Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 661 - Reunion

Chapter 661: Reunion

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_


With that single movement, heads of a few dozen Immortals exploded.

“So, what will you choose? Are you going to kill yourself or you need my help?” Wang Tong’s voice was cold. He was grateful for Charcoal’s tip about the Immortals’ operations. If he had come a little bit later, Ma Xiaoru’s life could have been in danger.

“Kill him!” Yageli shouted and commanded the immortals to attack Wang Tong from all directions.?Wang Tong threw his head back and looked into the sky above him as if searching for some invisible energy. Next, he spread his fingers out before suddenly clenching them.


The few dozen Immortals who charged at Wang Tong were stopped cold in their track, and then their heads exploded.

Meanwhile, the underground resistance force had made their way to the center of the encirclement, and everyone wondered if the warrior who came to Ma Xiaoru’s rescue was Wang Tong. No one had seen him before, yet everyone felt that his face looked familiar.

Ever since Wang Tong was spotted on Mars, the humans on Earth had been yearning for his arrival…And there he was, standing right in front of them.

No other acts than the killing of the four Immortal generals could send a clearer message to the Immortals that he was here. The battle would not only be a show of resolution, but also a message to Patroclus that he had found a way to save the humans from his brutality.

In a blink, all the Immortals other than the four generals were dead. Their headless bodies slumped on the ground in death.

“Three strikes, wasn’t it? I have a new proposal: if the four of you can withstand one punch from me, I will let you go. How does that sound?” Wang Tong held his hands behind back and scrutinized the expressions on the four immortals. His poised, overbearing and cold presence sent a chill down to the Immortals’ spines.

“Wang Tong, don’t let your conceit get the better of you. You…” Words got caught in Yalige’s throat as he noticed Wang Tong’s expression harden while his soul energy disappeared.

“You three head back now while you still can. I will handle him myself.”

“Boss, why are you afraid of him?”

“Shut your trap! Do as you are told.” Yageli refuted. He started to realize that Wang Tong was much more powerful than even the wildest rumors he had heard about him.

“Hehe, are you guys done talking? I am about to attack.”


Yageli charged at Wang Tong, but his level twenty-six soul energy seemed much less impressive in front of the latter. Meanwhile, the other three immortals, Gersar, Molin, and Hewitt, darted in three different directions.

How could Wang Tong attack four of them at the same time while they were so far apart?

Wang Tong met Yageli’s attack with a simple punch. Although the punch was directed toward Yageli, it was the other three immortals who fell to the ground before the fist punctured a large hole through Yageli’s chest.

“Space warp!”

“Because of your courage, I will give you a quick death.” Wang Tong said coldly, and all four immortal generals were dead before his voice faded away. In a blink of an eye, Wang Tong had turned the tables around and saved everyone.?More and more human citizens gathered on the street to look at Wang Tong, their faces a mixture of confusion and hope.

“Citizens of Boston, you are free!” Wang Tong’s voice boomed, echoing across the quiet city.

Dealing with the immortals stationed in the city was a piece of cake for Wang Tong, most of them getting killed and after this battle. Those who got away fled the city in panic.

Ma Xiaoru rushed toward Wang Tong and collapsed into his arms as she broke down in tears. This was the moment she had dreamed of every night, and it finally was no longer a dream.

Her tears and breakdown surprised even herself; she was not as strong as she had pretended to be.

Wang Tong hugged Ma Xiaoru tightly, and then both of them flashed out of view.

Zhang Jin smiled knowingly; nothing was sweeter than love redeemed. Judging by Wang Tong’s display, Zhang Jin knew that the humans’ fate was in his hands.

Zhang Jin couldn’t help but feel slightly bitter for not being noticed by Wang Tong; nonetheless, she was happy for Ma Xiaoru. She had a heart of gold, pure and innocent; but when she was under stress, she had never complained even once.

The most terrible thing was not death; it was waiting for true love and not knowing if that true love would even show up or not.

Looking at Ma Xiaoru’s face, Wang Tong felt words simply evaporate from his mouth. He had expected Ma Xiaoru to complain to him about the loneliness and stress he had put her under, but she didn’t, simply watching his face with all the love she could muster.

They stood in each other’s embrace on top of a skyscraper. Wang Tong held Ma Xiaoru’s beautiful face with both hands and whispered, “I am sorry.”

“Say no more. I want you to have me.” Ma Xiaoru murmured.

Wang Tong could no longer hold back the desire inside of him. With a wave of a hand, he cast a privacy screen spell around them. Knowing they were nearly invisible, Ma Xiaoru let go of the hold on the knot of fire that had been burning inside her for five years. She ripped Wang Tong’s clothes off and then pulled his pants down to his knees. They pressed their bodies close to each other and enjoyed the burning sensation from the touch of each and every inch of their naked skin. In this magical realm of sex and emotions, reality ebbed away, and in place of it was pure magic.

After everything was done, Ma Xiaoru lay inside Wang Tong’s arms and slowly fell asleep. Wang Tong ran his fingers through her silken hair and tried to imagine the prison-like life she had to endure over the five years.

They said that time was relative, and it was the slowest when she was by herself. He reflected on his own life in the last five years and how big of a challenge that had been to improve his power to be at par with Patroclus.

It was the most intense training a human body could ever undergo. However, Wang Tong knew that he would appreciate it when he had to face Patroclus. Not only was Patroclus a much more talented warrior than Wang Tong, but he had also gained a huge advantage after being an immortal. Plus, Wang Tong doubted that the Ivantian prince would have stopped seeking new power during the five years.

Having fought Patroclus once, Wang Tong knew that when the time came, he would have to stand up against the only warrior who was perfect in each and every aspect.

The challenge justified Wang Tong’s sadistic training routines during the five years. He couldn’t afford to expose himself before he felt he was ready to face Patroclus, but he was also racing against time. Humanity was suffering, and their only salvation was him.

Even then, the thought of the training during those five long years gave Wang Tong the chills. He took Ma Xiaoru’s hand and squeezed it gently; as long as he could protect his loved ones, any sacrifice or hellish training was worth it.

Before Wang Tong arrived on Earth, he was still unsure about the specific steps that needed to be taken to counter Patroclus. But by then, he had seen and heard enough for a detailed plan to start surfacing in his mind.

The first thing Ma Xiaoru saw the next morning was Wang Tong’s face. She shook her head to make sure she was not dreaming. Still unsure, she jumped at him and squeezed his nose hard. Wang Tong winced, which finally convinced Ma Xiaoru that this was not a dream. She wrapped her arms around Wang Tong neck and shouted, “It’s not a dream. Not a dream! Haha!”

Despite Ma Xiaoru’s choking hold on his neck, Wang Tong smiled contentedly. The few fragile moments of epiphany he had tasted in his five years—tasted, but always lost—were redeemed here.

“Are you hungry? Let’s have breakfast.”

“Ok, but where are we?” Ma Xiaoru looked around her and asked.

“We are still inside the privacy spell. Someone just couldn’t wait last night.” Wang Tong answered. “Put some clothes on, will you?”

“Hey, my shirt is all ripped! You need to buy me new ones.” Ma Xiaoru complained while wearing a mischievous smirk on her face.

“I have no money. Maybe you can just take my body instead.”

“Why will I do that? Your body is stinky.”

“Yet, you licked it like an ice cream last night.” Wang Tong winked at Ma Xiaoru.

When Wang Tong and Ma Xiaoru got off their love nest on the rooftop, they were greeted by soldiers from the resistance force and House Ma. Behind them were thousands of citizens who showered the couple with cheers and flowers. Wang Tong held Ma Xiaoru by the waist and smiled broadly at the public. The news of his return and the killing of the four immortal generals spread quickly across the earth.

The savior had returned, and Patroclus’ days were numbered!

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