Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 139: Captain Bofan's Death

"T-this is not part of the plan... dammit!" Reyes clenched his fist as he watched Bofan run for his life. How was he supposed to lend a helping hand in this situation? He had even asked the others earlier if there was a way to rescue Bofan from the rampaging hurricane, but their replies weren't satisfactory.

"Hurry, speed up!" Reyes became even more anxious. The hurricane was only a few meters away from Captain Bofan, and once it closed within twenty meters, the wind force around the destructive hurricane would be enough to sweep the old man away.

He shuddered as he thought of Captain Bofan being torn to shreds inside the powerful hurricane, which was a mixture of blue and red!

'No matter what, I need him to be alive... he'll play an important role in killing this elemental beast.' Reyes' heart constricted at the hopeless situation. Captain Bofan, a level 50 Awakened, had a crucial part to play in the plan.

He was one of the trump cards! If anything happened to him, there would be a loophole in the plan, and it would definitely affect everyone.

Ten meters!!

The powerful ice hurricane was like a brutal, rampaging beast as it continued its mad chase after Captain Bofan. Wherever the hurricane passed, the frozen ground was blasted into powder that quickly merged with the hurricane, increasing its power tremendously.

A boundless aura of an ultimate skill burst outward as the hurricane's speed increased tenfold, becoming even more ravenous!

Five meters!

Captain Bofan's heart squeezed when he felt that the powerful hurricane was catching up to him, even with his skill activated. Was he going to die? Of all the scenarios he had in mind, there was never one that involved him being devoured by a monstrous hurricane!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Captain Bofan's expression suddenly darkened when he felt the hairs on his neck stand on edge. Instinctively, he glided to the side as a razor-sharp ice projectile, over 1.5 meters long, flew past his ears with incredible speed!

Looking behind him, Captain Bofan's eyes constricted as he saw a pair of pale, shimmering blue eyes inside the hurricane staring intently at him. The gaze was petrifying!

The figure inside the hurricane made a slight movement, and several more ice projectiles shot out like missiles, forcing Bofan to make countless maneuvers and flips in the air as the projectiles bolted past him. He successfully dodged all the projectiles but momentarily forgot that the hurricane was still in pursuit.

During his dodging, the hurricane had closed the distance.

It was now three meters!

The cold bit into his skin. He could feel the air being pulled from his lungs, the winds tugging at his clothes, trying to drag him into the storm.

Bofan pushed harder, but it was useless. The wind roared in his ears, deafening. His body felt like it was being crushed by the pressure.

Standing at a relatively far distance of about 500 meters, Reyes' expression darkened more and more. His brain started to work at the speed of light as he tried to come up with a way to save Captain Bofan.

"Dammit, Captain! Move!" One of Bofan's subordinates shouted in a voice filled with desperation, his face as pale as a sheet of paper. "It's going to catch up to you!"

"Hurry up, Captain!"

"Sir, we have to do something!" one of the soldiers exclaimed as he looked at Reyes. The soldiers under Captain Bofan couldn't bear to witness their leader being devoured by the powerful hurricane, so they immediately turned to the only person who could rescue him.

"Captain Bofan can't outrun it forever!" Another one spoke, on the verge of tears. "If it were any one of us out there, I'm very sure Captain Bofan would've gone out to save us... please, Sir Reyes, do something."

"We can't just stand here and watch, sir! We have to try something!"

Sensing the collective gazes of all the soldiers staring at him with pleading looks, Reyes' expression darkened, his mind racing with options. "I know, I know... although he is my competition, I still want him alive... Do you guys think if I could do something, I'd just stand here and watch? The truth is, I don't even know what to do in this situation."

"If any of us get even an inch closer to that hurricane, we'll suffer the same fate as the others." Reyes spoke in a defeated tone, his eyes fixed on the rampaging hurricane. The older man was slowly being sucked into the chaotic wind, and despite his efforts, everyone could tell he couldn't make it.

The situation was really hopeless, and Reyes couldn't help but watch Captain Bofan in pity, knowing it was only a matter of time before the hurricane caught up to him.

'As expected, this elemental beast didn't show all its cards that night.' Reyes thought through gritted teeth. Then he shuddered, fear crossing his face. 'If it had wanted, it could have killed all of us with this skill that night.'

"I have an idea!"

As he was deep in thought, Reyes suddenly heard the familiar irritating voice that belonged to the leader of the Silvermist Guild. But for some reason, after hearing that she might have an idea in this situation, her voice didn't sound too irritating... in fact, it could be considered quite pleasant.

Reyes looked at the Silvermist guild leader with a hopeful glint in his eyes as he asked in a serious voice, "What is the idea?"

The dark-haired woman with an intellectual appearance flicked her hair behind her and pointed at the approaching hurricane. As Reyes followed her gaze, she began to explain her plan.

"We need to create a trench, a deep chasm that will funnel the hurricane's energy and divert its course," the Silvermist leader explained, her eyes fixed intently on the approaching storm. "If we can create a wide enough trench, we can redirect the hurricane's path and give Captain Bofan a chance to escape."

Reyes' eyes widened as he grasped the plan. "That's it! I can use my earth manipulation skills to create a trench... why didn't I think of this?"

"Maybe because you aren't as smart as you think you are?" Even in this tense situation, she didn't miss the opportunity to give a silent jab at her rival.

Ignoring her, Reyes thought to himself, 'But I need to create a trench that is deep and wide enough to divert the hurricane's energy.'

Reyes walked in front of the alliance and placed his hands on the ground. He closed his eyes, and when they opened again, the veins in his muscles bulged as if they wanted to burst out of his skin.

Then, under everyone's hopeful eyes, the frozen ground started to ripple like a wave in water. Big beads of sweat rolled off Reyes as he gritted his teeth. Controlling the entire landscape didn't only deplete his mana, but it also expended a large portion of his stamina points.


It had only been a few seconds, but his stamina points were already halved. If Reyes continued a few more seconds, without a doubt, it would hit zero, and he would be forced to rest for an hour or two before his stamina replenished.

Soon, Reyes' hard work paid off as the frozen ground started to split in the direction of the hurricane. Captain Bofan, still in the air, noticed what Reyes was trying to do, so he tried to fly out of the way of the chasm. But still, the hurricane pulverized the edge of the chasm and continued its relentless pursuit of Bofan.

"It's gaining on me!" the older man shouted amidst the fierce roar of the hurricane. By now, his face had become extremely pale, and he was walking a thin line between life and death.

"It's not wide enough!" one soldier shouted with a horrified expression.

"Make it deeper!"

'I'm trying!' Gritting his teeth, Reyes redoubled his efforts, and the earth shuddered as if an earthquake were about to occur. Even the citizens in the city were beginning to feel the vibration of the ground. While Bofan was flying to the left, the chasm was directed to the right.

However, it was not going in the direction that Reyes wanted. He expended more mana and stamina, making the chasm over 500 meters deep. However, it still didn't have any effect on the raging hurricane, which effortlessly shattered the walls of the chasm and charged toward the left.

'Dammit, it seems this elemental beast is really hell-bent on devouring me.' At that moment, his skill Galeforce came to an end. Captain Bofan felt his entire world crumble. It was because of Galeforce that he had even lasted this long... now that its duration was over, he was done.

Similarly, at the same time, Reyes also collapsed to the ground, soaked in sweat.

[Stamina: 0%/100%]

'It's an ultimate skill! Of course my intermediate tier won't have any effect on it.' Reyes' eyes widened as he stared at the sky. Because he had used all his stamina, he was temporarily paralyzed. Though he still had a large reserve of mana, to use skills, he would need stamina, which he lacked right now. In this state, even a level 1 Awakened could easily deal with him.

'Dammit, we failed!' These thoughts echoed in the heads of everyone as they stared at Bofan, who was slowly being pulled into the hurricane.

"Sigh, we tried our best," the Silvermist guild leader sighed as she looked away.

Tears pooled in the eyes of the soldiers as they watched their charismatic leader inch closer and closer to the bloodthirsty hurricane.

Seeing that he couldn't escape the inevitable, Captain Bofan displayed a smile and did a salute to his soldiers in mid-air. Though he wouldn't be able to see his kids again, the military man had no regrets... after all, sooner or later, he would die in service. His only regret was not being able to uplift Coastal City's military to the great heights he had always dreamed of.

Finally, the destructive hurricane got closer. Chaotic winds completely engulfed Bofan's figure.

And he was gone!













Or so they thought... until space warped and distorted as a lengthy tentacles burst out of thin air, stretching into the powerful ice hurricane.


AN: Shower Me with More Golden Tickets; it would be nice if we can get to 80 golden tickets.

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