolished an entire regiment with a snap of the finger.

The immortals were not that different from the humans, particularly in their ability to exaggerate things. It wasn’t long before high tales about Wang Tong’s power being circulated among the immortals as well as the humans. Despite the tales’ detachment from reality, they had strengthened the humans’ confidence in their victory. The more confidence they had, the more clearly they realized that the final showdown against the Immortals was inevitable.

If the Martians were able to liberate themselves from the rule of an alien race, so could the other humans; the key to their success was Wang Tong.

Not only was Wang Tong a powerful warrior in his own right, but he was also exceptionally good at bringing out his soldiers’ full potential.

As Patroclus planned a measured response to Wang Tong’s act of ‘kidnapping’, Wang Tong and Zhou Sisi had returned to Earth safe and sound. Wang Tong’s had redeemed Zhou Sisi’s reputation by saving her personally, and it was finally revealed to the public that the mysterious agent zero was the purposed traitor, Zhou Sisi.

Zhou Sisi didn’t care a wee bit about the public’s opinion, for she felt that she was living in her dreams when Wang Tong descended from the sky to save her. When she lay inside Wang Tong’s arms, she hoped that the time would stop so that she could live in this moment forever.

Unprepared for such a huge change in her life, Zhou Sisi remained dazed by the sudden turn of events. Her mind was filled with images of Wang Tong; the incident played over and over again in her mind and never got old.

She didn’t recover from her daydreaming until she saw Ma Xiaoru.

“Welcome back, Zhou Sisi!”

Unsure what to say, Zhou Sisi blushed. Ma Xiaoru turned around and cast Wang Tong a searing glance.

“I need to speak with Zhou Sisi in private, so would you please excuse us?” Ma Xiaoru asked.

“What are you going to say behind my back?” Wang Tong asked nervously.

“Private stuff.” Ma Xiaoru replied firmly. Wang Tong conceded defeat unwillingly as he backed out of the room. Outside, he met Zhang Jin, who gave him a thumbs up. Wang Tong scratched his head as he tried to grasp what Zhang Jin was saying. Failing that, he asked, “Are you laughing at me?”

“I am giving you a compliment. Not every man can have two women.”

“I only asked for one.” Wang Tong murmured.

Zhang Jin shook her head as she lamented on his innocence. If he were able to defeat Patroclus, he would be the most powerful man on Earth. By then, all factions would beg or even coerce him to marry their daughters. In the political world, love was a luxury and marriage was never a personal business.

“Whatever! Most people would die to live your life right now. On a more serious note, did Zhou Sisi mention anything about the queen?”

“She said that she agreed with our guess. The Queen had to be on the ark, which is neither close to earth nor parked anywhere in space.”

“It’s in the hyperspace?”


“It wasn’t that difficult to guess. Patroclus had been working on a device to extract a section of the hyperspace five years ago, and it seems like he has succeeded.”

“It is an ingenious idea, I have to give him that!”

“It would require a tremendous amount of energy to stabilize the hyperspace once it is extracted. It should be too big to miss.”

“You have forgotten one key feature of the Ark: its new battery. Those batteries alone should be able to supply most of the energy required to sustain the hyperspace in our dimension.” Wang Tong’s words had hit the mark and revealed a dead end in their search.

The door was suddenly thrown open as the two were deep in their thoughts about their problem.

“Wang Tong!”?The voice startled Wang Tong and sent a chill down his spine. He looked up at the visitor and knew why. Before he could utter a word, a sumptuous girl threw herself at Wang Tong and hugged him tightly. Perfume filled Wang Tong’s nostrils, and his face was assailed by hot kisses.

Li Shiming stood far away from his sister, seemingly wanting nothing to do with her outburst of affection.

Wang Tong wasn’t sure where to put his hands, so he waited for Li Ruoer to let go of him, but she didn’t. Wang Tong gingerly dodged a kiss and gave Zhang Jin an imploring glance; to his dismay, the latter just ignored him.

That was not where Wang Tong’s misfortune ended on that day, far from it, in fact. He had heard doom’s beckoning when he caught the glance of Ma Xiaoru and Zhou Sisi walking out of the room while Li Ruoer’s lips were firmly pressed on his. Overtaken by fear, Wang Tong grabbed hold of Li Ruoer’s shoulder and pushed her away.

As Li Ruoer furthered her tactics of the Enchantress, she had become an increasingly intensifying headache for Li Shiming. After discovering that he had arranged a meeting with Wang Tong, Li Ruoer insisted on tagging along. Ever since the death of Li Zhedao, the influence of House Li had eroded significantly on the Earth as the Templars had quickly risen to become the leaders of the human world, the former role of House Li.

However, Li Shiming knew that the era of house Li had ended with the life of his father. Not only the humans looked up to Wang Tong as their savior instead of Li Shiming, but the war itself had more and more resembled a personal feud between Wang Tong and Patroclus. In other words, House Li had become increasingly irrelevant. However bitter the reality was, Li Shiming had accepted it without rancor. Wang Tong had proved his power and earned his trust.

Not until Li Ruoer saw Ma Xiaoru and Zhou Sisi did she realize that she had gone overboard. Despite having to catch Li Ruoer red-handed, the two girls rushed to her and hugged her like old friends.

Seeing the crisis get averted, Wang Tong heaved a sigh of relief. Zhang Jin cracked a smile and said, “Old friends are the best, aren’t they?”

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